#max (the lost boys)
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My time has been a little short this month, so I’ve been finding studies a lot easier to dip in and out of when I’ve got a spare moment. Hopefully you like these from the video store scene - Max was actually really fun to draw, as was Thorn ☺️
Are there any other TLB scenes you’d like to see studies from? Or maybe a different Kiefer character - Nelson (Flatliners), Ace (Stand By Me), or Doc (Young Guns)?
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When Paul gets high Part 2
No one:
Absolutely no one:
Not a single soul on this Earth:
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Paul: Guys, boob size doesn’t matter. Big or small, I want them all!
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David: That’s great Paul but what has that got to do with ordering takeout? 🥡
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popironrye · 5 months
Max's reveal at the end of The Lost Boys is another one of those scenes I've been overthinking about. Particularly the few seconds post revelation that the boys were all dead.
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When Max and Lucy return home he takes little time to head to where David died. An obvious choice given the fates of the other boys what with Paul being soup, Dwayne blown to pieces, and Marko's body being way back in the cave.
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In the background Sam, the Frog brothers, and Lucy are pretty loudly arguing and talking over each other in the other room but this scene is eerily quiet. The scene plays out is a realistic view of mourning. Max's actions here are rather tender and you can tell by the look on his face that seeing David like this does have an affect on him.
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There's a blatant pause. I like to think that was Max grieving, coming to terms with what's happened. His boys are gone, probably reliving a lot of memories. It's never revealed, but I choose to believe Max turned David first, and the following boys were slowly turned the same way Michael was, by drinking Max's or David's blood. And I headcanon he was turned a long time ago, meaning Max had a lot of years with the boys. He is shown as hostile in the beginning to them when they come in the video store, but I like to think that's just Max wanting to keep a reasonable distance to keep suspicious eyes from prying (and to keep things a twist for the audience) especially since he's playing the childless bachelor as that's what's has worked for them for so long so far (although come on Max, if you played up the single father to Lucy, you would have totally won. Just saying.)
But what about the rest of that scene? Max recovers pretty quickly from losing his boys. While some may argue it's because Max didn't really care for them, I choose to believe that's not the case at all. I think he's putting on a face to remain calm in front of the others, especially Lucy. Since he still wants to turn her into his vampire bride, even without his boys to mother. Perhaps he could just be thinking he can start his vampire boys over with others boys, but then there's THIS scene!
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The scene where Star reveals to the audience that David was hiding Max's involvement from her and Michael. David wasn't just keeping Max a secret, Star declares that he was "the secret David was protecting." Key word being, 'protecting'. Max's identity as the head vampire is important and it's in his best interest for the vampire boys to be seen around him as little as possible. Especially since Sam figured it out early on in the movie he was one of them. And so, David and the boys choose to act on their own most of the time. Not only to give themselves the feeling of carefree freedom, but also to keep Max safe. And it's clearly a situation they all like, or at least tolerate, as while there is no hope in them turning back if Max were killed first, but David and the others had no intention of ratting him out and letting him die.
My favorite part of this scene. Max's smile. After Star says her line, Max nods in agreement, but the smile afterwards is interesting. I think he looks proud. Proud of David. Proud to have heard that David, even as he died, was protecting him. I choose to believe Max cared a lot for the boys and I also choose had he be given the chance later, would feel very lonely without them.
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whatisgoingonpaul · 5 months
Really sad with the way Max has been misinterpreted for forever really…. Like yall really saw this dorky video shop owner and were like “evil” the older I get the more I understand him and he’s actually so funny it makes it even sadder how the fandom interprets him.
He’s trying to turn Lucy the good old fashioned charmer way. He’s taking her on nice dates and slowly trying to broach the topic - playing the long game etc.
But you see— his boys, who have decided they’re a gang about 30 years ago and who he couldn’t control for 70 said noooooo and just had to terrorize her son and try to go about it too fast.
He’s not even particularly mad by the end he’s just
“Damn I forgot they get like this… my bad looks like we’re going to have to go the traumatic route, whoopsies✨✨”
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b4sically-ficti0n · 5 months
Rewatched The Lost Boys again (at the theater this time, too! A theater near me is doing this six day vampire movie marathon, and I'll be going to 4 of the six).
And i noticed something else! (I'm actually going to mention more than the one thing but it's all closely related).
So, we all know about the "Max is the head vampire" double plot twist thing. And i really like that double plot twist because of some subtler details that show that whoever wrote the script really knows their vampire lore.
So, remember how Sam and the Frog brothers sort of test to see of Max is the head vampire at dinner with Lucy? That was actually when i figured out he was a vampire. The "he must not be the head vampire," "yes he is!" thing never worked on me. As soon as he asked Michael to invite him in, i was like, yep, he's a vampire. (The first time i watched the movie). That's one of those subtler details i mentioned.
Another thing I noticed the first time I watched the movie is that he does react to both the garlic and the holy water, he just plays off why. And i realize now that the holy water only hit him where he had clothes on so if his skin tore like Paul's does later in the movie, he could've hid it behind his clothes and by drawing attention to other stuff (which he did!).
Max also reacted to the garlic. Paul does say later on that garlic doesn't effect vampires which could be true but he also could have been lying.
Anyway, Max may have lied about why he reacted to both the garlic and the holy water but he definitely reacted.
The thing i only really noticed/understood earlier tonight was Max's non-reaction to the mirror. See, the reason vampire lore often says that vampires can't see their reflections is because old mirrors were backed with silver and silver is "pure" so it reacted negatively to vampires or whatever (i don't remember the exact explanation) and that's what kept them from seeing their reflections. And the mirror that Michael and Sam were standing in front of in that one scene was very obviously an antique mirror. Which means it was probably backed with silver! But not the newer, cheaper mirror they used for Max. Which is why there was no effect/reaction.
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heeheehoohoo8 · 7 months
i just had a cursed thought. you know how the boys and Michael don’t have eyebrows when they vamp out but Max does. could you imagine if that was like the head vampires thing? like he dies and David inherits the eyebrows like a family heirloom 💀
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bellamer · 5 months
My hot take of the day is that although Max is the mastermind of what happened in The Lost Boys, he isn’t some abusive figure who manipulates, abuses and brainwashes the boys like the fandom thinks he is and that the boys are just innocent pawns who don’t know any better and are forced to partake in his plan. I think people came to that conclusion just because he told them they’re not allowed in the store and was mean about it but people fail to realize that
1. The boys bring unwanted attention and Max’s entire thing is that he wants to be perceived as a normal person and not have his cover blown
2. If you were a parent and your bad ass kids who constantly cause trouble came to your job you’d tell them to leave too
My main point is that The Boys are assholes, Max is an asshole, they’re all assholes and it’s fine. You don’t have to turn the boys into brainless little abused puppets who are being mind controlled, abused and manipulated by Max to try to justify what they did. Like I’m pretty sure when they weren’t ordered by Max to kill all those people they killed before meeting the Emersons, like the security guard or when David wanted Star to kill Michael (before it was known that she was the son of the woman Max wanted to be their mother), or Michael’s hazing ritual in general.
Like no one’s going to fault you for loving them as the assholes that they are. You don’t have to turn them into “uwu poor wittle babies” , it’s okay to love them as assholes.
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whoreforhorrorsblog · 9 months
When Sam isn't looking lol
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bubblegumbarbie33 · 3 months
(at Santa Carla's only craft store)
Max: So deliciously macabe. Creepy paper.
David: It's crepe paper.
Max: It's creepy paper.
David: It's crepe paper, Max.
Max: Creepy... Oh, multipack!
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enquiringangel · 11 months
Max is not only evil he is dumb because if he had said to Lucy “I’m a parent myself I have four adopted sons. They can be a bit of a handful sometimes but family is very important to me” she wouldn’t have been able to keep her hands off him
(Until she realised that he was serious about his neglectful parenting methods and leaving them “to grow like weeds”. Then she’d have been mad.
“What do you mean they’re all squatting in a cave while you live in this beautiful house?”
“But they chose to live—”
“I don’t care, that cannot be sanitary. And it must get awfully cold during the winter…are they getting enough to eat?”
“Oh…they’re getting enough to eat.”
“Well it’s very irresponsible of you! Why did you adopt them if you were going to neglect them?”
And then Lucy decides all these boys are her sons now, to hell with Max.)
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starlahuskyz · 4 months
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Sorry for no posting in a while, here is a Max drawing as compensation.
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Max has ranted like this at The Lost Boys after one of their shenanigans and you can’t tell me otherwise 🤣
This particular rant probably happened around the time they all got banned from Max’s video store 😂
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popironrye · 5 months
I reblogged this with my last Max post, but I just love this scene so much, I'm gonna make it a post all on it's own! :3
Watching this movie knowing everything that happens and knowing who Max is, is such a trip.
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In this scene, Max got this goofy grin on his face when he sees Lucy being caring to a lost little boy. Almost like the grandpa vamp gets puppy crushes (which I totally believe by the way. I think all the vampires get first sight crushes, I mean did you see how David looked at Michael XD). Makes it all the more fitting when his own boys waltz right on in to bug him.
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I love the look on David's face in this scene. The boys walk around the counter, pretty much a complete circle around Max, and what's he doing. Too busy focused on Lucy to let them bug him. XD
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Then they come around to the front again, and what are they doing? Not looking ahead. All, especially David, are looking Max straight in the face. And the smiling Max immediately turns his attention on them to sorta scold them out of his store. And I can't believe I never noticed this until now. David actually looks at Lucy in this scene.
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There's a pause, but he looks right at her. Then he looks back at Max and Max has this serious expression on his face (that honestly tells me despite Max's line this is the FIRST time he's telling them to scram) and he isn't the only one. I thought Dwayne was looking at Paul, but I think he also looks at Lucy, as does Paul and Marko. And when David looks at Lucy again, I swear he's trying not to laugh.
David sees Lucy getting Max's attention, and he almost laughs. XD
Their dad is trying to score, and wants them out of there and they know it. Not to mention Paul's knowing shoulder grab on Dwayne is even funnier knowing Max is after Lucy in this scene and his👌gesture is a sign of understanding to Max. XD And then Max sorta rolls his eyes at the boys antics.
The deleted scene where the boys circle Lucy on their bikes is another scene I love where the boys know Max just wants a date, and they jump in to mess with her. It's gold.
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mikeyway-creates · 23 days
Maxwell Lawrence a relatively tired small old man- (he's 6'foot something and in his maybe 40s- but is WAY older, has 4 teenage sons, and runs a video store while looking like a dork)
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beelze-the-bubkiss · 6 months
Saw this today
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Also why do I feel like people are planning things
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acutemushroom · 2 months
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it is 10 pm and im tired. so i made some unfunny memes
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