jouissanceangel · 9 months
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antonio negri, one of the great thinkers of autonomism and operaismo, died today.
“I immediately feel the warmth of the workers and proletarian community again every time I don the ski mask. This solitude of mine is creative, and this separateness of mine is the only real collectivity that I know.”
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jouissanceangel · 9 months
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fredric jameson, in the preface to marxism and form
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jouissanceangel · 2 years
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thinking about the headquarters of the French Communist Party, designed by Oscar Niemeyer
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jouissanceangel · 1 year
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the Sorbonne under student occupation, May 1968
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jouissanceangel · 2 years
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the Lovestoneites’ tribute to Freud on his death
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jouissanceangel · 2 years
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Engels’ letter to Johann Philipp Becker, on the occasion of Marx’s death
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jouissanceangel · 2 years
“There is a fundamental homology between the interpretative procedure of Marx and Freud — more precisely, between their analysis of commodity and of dreams. In both cases the point is to avoid the properly fetishistic fascination of the ‘content’ supposedly hidden behind the form: the secret to be unveiled through analysis is not the content hidden by the form (the form of commodities, the form of dreams) but, on the contrary, the ‘secret’ of this form itself. The theoretical intelligence of the form of dreams does not consist in penetrating from the manifest content to its hidden kernel, to the latent dream-thoughts; it consists in the answer to the question: why have the latent dream-thoughts assumed such a form, why were they transposed into the form of a dream? It is the same with commodities: the real problem is not to penetrate to the ‘hidden kernel’ of the commodity — the determination of its value by the quantity of the work consumed in its production — but to explain why work assumed the form of the value of a commodity, why it can affirm its social character only in the commodity-form of its product.” - Slavoj Žižek, The Sublime Object of Ideology
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jouissanceangel · 9 months
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“He who reads bourgeois newspapers is blind and deaf. Down with the stultifying bandages!”
Arbeiter Ilustrierte-Zeitung #6, Feb. 1930
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jouissanceangel · 9 months
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i despise socialist realism; still, i can’t help but be a little charmed by the paintings of lenin on новый год
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jouissanceangel · 9 months
“…communism is not a social monoculture. Just as old forms of local agroecological subsistence provided a foundation for a wide diversity of social practices, so too would the new planetary productive foundation of a communist society induce a diverse efflorescence of new lifeways. The protracted process of overthrowing capitalism and constructing a communist world would itself produce a mosaic of new social forms through the chaos of the transition.” - phil a. neel and nick chavez, “forest and factory: the science and fiction of communism”
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jouissanceangel · 1 year
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“Lenin’s guidance, our deed,” poster from the DDR, 1970s
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jouissanceangel · 1 year
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Theodor Adorno, Minima Moralia
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jouissanceangel · 1 year
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“Paralipomena to On the Concept of History” (1940), Walter Benjamin
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jouissanceangel · 2 years
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Michael Heinrich, Introduction to the Three Volumes of Capital
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jouissanceangel · 2 years
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Shulamith Firestone, “The Dialectic of Sex”
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jouissanceangel · 2 years
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Barbara Ehrenreich, “What is Socialist Feminism?”
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