#matt graver imagine
iamcalmdammit · 6 years
I'm working on another Sicario imagine. The reader and Matt will be like:
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The first one will focus on Alejandro but hell, I'd like to see that hate fuck...
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writtenimagines · 6 years
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*gif belongs to WrittenImagines
Imagine being an arms dealer for Matt.
A man by the name of Andy Wheeldon invited you to dinner out of blue during a charity event you were attending one night.
Your first instinct was that he was trying to flirt with you with the intention of making you his intimate companion so to speak.
“Oh, no no no,” Wheeldon shook his head while smiling. “You are lovely but this is about business.”
The arms supplier explained his intentions quickly, as you were at a nonprofit occasion, and once again asked you, “So, dinner?”
The offer was tempting. Playing the line between legal and illegal had always been an interest of yours. Especially if you gained more business and power to change the world for the better.
“Dinner sounds perfect.” You grinned as you took a sip of your champagne.
You liked Wheeldon. He was straight to the point and honest.
“I already know what you’re doing because I’m doing it too. But I can’t be in two places at once. Which is why I’m offering a partnership with someone who can be quite demanding.”
“And the one not doing the job gets 15%.”
“Like I said, lovely.” Wheeldon smiled as he took a bite of his meal. “Be ready to start tomorrow.”
Matt liked you too quickly. Which was bad for him but he knew Wheeldon. The supplier wouldn’t have picked any random person.
But God dammit, did he have to pick someone so attractive?
“Do you always stare at newbies or am I just that gorgeous?” You teased partly out of nerves and and partly out of not knowing how else to get the conversation moving.
Matt smirked. He really liked you.
“Both,” He replied. “What are you doing after this?”
“Not you,” You said without missing a beat.
This got a loud laugh out from the man in front of you. “Maybe another time then.”
Months passed.
You and Wheeldon had worked up a pretty effective system, each of you taking every other job. Much to Matt’s displeasure sometimes.
“At least that’s over with. And next time, you’ll be there,” Matt murmured as he crawled on top of you in your hotel bed.
“Missed me that badly this time?” You whispered back.
Matt hummed an agreement as he slowly pulled the sheets away from you. “Very much, baby girl.”
You leaned your head back while Matt mouthed at your neck and removed your undergarments.
“Very, very much,” He growled, teeth gently biting you.
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terrorsbeauty · 6 years
feelings // { Matt Graver x Reader }
a/n : as everything i ever do , this is very vague about the relationship. i hope you like it and sorry it’s so short! i gotta write more so i can be back for real.
warnings: spoilers for sicario 2, and language
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To this very day, you couldn’t decide if meeting Matt Graver was a curse or a blessing. You couldn’t decide if letting him in your life was a big mistake or a great achievment, or if, more importantly, letting him slither in your heart was the right thing to do.
The rain was pouring hard outside, and the little drops of water hit your window like they wanted to break it and enter in your apartment. You wished you could’ve called it home, though. This was the life you chose for yourself after all, and everything was going smoothly until you knocked into him.
Some time ago you were a nurse–a good one–, you were young and naive, but you had a big heart. You went on the battlefields to make sure the oh so brave men who fought for your country were being taken care of — what a fool you were. You did your job, you helped them, but you also changed. War changes everyone, no doubt, but knowing the people who fought “ for your safety” is what eventually broke you. You understood they were lonely, you understood they risked their lives, but you could never understand why they thought you owed them something for that. You can’t generalize though, because in the army you made very good friends - men - whom you trust with your life and love with all your heart, but the bad ones still left a mark on you. Needless to say, you hadn’t stayed there for long, but in your last week you happened to meet a soldier who was very blunt , smart and confident. Maybe it was fate, maybe luck or coincidence, but nevertheless, it happened for you to go home with this same soldier.
Love works mysterious ways - or so you always thought- and of course, as a young girl , you now see, you fell for him. He was confident even when he knew he was wrong, he was funny and blunt and he was charming. His eyes were fiery and his hair soft ... and you knew you were fucked.
Why analyze this today of all days? Only because it rained? Because you were in apartment that looked so much like the one you used to share with him? Maybe. You had this habit of finding reasons for the most mundane things, until you’ve come to your senses and decided you didn’t need a reason to feel someway. It just happened.
Today was different though. You felt someway — and you had a reason. You knew you had one. Your feelings were mixed: a little sadness there, some remorse here and nostalgia everywhere. You were in Mexic and everything ever done with Matt came back to you.
You loved Mexic. A beautiful country with beautiful people. For you Mexic was the beginning and the ending of what was probably your most intense relationship. You said your first I love you’s here. You broke up here. Everyone who knew where Matt worked and what he did for a living would find this peculiar, but Mexic was important in both of your lives and you knew that.
The ringing phone interrupted your thoughts — thank God for that.
“Y/N.” his voice boomed into the phone. The one person you didn’t want to talk to.
“ How are you?” he said and you almost lost all your temper.
“ God , Matt, cut the bullshit. One year and you greet me with a how are you? You got that low, huh? That’s what CIA does for you doesn’t it?” you replied with venom in your voice.
You heard a sigh over the phone. Although you shouldn’t have cared, it worried you. He usually fights back, or at least laughs or says something snarky back.
“ Alejandro died.”
Your face turned blank and your eyes watered. The one thing you knew was that he didn’t fuck with news like this. When he said someone was dead then dead he was. You met Alejandro through Matt and you’ve gotten close although he was like a ghost. He was sweet and hurt — you were used to that. You were that way too.
“ Recruited for your mission?” was all you could say.
He sighed again and it was enough for you.
“ Is there a funeral?” you said bitterly, with a tear falling down your cheek.
“ We couldn’t retrieve the body. It’s the job. He was killed by someone from a Mexican gang. I’m sorry.”
“ You better be, God.” ,you said aggressively. After a long pause you spoke again:
“ You ok?”
You heard him laugh a little and you bet he had a smile on his face.
“ I’m okay, love. Don’t worry about me.”
“ Honor him. Do some motherfucking memorial or some shit you americans do. Don’t let his death be in vain. Please. Maybe he’s not even dead! You know Alejandro...” , you said full of hope.
“ Have some rest babe. I booked you a ticket to New York. We’ll talk about it you know where.” he said and with that he was gone.
He hung the phone before you could even say something, and suddenly the day was worse and the rain poured harder. And you wanted so much to blame him for it. But you couldn’t. You never could.
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iamcalmdammit · 6 years
Let’s talk about sex, baby [ Matt Graver x Reader ]
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[ I put this song on loop while writing this piece 'cause why not: Cheat Codes x Kris Kross Amsterdam - SEX. Also, this one isn't really NSFW. ]
The bar wasn't as busy as it usually was on Wednesdays but you didn't mind it. Once you occupied an empty barstool you asked for a shot of tequila from James, the usual bartender of the place.
When you briefly looked around, you noticed a man sitting on your left who looked quite troubled. You couldn't recall seeing him before in the bar but now he was clearly drinking alone.
“Bad day?” you asked with a smile.
He let out a short laugh. “You can say that.”
“Drinking isn’t the best solution, you know.”
“It helps me forget,” he pointed out, his warm brown eyes now falling on you.
He wanted to forget? “Oh, it must be some serious stuff then," you said before stopping for a moment to think. "Girlfriend? Wife?”
Finally he nodded. “Yeah, work.”
“Well, I hope whatever it is, you’ll get through it.” You raised your glass, waiting for him to do the same. “Cheers.”
Now that you took a closer look at him you realized how handsome he was, especially with that boyish smile of his. Maybe if you could cheer him up a bit, the two of you could have some fun later that night.
Before you could say anything, James showed up with his hands behind his back. “Hey, hey, hey! Happy birthday, Y/N!" he said with a playful smile. "Since you're a regular, you get a cupcake from me,” the bartender added as he gave the small cake to you.
“Aw, James, it’s so nice," you said with a wide smile as you leaned over the bar to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Thank you!”
“You’re welcome. Do you have any plans for the rest of the night?”
You shook your head. “No, we’ll celebrate it tomorrow."
“Well, have fun while you’re here tonight.” James suddenly stopped talking and looked at something behind your back. “I gotta go back to work because the boss is watching.”
Laughing, you watched as he walked to the other side of the bar to serve a young couple.
“So it’s your birthday?” the man on your side asked you with a small smirk.
“Yeah, it is,” you replied with a nod.
He raised his glass of beer. “Happy birthday then.”
“Thank you.”
Without wasting more time you slowly began to peel off the paper from the cupcake and took a bite of it. James knew you well by now and chose your favorite flavor. It was delicious and you couldn't help but let out a low, satisfied moan.
“You have a little,” your new drinking buddy said as he reached out to swipe off the remains of the frosting with his thumb. You didn't really think before you took his finger in your mouth and licked off the cream. After a short moment he asked, “Wanna get out of here?”
“Sure,” you said with a flirtatious smile.
As you headed to the exit you waved James goodbye then followed the stranger to the parking lot. It was stupid, really, leaving with someone you didn't even know, but lately you've done this a few times. It was okay... for you.
On the way to his place neither of you said a word but you didn't mind it. You were patiently waiting the whole time but once he closed the door behind him, you reached out to pull down his head so you could finally kiss him.
When you reached the bedroom you pushed him on the bed and climbed on top of him, slowly beginning to unbutton his shirt while you kissed his neck.
“You love to be in control?” he asked you with a laugh as he sneaked his hands under your shirt.
You looked up at him. “You have a problem with that?”
“Oh, no, I don’t. I order people around at work, it’s a nice change," he assured you, taking off your shirt as he talked. "Also, I wouldn’t say no to the birthday girl.”
You leaned closer to his ear, making sure your lips touched his earlobe as you talked. “It’s not like I don’t like to be ordered around, though.”
“We have time to do that too,” he said as he watched you returning to your task to fully unbutton his beige shirt while you were kissing his chest.
“Sounds like a plan,” you said a few seconds later with a wicked smile on your lips before moving on to unbuckle his belt.
“Where are you going?” he asked when you got out of bed in the middle of the night.
“I need to go home. My boyfriend’s on the night shift and if I’m not at home when he gets there in the morning, he’ll be pissed.”
He sat up, leaning his back against the headboard as he watched you slowly putting on your clothes. “You have a boyfriend?” You nodded in response. “You should have mentioned that.”
“It’s just sex, isn’t it?" you asked with a shrug. "Whether or not I’m in a relationship shouldn’t even be a question.”
“You love being a bad girl, don’t you?” he noted with a laugh to which you only replied with a meaningful smile. “Can I see you again, Y/N?”
Nodding, you went to the desk in the other side of the room to write something on a piece of paper. “Here’s my number," you began as you put it on the nightstand. "When my boyfriend’s on the night shift or he’s out of town, I’m usually free.”
“Sounds good.”
Suddenly you turned back from the door. “Hey, you know my name, but you never told me yours.”
“It’s Matt,” he replied.
You walked back to him, leaning down to kiss him one last time. “Well, I had fun, Matt,” you told him with a smile.
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