#mass4025 fall21
abdulmalik122398 · 3 years
In every work environment, people not be fine to work if they do not feel respect. In work environment managers should respect their employees, employees should respect their managers too. The same thing should happen with costumers and institution, its all about mutual respect.
Respect in work environment should be respecting others works, and respecting others personality and work qualities.
People should respect others in everywhere. Nowadays, people using social media and electronic sites and they must be respecting others over there. Governments established rules to orginize respect on digital spheres.
Respect on work environment and respecting others in digital sphere is a complex synthesis of individual respect, because it started with respecting one person going to respect the whole community.
Thats leads to term of respect, which is deep feelings can not be superficial reaction. People could respect other people as persons, their morals, their work experience, qualities, or because of rule of law.
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reem119132 · 3 years
Treat others respectfully in work place helps to raise a positive work culture in which employees are fulfilled, loyal, engaged and motivated to perform at their very best.
This also applies to digital sphere, people should Respecting others online. That means you have to considerate of their opinions and privacy.
Receiving respect from others is important because it helps people feel safe and to express themselves. We have to respect treating others the way you want to be treated.
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mazin-112805 · 3 years
The digital word
many cultures, individuals are considered to be worthy of respect until they prove otherwise.
Individual respect:
Respect for the individual means more than just smiling and being polite. It means that every person is of equal value.
Digital respect:
Digital Etiquette refers to electronic standards of conduct or procedures and has to do with the process of thinking about others when using digital devices.
Respect in the work environment:
Always treat people the way you want to be treated—with respect. Recognize that, like you, your coworkers reports and superiors have rights, opinions, wishes, experience, and competence.
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badar120885 · 3 years
Showing respect is a duty, such as respecting God, respecting man, his rights and feelings, respect, and showing respect even in the actions anyone do.
Also, the individual's self-esteem helps him to overcome problems and challenges with strength and steadfastness, which is one of the most important personality traits.
And being people who deal on a daily basis in the digital field requires us to respect what others do and what they publish, and refer to them if they use what they publish.
This is not limited to the work environment, often giving respect to employees is the first concern to deal with them, and respecting what they do also in order to provide the work better, while stealing the credit for the achievements of others creates a weakness for the bonds between employees.
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aimanalrashdi118436 · 3 years
Respect give it to get it
Respect one of the important values in our life that we should have in every where, even in working environment between the individuals, to achieve work goals.Mutual respect between individuals on digital sphere always exist,because it leaves a moral value in the hearts of people.
Tumblr media
The image from:Pinterest
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mohannad-116084 · 3 years
Last vlog in the course 🙋🏻‍♂️💕.
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agathafi · 3 years
The most important lessons learned from the course Mass4025_fall21 💙💎
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almukhtar121035 · 3 years
Date :22 November 2021
ID: 121035
A very nice course, and I enjoyed and benefited a lot from the work offered by Dr. Sonia and the interesting topics that she raises.
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khalid122202 · 3 years
Date: Monday, 22 November, 2021
Topice: Evaluate
This video vlog is a summary of the assignment I did during this course, Tumbler, Instagram and what the mistakes I made, and the challenges I faced and how I developed it.
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mohammed122738 · 3 years
Date: Monday, 25 October, 2021
ID: 122738
China has always adhered to the concept of green development in the construction of the "Belt and Road", and has taken practical measures to jointly build a green "Belt and Road" with other countries. But the United States of America has another opinion, follow the video to know more.
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omaralbalushi122354 · 3 years
ID: 122354
China invades the continent of Africa with its investments that have political and economic aspects.
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abdulmalik122398 · 3 years
The last vlog!
it is the end, but what did I learn in this course and how did I deal with it?
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reem119132 · 3 years
Date: Monday, 22 November, 2021
Topic: Evaluate my performance in this course
ID: 119132
This video contains a summary of all the assignment I did during this course, the mistakes I made, the difficulties I faced and how I overcame them.
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mazin-112805 · 3 years
ID: 112805
# my evaluate
It is very difficult when you reach the end to evaluate all that you went through, because then you will collect all the beautiful and enjoyable moments that you wanted to last with you, in addition to the difficult and harsh moments that taught you a lot. In the end all of them will remain with you in the list of memories.
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badar120885 · 3 years
ID: 120885
Date: September 29, 2021
Topic: Videoblog 1 (coronavirus charity scams)
Many criminals and hackers on the Internet are taking advantage of the current situation to their advantage, in an attempt to take advantage of the Corona virus crisis and disguise themselves as charitable organizations, to try to steal sensitive information or money from charity lovers.
To learn more about fraud methods and how to prevent them, watch this video: 👇🏻
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aimanalrashdi118436 · 3 years
Headline: China green belt project
#second vlog
The Green Belt project is considered one of the most important projects in the world, to link the countries of the West with the countries of the East.
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