#maul drinks coffee that's my headcanon
obimaulartfire · 10 months
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A Maul and Savage interaction based on a text exchange I had with one of my friends. (after I spilled coffee on myself Twice in one day, GOd)
I was like, "yeah I think that's what their dynamic is."
(@savageopressbignaturals I hope I made his naturals big enough lmaooo)
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justalittletomato · 2 years
If anyone got oc or character headcanon questions my inbox is open…maybe fueled by drinking iced coffee…
I am best for characters like Maul and Thrawn !
*maybe even spicy ones
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mallard-mcquack · 4 years
In honor of Astroboyd, do you have any autistic/ND headcanons for DuckTales?
Thank you for asking ahh you made my whole day!! I’ve got a lot of thoughts on most of the characters, so I’ll try and cut things down a bit unless there’s anyone in particular you were thinking of!! I’m always open to talking about headcanons! <3
-HDLW are autistic siblings solidarity! Louie and Dewey also have ADHD
-Dewey and Launchpad have RSD for that matter, and on the odd days Dewey’s feeling insecure and willing to share with LP he does his best to support him because he absolutely understands how Dewey feels  
-Louie has issues with executive dysfunction and Donald gives him advice on how to simplify tasks and take things one step at a time
-Huey mostly stims by flapping and moving his body! He also tends to chew on things when he’s stressed and owns a couple of chew necklaces
-Dewey has a lot of vocal stims, like singing and echolalia! He likes repeating his name and rhythms that are stuck in his head. He’s also a big leg shaker and hates having to sit still
-Louie’s stims are usually texture based! His hoodie is a comfort item and he likes things he can hug or wrap himself in, especially if they’re weighted!
-Webby and Huey like to infodump with each other a lot! Dewey tends to infodump too but has issues actually focusing on others sometimes
-None of the Mallard-McQuack family is neurotypical first and foremost
-Drake has sensory issues with texture and that’s why he puts extra focus on hand-tailoring the DW suit
-On days Gosalyn is pent up or overwhelmed Drake and LP will take her to an empty park or lakeside and let her shout until some of her energy is displaced in a healthy way
-Drake’s “terror that flaps” are absolutely a way to vocally stim and alliterate and he mauls over new phrases constantly
-Gyro loves the texture of metal and sometimes carries around scraps in his pockets when he needs to fidget
-Fenton and Gyro set up a space in the lab for whenever Boyd is visiting in case he gets overstimulated and needs a quieter place to recharge
-Boyd has hyperempathy! He enjoys talking to inanimate objects a lot
-The kids are three types of ND with coffee/caffeine. Dewey becomes even more talkative and energetic before completely crashing, Louie hates the taste of it and it doesn’t usually have an effect on him, and Huey refuses to drink it because he knows it’ll make him a nervous wreck
-Della struggles with reading people’s expressions or tones, she also has trouble with auditory control (Ex. the Airhorns)
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madame-brioche · 4 years
Part 1: Meet the Counselors 🦋
Winters — The Nutritional Counselor:
-teaches math during the off-season
-affectionately calls his campers "little chicken nuggets"
-gets up at 5 in the morning for a quiet hike
-makes sure you take your required medication and vitamins and use your inhaler, whatever you need
-goes around to let everyone know it's time for light's out
-will comfort campers with ice cream if they're feeling homesick
-secretly planning a fun last day of camp prank with Counselor Nixon
-lots of pastels in his uniform
-rescues injured birds and squirrels, and nurses them back to health
-knows every camper's name, hobbies, favorite color, allergies
-pinkie promises on everything
-makes the best ice tea and coffee in the cafeteria
-“I love all of you equally”
Nixon — The Chaotic Functional Counselor
-used to pull legendary pranks before becoming a head counselor but now just does mostly paperwork
-tells nightmare-fuel scary stories and then abruptly says "well goodnight" afterwards & leaves
-carries a secret flask and gets wasted at the campfire
-hungover af at breakfast the next morning
-pets every dog he comes across, and even lets his campers sneak one into the bunks to keep
-wears baggy shorts, a baseball cap backwards and rocks sunglasses indoors
-gets hyped for taco Tuesday's in the cafeteria
-hosts wine Wednesday's in the counselors' lounge
-takes spiders outside rather than killing them
-oddly competitive during icebreaker games
-talks shit about other counselors to his campers
-“can I get a double shot americano with bourbon?”
Lipton — The Mom Counselor
-ray of fucking sunshine
-keeps in touch with his campers after they leave
-has been working there for an insanely long time
-arts and crafts leader, orchestrating friendship bracelet making
-gets along with all the other counselors, never has beef with anyone
-gives the best advice, even if you don't want to hear it
-the best bear hugs omfg just makes you feel so safe and protected
-smells like campfire and s'mores
-literally made out of happiness and gummy worms
-surprises everyone with a pajama pizza party
-makes sure you're staying hydrated and getting enough sleep, applying sunscreen/bug spray, and having a good time
-come to him with any injuries, aches, or pains
-“What do you mean you’re not having fun?”
Speirs — The Varsity Wilderness Survival Counselor
-how did this guy get to be a counselor?
-hides contraband in a shallow hole by the obstacle course
-breaks all the rules but upholds them for his campers
-will come in and scare the living shit out of you if you don't listen to Counselor Winters' lights out warning
-only one who hits Counselor Sobel with a water balloon
-gets up at 4am to lift and run around the campgrounds
-only wears tank tops, even in the cold
-will test his campers by leaving them in the woods at night and expect them to find their way back
-maybe sheds one tear on the last day, maybe
-really high stakes trust exercises
-will suck the venom out of a snake bite to save your life
-moves through the forest without making a sound
-“I will throw you to the mountain lions”
Welsh — The Hip Counselor
-plays Wonderwall on his acoustic guitar during campfire performances
-hasn't showered in a week and it's noticeable
-grows a goatee and runs around barefoot
-is banned from helping out in the kitchen
-will set up your tent for you in exchange for drugs
-reigning tie-dye shirt making champ
-recycling king™️
-makes sure there's vegetarian options in the cafeteria
-smells like mother nature's armpit
-wears a bandana around his head
-can be found avoiding duties and playing ultimate frisbee with his campers
-“tbh, I’ve had five existential crises since we’ve been here!”
Compton — The Cool Friend Counselor
-wears a different flannel everyday
-calls you out for your bullshit during cabin meetings
-gives the best pep talks before games of capture the flag
-somehow manages to read 4+ books over the course of camp
-knows how to sew/patch up clothes
-leads most of the cheers and rallying songs
-hangs out with campers instead of other counselors in his free time
-always down for darts, archery, swimming, sailing, kayaking, you name it
-overshares personal life details during campfire sharing time
-will totally help you TP Counselor Sobel’s cabin
-once ate a bee on a dare
-“guys, I’m not mad but who put weed killer in my shampoo?”
Martin — The Don’t F With Me Counselor
-resting bitch face during camp cheers
-aggressively salutes the flag during morning assembly
-inexplicably good at memorizing everyone’s name on the first day
-openly drinks gin and tonic in the cafeteria
-the reason a few campers wanted to go home
-somehow ends up being one of your favorite counselors by the last day
-is not subtle about playing favorites
-cooks most of the food for the camp and will be insulted if you don’t eat what’s on your plate
-can do that loud whistle with his fingers to get everyone’s attention
-low key freaks out if one of his campers is missing and will not rest until they’re found
-mood can go from 0 to 100 over the pettiest things
-“Yeah I’m gonna need you to kindly pipe the fuck down with the crazy glue for the rest of craft time”
Randleman — The Boy Scout Counselor
-wears a lot of camo at all times
-scary good at poker
-smokes on the premises even though it’s forbidden
-talks fast and direct, commands your attention
-makes a mean s’more and prefers the marshmallow to be burnt
-will let his campers get away with the most shenanigans so long as it’s not hurting anyone
-actually cries the last day of camp
-kickball and flag football champion
-has wrestled a grizzly bear and won
-collects pocket knives and random critters
-bff’s with Counselor Martin and sometimes takes charge of Martin’s campers and vice versa
-has never gotten bit by a mosquito
-snores loudly and will sleep through anything
-has been granted camp counselor tenure because he’s been there so dang long
-“y’all wanna go sink a canoe?”
Peacock — The Cute But Clueless Counselor
-wears a lot of band t-shirts merch
-has song lyrics tattooed on various body parts
-rocks an intentional mullet
-constantly getting lost when leading hikes but great at improvising
-has a tan even if the sun hasn’t been out
-blood smells like cologne
-instructs canoeing and determines whether you pass the swim test or not
-has a way with animals and manages the small camp petting zoo
-got six stitches last year from doing a flip off the dock
-gets scared from the scary stories Counselor Nixon tells
-“la la la la if I can’t hear the ghosts they can’t hurt me”
Dike — The Absentee Counselor
-says “oof” after any minor inconvenience
-oversleeps and misses morning assembly
-a camper may die on his watch, you never know
-gives sub par motivational speeches
-tries to comfort homesick campers but ends up crying himself
-has a fear of swimming without water wings
-might get mauled by a bear later
-given up on learning his campers’ names
-calls other counselors for help
-has one facial expression at all times
-spits when he talks
-constantly stressed during outdoor camping
-passive aggressiveness af during cabin meetings
-sleeps with a night light
-“wait am I responsible for all of you?”
Sobel — The Narc Counselor
-literally no one likes him
-mission is to make sure everyone follows his rules
-carries around a bullhorn and a backup whistle
-failed the swim test
-says “fight me” but would get his ass kicked
-misspells everything
-will give you latrine duty if you leave your bunk bed unmade or the dishes aren’t in alphabetical order
-doesn’t participate in campfire games or sing alongs
-got left behind on a trail for 9 hours once
-confiscates any and all contraband camp items including non regulated shoes
-likes noodles with ketchup
-perpetual disappointed glare
-has a cold like once a week
-only allows one s’more per camper
-“and you will know my name is the lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee, now put this can of peaches back where it belongs!”
Stay tuned for Part 2: The Campers
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virgil-is-a-cutie · 4 years
Could I get some more headcannons for the Bio!Dad Jack and Ianto? Maybe with more details on the soulmate bond with Damian (if that is part of this AU)
Yay! Ok lets see
Ok so Marin has a welsh accent. Sorry but he does and he sounds like Ianto
Marin has Ianto's eyes
This boy is a flirt but is completely a blushie mess if flirted on
He has an accent when speaking French
Toshiko taught him other languages
He knows how to use guns and other Torchwood weapons
He likes to drink tea like Ianto, absolutely despises Coffee
He makes Plagg obsessed with tea
If this is Adrien x Marin then I when the reveal is done then Adrien flirts with his boyfriend and just....enoys seeing him turn to a blushie mess and vice versa
Chloé ships them. Like so much
She does get worried when she becomes Queen Bee she becomes worried for the Black Cat then of Marin when she realizes when it's not the Cat Miraculous that helps him heal fast
Now for the Maribat AU with my fic of them as soulmates. This would explain a few things.
Marin spent most of his childhood traveling with the Doctor and Rose with his dads
I made it that if he gets hurt while not on Earth, it won't happen to Damien bc The Doctor said if one half of the soulmate isn't on earth the other half isn't getting harmed
Meaning Damien never got the burn marks, scratches, or any harm Marin was inflicted on when traveling with the Doctor
Damien never got badly hurt while with the League of Assassins
So it's a shock when he's 15 (he's 2 years older than Marin) when he's suddenly badly hurt
It's because a Weevil accidentally mauled Marin during a mission to catch them
But if not soulmates but they do date this happens
Marin doesn't say anything about being immortal till Damian sees his boyfriend be stabbed multiple times by perhaps Joker or Talia (probably Talia)
He tries to take him to the batcave, but everyone is shocked when Marin heals less than 5 minutes
Idk what else but feel free to send me more asks
Might make a 2nd post of headcanons for the bio!parents au
Send Me Asks
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