eyecareservice · 2 months
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eyecareservice · 3 months
Experiencing Flashes In Your Vision? These Might Be Symptoms of Retinal Detachment.
Occasional threads, flecks, or dark spots drifting across your vision are not usually a cause of concern. However, sudden or excessive eye floaters, light flashes, and darkening side vision require medical attention. These might be the symptoms of retinal detachment, a painless but severe eye condition affecting your retina that detaches from the tissues that support it. The retina is the layer of tissue at the back of your eye that senses light and sends signals to your brain to view things. When it pulls away from the supporting tissues, the blood vessels that carry nutrients and oxygen to your retina are severely damaged.
People suffering from retinal detachment experience a negative effect on their vision. Therefore, they require immediate medical treatment, as untreated cases may lead to blindness. Let's learn more about the risk factors of retinal detachment, its signs, treatment, and more.
How do I know if I'm experiencing retinal detachment?
Symptoms of retinal detachment can occur abruptly and include:
Photopsia (Seeing flashes of light)
Seeing excessive floaters like flecks, threads, lines, and dark spots (happens due to clumping of the vitreous gel inside your eye)
Darkening of your side (peripheral) vision
Blurred vision
Darkening or a shadow covering a part of your normal vision
What are the risk factors associated with retinal detachment?
There are certain risk factors for retinal detachment, including:
Severe eye injury
Having a family history of retinal detachment
High myopia (severe nearsightedness)
Previous cataract surgery
History of retinal tears 
Certain eye disorders like posterior vitreous detachment or diabetes-related retinopathy 
Can retinal detachment lead to permanent vision loss?
Retinal detachment is a serious medical condition that requires immediate attention. Damage to the retina usually requires surgical intervention since, if left untreated, it can negatively impact your vision or even lead to permanent vision loss. It is essential to get regular eye checkups to assess your retina. If you have an increased risk or are suffering from retinal detachment, you should get checkups more frequently. Checkups will help your eye specialist properly assess and treat retinal detachment. 
Will retinal detachment heal on its own?
A retinal detachment may heal without intervention. However, it cannot repair and reattach itself. Treatment for retinal detachment includes:
Pneumatic Retinopexy
This option is effective for small and easy-to-close tears.
Your doctor will inject a small gas bubble into the eye, which presses against the retina, closing the tear.
A laser or cryopexy device will be used to seal the tear.
Your body will absorb the fluid that is collected under your retina.
The retina will be able to stick to your eye the way that it should.
Scleral Buckle 
Your eye specialist will sew a silicon band (buckle) around the sclera (white part of your eye).
The band is invisible and permanently reattaches the retina.
This surgical procedure is the most preferred choice, with an 80-90% success rate, and helps repair large and severe retinal tears or detachments.
Your doctor will remove the vitreous gel and replace it with a gas bubble or oil, pushing the retina back into place. 
If you notice any sudden vision change or symptoms of retinal detachment, visit your eye specialist immediately. Delaying treatment for retinal detachment may lead to permanent vision loss.  
Read Also: https://www.netralayam.com/blog/retinal-detachment
Are there any alternative therapies that may help with retinal detachment?
Laser photocoagulation and cryotherapy are the two alternative therapies for retinal detachment. Both are minimally invasive procedures that can be used alone or in conjunction with surgery for complete treatment. 
Laser Photocoagulation 
A beam of light is emitted from the laser machine, which burns the area around the retinal tear or detachment to create a scar. 
This scar helps sear the tear or reattach a detached portion of the retina. 
This procedure uses cold therapy over the tear through a freezing probe.
A scar tissue is formed as the area is frozen, which seals the tear. 
Retinal detachment is a severe yet painless medical condition. If you notice any signs of retinal detachment, like a sudden increase in eye floaters, light flashes, or darkening of your vision, get medical care right away. Consult your eye specialist, who may recommend some kind of eye surgery or minimally invasive non-surgical procedure to fix a detached retina. Delaying getting treatment can significantly damage your retina, leading to permanent vision loss. 
How often should you have an eye exam?You are advised to get an eye checkup every once in two years. However, you may need checkups more frequently if you have a higher risk of eye diseases. 
Which is the best treatment for retinal detachment?Laser photocoagulation is considered the best treatment for retinal detachment since it is minimally invasive and safe, with a high success rate. 
Get Personalised Eye Care At Netralayam!
Seeking treatment for cataracts, retinal detachment, or any other eye-related concerns? Our team of skilled specialists in Kolkata is here to help. Our renowned eye care centre is committed to providing comprehensive solutions using advanced technology at affordable prices.
Don't delay, schedule your consultation with Netralayam today for expert care and peace of mind!
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eyecareservice · 1 year
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With age our vision deteriorates leading to several age-related conditions. One of them is Presbyopia. Nearly 26% of the world’s population suffers from presbyopia. In India, the number of people with presbyopia also referred to as near vision loss has almost doubled in the last decade, from 57.7 million in 1990 to 137.6 million in 2020. In this blog, we will help you understand what presbyopia is, its symptoms, its causes, and the several corrective treatments that are available for people with presbyopia.
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Dr. Lav Kochgaway, one of the founders of Kolkata’s prestigious Netralayam - The Super Specialty Eye Care Center, describes his career as an ophthalmologist and the unique challenges doctors face in India, including female ones. He also encourages young people to pursue medical careers, noting that the rewards are worth the effort. Dr. Lav Kochgaway’s inspiring story and advice provide valuable insights into the importance of pursuing a career in the medical field. Aspiring doctors and nurses should consider the unique challenges that female doctors face in India and the importance of taking time for oneself outside of work. With the right guidance and dedication, a career in the medical field can be immensely rewarding.
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eyecareservice · 1 year
Besides significant damage to the body, high blood pressure can also affect eyesight and lead to serious vision ailments. 
A report indicates that high blood pressure is directly proportional to the issue of hypertensive retinopathy. The damage to eyesight can be serious if hypertensive retinopathy is not treated properly. However, proper treatment and lifestyle changes can control high blood pressure, which can help in reducing the risk of hypertensive retinopathy. Hence, it is advisable to visit the eye care hospital near you in case you have high BP and vision problems.
Let us understand hypertensive retinopathy in detail.
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eyecareservice · 1 year
A cancerous cell that develops in one or more parts of the eye is referred to as eye cancer. It occurs when healthy cells in the eye grow uncontrollably and turn into a tumour. A benign tumour is usually harmless, but a cancerous one can spread to other parts of the body.
Cancer that develops in the eye is often referred to as intraocular cancer. In adults, the most common types of this disease are lymphoma and melanoma. On the other hand, in children, retinoblastoma is the most common type of eye cancer.
Read on to learn more about this disease, its symptoms, causes, prevention, and treatment.
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Retinal detachment denotes an urgent condition in which the retina, a delicate tissue layer at the back of the eyeball, detaches from its normal place. Consequently, the blood vessels that nourish and oxygenate the eye are cut off from the retinal cells. This causes visionary problems. Read on to learn about retinal detachment and how to take precautions to follow.
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eyecareservice · 2 years
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