#mateus server
silent-dragon · 6 months
A long shot but i will try as know i have some XiV followers.
I just got back into 14 and am looking for a free company to help me/chill with as i start endwalker. Im a off and on player since launch of game.
I'm mainly a crafter main as its one of my favorite things to do so I enjoy making gear and glowy weapons for others and myself. Also love gathering and glamour. Currently for combat jobs I know how to play Black Mage the best but switching main to Dancer for Endwalker journey. I alt can play white or red mage aswell.
Love making my own story for my warrior of light. My main is named J'phel Tai,a Miqo’te mix young man that hails from Ala Ghiri in Gyr Abania. Raised around seeing the empire be awful in his homeland and later help to liberate it and now on journey to earn enough gil to help his adoptive dad and tribe nuhn care for the people around them as they work to rebulid lives. He a dancey catboi that will flirt his way into your gil purse but makes sure you get what you paid for.
Am kinda shy at first but after a bit getting used to others i open up some. While isnt a full requirement a FC thats LGBTQ friendly and most are over 18 as i am a older individual with a mature mind. I play on Mateus server and my time zone is US central. Am more a night owl so i play mostly at night but have been playing in daytime recently as I prepare for endwalker journey then dawntrail after.
If any know of a FC looking for ppl and I seem like I'd fit in please send me a dm i truly wish to find one. Im big active on discord so if the fc has a server i will be very happy as way to get to know people to me.
My dancing gil loving catboi,J'phel
(He gil loving in his story yes but even if im a crafter main ive been gone so long im nearly broken all the time lol)
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If can reblog this so other ff14 people can see it. Probably won't get anything but as said worth a shot.
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liminal-storage · 2 years
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angelgendered · 8 months
Interest Check in a Crystal DC based FFXIV RP/Community Discord?
In my hunger for interaction and wanting to get back into RP in FFXIV, I've come up short on a true 'RP/community finder' style Discord community, for FCs, other groups in and out of game, 1x1 RP, open world RP, and so on. Maybe even would have a section for GPosers to open commissions in if there's demand for it outside of the existing GPose communities. Would be 18+ because there'll be dedicated opt-in channels for NSFW/adult RP and communities because they deserve a place to call home too!
Anyway, I'm doing an 'official' interest check now. If anyone wants to help run it, or wants to give me a hand in orchestrating what is probably a big task, hit me up!
If you're even vaguely interested, a reblog and a like would go a LONG way to helping me out!
(Side note: I have a neglected FFXIV RP sideblog at landshorizon, I'm revamping it right now with new OCs and hoping to launch this just after the revamp! For now I'm posting on my main/multifandom just cause it's easier to keep track of for me.)
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ainarosewood · 16 days
New Home
FFxivWrite2024 Day 10 Prompt: Stable
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"Well old boy whaddya think?" Ruru asked as she led Pumpkin into the newly built stables that the Adventurer's guild decided to grant the Scions with their move to the Rising Stones in Revanant's Toll.
The old chocobo strode in looking around making small Kwehs as he appeared to inspect every inch of the new space before turning to her and giving a loud approving "Wark!"
She grinned at her old parnter and said, "Ya def more fancy than we had back home aient it."
He gave another couple o warks and kwehs that suspiciously sounded like grumbles and she chucked stating, "Oh don't be like that ye know I made it as comfortable as I could for you old boy."
The bird stamped his foot and still continued on his warking tirade and Ruru just watched amused as he also wandered through each stall deciding which one he was going to take for his own. The Lalafell simply followed after the chocobo letting him grumble.
"Yes, yes I know. it was comfy cozy then I dragged you back on the cold cruel road with all manner of unpleasantries that have barely been alleviated by some o the stables we've stayed at." She replied
He turned again toward her and stamped a foot again and gave an emphatic "Wark!"
Ruru just laughed and then looked him in the eye and said, "How in seven hells did ye think I felt with both Momodi and Papashan dragging me back eh? I was quite happy with our quiet life on the ranch with not much to do aside from chores and the occasional help o our neighbors."
She then gave a sigh, "But, thats how life is bud, ye should know this by now. Things change and we just gotta make the best o such,"
The bird chirped again and then leaned back giving her a gentle nuzzle and nip before trotting forward and beaking the lock of one of he stalls.
"This one huh, no surprise there right near the hearth outside so when it gets chill ye'll be nice and toasty. Okie lets get ye settled." She responded opening the door for him.
As he trotted in she grabbed some o the nearby bedding straw and helped him make a nice plump nest for himself. Then the old bird settled down in it giving a contented chirp causing Ruru to chuckle as she hung his tack on the pegs for it next to the stall and then rummaged through her packs till she found his blanket.
It was almost as old as the bird himself and had been lovingly patched many times by her own hands. She had woven it back when she had first started learning the craft and the feisty bird had snatched it and settled under it as soon as she had finished it. He had loved the thing so much she didn't have the heart to separate him from it and had taken pains all these years to repair it when it was damaged. As a result it was a patchwork of different patches depicting various vegetables that he loved.
As soon at it draped over him he gave a contented Kweh and snuggled down settling in for the evening. As Ruru turned she saw Alphinaud looking at her with questioning look. She cocked her head slightly and said, "Something on yer mind lad?"
"Do…does the Echo allow you to understand his calls?" He asked
Ruru gave a heartly laugh, "No no, I got no idea at all what those chirps actually mean technically. I just know the old bird from all our years o travel and get….call it impression o what he means when he starts the chattering. Alot o it is mostly reading his body language."
"Oh, I pray forgive me it was just almost like the two of you were actually conversing…"
Ruru nodded, "In a way we were. Look lad when ye travel as much as I have for as long as I have and yer only companion on the road for a chunk o it was the bird ye ride. Ye tend to well have to talk to someone."
"I see," he responded
She grinned, "Sorry to disappoint but it aient some mysterious, mystical god given power. Its just years o association and not worrying bout what someone might think o me talking to him."
He smiled, "I wasn't disappointed, more I was merely wondering if it was a yet known facet of the Echo since we do not fully understand all of its capabilities."
She nodded her grin widening, "Nope just an old adventurer babbling to her oldest friend on the road. Pay it no mind."
He simple nodded and watched her as she left the stable whistling to herself. The Echo allowing actual understanding that would be handy she thought to herself as her mind drifted back to the many times over the years the bird had tried to warn her of some danger or hazard and she hadn't known until it was too late to avoid it.
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placesyoucallhome · 3 months
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So, the fact of the matter is that I'm going to have to fanta Ruhka for the first time ever. I suppose after what, 6-8 some years after originally making him a few edits aren't the worst thing ever on the star. Can't really save what they did to his lips, they just look wrong to me now, but a slight eye shape change and a skintone closer to how I draw him now won't go remiss.
The big question is, since I know what edits to make, do I do it now so he looks decent for the expac, or do I wait and see if any other changes happen from the new bench to release? He still has all 3 fantas on him since creation after all.
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hydaelyns-bitch · 1 year
Another Month, Another Edition! [Plus: Looking For New Writers]
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The Torii times is a cultural magazine focused on exploring the vibrant traditions and unique lifestyles of the myriad cultures across this star. With a new edition releasing every moon [corresponding to every real-life month].
Our intrepid team of field journalists covers various topics, including technology, religion, politics and the natural environment. Our ultimate goal is to expose our readers to new lifestyles, worldviews, and ways of thinking and promote harmony, compassion and unity throughout the star.
We’re currently on the lookout for intrepid writers and daring field journalists to add to our team!
We’re also always looking for the next big scoop. If you or your Free Company have a story you want us to cover, or simply want publicity for your organization, give us a call!
For more info, contact Editor-in-Chief Sima Qian [laowai#3371]
[Writers from all data centers and servers welcome!]
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talesfromeorzea · 15 days
FFxivWrite2024 Day 11 Prompt Surrogate
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"Hes got no one Ru we gotta do something," Taln stated looking at his partner with pleading eyes.
"I don't deny that Tal, but how do you expect us to take care o him if we're always on the road? What if we get into trouble? I'd rather not have a kid in the midst o some o the stuff we've dealt with." Ruru responded.
"I…well….I mean obviously I aient intending to take him on the road with us but we can't just leave him alone."
Ruru nodded looking down at the young Elezen who was sleeping between their chocobos. It was evident that even the stubborn birds had taking a liking to the kid.
Taln was right the boy, Almault had no one. His parents were victims in a recent attack on their village and the other villagers didn't have enough left from the attack to aid a young orphan. Which left the boy with no where to go and in the hands of a pair of too caring adventurers.
"Seven hells," Ruru hissed to herself, "I'll see if my sister can look after him. Aside from that I aient gotta clue what else to do."
"Really?" Taln asked his tail swishing in delight
She gave him a grin, "Aye, Im not about to abandon the kid. And my sis inherited the family business so he won't go without. Only thing strange for him is there aient many Duskwights in Ul'dah. But kids are kids and Im sure it won't be hard for him to find some friends."
"And we can of course visit him between adventures." Taln added beaming
Ruru laughed, "O course, one ye won't let me hear the end o it if we don't and I have a feeling that Pumpkin and Cinnamon there wouldn't either given how they've curled about him."
Taln nodded then said, "I'll make him some food for when he wakes then we can tell him what the plan is."
Ruru nodded and smiled as the Miqo'te then rushed to their packs and began gathering his cook pan and supplies. Ruru simply watched him amused realizing that they technically just adopted the boy. She then rummaged through her pack till she found a linkshell she had not thought to need to use at all.
She placed it in her ear and channeled the bit of aether to it hearing the triple chime of it activating. After a second set of chimes a voice came over it, "Well I hardly expected to hear from you Uma. Whats wrong?"
"I need yer help Une." Ruru responded, "Me and my partner U'taln have come across a young boy with no where to go. I can't take him with us cause o the dangers so I was wonderin."
"If he could stay with me. O course Uma ye know full well mom and da would never let me hear the end o it if I refused. Whats the boys name?"
"Almault, and fair warning hes been though a lot. There was a mess here in the Shroud and his folks had got caught in all o it and I'm pretty sure he saw far more than a lad his age should if ye get what I mean,"
"Poor kid, understood ye bring him by Amber Silk Tapestries and I'll get him settled,"
"Thanks Une I appreciate it, and o course we will not only send money to ye to support him but we will be by from time to time." Ruru responded
"So no chance o this new responsibility having ye two settle down is there?" Une asked an almost wistful tone in her voice
"We've been over this Une, I aein't made for business and dealing with customers. Do you remember the one and only time da had me in the shop." Ruru asked
Rurune giggled over the linkshell and responded, "Aye Silver Wolf still to this day gets a discount cause o how badly ye offended him. I get you its just…I miss having ye here."
Ruru gave a soft smile, "I know sis but look at it this way, Taln and the birds aient gonna let me avoid coming to visit the lad so this'll be a way ye get to see me more often."
Another giggle came over the shell and Une stated, "I'll hold you to that see you in?"
Ruru did the mental calculations, "Three days from where we are in the Shroud. That's o course if the weather don't get to soggy and slow the birds down."
"See you then sis," Rurune replied as the linkshell clicked indicating she had shut it off.
Ruru sighed and looked over at Taln who was carefully measuring out some spices for the rub on the dodo he was preparing for the boy. Looking over at the sleeping Elezen Ruru said softly, "Hope ye like spice lad cause thats what Taln prefers."
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realwizardshit · 2 months
every time i'm looking to buy something cheap at the market board i ask myself "what's the most casual server in NA" because more casuals = more crafters = cheaper crafted & crafter related stuff (potentially)
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trans-estinien · 2 years
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tumblr mutual spotted in the wild @meatball-headache
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humblemooncat · 2 years
Once our diligent Allagan repairmen relaunch Dalamud, I might introduce y'all to my Ronkan bunny boy whom I've been playing every so often on Dynamis. I kinda love him so I might keep him as an OC. :3c
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chryza · 2 months
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liminal-storage · 2 years
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Little miss investigator
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ainarosewood · 3 days
FFxivWrite2024 Day 23 Prompt: Cloud Nine
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Ruru hid a smirk as she saw Raha's face light when she asked him to come along. The boy was positively beaming and it was adorable. He reminded her so much of Taln in his eagerness and excitement for just about anything to do with adventure. What they were doing wasn't very exciting just a run of the mill culling of some beasts. Even still he was moving with an all but bounce in his step excited because he was on an adventure with the woman he idolized.
If Ruru was honest with her self his hero worship was uncomfortable at the least down right worrisome at the greatest of it. It had nearly gotten him killed and she had made her opinion of his attempt of self sacrifice well clear. He had taken it pretty hard but he had no idea the history she had concerning male Miqo'te dying for what they thought was a good cause.
Raha turned to her and said, "Looks like one of our quarry is directly ahead shall we…"
"Hold yer chocobos lad no sense in rushin up cause these ones don't move that quick lets take a moment an watch cause they also move in packs so just cause we see one don't mean its alone."
The Seeker nodded his tail lashing in agitation but he heeded her words which relieved the old Lalafell to no end. She wasn't going to have another young fool rush in. She shook her head dispelling the memories that were trying to shadow her mind and focused on the beast ahead. As was so often the case she had been right within moments of them observing two others joined the lone beast snapping and snarling at their packmate.
"You were right Ruru…hmm how do we go about this then." Raha murmured
"Ye've been working on yer spell work right?" Ruru asked
The Miqo'te nodded and he adjusted the staff in his hand looking at her expectantly. She nodded reaching for her Paladin soul stone and in a burst of aether she was armed and armored, "Well then I'll charge in at the one on the right ye put to sleep the other two and we'll do what we can te put it down fore that spell wears off. Or if ye still got that binding trick ye had as the Exarch use that."
He gave a rueful smirk, "That had been a bit of Allagan technology and sadly is currently sealed away within the tower."
"Right, so then use a sleep spell then aim some fiery blasts at the one I'm gonna be hitting just try not to singe me ye?"
Ruru then charged in as she felt the magic hit the other two creatures. The one she was aiming at met her with jaws snapping as she brought her shield up. It then howled in pain as a fire ball burst on its back and when it started to turn she bashed it in the face with her shield making it focus on her.
As the battle continued Ruru was relieved that Raha was so willing to listen to her. These things weren't difficult to deal with but they definitely used pack tactics to their advantage against what to their feeble minds was easy prey.
They had a bit of a surprise of a handful more joining the fray but again Raha listened exactly to her instructions and they handled them with minimal trouble. The worst injury received was Ruru had a pretty nasty bite to her shield arm. Which Raha began to heal as soon as the battle ended.
As he was healing her Ruru said softly, "Ye have no idea how grateful I am lad that ye actually listen. Not everybody I've worked with was so willing to so quickly."
"Did…did you lose someone because of that?" he asked tentatively clearly fearing he was overstepping boundaries.
Ruru gave a sigh and nodded, "Aye, he was a long time partner of mine both as an adventurer and personal. He was a lot like ye eager to do what needed doing wanting to help everyone he came across. We had been asked to deal with some bandits and even though he knew I preferred to observe before going he charged in and…."
"I am so sorry Ruru…can I ask what his name was?"
She gave him a reassuring smile, "Taln of the U tribe. We had met when we were very young on a Little Ladies Day. Poor lad had no one really cause o a sickness that struck the tribe and he was really shy and not one to easily speak with folk."
"Please tell me about him Ruru if it doesn't pain you too much to do so. I'd like to get to know him." Raha said softly
She gave him another smile and nodded, "It pains me a bit but he wouldn't want me to wallow in grief so ya I'll tell ye bout him,"
She then began to talk about Taln in detail something she hadn't done in some time doing her best to keep the smile that kept wanting to creep on her lips as he all but hung on her every word about a Miqo'te he'd never met but she was sure the pair would have been close friends had they ever gotten the opportunity.
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spotofmummery · 1 year
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NA Fanfest Watch Together!
Friday, July 28 Doors open an hour before Keynote stream (Noon Eastern / 9am Pacific).
But no rush in getting there - come and go as you please, all day!
Find Tea and Tomes at: Mateus Server, Crystal Datacenter Gridania - Lavender Beds, Ward 14 Lilly Hills Wing 1, Apartment #10
This is just a casual hangout option for folks who want company in-game during the stream. No RP required (though you're free to RP if you like).
We have a few small doorprizes to give away after the opening ceremony and refreshments are on the house!
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voidsentprinces · 5 months
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...feel like I should be making a FFXIV Server Cryptid Off.
Alright so...
Adamantoise - The Loogie Cactuar - Iron Mouse Faerie - Hobo Obobo Gilgamesh - Jenova - Lil JC Midgardsormr - Sargatanas - Siren -
Crystal: Balmung - Mog Dancers Brynhildr - Dancing Thancred Coeurl - Dancing Pope Diabolos - Goblin - Malboro - Weeabo Police Mateus - Kweh Zalera -
Dynamis: Halicarnassus - The Lala Squad Maduin - Marilith - Seraph -
Primal: Behemoth - Excalibur - Exodus - Famfrit - Hyperion - Lamia- Leviathan - Ultros-
Light: Lich - Odin - Rex Phoenix- Shiva- Twintania- Zodiark- Alpha- Raiden-
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gposers · 2 months
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Name: Kael Hasturn Server: Mateus Twitter Caption: 新たなる冒険
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