#martina ortiz luis
wavnic · 5 months
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happy friday 🥰
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girl4music · 4 months
CASEY: “I’m only taking one of you in there.”
WYNONNA: “Say what?”
CASEY: “As good as I am at navigating the fog, it’s gonna be thick like a deep dish pizza in there and I can’t keep tabs on both of you. Who’s it gonna be?”
WYNONNA/NICOLE: “Obviously me/I’m going.”
WYNONNA: “She’s my sister.”
NICOLE: “She’s my future wife.”
WYNONNA: “Mm. Well, if marrying my sister was legal, I’d have done it already, so check your privilege, hot wheels.”
NICOLE: “Dude, it’s my gear. I know how to work it.”
WYNONNA: “Casey’s my friend. I know how to work him.”
NICOLE: “What does that even mean?”
WYNONNA: “It means we have a mind meld thing happening ever since we cooked chili together.”
CASEY: “For freedom…”
NICOLE: “Okay, stop. I’m putting my foot down.”
WYNONNA: “Stop. I’m gonna put my foot up your ass!”
NICOLE: “It’s my fucking turn, Wynonna! You went into the Garden to save her and I went home, alone. For 18 months, I did it… alone. I’m not gonna do that again. I am doing… this.”
RACHEL: “She’s right. It is her turn.”
*to Rachel*
*to Nicole*
Alright, fine. But only because we’re wasting time arguing. Strap in, strap on! Get your… stuff! Just save my sister before she goes crazy and rips her own face off.”
I dislike the fact they have made Waverly a damsel-in-distress yet again in the final season. But I like that they’ve played the queer edition of the Princess braves the danger and battle ahead to save the Princess. Because absolutely - it is Nicole’s turn. I also like that after some conflict between them, Wynonna relented because she knows how much Nicole loves Waverly and is desperate to be her saviour this time.
On top of feeling like a failure as the Sheriff of Purgatory and losing the vote, as well as trying to be there for Rachel who had no family or friends anymore and give her a home that was safe and secure, her guilt at not being the rescuer of the love of her life must have been the worst feeling of all to habour.
It’s her turn now to do right by Waverly. Her love.
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wynonnatheearp · 2 years
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daily-castaneda · 1 year
David and Martina Ortiz Luis bts of Most Dangerous Game: New York
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nylwnder · 2 years
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jakegardiner · 1 year
Thinking about her (martina ortiz luis)
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atletasudando · 1 year
Nacional de Marcha en la Argentina, con invitados internacionales
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Fuente: CADA La realización del Campeonato Argentino de Marcha en Ruta en el circuito costero de Mar del Plata, este sábado 22 de abril, constituyó una saludable iniciativa para comenzar a revitalizar esta especialidad en nuestro país. Y a la vez, permitió ir «entrando en clima» del gran fin de semana atlético en La Ciudad Feliz, que este domingo 23 tendrá su tradicional Maratón, que constituye también el Campeonato Nacional 2023. El Nacional de Marcha se disputó en homenaje a uno de los mayores impulsores de esta disciplina, el dirigente, árbitro y periodista Rubén Aguilera. Y contó en la categoría mayores con la presencia del recordman nacional y mejor especialista argentino de las últimas décadas, Juan Manuel Cano, quien cubrió el trayecto de 20 kilómetros en 1:25:25. Como invitados especiales en esa prueba estuvieron el olímpico brasileño Matheus Gabriel de Liz Correa (se lució con 1:22.40) y los chilenos Luis Navarrete (1:40:09), Luis Villagra (1:43:57) y Darssy King (1:47:29). En la categoría u23, sobre la misma distancia, el vencedor fue el ascendente atleta santafesino Sebastián Giuliani con 1:30:31. Otros hombres que se consagraron campeones nacionales fueron Pedro da Costa Lemos en 48:36 para los 10 km. de la u20 y William Arista con 50:37 sobre la misma distancia en la categoría u18. En los 20 km femeninos el título nacional quedó para Yéssica Ortiz, de Misiones, con 1:57.51 y allí estuvo como invitada la brasileña Nair da Rosa, quien marcó 1:49.15. Daniela Pasquali fue la ganadora en u23. En la u20 femenina y sobre 10 km. el título fue para la mendocina Martina Milagros Castellón con 56:42. Y otra atleta procedente de Mendoza, Renata Zanatta, fue una de las grandes figuras de esta jornada con sus 25:29 en los 5km. de damas u18, que constituye el récord nacional absoluto en ruta (lo tenía Brenda Palma con 25:57 desde el 2017). Relacionado WOODWARD, FERRARI Y GÓMEZ BRILLARON EN EL CENARD LOS JUVENILES SE EXHIBEN EN POSADAS «AHORA MI OBJETIVO ES EL PANAMERICANO» LA NOCHE MÁGICA DE BRUNO EN CALIFORNIA HISTORICO RECORD SUDAMERICANO DE BRUNO: 13:11.57 EN 5.000 !!! TOMÁS FERRARI, 2.11 M. EN SALTO EN ALTO EL LIBRO DE HOMENAJE A ZABALA, EN LA BIBLIOTECA DIGITAL PUNTO DE PARTIDA PARA EL TROFEO ABP EN MISIONES MARCELA GÓMEZ, SEGUNDA EN BRASIL Licencias - ADC RESULTADOS EN VIVO CADA - 1° Trofeo Atlético ABP REGISTRA TU ESCUELA DE ATLETISMO GRATIS ! Descargar ¡ NUEVO ! Read the full article
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gustavomundoequino · 1 year
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39 EXPO NACIONAL EQUINA CAMPEONATO JOVEN HEMBRAS Trocha y Galope CJ MARÍA BONITA DE SIBERIA (Magnífico de Villa Andrea X Zarzuela de Siberia Am Romance) Montador: EDUAR GARCÍA LEZCANO Propietario: CRIADERO EL ARCA 1 MACARENA DE LA LIRA (Bendecido de la Caprichosa de JJ X Nanis de Ginebra Am Renegado de las Leyendas) Montador: GUSTAVO ORTIZ Propietario: NICOLÁS VILLA CIFUENTES - JULIO CÉSAR RODRIGUEZ 2 CANTINERA DE LOS SAUCES (Aarón X Arboleda de los Sauces Am Onix) Montador: JUAN CAMILO ZAPATA Propietario: JORGE ORTIZ POSADA 3 TIERRA PROMETIDA DE NUESTRA HISTORIA (Kain de mi Capricho X Traviesa de Guadalupe Am Inquieto de las Guacas) Montador: SEBASTIAN GIRALDO OSORNO Propietario: NUESTRA HISTORIA 4 ILUMINADA DEL REFUGIO (Aarón X Dictadora de SJ Am Onix) Montador: JHONNY ALEXANDER GÓMEZ Propietario: LUIS MIGUEL LÓPEZ 5 MILAGROS DE LA MARTINA (Don J de 3A X Marquesa de San Sebastián Am Elegido de la Virginia) Montador: JOANN SEBASTIAN ROJAS Propietario: FERNANDO ESPITIA BELTRÁN . . . #Fedequinas #39ExpoNacionalEquina3023 #TrochaYGalope #P2 #CCC #CaballoCriolloColomabiano #mundoequinocomco https://www.instagram.com/p/CodxmgPOROm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wavnic · 5 months
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family 🥹
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girl4music · 4 months
A fantastic ending to a fantastic show.
I fucking loved watching it. Oh my god.
Guys I can’t even contain my elation at what I just saw in that final episode: ‘Old Souls’. I’ll try my best to express myself on what I want to say to make it clear how much it meant to me to see that fantastic finale.
THANK YOU, EMILY ANDRAS for seeing us, for caring about us. For representing us sincerely and lovingly. For putting a bulletproof vest on Nicole Haught so she wouldn’t have to die the same way so many of us have when that’s basically been the only ending we ever got. Just death. And cancellation without conclusion. And even more death. That is honestly the first time that I have ever seen myself have a happy ending in TV art/entertainment. And I’m emotional as fuck over it.
For making it very fucking clear that we’re not just collateral damage even if we are a bit fucked up and that we can choose to be heroes and so much more and it doesn’t have to be an either/or situation ever. That we can live our lives for ourselves and each other and there doesn’t have to be any kind of competition because we’re worthy just as we are. Flaws and faults.
But most of all - showing that good and evil can co-exist and for cultivating moral greyness. For giving us hope that dark days don’t stay dark and that old cliche of it’s always darkest before the dawn. And for showing us that there is always a way out of a curse. Life is what we make of it. Not the other way around.
And thank you Dominique Provost-Chalkley for saving all your f-bombs until the very end. I get it now. 👍😂
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mundoequinocomco · 1 year
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39 EXPO NACIONAL EQUINA CAMPEONATO JOVEN HEMBRAS Trocha y Galope CJ MARÍA BONITA DE SIBERIA (Magnífico de Villa Andrea X Zarzuela de Siberia Am Romance) Montador: EDUAR GARCÍA LEZCANO Propietario: CRIADERO EL ARCA 1 MACARENA DE LA LIRA (Bendecido de la Caprichosa de JJ X Nanis de Ginebra Am Renegado de las Leyendas) Montador: GUSTAVO ORTIZ Propietario: NICOLÁS VILLA CIFUENTES - JULIO CÉSAR RODRIGUEZ 2 CANTINERA DE LOS SAUCES (Aarón X Arboleda de los Sauces Am Onix) Montador: JUAN CAMILO ZAPATA Propietario: JORGE ORTIZ POSADA 3 TIERRA PROMETIDA DE NUESTRA HISTORIA (Kain de mi Capricho X Traviesa de Guadalupe Am Inquieto de las Guacas) Montador: SEBASTIAN GIRALDO OSORNO Propietario: NUESTRA HISTORIA 4 ILUMINADA DEL REFUGIO (Aarón X Dictadora de SJ Am Onix) Montador: JHONNY ALEXANDER GÓMEZ Propietario: LUIS MIGUEL LÓPEZ 5 MILAGROS DE LA MARTINA (Don J de 3A X Marquesa de San Sebastián Am Elegido de la Virginia) Montador: JOANN SEBASTIAN ROJAS Propietario: FERNANDO ESPITIA BELTRÁN . . . #Fedequinas #39ExpoNacionalEquina3023 #TrochaYGalope #P2 #CCC #CaballoCriolloColomabiano #mundoequinocomco https://www.instagram.com/p/Codw2JAs91j/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hablemosdeequinos · 1 year
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39 EXPO NACIONAL EQUINA CAMPEONATO JOVEN HEMBRAS Trocha y Galope CJ MARÍA BONITA DE SIBERIA (Magnífico de Villa Andrea X Zarzuela de Siberia Am Romance) Montador: EDUAR GARCÍA LEZCANO Propietario: CRIADERO EL ARCA 1 MACARENA DE LA LIRA (Bendecido de la Caprichosa de JJ X Nanis de Ginebra Am Renegado de las Leyendas) Montador: GUSTAVO ORTIZ Propietario: NICOLÁS VILLA CIFUENTES - JULIO CÉSAR RODRIGUEZ 2 CANTINERA DE LOS SAUCES (Aarón X Arboleda de los Sauces Am Onix) Montador: JUAN CAMILO ZAPATA Propietario: JORGE ORTIZ POSADA 3 TIERRA PROMETIDA DE NUESTRA HISTORIA (Kain de mi Capricho X Traviesa de Guadalupe Am Inquieto de las Guacas) Montador: SEBASTIAN GIRALDO OSORNO Propietario: NUESTRA HISTORIA 4 ILUMINADA DEL REFUGIO (Aarón X Dictadora de SJ Am Onix) Montador: JHONNY ALEXANDER GÓMEZ Propietario: LUIS MIGUEL LÓPEZ 5 MILAGROS DE LA MARTINA (Don J de 3A X Marquesa de San Sebastián Am Elegido de la Virginia) Montador: JOANN SEBASTIAN ROJAS Propietario: FERNANDO ESPITIA BELTRÁN . . . #Fedequinas #39ExpoNacionalEquina3023 #TrochaYGalope #P2 #CCC #CaballoCriolloColomabiano https://www.instagram.com/p/CodwbS9OP3b/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pagzsix · 1 year
Martina Ortiz-Luis Wage: Martina Ortiz-Web (Martina Ortiz-Web) Luis’s internet price is anticipated to be between $1 million and $5 million by 2020. (Approx.) Martina Ortiz Luis has not made any public statements about her pay to our information. There may be nonetheless no phrase on how a lot the mascot for the Toronto Maple Leafs shall be paid in 2022. Martina, a singer, songwriter, and actor, is a rising star within the music trade. Martina Ortiz-Luis Wage She instantly made a status for herself within the leisure sector when she first began out. She ought to have the ability to preserve a good degree of residing with a superb profession like Ortiz’s. Although she has had many chart-topping singles, the younger singer is greatest acknowledged for her position within the “Maple Leafs’ recreation.” Martina Ortiz Luis makes some huge cash as a younger artist. The Toronto Maple Leafs’ vocalist has develop into a world sensation as a rising expertise within the hockey world. She’ll verify the dates and instances she started vocal coaching when she was three years outdated, however she’ll additionally use them to corroborate the instances and dates of different occasions, equivalent to when she carried out at that pageant or for that charity. Martina Ortiz is well-known for singing throughout “Maple Leafs” video games. The singer revealed her delight at performing the nationwide anthem at a sporting occasion for the primary time. Ortiz is a rising expertise in Toronto’s music scene who has additionally appeared as a recurring character in performs and on stage. As her celeb grew within the leisure sector, so did the quantity of people that wished to know extra about her private life. Let’s check out Martina’s lavish way of life and the way a lot cash she makes as a well-liked younger musician. Is Martina Ortiz Luis a Wikipedia entry? Martina Ortiz Luis’ Wikipedia entry is clean. She does, nonetheless, have a private web site that features a biography part. As a member of the Nationwide Hockey League’s Toronto Maple Leafs, she had an enormous breakthrough in her profession. She was the primary official singer to play the nationwide anthem for the Leafs. Luis started to attain success in her work on the age of 15, and he or she hasn’t stopped since. Learn the way tall Martina Ortiz Luis is and the way outdated she is. Is Martina Ortiz Luis relationship anybody? In line with public sources, Martina Ortiz Luis was born in Canada on June 14th, 2001. She is 20 years outdated proper now, however she is going to quickly flip 21. She doesn't, actually. Be taught extra about her organic household in addition to her ethnicity. Martina Ortiz Luis, a rising celeb in Hollywood, has remained tight-lipped about her private life. In consequence, she could also be single and unattached proper now. Martina, Marj, and James’ first little one have been born into the world. She is of the White race and holds Canadian citizenship. Martina Ortiz Luis, a 15-year-old vocalist, has already established herself as a well known worldwide performer! Martina Ortiz-Luis Wage Martina is the official anthem singer for the NHL’s Toronto Maple Leafs and is well-known within the Higher Toronto Space. Her superb vary and charming demeanor have received her followers throughout North America, setting the stage for considered one of our most cherished nationwide traditions. Martina is the primary vocalist on the Leafs to be designated as a “residency vocalist.” Martina has develop into well-known on account of her glowing critiques on social media and in main newspapers. In a studio with among the prime session musicians, she performs considered one of her hottest covers. Martina Ortiz Luis’ voice combines soul, r&b, and traditional pop tastes, and we’re thrilled to have her as a Kollari Institute for Music ambassador. Her work has been praised within the following Publications: The Toronto Solar is a newspaper based mostly in Toronto, OntarioThe Toronto Maple Leafs have a big fan base.The Globe and Mail is a Canadian newspaper.The NBC Sports activities CommunityCTVCityTVCBC Martina started her musical profession when she was 4 years outdated, and her profession is now flourishing. Due to her involvement within the extremely acclaimed CNN Movies documentary GIRL RISING, narrated by A-list actresses like Anne Hathaway, Meryl Streep, and Selena Gomez, she’s already being famend as some of the highly effective ladies within the leisure world. Due to her social justice work campaigning for worldwide assist to offer schooling to deprived women everywhere in the world, Martina’s coronary heart and delight shine as brightly as her voice at our faculty. She wrote and recorded “The Spirit of Christmas” and toured throughout Canada’s main nationwide tv channels in 2014 as a spokesperson for little one sponsorship, anti-child labor, and different organizations. She labored with various well-known Canadian personalities on the creation and execution of a music video for this tune. Martina earned worldwide headlines in 2015 as a contestant on the Philippines version of the extraordinarily fashionable TV present “The Voice.” Due to her distinctive performances within the competitors, she garnered a giant social media viewers when she made it to the “sing-offs.” Her web site’s bio Reads: Martina acquired the Humanitarian Award from Father Andrew Cuschieri for her efforts with World Imaginative and prescient and different causes. As a result of the value is simply awarded each different yr, the Board needed to undergo almost 90,000 functions. Martina has been engaged on a brand new tune with Rob Wells that we might hear later this yr. She was a featured performer on the Dean Armstrong Performing Studios for the June 2016 theatrical manufacturing of “Mary Poppins.” Meet Martina Ortiz-Luis, Leafs’ Centennial Season’s youngest star Fifteen-year-old Martina Ortiz-Luis is the star of the Toronto Maple Leafs Centennial Season. The music was supplied by MDP Music Media. Martina Ortiz-Luis, 15, seems to be main a typical adolescent life from the kitchen of her suburban dwelling in Woodbridge, Ontario. She is clearly a significant Harry Potter fan, and he or she prides herself on residing so close to to Canada’s Wonderland. When she shares anecdotes about her classmates, she does so in a lighthearted method. She does, nonetheless, have an extended record of accomplishments to point out for it. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOve1eaVcTQ[/embed] Behind the gray drapes that cowl the sliding glass doorways resulting in her yard, the bustling motorway will be seen, inflicting her to reschedule her job interview by half an hour. Her lengthy, untamed black hair is draped in a brand new Toronto Maple Leaf hoodie as she sits in a wood kitchen chair. The sweater’s daring new emblem, which was picked expressly for this interview, makes a press release. Her dad and mom, James and Marj, are often shut by, protecting a watch out for something she may overlook or require. She virtually forgot about an audition that led to all of it within the thick of her rising variety of interview invitations Her father, a Leaf fan, discovered concerning the group’s seek for an anthem singer whereas shopping the group’s web site on the finish of July or the start of August, which she will be able to’t recall. “Oh, like what’s happening with the Leafs?” she remembered asking him. The audition is lower than 48 hours away. “Oh my God, we have to get there like actually early,” she says casually. “So we went there at 7 a.m. the following day and there was already a large wait and we went by the audition process and fortunately acquired the gig.” Many individuals got here, together with some who had beforehand labored with the Maple Leafs: “There have been fairly a number of folks, and lots of of them have been like, execs.” Associated
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wynonnatheearp · 3 years
Martina Ortiz Luis: Can’t believe it’s been a year since we filmed the #WayHaught wedding. 
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earpangel · 4 years
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the rise of rachel interruptus
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sapphiresea · 4 years
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respect the privacy of the...kitchen.
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