#matthew goose bagwell says no too toxic masculinity
newtonsheffield · 3 years
Hi! I loveee your B&S Universe and really have fallen for your Matthew/Edwina HCs....I was wondering if I could request some more? Maybe the two of them running into Edwina's unworthy exes?
I am very pleasantly surprised by how much everyone seems to love Edwina and Matthew Goose Bagwell. I just think Edwina is such a sweetheart and even though she has such a high profile career she is at heart a very down to earth, quiet person, and so she needs a humble little bean like Matthew to just hang out with at the end of the day, go to pottery classes with. You know, wholesome adorable things. It’s no less than she deserves.
Play the theme song! ‘Eddie and Goose, Eddie and Goose, Two little sunshine kiiiiids.”
“Eddie Sheffield? Oh my god, It’s been ages!” A man’s voice called out, and Matthew thought nothing of it. People recognising his fiancée happened semi regularly, and Edwina was always in her element with people, it warmed Matthew’s heart to see, but apparently This Man, she most certainly did not want to see. Se had stilled immediately, her fingers, intertwined with his where they sat tucked against her waist clenched tightly, her engagement ring cutting into his hand for a brief second as she muttered  “Ugh, For Fuck’s sake.” as she turned towards him. 
And Matthew didn’t like the way he was eyeing her appreciatively, no predatorily, for one second. Matthew liked to think he wasn’t a jealous man, Edwina was a beautiful woman, it was undeniable that wherever they went people’s eyes seemed to follow her, and it truly didn’t bother him. He knew they were in a committed relationship and she loved him. She told him every day, multiple times a day, like a relentless little shower of affection. Then there was the way she made him lunch, tucked neatly away in his lunch box, had done from the very first day she’d stayed at his flat. He’d been on the way out of the door and she’d called out Don’t forget your lunch, Matt! He’d paused, turning around confusedly, because he hadn’t packed anything only to have her stand on her tiptoes, kiss his cheek and push a lunchbox with Indiana Jones on into his hands. He’d opened it, a little curiously at lunch and found a note tucked inside Stay away from any rolling boulders today ❤️ Eddie. He’d seen her that night and said Lunch was beautiful but you don’t have to do these things,  She’d sighed, shrugged her shoulders and said It makes me happy, to look after you, so Can I? She loved him, he was sure. So no one else really mattered, but this Man was leering at her, and something about it made Matthew want to punch him. 
“David, It has been a while.” Edwina said, her voice monotone, bored almost. David appeared not to notice. “We should catch up. You know, for ahh Old time’s sake.” David said moving his eyebrows suggestively in time with the words, His eyes never leaving Edwina, Matthew felt his fist clench. Eddie sighed. “I don’t think so.” She tugged on Matthew’s arm, wrapping it even more tightly around herself. David hummed, “Yeah I heard a funny rumour about you. Said you were getting married.”  “Not really a rumour if my Mum put an engagement announcement in the paper is it?” Edwina said bemusedly, shooting. Can you believe this dick? Look at Matthew who felt his chest puff a little with pride, a smirk coming to his face.  “This is Matthew, with his arm around me, he’s my fiancé.” Edwina said dryly. And for the first time David seemed to notice him. His eyes widened a little, and then, this absolute tool of a man, had the audacity to smirk. 
“This guy? Wow. Eddie. Your sister’s married to Anthony Bridgerton and you’re gonna marry this guy?” David said, chuckling to himself, and Edwina frowned, her mouth open to an angry retort but Matthew beat her to it. “Mate, I’m gonna have to ask you to be more respectful.” He said, as pleasantly as he could manage, David’s eyes flicked to him, crossing his arms in front of him, trying to make himself look bigger, it was all Matt could do not to roll his eyes at the ridiculous display.  “You think I should respect you?” Matthew could feel Edwina’s eyes on him. He scoffed. “I don’t care what you say about me, but I’m not going to let you stand here and disrespect my wife. She used to be your girlfriend, and she’s a human being, show some bloody respect.” Matthew said firmly, trying to tamp dow the anger rising in his chest. David was clearly ready to start something, and Matthew readied himself to push Edwina out of the way when she laughed, very brightly and said.  “Oh, don’t worry about that, David and I were just friends weren’t we?” And then she tugged on his arm and left David standing there, open mouthed in indignation. 
“So that’s the kind of guy you dated hey?” Matthew said gently, when they were alone again, “That walking advertisement for toxic masculinity.” Edwina’s brow furrowed, her lip caught between her teeth. “I don’t even know why I did. I wanted to see the best in him, and I don’t know, I think I convinced myself that if everyone expected me to just be a pretty face, then that’s all I was.” She said, refusing to look at him, her eyes trained down on her shoes, and Matthew’s heart clenched. Edwina’s sister had pulled him into a tight hug, not so very long ago and whispered in his ear how desperately glad she was that he was in Edwina’s life, and he hadn’t quite believed her. 
Matthew reached out, tilting her chin up so their eyes locked together, forcing her to feel the truth in his words. “Eddie you are absolutely, stunning. So beautiful that every time I look at you I can’t even believe you looked at me twice when I ran into you and Edmund, but more importantly you are kind and smart, and strong, and funny and those are the things I love about you okay?” Her eyes were shining with tears as she stood on her toes and sealed their lips together, her body finally relaxing against his. She was smiling when they pulled apart, that same beautiful smile that had made his breath catch the first time he’d ever seen her.  “I love you too. And don’t think I didn’t clock you calling me your wife before. I really loved that.” And it was all Matthew could do not to whoop for joy and spin her around in his arms right there on the street corner when he said “you better get used to it then.”
And yeah, maybe he spun her around a little just for good measure.  
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