#max amulet
ghost-in-the-machin3 · 2 months
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Me when I say I’m going to post more but it’s already been like two and a half weeks
Anyway guys I got max headcannons on the way I swear
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theferalsquirrel · 8 months
And so I re-designed Max from Amulet as well. I really didn't know what to do with this design, to be honest. (Largely because I'm not the biggest Max fan).
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Keep in mind this is a design from him AFTER he starts working with the Elf King and therefore inherited the title of Prince of the Elves. I decided to give him a kind of "dark prince" look as opposed to my Trellis re-design where his outfit is significantly lighter in color. I feel like it would give the two of them a good contrast.
I'm thinking this will be the last Amulet re-design I do. At least until the final book comes out. Maybe.
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coconutcreambun · 7 months
Can you do Max griffin x female reader please?🖤💓
You Should've Known Better
Paring: Max Griffin x reader
Warnings: not proof read, a little bit of angst, mentions of death, mentions of murder
Summary: After Max Griffin's alliance with the Elf King and rampage on Cielis, Y/n, a rogue stone keeper had fled to a small town. She lived peacefully amongst other humans in exchange for small favours, but when Max hears whispers of a stray stone keeper, he makes it his mission to recruit you in order to get to the Mother Stone. Maybe fate had other plans for the two of you.
ABBR: Y/n (your name), Y/l/n (your last name)
A/N: Hi hi! I’m so sorry I didn’t see this sooner! I didn’t know if you wanted anything in particular so I just winged it,,, ALSO I was in hysterics reading your url LMAOHDGF
As you make rounds around the small town, you carry a small basket full of fresh fruit. Going from stall to stall, you examine the produce.
Feeling a gentle tap on your shoulder, you pull down the hood of your cloak. You put down the fruit you were holding, turning to face the person.
"Miss Y/l/n, could you help me with my cargo? I fear that my bad back makes it difficult to lift heavy items nowadays," said an old man.
You perk up and smile gently at the old man.
"Ah, Mr. Cane, it's so good to see you! I'll be happy to help," you say politely.
As you walk with him to his store, you watch the kids play cheerfully in the town square. Snapping your fingers, a soft blue glow emanates around the kids. An impressive dragon swirls around them, weaving between the kids, finally erupting into fireworks. Their giggles and squeals make you chuckle.
Mr. Cane laughs at your little display, turning to you.
"Just those crates over there dear, thank you for your help," he says gratefully.
You nod as your amulet glows, the soft blue returning from earlier. You use this added strength to easily carry stacks of crates into the modest store.
Dusting your hands, you grin. "All done here Mr. Cane! Anything else?"
He shakes his head as he places a small pouch of coins into your hands.
Your eyes widened in surprise, "Oh no, please I could never! Everyone has been more than generous helping me get settled, I couldn't accept this," you say quickly.
He clasps your hands in his, tucking the coins into the basket hooked around your arm.
"It's the least I can do for all your hard work, consider it a token of my appreciation," he says warmly.
You smile at him, thanking him one last time before returning home. Watching the sun start to set, you make your way back.
"Goodnight big sister Y/n!!" said the group of kids from earlier.
You wave warmly to them, watching as their parents usher them home for dinner.
Out of sight, you feel your smile drop. You sigh, your heart feeling heavy.
On one hand, your new life here was wonderful, and everyone was extremely kind; but on the other, you could only feel empty.
Your parents, your friends, you neighbours- gone.
You felt anger bubble inside you, breathing in deeply to quell the tears threatening to spill.
You recall how your father didn't come home from work that day. Your mind flashes to the image of their lifeless bodies littering the streets.
Shaking your head, you unlock the door to your small home. Dropping your basket onto the counter of your kitchen, you toss your cloak to the couch.
The townsfolk had helped you get settled in. You recall how wary they were of you when you first stumbled across their town. After lending a hand here and there, they quickly warmed up to you, offering to each chip in to help you purchase this home.
You flop onto your bed, letting sleep take over every inch of your body. The smell of fresh sheets fills your senses as your eyes shut.
You were rudely awoken by a commotion outside. It was the middle of the night, the moon was still high in the sky. You slip your shoes on, hurriedly grabbing your cloak. You wrap it around your shoulders, letting the fabric engulf you.
Dashing out into the street, you notice a stall knocked over and an older woman chastising a boy around your age. Combing a hand through his spiky hair, he rudely rolls his eyes and begins to interrupt her, his own anger apparent on his face.
You dash to the scene, extending your arms protectively.
"Hey, hey-! Guys, it's okay, I'll see what I can do about the stall, let's get to picking up all this fruit first," you say quickly intercepting the two.
Bending down to pick up a few apples, your amulet hangs from your neck, slipping out from behind your cloak.
The boy's eyes widen as he grips you by the wrist, pulling you up to examine your face.
"Hey what the h-!" you yelp in protest, dropping an apple.
"Are you from Cielis?" he asks, cutting you off.
You flinch at his words. How would he know where you were from? Even the townspeople didn't know of your origins, respecting your need for privacy.
You yank your wrist out of his grasp, eyeing him suspiciously.
"Who... are you?" you whisper.
Your hair sways wildly in the wind, you grip your amulet protectively. The stall was being tended to by your neighbours. Standing eerily still, you stood there separating this intruder from the people behind you.
He breathes in sharply.
"I'm Max, and I need your help,"
Your mind was racing, you couldn't believe what you were doing.
You had the Max Griffin seated on your couch as you tended to his wounds.
After apologizing to your neighbour for all the damage Max had caused, you promised her a favour for her forgiveness.
Dragging Max away from the innocent people, you got him settled in your living room.
Sighing, you grab a peach from your basket from the previous day. Washing it, you slice it into pieces and place it onto a plate.
Bringing the plate over to Max, you sit on an armchair across from him. Crossing your arms over your chest, you eye him down suspiciously.
He was in rough shape. You had bandaged his wrist and forearm, presumably the remnants from a battle with some creature. You watch as he brings a peach slice to his lips, savouring the taste of fresh fruit.
You were the first to speak, "So, what do you want from me?" you ask curtly.
He meets your gaze, wiping his hand on his pants. "The motherstone- it's in danger," he says quietly.
If only you knew better. He was lying through his teeth.
You furrow your brows, frowning at him. "What're you talking about? You destroyed the goddamn city! Why would you possibly care?" you grit.
He lets his gaze fall to the ground. "I know what I did was unforgivable," he whispers. "-but truly, I need your help. You would know better than anyone Y/n," he says, eyeing your amulet.
You flinch at the mention of your name, taking a step back, you raise your fists. He stands up, putting his hands in the air in surrender.
"How do you know my name?" you demand.
"My amulet told me I needed to find you," he says slowly revealing his amulet from under his own cloak.
"I was wrong for what I did, I was angry- the system was unjust and my judgement was clouded," he says gingerly.
You feel your guard falter for a moment.
He continues, "-but I'm doing whatever I can to make up for it. The city is back, Y/n, I can bring the people back,"
"I just need the help of another stonekeeper to bring the mother stone back to its former power- please Y/n come back to Cielis with me," he pleads with you.
Your arms drop to your sides as your lips part in shock. All you could imagine was bringing your parents back. You clench your fists momentarily, slowly releasing the tension as you sigh.
"...fine" you mumble.
Getting him settled on the couch, you grab a lit candle. Watching his features relax, your grip the candle holder tightly. You could have your revenge right now.
He was so vulnerable, so unguarded, so alive.
Snapping out of it, you sigh, blowing out the candle softly and heading to bed.
Throughout the next few days, you helped Max rebuild his ship that he crash landed a couple days prior in the woods. You wince as he tells you about the monster he fought off.
He smiles proudly as he finishes his story, pointing at a scar.
You catch yourself laughing at his antics, despite harbouring hate towards him. After helping Max haul a few wood planks, you make sure to stop by a few vendors, buying some candied fruit for the two of you. A group of kids swarmed the stall, waving to you happily.
You smile as you talk to the little ones. Unbeknownst to you, Max's cheery personality drops the moments you turn away from him. He watches as you reach over to help a small child out with holding his candied snack. The way your hair frames your face as you reach over with a genuinely kind smile catches his eye.
He feels something unpleasant in the pit of his stomach, brushing the strange feeling off as his distaste for other humans.
You whip around to face him, he catches your gaze, flinching as you hold out two sticks with strawberries on them. You hand him one, despite his reluctance.
"These are delicious, you should try one," you usher, joining his side.
"I'll take your word for it," he says as he hesitantly bites into the snack.
His eyes light up as he finishes the treat quickly. You sigh, giggling.
He watches the way your eyes squint when you smile.
Was this feeling pity? Perhaps his lying nature had finally started to catch up to him.
Saying your teary goodbyes, you part ways with your neighbours. Giving your final hugs, you make sure to take all your important belongings with you. Boarding Max's ship, you look at him, nodding once. Nodding back, you two took off.
Making yourself at home, you unpacked in a cabin. Heading up to the deck of the ship, your gaze lands on Max. He's leaning on a railing, looking down at the small town.
Approaching him, you hesitate. You lift your hand to his shoulder mumbling to yourself.
"Woah," you gasp out, gazing down at the forests below.
He's surprised at the contact. Watching the way your hair sways in the wind, he relaxes.
"The first time I was on ship, I had to hide away in the cabins the entire time," you laugh bitterly.
Recalling how you had to smuggle yourself onto a ship from Cielis, you quickly remove your hand from Max's shoulder.
His gaze droops a little, missing your brief contact.
The two of you gaze out at the forests below in silence.
He freezes.
He misses your warmth?
"Y/n- I'm-," he says trying to comfort you.
"Just- stop Max," you say with hurt on your face.
He watches you as he feels a pang in his chest. Surprised at his own actions, he reaches up to wipe a stray tear from you cheek.
You pull away from him, mumbling a quick string of apologies as you dash off to your cabin.
As you lay curled up in bed, you sniffle softly.
Knock, knock, knock.
You perk up at the door.
You take in a sharp gasp of air.
Treading over to the door, you open it slightly.
"Y/n- I'm sorry," he says.
You meet his gaze as you open the door wider, silently inviting him inside.
Sitting on your bed, you feel it dip to one side as he sits beside you. You don't miss the tenderness in his voice. The way he tucks a stray strand of hair behind your ear. How he holds you like your the most delicate thing on the planet.
You should've known better.
Maybe you did know better.
But just for today, you'll open your heart up to him.
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motherstone · 8 months
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On Stone Magic
Hm. Yeah, this was a needed distraction from the atrocity called Waverider. 💀
Really needed an excuse why I draw the stonekeepers using elements in my art, ended up getting carried away!
[1] The outfits they're wearing is around post book-4 or 5. My rewrite I jumbled things around, so technically in this timeline he should be wearing his armor in the og series. It's intentional he looked uncomfortable in it. It's a revamped design of his fit in book 6.
[2] Magical fire can only be dispersed by magic. It'll burn forever otherwise. Guess what Emily used on Ippo.
[3] We never really see Emily be silly or undignified, and to me, that's what she was lacking on why she didn't leave much of an impression nor appeal to me. this is an attempt to make it seem like she's still just a kid learning and stumbling and getting into embarrassing situations.
Still haven't finalized the design on Max, but I have some idea. If you noticed, he has the same collar as Trellis, meaning Trellis borrowed some Cielan attire before discovering a healer's robe, which is more elf-like attire.
[4] Trellis's magic may seem silly or trivial than say, what Emily developed to give her advantage in combat. It may also give you the impression he just did it to have an easier time for chores. But if you dig a bit deeper, that's extremely useful magic, especially for a society like Alledia.
[5] the Elf King didn't show up on the other scale because we don't know his level of skill. Other than that, he's insanely powerful.
[6] Every other stonekeeper can manifest both if they're skilled enough, but Trellis was the first to perfect a defensive style and do it consistently.
[7] Just a nice lil joke. Also, Max is wielding an ice pickax that can split into two or combine. Very dangerous.
You can tell I've been rereading wha and dungeon meshi for this.
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theeio · 6 months
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only thing that came to my mind after reading waverider was “i need to draw max griffin again” so here you go
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evepede · 7 months
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hiya here’s an art dump for you silly ppl
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coulson-is-an-avenger · 4 months
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Amulet + Tumblr Text Posts (4/4)
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chi-the-idiot · 5 months
Got around to write some Character design notes for the Amulet Rewrite of book 4, specifically for the kiddos.
I did draw them in spandex/underwear because it makes body references easier and I poped off in the anatomy, if I may toot my own horn.
All this to say, if you feel uncomfortable by this then feel free to ignore this post, no blame for anything. Just know that this is not meant to be adult in nature (because Ew, they're kids), just a reference sheet for my headcanons.
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amuletandstuff · 1 month
Discord server
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ghost-in-the-machin3 · 11 months
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alexa101234 · 2 months
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Amulet x UWE sketch 2023
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lotus-moon9108 · 1 year
some thoughts i have abt amulet bc recently I've been thinking abt it a lot
- if max wasn't killed off he could have had an interesting arc
- if riva is gonna play a big role in waverider (she probably will tbh) she should have been introduced sooner and/or been in firelight
- emily just wanted to save her mother and now she's in this mess. i know she's the "chosen one" but i still sort of don't like leon for pushing emily into this
- trellis' redemption arc is way early compared to others
- if any ship is gonna end up canon it's most likely gonna be nalyson (I think that's the ship name?)
- is it just me or in supernova didn't vigo propose riva help trellis lead the elves? which could be seen as platonic but who knows??
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motherstone · 2 months
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For @chi-the-idiot, based off of a scene from their Rewrite, that I just HAD to make a comic about - I hope I did it justice! :
The scene takes place in the context of book 4. The Hayes are allowed to come into the academy to accompany Emily in her seek for help and proper training. However, the days pass and no longer can they tell if weeks or months have gone through. The family becomes distant, having to time to see one another in all this time. When Karen finds Emily in the gardens, looking pale and sleeping from exhertion in the middle of the day, she decides that enough is enough and decides to ask Max if he could ask the council to give them a day off. And although the answer appears to be positive at first, Max starts to question Karen's reasoning...
Stuff about Max?? In my blog?? It's more likely than you think.
Would add some notes tomorrow, am tired xD
Notes below:
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Concept art of their clothes for now
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theeio · 8 months
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im ill
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undefeatablesin · 1 year
You know what? Fuck you. *Bloodbornes your Pinnochio again*
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maxphilippa · 1 year
What are your OC's traumas?
thank you for asking *grabs em like a squishy toy*
it's not all of 'em but it is the ones i thought about the most!
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"An ornament or small piece of jewelry thought to give protection against evil, danger, or disease."
Her story is fairly uncertain and unknown, even by her closests of friends, but most objects consider her to be cursed in ways that others fear, though it isn't intentional. She has been around for a very long time, and has been through many experiences already. Being an Amulet Of Protection, she's meant to protect others from any type of harm, and that's her duty as a whole. However, this ability tends to be sharp on the both ends, but she doesn't realize this. It acts upon her wishes, and her wishes were always to protect those who cannot protect themselves. She had a pretty decent life nonetheless with a group of friends that she loved deeply, but things took an 360° turn one day. Someone came back for her, and the reckless, brave Amulet, disappeared. Instead of wishing the protection of others, she wished for her own, she decided to be "selfish" for once in her life,
And ended up losing everyone she loved. She was safe, but everyone else she loved was now gone. The guilt she felt was so awful that she ran away and was never seen again, never tried to get friends, a family, or peace again. Because in her own words, that's the dream of a coward that won't confront her faults. Many years have pased, and she's not up for the "third time's the charm" phrase, but perhaps, she can finally get some courage to stand up and fight for herself.
Or maybe not.
After all, why even bother? It's all pointless.
Cursed with her own being, it is now up to her, will she give in, or will she fight to protect the new people in her life?
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"Darkness conceals all the sentiments. All the blames. In the depths of the crimson sea, hopes rest. Don't surrender."
Ribbon came from a very wonderful place, despite the thoughts that she has of it. Was surrounded by loving people, and ultimately had a pretty great life. Despite this, she was pretty important to this place due to her connection with the stars and strange properties. At one point, someone who she had trusted, a very close friend of hers, ended up betraying her. Which sure it hurted, but she can't bring herself to be mad at him. She doesn't know the reasons, since her memory doesn't want to cooperate. Thanks to this, it escalated to a whole fight in the place in which she was living with another one, and at one point, they got her and... everything she loved was now gone.
They broke her enough to the point in which she... was no longer herself. Prepared to spill blood and cause havoc, she was feared by those who adored her. But at one point, thanks to someone she loved, she came back to her senses, and escaped from there, not without taking care of the one that caused such pain. Years passed, her whole appearance changed to a softer one, and she seems to be rather cheerful and lovely. Like nothing happened.
But truth is... that she doesn't want to remember anything. She was weak. She wasn't able to save them. She was so young when it all happened. She can't remember. Her story is incomplete.
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"Hold tight to this time, to this place cause, everything you know will be erased."
Light's story is unknown, just like Amulet's. However, it seems to be the main reasons as to why it's so... hollow, in a way. Their crystal is always radiant and full of colors, but their aspect is dull and dark. They seem to be scared of meeting new objects or interacting with anyone of that nature. After you lost something you worked so hard for, there's no point in trying anymore. He...
He can't tell what's real or what is fake. He feels too out of place. He doesn't seem to be able to talk about it.
But think of it as in, the sea taking away what was dear to you. A sand castle is usually the first thought. But it wasn't that for him.
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"So I dance with brown bears, and my soul is torn apart."
Two siblings who once wanted to host a show, they fought against eachother because one of them had darker intentions, contestants could not be brought back to life. Rose tried to stand up for the remaining contestants when he found out the truth, and helped them escape... and everyone was happy...
That's not how it happened.
he is a traitor.
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