#marureen lincoln
oboevallis · 3 years
sorry this is so long, i don’t know if it really makes sense but i was talking with him grandmother and she told me this story about how we went to the beach with the family and we went walking and it was late and high tide and we got absolutely completely lost and she didn’t speak great english and had no phone and we were just walking trying to find the hotel which all look the same while everyone was looking for us and that kinda inspired this story (lol sorry i feel like i do a lot of stories based on events that have happened to me so idk if that’s boring or not ill stop talking now tho)
Amelia quietly slipped out of bed once she realized her son was awake and babbling to himself, and she knew if she didn’t quickly attend to him, he’d start wailing causing the rest of the house to wake up. As much as she savored her sleep she enjoyed the early morning feeds, no one else was up, allowing her to be solely focused on her son. She quietly slipped out the back door to get settled on the lawn chair, and was startled when she saw Maureen, almost forgetting the two had come to visit.
“Good morning.” Maureen smiled, nursing her thermos of coffee.
“Morning.” Amelia reciprocated settling in the chair next to her.
“Hope you don’t mind I came back here. Eric is in a work call and I tend to distract him, and I just found myself out here.”
“No not at all.” The neurosurgeon responded truthfully as she guided her son to her breast, which he eagerly latched onto. “Thanks again for taking the kids for the day, it was much appreciated.”
“Of course. We had a great time with them.” The older woman smiled kindly, putting Amelia at ease. She tried so hard to make a good impression on her boyfriends parents and now felt at ease knowing they thought she was good enough for their son. “I don’t know how you and Link do it, especially in a pandemic. I mean you can’t take em to the park, museum, or anything.”
“Me either.” The woman absentmindedly chuckled, she was just taking it a day at a time. The women turned around once hearing the door open to reveal the oldest child.
“Auntie Amelia, I have a proposition for you.” Zola smiled as she walked further into the backyard still in her pajamas.
“A proposition huh?” The woman chuckled, it always impressed her when her niece would use a vocabulary word out of reach for a girl her age in the proper manner.
“Yep, I think we should not do school today, stay in our pjs, build a fort in the living room, and have a movie marathon.” The girl announced jumping on the balls of her feet, as much as Amelia wanted to oblige she knew she couldn’t.
“We can this weekend, but I’m sorry we can’t just not do school.”
“Ugh, but mom would let us.” This caused Amelia to laugh.
“We both know your mom would not in any capacity let you miss school if you weren’t sick.”
“It was worth a shot.” Zola shrugged.
“It was, but I’ll let you pick what we have for dinner tonight.”
“You’ve got it.”
“Do you think Link will still help me with my report.”
“I’m sure he’d love to, just let him sleep a bit more and once he wakes up ask him.” Zola nodded and ran back into the house, Amelia sighed in relief there wasn’t a tantrum.
“You’re good with kids, especially remediating a situation.” Maureen commented, admiring the younger woman more.
“I try.” Amelia chuckles, Maureen has only seen the kids well behaved and not in their tantrum state.
“So, I hate to be blunt, but my son doesn’t tell me a thing, are the two of you planning on getting married?”
“Oh, umm.” Amelia blushed awkwardly shifting her son. “Not at the moment, we’re going to wait until things calm down a bit.”
“As long as it’s in the cards.”
“I think it will be.” The neurosurgeon smiled, thinking about Links plans to get married in the French Quarter of New Orleans.
Bailey had an hour break before his next Zoom started up, so Link took the opportunity to take him out on their daily walk and get his energy out around the block while he tried to lull his son. This time though his father tagged along, he still had a lot of resentment towards his parents but was trying his best to be civil.
“That kid almost has as much energy as you did before..” Eric trailed off, but Link knew what he meant. Before his cancer tore his family apart, and made him a shell of the kid he was,but he was determined to only talk about the good things.
“Yeah he keeps Amelia and I on our toes.” Link quickly said, so no talk of his cancer came up.
“I know your upset with your mother and I, but we just want to help. And rebuild our family.” The ortho surgeon did his best to not roll his eyes at the statement, he couldn’t understand why they couldn’t have worked it out in the first place, why they decided to track along across multiple states during a global pandemic, and why they had to keep freaking his girlfriend out with the concept of marriage.
“I really don’t have the energy to talk about this right now, why don’t we just change the subject.” Before Eric could agree his sons phone started to ring. “Crap this is the hospital, I’ve gotta go in. Bailey! We gotta get home” He called up ahead to the boy who was scootering.
“It’s alright I’ll keep walking with them.”
“You sure?” The man asked wearily.
“Of course you know me I love a good walk.” He took the baby out of his sons arms and Link wrapped the baby snug across the older mans chest.
“Thanks dad!” He smiled as he jogged back to the house to grab his car and head to the hospital, while Eric caught up along side of Bailey as he turned another corner.
After Amelia finished helping Ellis with her math homework she realized it had been well over an hour since the boys had gone for their walk it typically lasted 40 minutes and the house was wearily quiet. She made her way downstairs to be met with Maureen folding the pile of laundry.
“Oh I’m sorry, you don’t have to do that.”
“Please, I don’t mind.”
“Do you know where the boys are?” Amelia asked feeling her anxiety start to rise as there was no indication of them being home.
“I assume they’re still walking, they haven’t walked in yet.” The neurosurgeon pulled out her phone and tapped on her boyfriends contact to be met with a scrub nurse who informed her, he was in fact scrubbing in on an emergency surgery.
“Link is at work.” Amelia informed Maureen rather confused, Link always told her before he left the house, but assumed he was so excited by the notion of a surgery and left the boys with his father.
“I’ll try Eric.” Once the older woman dialed the number they heard ringing coming from the coffee table where he left his phone. “I’m always telling him he needs to carry his phone around, he’s terrible with remembering it.” The woman huffed obviously starting to get a little startled.
“Okay.” Amelia took a deep breath. “I’m going to go look for them, would you mind staying with the girls?”
“Not at all.”
“Thanks.” Amelia quickly made her way towards the door and grabbed her keys from the hook, noting her boyfriend failed to bring the diaper bag as it was next to the door. Nonetheless she got into her car and tried the best to calm herself down, though all she could think about were worst case scenarios.
“Do you have any idea where we are?” Eric asked Bailey as he walked beside him, the boy had gotten tired and now just tracked the scooter along side them.
“No we usually don’t go this far.” Baileys fearless persona faltering, he assumed by this point he was late for class and was going to be in big trouble with his aunt and teacher.
“Everything kinda looks the same huh?”
“Yeah.” Bailey nodded nervously biting his nail, a habit he’d recently picked up from his aunt.
“Hey bud, it’s going to be fine we’ll find our way home.” Internally he was cursing himself for not bringing his phone along with him. After some more walking they found themselves on a street with convenience stores, Merediths house wasn’t far from the heart of Seattle but they were definitely far from where they were supposed to be. He was tempted to walk into a store and ask someone for directions but he didn’t have a mask and had two small children so that wasn’t an option. “Alright, let’s go back to that last street and make a left, maybe that right was a bad idea.”
“We’ll never get home.” Bailey said hopelessly.
“We will don’t worry about it.” And if things couldn’t get any worse the baby had started to fuss which in no time would turn into fill on crying.
Amelia slowly drove through the neighborhood looking for the three, not knowing she was on the opposite part of the neighborhood from them. Meanwhile after aimlessly walking and multiple turns Bailey started to recognize where they were and lead the way home.
“Where the hell have you been?” Maureen immediately asked as they walked through the door taking the now crying baby from her fiancé. “You need to have your phone on you!”
“Just strolling.” Eric responded nonchalantly.
“No we were lost. Really lost.” Bailey corrected as he ran into the kitchen to find something to eat since he missed lunch. Maureen followed taking out a bottle for Scout and calling her daughter in law informing her they were home, she heard a large sigh of relief through the other line.
Amelia happened to pull into the driveway the same time as Link, she wiped her stray tears as she had gotten herself into such a state and slammed her car door.
“Hey, where were you?” The ortho surgeon smiled brightly, he had just completed a rather simple surgery but just being in the OR at any capacity was heaven.
“Where was I? I don’t know, where was I?” Amelia chuckled on disbelief. “Where the hell were you? I spent two hours driving around trying to find your father and the boys.”
“What they never came home?” Link asked in a panic.
“They just did. They were lost and struggled to find their way home so they were aimlessly walking around while I aimlessly drove around in the wrong direction.”
“Damn it, how could my dad do this?” The man ran a stressed hand through his hair.
“This isn’t your dads fault it’s yours!”
“Oh don’t act stupid. First you don’t even take the diaper bag in the walk with all the essentials and a first aid kit and then you up and leave for a surgery without even texting me.” The man was about to interject but Amelia held up her hand. “And you let your father continue the walk, even though the man has been to Seattle like two times and doesn’t know his way around.”
“I thought they were just gonna go the rest of the way up the block and back, and that he’d tell you where I went. That’s what Bailey and I do everyday.”
“Have you been living with Bailey for the past four months? Or has it just been me? Bailey will just keep riding that scooter no matter what and go any which way paying no attention to his surroundings, of course Eric is just gonna follow him around since it probably seemed he knew where he was going. You know what I can’t even look at you, I don’t want to say something I’m going to regret.” Amelia walked past him and quickly made her way into the house, to be met with her sons cries and quickly took the baby from Maureen cradling him closely, the baby immediately calming.
“I am so so sorry Amelia.” Eric apologized obviously upset.
“It’s not your fault.” Amelia forcefully smiled, she wasn’t entirely mad at him mostly at her boyfriend. Link then walked through the front door to be met with his mother scolding him.
“And what the hell were you thinking? Not telling anyone you were going to the hospital, and leaving your father with two kids in a place that’s foreign to him. Is surgery really all you can think about?” For the past couple of months he’d been complaining to his mother how much he hated not being able to operate.
“She would’ve done the same thing.” Link quickly pointed to his girlfriend who was cradling their son in the couch.
“What are we five?” Amelia asked when her boyfriend accused her in such a manner. “And I would’ve had the decency to tell you I was leaving and made sure you had the kids handled before I left.” Link backtracked and took a deep breath.
“Alright how about we just take a moment, they’ve been found so it’s fine.” The tired mother rolled her eyes and walked up the stairs with her baby, not in the mood for her boyfriends best case scenario talk.
“This could have been prevented by the both of you.” Maureen pointed to the two men who’s heads hung in shame.
“You should’ve made it clear to your father it was just up the block and back, and you should’ve texted the mother of your child.” She then directed her attention towards her husband. “And you need to pay more attention and keep your phone on you.”
“Sorry.” The two men answered in unison, ashamed to have messed up so greatly.
The rest of the night was foreignly quiet, Bailey was exhausted and the couple was avoiding one another. After everyone had dinner together Maureen and Eric retreated back to the RV and the kids were all tucked in their beds. Once Link walked into the bedroom after his shower he sighed realizing Amelia wasn’t there. He quietly trekked into the nursery to be met with Amelia asleep in the rocking chair and her hand inside the crib, their sons hand was loosely holding her index finger. He would’ve smiled at the sight of he didn’t know what she was doing, her plan was to sleep in here tonight to avoid having to be in the same bed as him. He carefully removed her hand and picked her up out of the chair.
“Nooo.” Amelia sleepily groaned. “I’m sleeping in here.”
“No you’re not, your going to sleep in our bed.” He softly affirmed as he laid her down on her side of the bed. Once he moved to the other side of the bed and got settled his girlfriend was now wide awake and turned to face him.
“What happened today can never ever happen again.”
“It won’t I promise.”
“You know we’re so good at communicating within our relationship but not so great outside of it.” Link chuckled nodding in agreement. “You need to tell me when you get called in, and you need to let others know what the plan is, so they’re not getting lost in Seattle woth two small children.”
“I promise.” Link grabbed her hand in a reassuring manner. “I am so so sorry for what happened today, I was just so excited to be operating and I just lost my mind and didn’t think about anything outside of that operation.”
“I know this is hard for you, your not used to kids in the capacity that I am. You didn’t grow up in a loud house and you don’t have a large quantity of nieces and nephews. Your used to dealing with the occasional peds patient for like twenty minutes. I’m not saying your bad with kids I mean the peds floor loves you, it’s just this is a lot really quickly and non stop.”
“Wow you just articulated how I feel perfectly and I haven’t been able to even form a cohesive thought of what Im feeling.”
“Hmm, maybe that’s because you just sleep so you don’t have to think about feelings.” Link chuckled, sliding over to kiss her sweetly.
“I love you.” Link affirmed. “And I’m so sorry about today.”
“Tomorrow will be better.” Amelia agreed. “And I love you even more.”
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oboevallis · 3 years
Amelia is pregnant again and she and link decide not to tell anyone yet but they go to have lunch with Links parents and then they notice something and Maureen tells Link she knows because of the symptoms Amelia has
the mariners game
thank you so much for the prompt i really appreciate it!!! i hope it’s alright i incorporated this prompt into my unexpected series, i hope everyone’s doing well and staying safe
“Mom! Your not ready?” Scout exclaimed as his mother tiredly came down the stairs.
“Huh? For what?” Amelia asked rubbing her eye.
“We’re going to the Mariners game with Grandma and Grandpa!” Scout reminded his mother.
“If your too tired I’ll just take the kids, we’re meeting my parents there anyway so you don’t have to worry.” Link told her as he washed the dishes from breakfast. He knew she hadn’t slept well the night before, this pregnancy her morning sickness had been active at night.
“No, I want to go. Just give me a minute to get ready.” Amelia told him sleepily as she made her way back up the stairs. Once Link had finished the dishes he went upstairs to find his wife.
“Are you sure you want to go?” He asked leaning on the doorway to their bathroom.
“Yeah, I’m sure. Scouts been so excited for this, it’s all he’s been able to talk about. I don’t even feel sick right now, just sleepy. I’ll probably sleep in the car anyway, there’s always terrible traffic on game days.”
“Hmm, your favorite part.” Link smirked, Amelia didn’t necessarily have road rage but she was very impatient when it came to traffic. He went behind her and wrapped his arms around her.
“Have your told your parents about the baby yet?” Amelia asked as she brushed through her hair.
“No I haven’t. Should I of already done it?”
“No, I mean it’s still early. We haven’t told anyone, and we shouldn’t of even told the kids.”
“Well you had to make it clear we couldn’t have a dog.” Link smirked once seeing his wife roll her eyes
“No one in this house will let me live that down will they? The dog had an owner!”
“I know I’m just messing with you. You really can’t take a joke can you?”
“I can take a joke.” Amelia defensively stated.
“Not while your pregnant you can’t.” He immediately regretted him statement once he saw the look his wife gave him.
Link looked over to see his wife fast asleep next to him. He knew she couldn’t of been comfortable sleeping in the car, and he felt guilty for not making her stay home.
“Dad? Do you think the Mariners are gonna win today?” Scout asked anxiously, the team hadn’t been doing great this season.
“I hope so, it’s gonna be a tight one. Especially with our star player out.” He had heard all about the players injury from Nico as he wanted his expertise, but they were optimistic he’d be back in play soon.
“I still don’t get the object of the game.” Addison admitted as she heard her father and brother talk about baseball.
“I think the word your looking for is objective. And your vocabulary has been so good, I’m really proud of you.”
“Benny uses a lot of big words. His dad is a English professor so he uses a lot of big words, so Benny has been teaching me.”
“That’s nice of him.” Link smiled, he was so happy his daughter had made a friend.
“Dad.” Addison whispered leaning closer to her fathers seat. “When we go to the baseball game can we get nachos?”
“Sure.” The girls father whispered back. “Why are we whispering?”
“Because mommy’s sleeping.”
“Why’s mom sleeping?” Scout interjected leaning forward to see if his mother was actually sleeping.
“Because she’s sleepy, she didn’t sleep much last night.” Link answered his son.
“She’ll be awake for the game right? It’s very important she watches the game with us, she’s gonna love baseball once she sees it in person.”
“I’ve been trying to get her to love baseballs for years, I just don’t think it’s gonna happen bud.” Link chuckled. “But she loves watching us enjoy baseball, her absolute favorite thing is seeing you kids happy.”
“Well I’m sure I can convince her, I’m her favorite.” Scout smiled.
“No your not.” Addison quickly said, offended with her brother. “I’m moms favorite.”
“Your mother doesn’t have favorites.” Link firmly stated before the conversation escalated.
“Dad, everyone has favorites.” Scout blatantly stated. “Moms my favorite, what about you Addie?”
“My favorite is mom too.”
“So mom is both of your favorites, not me?” Link faked jealousy, both of the kids were attached to their mother and he couldn’t blame them.
“Mommy is my favorite because she gives the best cuddles.” Addison admitted, looking to her brother for his answer.
“No she doesn’t. Dad gives the best hugs.” Scout defended his father.
“Scout’s right your dad does give the best hugs.” Amelia confessed she had woken up a couple of minutes ago, but she was entertained by the conversation so she kept quiet.
“Who’s your favorite mom?” Addison asked.
“I don’t have favorites.”
“What about you dad?” Addison asked realizing she wasn’t going to get anywhere with her mother
“Hmm.” Link seemed to contemplate this for a moment. “I’ve gotta say your mom.”
“You are ridiculous Atticus Lincoln.” Link looked over to see his girlfriend grinning at him
“We’re gonna lose this game aren’t we?” Scout asked his father and grandfather.
“I think they can pull it together.” Eric confessed on the edge of the seat. The Mariners were pitching at the moment.
“I’m going to the bathroom.” Amelia whispered to her husband before standing up.
“Where are you going mommy?” Addie asked realizing her mother was leaving.
“To the bathroom, do you need to go?”
“Nope.” Addison said turning her attention back to the game and leaned against her grandmother. “Are you bored?”
“Just a bit. I’ve been watching this game for years, your grandfather and father are big fans. So I’ve gotten used to it. It was more exciting when I got to see your dad play.”
“My dad played baseball?” Addie asked her father had never mentioned this to her, she had to remember to ask him about it.
“For a little bit when he was in high school, but I made him quit because it was too dangerous.” As this was true the real reason he had to quit was because his cancer had come back, and he was undergoing treatments. But she didn’t want to go into that with her granddaughter.
“That’s what mommy says, she doesn’t want Scout playing it and getting hurt.”
“How are you liking soccer?” The girls grandmother asked, she recalled her son telling about them enrolling her into soccer to help her socialize.
“Oh, I didn’t like it so my mom let me quit.”
“Well, do you have another activity that your interested in?”
“Nope.” Addie shook her head no. “There’s this book club at the library my friend showed me though.”
“That should be fun.” Maureen smiled happy to hear she was socializing, she knew how worried her son had been over it.
“They still haven’t scored?” Amelia asked as she came back sitting between her two children.
“Nope.” Scout popped the ‘p’. “They’re gonna lose.”
“Give them a chance they’ve got this.” Link optimistically smiled.
“Can you believe they won?!” Scout exclaimed excitedly as the group walked into the burger place.
“I told ya.” Link smiled picking his son up.
“It was quite impressive.” Eric agreed as they sat down at the table. “I think the Mariners have a good chance at making the playoffs at least.”
“I hope so.” Scout toothily grinned. After everyone got their food and started eating, Maureen spoke up realizing the neurosurgeon wasn’t quite eating.
“You feeling okay Amelia?”
“Yeah I’m okay.” She forcefully smiled pushing the fries around her plate.
“You sure?”
“Yeah, I’m okay.” Link put his hand on his wife’s thigh in attempt to comfort her, knowing she was probably feeling nauseous at this time of the night.
“You guys have made the best kids.” Maureen smiled as she stepped onto the porch where her son and daughter in law were.
“Thank you.” Amelia smiled as the woman sat next to her.
“It’s good that Addie is socializing. She’s told me she’s made a friend.”
“Yeah she has.” Link proudly smiled, he knew how much his daughter had struggled with making friends and was relieved she was starting to get more comfortable making friends. “She seems happier, she doesn’t get as overwhelmed when she’s put into a situation, but we’re still working on it.”
“Dad?” The three turned around to see Addison at the back door.
“Yes, sweetheart?”
“Can you tuck me in? I had a bad dream.”
“Of course.” He smiled picking his daughter up causing her to happily shriek.
“He’s the best dad.” Amelia said as she watched the pair walk back into the house.
“I’m so proud of him.” Maureen agreed, she was so happy she got to see her son be a father. She thought she’d never even see him grown up. The two sat in comfortable silence, listening to the noises around them until the older woman spoke up again. “When we’re you gonna tell me your pregnant again?”
“What?” Amelia asked her voice going an octave higher, but when realizing the woman believe her she confessed. “Yeah I am. It’s still early though.”
“Congratulations.” The woman smiled brightly excited to have another grandchild.
“Thanks.” Amelia basked in the slight breeze, she loved sitting outside to think. “How’d you know?”
“Your kidding right?” The woman laughed. “You were up nearly every twenty minutes at the baseball game to go to the bathroom, and at dinner I nearly thought you were going to throw up.”
“Yeah who was I kidding.” The neurosurgeon laughed along with her.
“Do the kids know?”
“Scouts over the moon excited, and Addie was upset at first but Scout’s helping her realize this is a good thing. He’s the best big brother.”
“He really is. Growing up my big brother meant everything to me.” Maureen confessed. “I think it’s one of the most important jobs.”
“It really is.” Amelia nodded think about her own brother who meant the world to her even if he wasn’t there anymore.
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oboevallis · 4 years
unexpected pt 5
“No it’s too early.” Amelia said sitting up in the hospital bed.
“We tried the Terbutaline, and it didn’t work. It’s going to be fine though, your 34 weeks almost 35. We’ve got this.” Carina reassuringly told the scared neurosurgeon. “We’re going to take you up for a c-section in a couple of minutes.”
“It’s going to be okay, Mia.” Link kissed his girlfriends sweaty forehead.
“Call Maggie or Meredith or someone, see if someone wouldn’t mind taking Scout.” Amelia asked her boyfriend on the verge of tears.
“Already taken care of, my parents are with him.”
“When did they get here?”
“This afternoon they were coming in to have dinner with us. They’re gonna stay with Scout for a little bit cause it seems like we’re going to be in the NICU with the baby.”
“Oh god.” Amelia groaned anxiously, she just wanted her baby to be fine.
“Amelia, look at me.” Link gently moved her chin with his hand so she was looking at him. “Our baby’s going to be perfectly fine.”
“Are we ready?” Carina asked coming back into the room ready to take them up to the OR.
“No.” A nervous Amelia responded.
“It’s going to be just fine.” Carina said, wheeling the bed out of the room.
“Grandma!” Scout happily exclaimed running towards her.
“Hey.” She reciprocated the hug the little boy was giving her. “How are you?”
“Good.” Scout happily responded as his grandmother sighed him out of daycare.
“Good, I’m going to take you home. I think grandpa is making dinner. And maybe we’ll get some ice cream afterwards.” Maureen told her grandson whilst picking him up to take him back to his house.
“Yay!” The boy exclaimed. “Want to play dinosaurs when we get home?”
“Sure. We can do that.” The walk back to the house was non eventful, Scout told his grandmother all the dinosaur facts he could list off the top of his head.
“Just in time dinners ready.” Eric announced once the pair walked into the kitchen.
“Good, I’m sure your hungry. Right Scout?” Maureen asked the small boy.
“Yep.” Scout happily replied jumping up onto his usually chair. He was quite content, especially that no one was talking about the supposed new baby coming soon.
“So are you excited for the new baby? They’ll be here tonight probably.” Eric told his grandson. Scout stopped the fork from going into his mouth and slammed it down onto the plate.
“No, baby still has to be in mommy’s belly. Daddy said a couple of more Mondays.” Scout announced crossing his arms.
“Well that was what was supposed to happen, but the baby wanted to come early. You’ll love it.” Eric tried to explain.
“Well, how about we finish our meal.” Maureen tried to change the subject.
“No thank you.”
“You need to eat bud, you barely ate.”
“Okay.” Scout replied back bitterly. He did not want a new baby, he thought he still had enough time to convince his parents to give the baby away.
“You like what you see?” Amelia sarcastically asked her boyfriend in reference to her open abdomen.
“Always.” Her boyfriend smirked kissing her temple. He watched as Carina took the baby out and clamped the umbilical cord. Passing the baby over to Hayes quietly, attentively trying to repair excessive bleeding.
“Why aren’t they crying?”
“Why is she bleeding so much?”
Amelia and Link asked at the same time.
“Well, Amelia it looks like your placenta has ruptured.” Carina responded trying to stay focused, she’d never lost a patient and she wasn’t going to start with a good friend.
“I’m going to take your baby up to the NICU. Everything is as expected we’ll put her on a breathing tube and go from there. Congratulations.” Hayes told the scared couple as he wheeled the baby out of the OR.
“Ha, it’s a girl.” Amelia said through tears. “Go, go, go. Go be with her.”
“No, I’m staying right here.” Link affirmed, he was starting to get more and more nervous when he realized Carina was having difficultly stopping the bleeding. Which his girlfriend seemed to be totally oblivious too.
“I’ll be just fine, go be with her.” Amelia told her boyfriend drowsily as she started to skip in to unconsciousness.
“Carina? What’s the issue? Stop the freaking bleeding!” Link yelled starting to panic.
“Out of my OR Link.” Carina bit back, starting to get stressed. She didn’t need a terrified parent watching her every move, nonetheless a surgeon.
“Nooo way, I’m staying.” Link affirmed, until a scrub nurse directed him out of the OR. “I love you Mia!”
The scrub nurse directed him off the OR floor. He didn’t want to go up to the NICU, he wanted them to meet their baby together. So he found himself in the plant room. Their room, where it seemed all their most important and intimate moments happened. It took him a minute to realize his phone was ringing before picking it up.
“Hey mom.” A monotone Link answered.
“Everything okay?” Maureen asked getting concerned with her sons tone.
“No Amelia’s still in the OR probably bleeding to death. And the baby’s in the NICU, I don’t even know what’s happening.”
“Do you want me to come up there and sit with you? Or maybe it’ll help if you go see the baby.”
“No, it’s fine. How’s Scout?”
“Oh, he’s good. A little bit of a fight with dinner but he ate.”
“He ate something other than Dino nuggets?” Link chuckled into the phone.
“Yeah he did.” Maureen chuckled along with her son. “A little upset that you two aren’t here, but he’s content at the moment playing dinosaurs with your father.”
“Good. When you put him to bed make sure he has the night light on and the sound machine. He won’t be able to sleep so he’ll just turn on the lights and start playing.”
“Will do. I don’t mean to pry but are you going to tell me anything about my new grand baby?”
“I don’t really know anything, I can’t go see her without Amelia. I just can’t do this without Amelia mom. What if something happens and I’m alone with two kids?”
“Link, Amelia’s a fighter. And of worst comes to worst you’ve got us but that’s not going.m to happen.” Link just hummed in response until Maureen broke the silence. “So it’s a girl?”
“Oh yeah, I haven’t really seen her yet. I already know she’s a little carbon copy of Mia though.”
“Baby.” Amelia groggily said.
“Hey your up.” Link smiled closing the magazine he was reading and coming to her side.
“How’s my baby?”
“Good, good. Mer is upstairs with her. We can go see her in a little bit when your less groggy. She’s on the vent, but apparently she’s looking pretty good. She’s going to be just fine.” Link smiled leaning down to kiss his girlfriend.
“Apparently? You mean you haven’t seen her?” Amelia asked her boyfriend confused.
“Yeah, I wanted to meet her with you.”
“She’s been alone for hours?” Amelia asked accusingly starting to get upset.
“Mer and Maggie have been with her. She not alone.”
“Yeah and she probably thinks they’re her mothers. God Link! I told you to go be with her!” The neurosurgeon was starting to get herself into a state, deeply upset with her boyfriend.
“Amelia, I’m sorry I just couldn’t. Not without you.”
“Your an idiot. An absolute idiot.” Amelia huffed tears stinging in her eyes. “How’s Scout?”
“He’s good, hopefully in bed by now.”
“Take me to go see her.” Amelia sat up in the hospital bed cautious of her major abdominal injury.
“Amelia, that’s not a a great idea.” Link told his girlfriend, only to be given a death glare. “I’ll go find a wheelchair.”
A couple days had passed, and the pair was doing much better, Amelia’s injury healing as it should, and their unnamed daughter was getting stronger by the day.
“Look who came to see his baby sister.” Link happily whispers shouted with their son in his arms, squiring a dollop of hand sanitizer into their hands.
“Hey my little guy.” Amelia smiled taking her hands from inside the incubator and reaching them out for her son. Showering him in kisses. “I missed you sooo much.”
“Me too.” Scout responded snuggling deeper into his mothers embrace, that had been the longest they’d ever been apart.
“There’s your baby sister.” Amelia pointed into the clear incubator.
“She’s tiny.” Scout noted, observing all the wires coming from her. “She a robot?”
“No bud, she just needs those to help her out a bit and feel better.” Link answered after laughing at his sons prediction.
“What’s her name?” The small boy asked intrigued by the small baby.
“We don’t know yet. We have a couple of ideas what do you like? We’ve got Charlotte, Eleanor, Arabella, Addison, Sawyer.” Amelia listed off to her son.
“Addie.” Scout immediately said. “Starts with A , like mommy’s name and daddy’s name and my first name.”
“Huh, I never realized that.” Link noted. “Amelia, Atticus, Augustus, and Addison. I kinda like it.”
“Addison it is.” Amelia smiled to herself, thinking about how excited her old friend would react to hearing they’d name their daughter after her.
“And that S name for a middle name. She can be just like me. Since my name is Augustus Scout. she can be Addison...” Scout waited for someone to fill in the missing word.
“Sawyer.” His mother finished for him.
“Addison Sawyer.” Scout tried out, intently looking at the little baby. “Okay, not sad anymore.”
“Good I’m glad.” Amelia let out a sigh of relief kissing her sons forehead. Knowing her son was probably acting so nice while he was caught up in the moment and once the baby was up crying all night and stealing his toys it’d be a different story. “
Family of four.” Link smiled, leaning down to kiss his girlfriend and place a kiss on his sons forehead.
it’s been a hot minute since ive posted, ive started school back up and my boyfriend really said let’s break up so that’s fun, hope everyone is staying safe and is doing well
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