#Trystan’s art stuff
w1tch3sbr3w · 1 month
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hydn-jpg · 2 years
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some scenes from ch. 11 bc tender cas is my fav cas (i'm sorry if it's dark??? i post from pc and this looks rly dark on my screen,,, may just be my low brightness but idk >_>) (edit: brighter version under the cut!)
very self-indulgent bonus bc i love cas harlow a totally normal amount:
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this scene lives in my mind rent free. no thoughts just this scene on loop all the time.
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brighter version!
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jerzwriter · 4 months
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February 2024 Recap
Crimes of Passion
A Bronx Valentine | Trystan x Carolina
Open Heart
Any Other Day | Casey x Jess (F!OC) (with 🎨)
Bacon & Bribery | Ethan, Tobias (Hopkins Era)
Careful What You Wish For... | Tobias x Casey (Text fic)
Not So Fast | Tobias x Casey
Positive Reaction | Casey x Jessica (MedSchool Era)
A Romcom Ending | Ethan, Kaycee
Sweet Stuff | Merida, Olivia & Casey (Merida belongs to @lilyoffandoms Olivia belongs to @storyofmychoices
With Warning (Series) | Tobias x Casey First Shot: Jackie and Bryce Part Two: Ethan Ramsey
Wake the Dead
The Morning | Eli x Zoe
Three of Hearts | Eli x Zoe x Troy (AU?)
Edits & Other Things...
Happy 40th Tobias! | Instagram Edit | Ethan, Tobias & more
Happy 40th Tobias 2 | Instagram Edit | Tobias x Casey & more
My Commissions...
Any Other Day | OH | Casey MacTavish (F!MC) x Jessica Phillips (F!OC) by the simply wonderful @callmebeem
From Friends...
Birthday Cards | OH | Tobias Carrick from my dearest @storyofmychoices
Casey Six Edits from @tveitertotwrites
Happy International Day of Women in Science | OH | 🎨 Merida, Olivia & Casey from @storyofmychoices by @/artbyainna (ID)
International Day of Women in Science Interview | OH | Merida, Olivia & Casey by the lovely @storyofmychoices
Love in the Afternoon | OH | 🎨Tobias x Casey - art & fic from my dear friend @storyofmychoices (art by @liiyaan)
Tobias x Casey Art | OH | 🎨by the too talented and too kind @lilyoffandoms
Wake the Dead Art | WTD |🎨 Eli x Zoe x Troy - from my beautiful friend @icecoffee90 by @bayleedraws-sometimesx
2024 Recap
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coe-lilium · 2 years
Copy-paste from this Reddit thread:
1. Potentially plot related:
Daniel Weymen (The Stranger/Meteor Man) said that his character had a "deep source of purpose,... a primal need". The character also seems to have very few lines. You may draw your own conclusion what that says about who he actually is.
Apparently the Harfoots' storyline is pretty isolated from the other storylines since they never met the cast from other sets (with maybe one exception?). The Stranger also apparently stayed with them, at least during the first season.
2. Cast/characters related:
The theatre/stage background of some of the actors (especially the actors of Celebrimbor, Elendil, Pharazon, The Stranger/Meteor Man) really shows. Their voices and the way they use their voices are just different, and it fits their characters well. Lloyd Owen (Elendil)'s voice, just wow! I want to listen to this man reading all of Tolkien's books.
Charles Edwards (Celebrimbor) is knowledgable about the lore. He not only knows the Tolkien books, but also what Christopher said about his dad's work. He became a big fan of Tolkien from a very young age, he would copy the Elvish script, he even wrote his own LOTR play (he has a deep background in Shakespeare)! I feel like he's a great pick for a complex and tragic character like Celebrimbor, even though his appearance may not match people's imagination.
Robert Aramayo (Elrond) started out not knowing that much about the lore (he didn't know the First Age stuff), but after he got the role, he started reading everything to the extent that people on set would consider him a sort of expert. I really liked his motivation for doing this: he said that he felt Elrond would eventually become such an accomplished lore-master that he had to read a ton of Tolkien lore to become the Elrond he plays.
Trystan Gravelle (Pharazon) has a great grasp of the lore. His explanation of Numenor's politics and what mortality means for Numenoreans and how Pharazon fits into all this told me that Pharazon is in safe hands.
Lloyd Owen (Elendil) also gave a nice explanation of Numenor's history. He also made a great meta joke when he was chatting with Isildur's actor. He said: "Isildur is not a problem child in any way shape or form."  But of course we all know how Isildur caused a lot of problems down the road lol. He went on to say: "All I can say is, don't always blame the parents." It probably takes a decent level of familiarity with the lore and maybe also the memes to slip in an offhand joke like that.
Ismael Cruz Cordova (Arondir) spent many hours working with others to create a new Elvish fighting style that combines dancing and Brazilian martial arts and more. His fellow actors said he was in the stunt gym all the time. He also said he would sneak into other sets of the show to have a peek (they're technically not allowed to do that). I found that pretty funny.
Daniel Weyman (The Stranger) had very few lines, so he had to rely a lot on non-verbal acting. But according to one of his fellow actors, he was so good that in one scene his acting made her cry without saying a single word.
Owan Arthur (Durin IV) has a ton of energy and fun. He's just the kind of person you'd immediately want to have a beer with. Great pick for a young Dwarf prince. Go listen to his story about how his beard and costumes would get in the way of him eating and going to the bathroom. It's hilarious!
Sophia Nomvete (Disa) attended the audition 2 days before she gave birth. The costume department custom made her costumes so she could get out of them easily to breast feed her baby on set. She just looks like a regal Dwarf queen.
Benjamin Walker (Gil-Galad) has a good sense of humor while maintaining a sort of deadpan face, which is surprising but awesome.
3. Production and details:
There are Tolkien experts on set in case people need to consult them on lore. Sometimes people would also argue about the lore on set to try to get everything right.
Most of the Numenorean and Elf actors had to take calligraphy lessons with Daniel Reeve (the artist who designed the awesome calligraphy and cartography in all the PJ movies) so they can actually write correctly. Emma Horvath (Earien, Elendil's invented daughter) had to spend 3 hours with Daniel Reeve every week to learn how to write and draw because her character is an architect. Apparently Daniel Reeve also had to invent a brand new alphabet for Numenor.
The actors (especially the Numenorean and Elf ones) put a lot of care into the pronunciations of words and language in Tolkien's books. You can hear it when they speak. It sounds pretty Middle-earth already.
Numenor has large practical sets that you can explore and interact with: full alleyways and flowers and everything. They even had incense burning in some places presumably so the sets have the right smells even though the audience can't necessarily see that.
The Harfoots have mobile proto "hobbit holes" they carry with them on carts when they migrate. The carts have everything in them that you can probably live in them.
The person that designed Galadriel's armor said she's gonna really make the cosplayers have to work hard for this one. I thought the mental image of the costume designers consciously competing with cosplayers was pretty funny.
They imported giant rabbits from Europe so they made the Harfoots look small. Also, potential easter egg for Radagast's rabbits?
Obvious caveat: it's possible (even likely) that most of the questions were sent to the cast in advance. But I feel that you can still learn a lot about the show and the cast from the Q&A sessions.
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tryst-art-archive · 2 years
This is an archive of work made by @tryskits from 2000 to 2020.
It's an art and writing archive, but it's also a record of how I grew up online, blemishes and all, and of who I was before I transitioned.
Before I was TrysKits, I was Refkins, and before I was Refkins, I was Rhawen. Getting from one me to the next was nonlinear and involved a lot of cringe-inducing moments, but I think acknowledging how growth is uncomfortable and messy is important, especially when so much of our lives are made public. I also, personally, like being able to look back at who I used to be. Reflecting on where we came from helps contextualize where we are, and I find I need that kind of perspective a lot of the time.
Below the cut, you'll find a timeline of my personal history for context, as well as guidance on navigating the archive's tags.
If you'd like to see what I'm making in the present day, you can follow @tryskits (or @tryskits-art if you want just the art w/o the reblogs), or you can find me at any of the links here.
The following is intended to give you a reference point for the works contained in this archive.
[Rhawen] Neopets was my entry point to the World Wide Web, and I joined it when I was still in elementary school. The 2000 - 2003 period of this archive covers this span.
[Rhawen > Refkins] I moved to deviantArt in 2004, when I was 13, and I proceeded to hang out there until I went to college in 2009, whereupon I disappeared from online creative spaces for nearly a decade.
[Refkins] During high school (2005 - 2009), I was one of the art kids and misfits, and I took some summer art classes. I also was drawn to writing and webcomics, but I never managed to get any of the latter off the ground.
[Refkins] In college, I studied Writing, Literature and Publishing and I had a minor in Photography. I was still making lots of stuff during this period of time, but most of it didn't make its way online until much later, and I was doing very little drawing.
In 2014, I began working QA in the game industry. I keep my game dev and creative identities separate on purpose, so that's all I'll say about it here, but it's worth knowing that my career and experience in game dev impacted how I made and thought about my own projects going forward.
[Refkins] In 2017 (age 26) and 2018 (age 27), I got hit with the drawing bug in a big way and made some overtures at returning to deviantArt. I uploaded the things I'd made over the previous 8-9 years. Unfortunately, it didn't stick.
[Refkins] From 2018 to 2020 I spent a lot of time writing, having finally moved past the burnout college induced.
[Refkins > TrysKits] In 2019, I got struck with the idea for Tarot Town, which you can learn more about via my main. TT proved to be the means through which I figured out that I am a trans man.
[TrysKits] In 2021, I socially transitioned, becoming Trystan (or Tryst for short). It was also the year I turned 30.
This archive ends with the conclusion of 2020 and the end of a major phase of my life--the pre-transition years and everything they contained.
Tag Guide
Content Type
The media type is pretty much always tagged, e.g., #sketch #illustration #prose , etc.
All visual works are tagged with #art archive
All written works are tagged with #writing archive
Anything that documents my years on deviantArt is tagged #deviantArt archive
While I've rarely done fanart, you can differentiate between that and original works with #fanart #fanfic #oc art #oc writing
#NSFW is used to denote works that explicitly depict sex, even when said depictions are censored.
#suggestive is used to denote works that imply sexual content but which don't outright depict it.
Furry works are tagged with both #furry and #anthro
Works depicting other peoples' IP are tagged with "others' OCs" and any other salient information about the character/creature/etc.
#mild nudity indicates that a character is in the buff but no detail is shown (e.g., no nips, genitalia, butt)
#nudity indicates that a character is naked and there's some amount of detail.
TrysKits IP
You can find work related to the stories set in Khra under #Khra-nicles
Work related to the roleplay my best friend and I used to do as teens is under #The RP
Work relating to my (defunct) first attempt to develop a webcomic is under #Redux/Project SE
Work relating to my (defunct) second attempt to develop a webcomic is under #A Practical Guide to Good vs Evil
Work relating to my (possibly zombified) third and fourth attempts to develop a webcomic are under #EC/WC
[I'll add more as they come up.]
Characters are tagged with their first and last name (assuming they have one of the latter). Middle names are left out if a character has one.
^ With exceptions: #Unge S. Chickt #Rhawen Evergreen Fox
Regardless of what they were called at the time of a work's creation, depictions of my primary fursona are tagged with #Refs
Not every OC is tagged. I focused on ones I felt were significant.
Temporal Organization
Each piece is tagged with my age at the time of its creation. Ex: #Age 14
Each piece is tagged with the decade it was created in. Ex: 00s
Each piece is tagged with the specific year it was created in. Ex: 2005
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mxcameronrose · 2 months
Super quick introduction
Hello! I'm Atlas and I decided to make another sideblog, but this time, it's for my Choices art and I'll repost Choices stuff here! Here's some quick things about me: - I use they/them - I'm 23 and my birthday is May 26th - I mostly draw WLW ships or just feminine bodies in general - My main/multifandom account is @atlasgoodwin ! Favorite books: Mother of the Year, Crimes of Passion and Murder at Homecoming Favorite love interests: Hana Lee and Trystan Thorne Favorite character that is not a LI: Atlas Ernhardt
I also have Instagram for Choices: @/mxcameronrose
Books I've read so far, MCs and my love interests:
A Courtesan of Rome (Arin (MC)) (Currently Reading)
America's Most Elligible (Jamie (MC) (Love Interest is to be changed))
Bachelorette Party
Big Sky Country (Only Book 1)
Bloodbound (Amy (F!MC) and Kamilah (LI))
Crimes of Passion (Cameron Rose (NB!MC) and Trystan Thorne (F!LI))
The Deadliest Game (Currently Reading)
The Elementalists (Eli (F!MC) and Aster (LI))
Endless Summer (Madison (F!MC) and Quinn (LI))
First Comes Love
The Freshman Series (Ella (F!MC) and Becca (LI))
The Haunting of Braidwood Manor
The Heist: Monaco
High School Story Series (Amy (F!MC) and Emma (LI), Bailey (F!MC) and Skye (LI))
Immortal Desires (Parker (NB!MC), Cas (F!LI) and Gabriella (F!LI))
Most Wanted
Mother of the Year (Tara (MC), Zoey (Tara's kid) and Eiko (LI))
Murder at Homecoming (Blake (NB!LI) and Stevie (LI))
My Two First Loves
Open Heart (Casey (F!MC) and Jackie (LI))
Perfect Match
The Princess Swap (Currently Reading)
Queen B
Ride-or-die: A Bad Boy Romance
Rising Tides
The Royal Romance (Krystal (F!MC) and Hana (LI))
Save the Date
Veil of Secrets (Amy (F!MC) and Kate (LI))
Wishful Thinking
Witness: A Bodyguard Romance
Note: If I didn't add a MC, I don't remember their name :(
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kagetatsumis · 5 years
3, 4 and 15 for Kalila and Trystan bc cuties
3. Who accidentally wears the other’s hat one day?
LOL this is such a weird question but it’d totally be trystan only cause he wants to share stuff with kalila cause duh he falls in love with her first
4. Who is in love with the other person’s laugh?
TRYSTAn i’m reading the scenes i did write and literally trys is so in love with her laugh
15. Who would try to do something artsy for their partner and just before they were going to throw it out because they thought it sucked, their partner comes in and loves the art piece?
tbh i still think it’d be trys. he’d literally do anything for kalila and i totally could see him being like “THIS ISNT GOOD ENOUGH” and kalila sees it and is like “??? i just love the fact that you MADE something for me”
ngl i’m in love with these two as well. and nyssa/reeve…how am i so invested in three ships more than the couples i wrote for the series i actually have serious content for LOL
ask me otp questions!
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zetrystan · 6 years
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How powerful is hugduul compared to Nicholas or Hector? It’s a weird thing to answer actually... Hugduu’l is technically a... healer? Tank healer. Yes. Does Hector know how Nicholas feels about him? What do you think? :) your sona looks like shaggy from scoobydoo I do look like Shaggy. Mh. Will we see more of Nicolas' lovers in the future ? :D (in Bromance) Yup! He has even a bunch of “main” lovers that will enter the story. We actually technically saw some of them already... and one is in the comic. :-> Favorite movie ? 030 Can’t choose! But I recommend Confessions (Kokuhaku) (2010). It’s very very very good. Are you aware of how wonderfully diverse you art style is and what a joy it is to look at? Eeeeeeeh. Nope, I’m sincerely not aware. :’> Haha. I wish I was able to make more different stuff, actually! U play overwatch? Nope! But if I did, I would main Junkrat, I’m pretty sure. Will you make a bromance physical book if and when it finishes I actually still am wondering... I don’t think Bromance would really work as a physical book as it is right now, but my friend @bekkidoodles​ actually gave me an idea of how to make it look good. But it would need a whole other lot of work. :’) Your a cutie.. Shut up. >:I Do you like cake? What kind? If not why? Almost all the kinds of cake, like any true human being should. IS MAYONNAISE AN INSTRUMENT? No it’s not. Horseradish is not an instrument either. Will any Angels or beings from other Pantheons appear? (in Bromance) Technically speaking, we already have a god and a demon in the story! But you will see more for sure... at least one other is planned right now... hEY COOL CAT if you could be a dinosaur for a day,the heck would u do ? Woah woah, important informations are missing there. In the prehistoric age? In our times? What kind of dinosaur am I?? are u gonna drop merch or comics strips of it someday ? cause at least im pretty interested in saving n buying ! (Bromance) Well, for the comic strips, they can be find on my Bromance Tapas page! As for merch... I’m yet again still thinking about it. I’m not sure Bromance has enough of a following to have people interested in buying enough stuff, ahah.  Do you have any plans for bromance, or is it mostly improvised? A mix of both. I have a plan for both my “main” story and my “side” stories, but I don’t like being too organized, so I keep enough space to create more things if I want to. Do you have your own irl bromance? :o Haha, kinda, in a way. Not the same kind though. as a pet would you rather have a tiny kitten-sized dragon or a large house-sized dragon? Kitten-sized dragon, of course. A house-sized dragon would be COOL AS HELL, but also absolutely not practical. How do I feed it? Where does it sleep? Where does it even stand? (in the middle of the street?) What color is the shirt youre currently wearing? I drew my shirt on the drawing in this post, haha. Go check on top of it! Do you love me? Are you pizza? If you are, the answer is yes. What hobbies do you have outside of art? Not much, since I spend most of my time drawing. But... video games? Jeez, that’s original. How many projects are working on right now? I remember you have a lot going on all the time it seems. I usually have a lot, but I tried to shorten the list the most I can. So now, I’m pretty much trying to focus on Bromance. Did you ever get water back for your street? or are you still melting snow? HAHA yes, forgot to tell it here. We got water back after two days. Two. Long. Days. Without showers or toilets. Terrible. Your ideal date? No date is my ideal date. Aw shit dude you like Heartstopper? I just started reading and it's real good I do, discovered it a few weeks ago! Well made comic! Do you loke anime? I loke anime. Any plans for another comic? Kinda, but I’m trying to kill those plans as soon as I have them. Better focus on ONE comic first, it’s hard enough! ahah Hey Trystan! Ou sont toute les femmes dans ton comic? (translation: where are all the women in your comic?) They exist! Considering I showed mainly three characters in the comic and I’m focusing on them, it seems like there’s no women, ahah. But I assure you the next big main character planned to be introduced is going to be a woman! (Well... kinda...) How long have you been drawing for? Any art style/artist you admire? For a long time, not too sure. Always been drawing a little, at least. And I know way too much artists I love, ahah. But recently I really have been digging @mancameron‘s art. Biggest goal for 2018? Not fail. It’s not up to a good start.
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w1tch3sbr3w · 1 month
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there’s two halves of tmc: alternates and thatcher getting bullied most of the time
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w1tch3sbr3w · 2 months
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tadc art dump
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w1tch3sbr3w · 25 days
new artstyle starting to grow on me
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w1tch3sbr3w · 2 months
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I literally cannot get over them
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w1tch3sbr3w · 4 months
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hiya here’s an art dump for you silly ppl
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w1tch3sbr3w · 1 month
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my god……
They’ve reliefed my girl….
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w1tch3sbr3w · 20 days
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auhgd present day artt :3
AU belongs to @miniadam !!
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w1tch3sbr3w · 1 month
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something I thought of
either he forgot everything about him realizing he’s an npc and meeting pomni or he’s straight up traumatized after seeing god (Caine) himself literally kill him
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