#math rock like this isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but i’ll still try and get people to listen to it anyways
getosugurusbangs · 6 months
i will never shut up about how much i love anschluss and soldier of february by the cabs
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garregmachmatchups · 5 years
na hi, may i request a normal matchup? i’m bi so i don’t have a gender preference! also i’m an infp if that helps at all. my organizational skills aren’t the best but i’ll try to make this as understandable as possible: 
to start off, i’m pretty scatterbrained! my attention span isn’t the best, and neither is my short term memory. i tend to get lost in my thoughts a lot, and when i snap out of it, it takes me a few moments to figure out just what i was supposed to be doing. it is a lot easier for me to pay attention to things that i find interesting, such as a really good story or a fun game! there is one caveat though, in that i tend to fixate on that thing for hours on end, to the point that i forget to eat or sleep.
i’m also overthinking and impulsive! i put these traits together since they kinda blend together. my overthinking makes me second guess myself, and i get restless and frustrated when i dwell on things for too long, so i kinda just… say fuck it and go with my instinct so i won’t have to deal with that uncertainty anymore.
that being said, i’m also quiet and polite, so i don’t really come across as, well, a dumbass to most people (at least, i assume so). i get good grades, i took a bunch of honors classes, and i’m pretty good at math, so i guess i seem smart and studious (…despite the fact that i barely study). apparently, i don’t seem like the type of person to cuss either, since a lot of people i know are surprised when they hear me start swearing like a sailor.
i’m also shy and awkward. i’m slow at finding the right words and figuring out what i want to say, so verbal conversations are difficult, especially with people who aren’t used to me and vice versa. due to my… scattery brain, i guess, i often need others to repeat themselves too, which makes things worse. i do try to be a little more outgoing, but it’s mostly small things like making casual small talk with classmates and making little jokes to keep things light. and this is just partially related, but i’ve… been told several times that i sound like a scared child. i don’t know how to feel about it.
lastly, i try my best to be helpful! i try to support and encourage my friends, and overall just be a positive presence. i like making other people happy. i’ve been really dependent on others in the past (and kinda still am), and i’m trying to make up for it, in a way. as such, i really admire to kind, strong (in more ways than one!) people as well. however, i’ve developed a bad habit of keeping my negative feelings to myself. i still do vent when i think that i really need someone to hear me out, but that’s only when i feel like i’ve hit rock bottom. i can’t help but feel embarrassed about depending on others. i’m… still really weak to praise and affection, though.
as for interests and hobbies, i love reading scary stories, though i like all forms of horror! i just find shorter stories much easier to get through. i’m also really into crafts like knitting and cross-stitching, since the motions are relaxing and making things by hand just feels nice - especially if they’re gifts! i dabble in other creative pursuits as well, like writing and drawing, and i’ve always wanted to get into gardening though i’ve never had the space for it.
i’m a huge dog person too - i have three dogs who i love very much and i have made it my mission to pet every dog i see (as long as i’m allowed to, that is). annnd i really like the thought of going on late-night walks, though i’ve never really gotten a chance to due to possible safety issues. 
sorry for the length, i just wanted to try to cover as much as i could! i understand that matchups take a lot of work, so thank you so much and i hope you have a great day!
Hi!!! Happy New Year everyone!!! First matchup of the year oh yeah. And thank you for writing all of this down and don’t worry it seems very organized to me! Btw, for some reason, i’ve been having a lot of trouble concentrating on writing recently, so I hope your matchup isn’t too bad fam. Anyways, your match is…
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Ferdinand von Aegir!!!
At first glance, you two may not seem so compatible, but the more I think about it, the more I think you guys would go really well together. Ferdinand is a thoughtful and attentive guy, on top of it all he is also very responsible, so he’d be able to aid you in your tendency to be scatterbrained. I’m sure he could look after you in this aspect if you asked him for help but he’d simultaneously try to help you best this as well. For your tendency to overthink, he’s definitely someone who would encourage you to believe in yourself and in the decisions you make. As a preacher of discussion and debates, Ferdinand who although is very competitive, also strongly believes in growth and development, therefore in his eyes, it’s okay to be wrong, as when you know you are wrong you can improve. This may prove to be something difficult for you to embrace at first, but even then the fact that Ferdinand would express that sentiment to you would let you know that he would not judge you for the mistakes you make. Ferdinand is very well mannered and defined, as he strives to be the ideal of nobility. Your politeness and the educated mien you seem to convey to others would definitely make an impression on Ferdinand. As he would later come to know, you are also quite intelligent, which would only prove his initial thoughts about you. He might be a bit taken aback when you start cussing, and might not personally like it, but it wouldn’t really take away from your other qualities. Ferdinand is also quite the social butterfly, and a skilled conversationalist, so first of all, he’d have no trouble making conversation with you, even if you might sound a bit like a scared child sometimes. Secondly, even better, i’m sure he’d be glad to give you tips and tricks on how to start a conversation with people. Lastly, INFP personalities I think really fit into Ferdinand’s concept of a noble, someone who dedicates themselves or feels the need to help others, in addition to being someone who is always willing to improve. In your case, this is best exemplified by your want to be helpful and make people happy. Even if you may not be completely independent right now, Ferdinand would nonetheless come to recognize and deeply respect your efforts. Most importantly, because of your open-mindedness and acceptance, Ferdinand could find you to be a very valuable conversation partner, even if you may feel like you have a lot of shortcomings in that area. For how kind and amiable Ferdinand may be, he can be a bit unmindful and clumsy with problems or concerns he doesn’t quite understand or grasp, despite not trying to be so. Therefore your more open and empathetic outlook on things could help him understand and connect with others better and ultimately help him grow as a person as he wishes to do.
When Ferdinand first laid eyes on you, he was immediately drawn to you.
You were very polite but also quiet. In his eyes, you just seemed regal in a sense. 
That’s why when he started talking to you, he was very confused as to why you were so shy and awkward while talking. He saw how much you tried though, and at that he couldn’t help but smile.
He notices, however, how helpful and kind you are to others, and how much effort you put into making others happy.
Afterwards he makes it his mission to help you in any way he can, determined to make people see you as he does, including yourself, truly the noblest of nobles.
You try to explain to him that you really don’t want to depend on others. At that he lets you know you aren’t depending on him, as you yourself are making the progress, and he is only lending a hand. He also tells you that despite you not knowing so, you’ve helped him grow as a person quite a bit as well, so the only thing he can do is return the favor.
We all know Ferdinand loves his tea time, but he especially loves it with you. He also loves hearing your heartening and positive outlook on things. It makes him see things through rose-colored glasses at times.
Tea time also comes to be of great help to you, as it’s literally an activity where the point is to make conversation.
He’s very patient every time you speak, and he listens to you with an amount of attention you aren’t sure you would ever be capable of, or anyone for that fact.
Speaking of which, the first time Ferdinand heard you curse he just sat there with his eyes almost popping out of his sockets, incredibly shocked to the point you thought he might’ve had a heart attack. That is until he started bursting out laughing at your sudden outburst. 
Have I mentioned Ferdinand is super romantic? He’s known to smother people with praise to the point where they just would just rather disappear.
Of course, his praise giving and affection is only going to increase by tenfold with you. He literally almost praises you just for smiling. You swear to god you’ll faint one day from it all.
He always makes a cup of tea for you while you are knitting or cross-stitching. He’ll sometimes ask you to make something for him, maybe some gloves or a scarf. He either uses them a lot because he just loves them too much or almost never uses them because they are just too precious to him. Just one or the other.
He’d totally get you a small garden where you can plant whatever you want. If you ever planted started planting something to make tea out of he’d totally cry.
You two would sure make the noblest couple ever. 
Other matches: Hilda Valentine Goneril, Ingrid Brandl Galatea
Hope you enjoyed the matchup! If you feel like you weren’t portrayed correctly/I misinterpreted your information let me know and I’ll make the corrections!
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sinnamonmaddy · 5 years
Pampering || Akaashi x fem!reader
I have requested this from @imaginethathaikyuu recently but i wanted to try writing it on my own as well and give it my spin. If you want, leave feedback or request something, because i’d like to write some more <3
1331 words
It is 7pm, volleyball practice is finally over, and akaashi was at his last bit of calmness he had. Bokuto was a handful today, his emo mode during practice made everyone sigh and hope that he will catch himself again. But he did not. During the day, akaashi had to watch him like a baby owl because bokuto was just getting into misunderstandings by not watching where he goes nor listen to his conversation partner because he was too distracted with other things. Naturally, akaashi had to step in to help negotiate. “AKAASHI” this “ARGAAAASHI” that. This poor boy was so worn out but this owl boy, it was beyond his patience.
But still, he tried to compose himself because of bokutos fragile self esteem. Akaashi couldn’t wait to meet y/n. Y/n is his rock. Whenever he feels overwhelmed by the world, y/n was there to calm him, to secure him and to protect him from loosing his mind. Akaashi quickly got changed, and left the clubroom with a “good work everybody!” He rushed to the gates, where y/n most likely gonna wait for him to walk home together.
I wait in front of the Gates as usual, waiting for akaashi, while fixing my school uniform a bit, because it got messy from art club. Although I washed my hands several times, there’s still some graphite on my hands from drawing sketches and smoothing lines out. “Ah, y/n” i hear behind me. I turn around to see akaashi. “Oh, hey ‘kaashi” i greet him while holding up my hand. I could tell immediately that he was a bit done “was bokuto a handful today again?” He just nods. I pull him into a close but short hug, and he rests his head on my shoulder. “You know, you don’t have to help bokuto out all the time, right?” “Mhh” “come on, let’s relax a bit”
I grab his hand and lead the way to the subway. “Are you hungry?”, i ask him while pulling out my subway card to get into the subway. “Just a bit” “well, then we can go to a great café i just found.” “Mhh” We took the subway to Harajuku. “Harajuku?” Akaashi asks while rising his eyebrow. “Yes. It’s a surprise. But you will love it!” I reply with a smirk that could have come from the Kuroo himself. I lead him to a café and as we walk in, akaashi gasps, looking around. “Do you like it?” He nods in reply and walks towards the owls. Yes. We’re in the Owl café in Harajuku. “I always wanted to go there with you. Take a seat, this is my treat.” I smile at him as we take our seats. Akaashi sure can eat a lot, which is why he looks at me uncertain. “Don’t worry, i have a lot of money with me, and i know you’re always hungry after practice!” He gives me a smile and orders for the both of us. While we are waiting for the food, akaashi looks around but soon fixates on a small owl. I follow his eyes and see a beautiful little owl.
“Aww it looks so cute, do you think we can pet it?” I ask him, and although akaashi does not show a whole variety of emotions, i can see the happiness in his eyes, basically sparkling. It’s good to see that he looks a bit more relaxed and happy. He stands up and walks over to the owl, and the owl keeper, to ask for permission. I watch him reaching out his hand to pet this tiny owl and smile to myself. He actually smiles as he lightly caresses the owl and scratches it’s head.
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Our food arrives shortly after and akaashi returns to our booth. “Say, ‘kaashi” “i told you, you can use my first name, we’re dating” he bluntly states. “Okay, say, keiji, do you want to talk about what happened at school? You seems pretty down.” “Oh, that?” He waves his hand as he takes another bite from his strawberry shortcake, “just bokuto things” “mhh” i nod understandingly. „But how‘s your cake?“ i ask him, to change the subject. „Oh, it‘s really good. I could probably eat at least 4 more“ he takes another bite. „Please. It‘s my treat.“ i smile at him while taking a sip from my coffee. Akaashi orders 2 more shortcakes for himself, before we take the subway home. It‘s Friday and that means i can stay at his home to study a bit more.
We reach our destination quickly, linking pinkies. Keiji isn’t a man of PDA, but he likes holding my hands. “Do you have any class we need to study for?” He asks me while unlocking the door, “I’m home.” “No, i don’t think i need to study that much, but i might need to revisit some math” i say while rolling my eyes slightly. We take of our shoes and go to the kitchen. “Do you want me to make some tea?” He asks me while filling the kettle already with water. “Yes, but let me do that, you had to endure a lot today, just relax a bit more, hm?” I take the kettle out of his hand and prepare the tea after shoving akaashi into his room to get comfortable. I see his mother in the living room and greet her “good evening akaashi-san” she smiles at me. “Did keiji have a rough day?” She asks “yeah, he seems a bit tired. But we went to the owl café in harajuku. And he seemed to enjoy it quite a lot.” “You really take good care of my son. Thank you.” She bows slightly. I feel my cheeks heating up a bit. “He takes good care of me too. He’s really a good boyfriend.” I answer bashfully, “Do you want a cup of tea as well?” She nods with a smile, so i pour her a cup. I take the tea into keijis room and leave it on his bedside table. But he wasn’t in his room. Which means, he takes a bath right now. I leave the room and walk to the bathroom to knock on the door. “Keiji? I made you some tea, i’ll start studying alright?”
I hear a slightly muffled “alright” and return to his room, sit on his bed, take out my math book and start studying, much to my dismay. It’s not that i dislike math, there are just some subjects that are much more interesting. While i’m focussing on math, keiji enters the room with a towel on his head. Putting the math book aside, i look at him and pat the bed besides me. He gladly takes this offer and sits close to me, resting his wet hair on my shoulder. “Keiji your hair.” He chuckles lightly and just slops onto me. “Do you need the cuddles?” I chuckle as he just slops further onto me as a response. “Come here” i open up my arms and keiji just snuggles in, resting his head on my chest, listening to my heartbeat. “It sure was a hard day, hm? Having you wanting to cuddle already.” I tease him a bit and he just shakes his head, making my face get hit by the wetness of his hair. “Okay okay, i’ll stop” i giggle and start stroking his hair, which makes him snuggle into my arms even more. “Lets not study today, hm?” He asks and i just nod and hold him closer. I keep on playing with his wet hair and his muscles seem to relax more and more. “Thank you” he whispers. “Hm? For what?” I continue playing with his hair. “For taking care of me” he looks at me lovingly and kisses my cheek before snuggling back into my chest, slowly, but surely falling asleep in my arms.
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Episode 1 - Edinburgh vs Ulster
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Do bookmarks get dusty if you don’t click on them for a long time? Having neglected the link to this tumblr page during these months of quizless wilderness I was a bit worried that I’d have to hack through a cobwebbed corridor of dingy darkness to get back to my writing station. It did take a while to load, but that was probably just due to the dodgy broadband connection. So I guess the internet is immune to the quirks and limitations of the physical world. Which is useful, because after nearly one hundred days without The Challenge taunting and titillating us in equal measure it hath returned, and I have me a blog to rustle up.
Season forty six, hereinafter referred to as The Year of Monkman, produced some of the great protagonists of the Paxman Era. Delighting millions along with the aforementioned foghorn and a supporting cast of eclectic intellectuals, were his best pal Bobby Seagull, the Balliol Captain and Sassmaster General Joey Goldman, and Warwick’s excitable Sophie Rudd, It was also a year in which The Challenge continued its transformation into one of the bedrocks of contemporary British meme culture.
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It has always been one of the Great Institutions of this proud nation, but, to reference another, maybe its not always been everyone’s cup of tea. Thats not to say it is now, but the past few years have seen it make a subtle shift into the mainstream consciousness. Beginning with Gail ‘15 starters’ Trimble and the Original Playboy of Quiz, Alex Guttenplan at the turn of the decade, and culminating in the past few years with the likes of Monkman, Hannah ‘The Eyebrow’ Woods, Oscar, ‘The Gurner’ Powell, and I’ll say this only once, Theodore ‘Hapax Legomenon’ Loveday, the show has ridden the crest of the wave into the Age of the Hashtag (if you’re still getting the hang of me, you’ll have noticed that I like giving Grand Titles to everyone and everything). 
A few years ago I was tweeting into the void about The Challenge. Maybe I’d get a favourite (yes, I still call them favourites, and anyone who questions me will be swiftly excommunicated from this page) every once in a while, if it was the Final, and I remember maybe breaking double digits in Facebook likes for totally flipping out about a Manchester comeback circa 2012, but it was a mostly lonely existence, kind of like how it must be for someone who still hasn’t watched Game of Thrones.
However you can now buy cushions with Monkman’s face on, and Bobby Seagull mugs. After the final was broadcast the two of them bromanced their way through enough television and radio appearances to keep Nigel Farage’s ego satisfied, and Lord Legomenon taught Joey Essex maths on ITV2 last year. Twitter hysteria hasn’t quite reached Love Island levels yet, but its plodding slowly on its way. I guess what I’m trying to say, completely earnestly and with no hint of irony, is that University Challenge is the new haunt of the rock star.
Hoping to put the “character” in “140 characters” (and probably answer some questions about books and stuff, because thats what we’re actually here for, right? Not this endless posturing) were freshly plucked quartets from the Universities of Edinburgh and Ulster.
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Edinburgh, powered by the encyclopaedic engine known only as the Aberdeen Machine (and also Euan), reached the semi finals last year, their best performance since 2002. Ulster, according to the Belfast Telegraph, have never appeared on the show, and the Belfast Telegraph would be right if we only included the Paxman Years. The Blanchflower Archive of the Gascoigne Era however, shows us that they made it to round one on at least two occasions in the 70s and 80s. So their team, the oldest in the competition, may even have seen them live back in the day.
Paxman throws them an easy question to open the series, with both teams flapping for far too long before Ulster’s Jack swoops in, taking the first starter of the year with a late buzz on ‘wingspan’ (two bird puns for the price of one there, but seriously, what else do albatrosses do apart from have massive arms? Get it together, folks). The Northern Irelanders strike a double on the first bonus set and stroll into a twenty point lead.
He takes the second Ten too and Edinburgh are looking a bit sluggish, as Ulster take a single on the Shakespeare bonuses that the producers managed to hold off on for approximately four minutes. Stanley Wang gets Auld Reekie in the game, before a neg with an optimistic guess of ‘The Last Supper’ based on the prompts of ‘a meal’ and ‘the bible’ steals back five of his hard earned points - sometimes those reckless leaps work, sometimes they don’t, such is the way of this ruthless world.
Jack grabs a few more in what was fast becoming a one man show for the old guard. But Wang and Heaton-Armstrong trade returning blows with the pharmacist for the Scots, and eventually manage to squeeze into a lead which is immediately snatched back. Captain Carson decides at this point that he’s had enough of being overshadowed by his opposing number and throws out ‘tachycardia’ to take the impetus back with a nonchalant derision that indicates he’d been hoping to join the contest at a more difficult stage, like the gold medal favourite for the high jump. 
He looks relaxed in his tried and tested Edinburgh University Brass Band t-shirt (this isn’t a random remark, I’ve seen him answer many questions in that very same fabric), and his calmness guides his team over the line, though a few seconds more and Ulster might have pipped them, as Milliken chipped in with a Ten just as the gong crashed on a Five Point Game.
Final Score: Edinburgh 165 - 160 Ulster
A solid performance after a slightly nervy start from last years semi finalists, and unlucky for Ulster, who will likely return for at least one more appearance of the Paxman era in the repechage. The Challenge hath well and truly returned, and I for one am jolly well loving it. Thank you all for reading.
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sleepl3ss--nightz · 7 years
The Teachers Son // L.H. (Part 4)
Hi friends & readers! It has been so long since I’ve posted anything. So finally here is part 4-- if you need a refresher here are the links to parts 1-3. 
Rating: PG-13
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3  
ALSO everything is on my WATTPAD account: 2infinitynb3y0nd :) 
Thanks for reading... ENJOY! 
“He what?!” Augustus questioned with his mouth wide open.
“He gave me a kiss on the cheek.. It’s not that hard to understand!” Y/N explained while she sat across from her friend in the small coffee shop near their neighborhood.
“What was it like?”
“A small peck?” She started blushing touching her cheek. “His lips are quite soft.”
“That’s so sweet of him. I’m surprised he recognized you Y/N.”
She scoffed, “Honestly, same. I don’t remember much of that night.” She put her head down in shame as he let out a laugh.
The two were walking out of the little shop as Luke and his bandmates walked in. They were all dressed in black from head to toe-Luke had a snapback on accompanied with a leather jacket. The four friends walked in at the same time, Michael and Ashton getting stuck in the doorway.
“Michael you idiot! I was walking first.”
“It’s not my fault you have big shoulders.” Michael teased as he pushed his way in passed Ashton, bumping into Y/N. Luckily, she didn’t have a drink in her hands, just a couple school books that fell to the ground with a loud bang.
“I am so sorry. Let me get those. “ Michael apologized.
“No, no, it’s not a problem.” She said as she bent down to pick them up.
“Hi Y/N.” Luke waved nonchalantly as his friends turned to look at him.
“You know her?” Calum asked turning back to Augustus and Y/N.
“She’s in my mums math class.”
“I see-WAIT!” Michael stopped abruptly, “Is this the drunk girl you were telling us about at the bonfire??” He asked putting some pieces together.
“Excuse me, I wasn’t that drunk!” She defended.
“You were pretty drunk Y/N.” Augustus laughed as Luke nodded his head in agreement.
“Oh my God this is so embarrassing. I am now known as the ‘drunk girl Luke Hemmings talked to at the bonfire.’” She said covering her face.
“Eh, we’ll just say ‘drunk girl.’ Plus you seemed to hold your alcohol much better than some other people we know.” Ashton stated.
“I guess that’s a good thing?” She questioned.
“Take it as a compliment Y/N!” Augustus smiled patting his friend's shoulder. “But we should get going… we need to finish the math assignment.”
“It was nice seeing you.” They both waved as they exited the shop.
 Finally it was the weekend. Y/N had no plans since she had finished her homework, so she was going to order some take away Thai food and watch Netflix all evening. Her parents were out of town this weekend so she had the house to herself. Augustus had to watch his nephew all weekend so he couldn’t hang out, which was perfectly okay with her. After calling the Thai place, she left to head down there taking her time looking in the windows of shops. It was nice evening, a small breeze and the sunset was going down. Passing the coffee shop she was at earlier this week, she saw one worker cleaning it up getting ready to close. Most stores were closing at this time while some restaurants, pubs and clubs were now getting ready to open. As she got closer to the Thai restaurant she noticed a familiar tall blonde walking toward one of the clubs.  Now that he’s been home for a couple weeks, she feels like she sees him all the time, but she’s not complaining. Sydney is so big, it is strange that they run into each other.
“Hey!” She smiled as he looked up from his phone.
“Hi! Are you headed to the club too?” He asked.
“Yes, because sweatpants, sneakers and tank top is acceptable at a club.” Y/N laughed, but shook her head no.
“Well, apparently it’s new? Ashton was reading about it earlier, so we are trying it out.”
“I’ve heard it’s fun! I’m just not in the clubbing mood this weekend. Plus I’m broke.” She truthfully stated.
“I’m excited, but clubs aren’t my favorite thing.” Luke sighed.
“Why not?” She asked, stuffing her hands in her pockets as a breeze came by.
“Too crowded.”
“That’s true. I hope you have fun though.” She smiled, shivering a little bit.
“Thank you Y/N. Where you off to and where is your jacket?”
“Parents are out of town, no food at home so I’m picking up some Thai food. And I left my jacket on the couch. Didn’t think I needed it.” She said, regretting not bringing it.
“Did you walk here?” He asked looking around for her car.
“Yeah, I walked. It’s not that far from my house. Just a few blocks.”
“Do you want me to walk back with you? It’s starting to get dark.” He had some worry in his voice, because the breeze was picking up and it was in fact getting dark soon. Y/N wondered why he was worried or concerned. She doesn’t really know him, and he already had plans to meet with his friends-changing them for a girl (who isn’t even that cool) would be quite strange.
“You have plans. Plus, I think I’ll be okay.” She finally smiled.
“Are you sure? I can show up late, they won’t mind.”
“I’m okay Luke. Thank you though.” She said she continued to rock on her heels.
“At least take my jacket so you don’t freeze.” He insisted and Y/N tried to say no, but he just put it on her shoulders.
“How am I going to give it back to you?” She suddenly asked.
“What’s your number? Just text me when you get home and after the club I can come by and pick it up.”
Y/N was hesitant. Not that she didn’t trust Luke, but he was being awfully nice to her. She nodded her head and gave him her number. 
They parted their separate ways, Luke heading to the club to meet some friends while Y/N picked up her food and headed back home. She plopped herself down on the couch with the food and a glass of ice tea as she turned on Netflix. Her phone started to buzz in her pocket-she took it out and saw a message:
Hi. It’s Luke. Did ya make it home?”
To Luke:
Hi! Yes I made it home. Thanks again for the jacket. :)
To Y/N:
No problem. :)
 Y/N had been watching shows all evening and almost fell asleep. She looked at her phone, 1 am. Luke must have still been out and she kind of wanted to go to sleep. Her phone started ringing.
 “Hello?” She questioned yawning.
“Are you asleep Y/N? Did I wake you?” Luke asked.
“No, I’ve just been watching shows. You’re done clubbing already?”
“It got super busy and the guys are super drunk.”
“Oh, do you guys have a ride home?”
“They got in a taxi. They’re okay. Ummm whatcha doing?”
“I was going to go get ready for bed, but did you want to come by and get your jacket?”
“Yes, that would be good. It was the only one I brought back from LA.” Luke laughed.
“Okay, I’m the second house on the left on Bakers Street. A couple blocks off from where the bonfire was.”
“Alrighty. I’ll see you in a few.” Luke hung up the phone and headed toward her house. Y/N put her empty food boxes away, washed her cup and cleaned up the family room while she waited for him. As she was folding up the blankets there was a knock on the door.
 “Coming.” She said walking toward the door and unlocking it. She opened the door and Luke was standing there his eyes a little red, his hair tousled and a bit sweaty.
“Did you run here?” Y/N joked.
“No, it was super hot in the club.”
“Do you want a glass of water?” She asked and Luke nodded.
“Yes please, that would be wonderful.” Y/N invited him in and he followed her to the kitchen where she got him a glass of water. “Your house is lovely.” He complimented looking around.
“Thank you.” She smiled standing across from him, her back leaning against the counter. “How was the club?”
“It was good. Just super crowded. Apparently it’s only been open a couple months.”
“It’s also Friday. Students love to go down to that part of town all the time.” “I should have known.” Luke stated.
 They just stared at each other in silence. Y/N noticed that his eyes were super blue, way bluer than the pictures she’s seen. He had some stubble on his chin and his hair was getting curly on the ends. Everyone has said Luke Hemmings was super handsome, but Y/N had realized that he was actually a beautiful human being and couldn’t believe that he was standing in her kitchen.
 “Thanks for the water. I should get going.” He said setting the glass down.
“Oh, ya.” She blushed because it was obvious she was staring.
“I’ll grab your jacket real quick.” She walked to the other room and grabbed the leather material and handed it to him. “Thanks again.”
“Mmm, not a problem.” He hummed slipping it on. “I’ll see you around Y/N.” He smiled as she opened the door for him.
“See you Luke.”
 Y/N could not wait to go tell Augustus what happened tonight. But she would do it in the morning. It was late so she curled up in her bed with her phone on her nightstand. It lit up twice.
 To Y/N:
It was great seeing you. Thanks for the water. Goodnight. :)  
I hope you guys liked it! Thank you for reading :) 
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