#max is washed confined and i’m not even joking
circusofclowns · 8 months
a hinch feature AND charles on pole, god bless america it loves me
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Pairing: Maxwell Lord x OC (Evelyn “Evie” Blaker)
Warnings: None
A/N: And that’s a wrap for Maxwell Lord.  I’ll admit, I wasn’t happy with this story and felt it was much weaker than others I’ve pumped out over the last few months.  But it’s done and now I’ll take a break for some Marcus Pike writing.
Reminder:  I ain’t ever seen Pedro Pascal in FUCK ALL, I’m just coming up with this as I go along, using imdb.com, wiki, and 84,000 tabs I got open to plan out this shit.  I also write soft versions of his characters so if you’re craving asshole vibes, I ain’t got any but my own to offer.
Tags:  @zeldasayer , @romanticgumchewer, @beskars​ , @coolmaybelateruniverse , @the-feckless-wonder, @lavenderl3mons , @pascalisthepunkest , @mandoandyodito​ , @randomness501 , @fioccodineveautunnale  
Part 10 
Receive Redemption
 “Max, it’s so cold out here!”  Evie shivered as the snowflakes fell gently around her.  They were walking along 5th Avenue, enjoying the holiday window displays; it being Evie’s first time seeing them in person and the first in a long time for Maxwell.  
He was a little chagrined that it was so cold when the weather report said it would be mild.  But he was secretly pleased at the snowfall, which added a bit of romance to everything. And with Evie pressed against his side and his arm firmly around her, he mentally did a jig.  The universe was on his side tonight.
“It’s not that bad, sunshine.”  She grumbled in response and he smiled as they walked further down the street.  The lights and displays made for a magical moment and the duo pointed out little details in the windows, smiling and giggling amongst themselves.  All around them were tourists and residents who were also admiring the windows, but the lovers didn’t seem notice, lost in their own world.
They continued to stroll, letting the holiday atmosphere carry them along until Maxwell led them down a side street.  Evie looked confused but he reassured her with a squeeze of his hand on her arm.  His smile had grown to a grin by this point and she knew he was up to something but wasn’t quite sure what.  Until she looked where they were at and a sense of familiarity washed over her.
A few minutes later, they stopped, and she realized they were in front of the restaurant from their first date.  Somehow the space seemed even more romantic with the white lights strung along the façade. She turned to him, a smile on her face and he continued to grin.  He gently pulled her up the stairs, where Melanie warmly greeted them, and Alonzo bowed as they entered the private room.
The meal was cozy and intimate, something about it both familiar and yet different.  Maxwell held Evie’s hand most of the evening and their conversation was less about getting to know each other as the first time had and instead became filled with domestic notes and little inside stories and jokes that are the hallmark couples.  A whole language spoken by only two people.
As dinner and dessert wound down, Maxwell could feel his nerves start to vibrate.  As they prepared to leave, his brain wandered to the wishbone at Thanksgiving.  He was in no way a superstitious person, but a small part of him hoped that in the case, it was the truth.
As they stepped back into the cold December evening, Evie immediately snuggled up against her own two-legged furnace, grateful that he was standing by her side.  When Maxwell suggest she spend her year-end vacation with him, it seemed like a no-brainer, but she hadn’t expected him to ask her to come for Christmas, too.  
She debated the invitation, feeling like she should remain in Poughkeepsie until it turned out neither her best friend nor her father was returning to Poughkeepsie for the holidays.  The former was heading to her future in-laws and the latter had been sick. After talking with her dad about the whole situation, they agreed to do something after the new year, and she left for the city with a clear mind.
When she had arrived, she was surprised to see the house was barren of any décor.  Marnie confined in her that in the early years of her employment, she would decorate but as Maxwell never seemed to care and sometimes just went away for the holiday, she stopped.  The boxes remained in the attic space, gathering dust.
Evie decided she wasn’t spending the next week and a half in joyless house and with Marnie’s help, she set about decorating the house before Maxwell came home.  George sat on the couch supervising the whole thing and Marnie beamed with pride at Evie’s eye for decorating.  In no time the house was filled with holiday cheer.
When Maxwell came home later that evening, he stopped in the foyer. His jaw dropped as he looked around at the work the two women had done, and his eyes landed on Evie.  She stood in front of a gentle fire next to a fully decorated Christmas tree.  George wandered up to him, bumping his nose against Maxwell’s hand, bringing him out of his revere.  He bent down to pet the dog before standing back up to walk into the living room.
“Hello Max.”  Evie stood on her toes to kiss his cheek.  “Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas, indeed.”  He turned his head to capture her lips with his own and it was a gentle, loving kiss. When they pulled apart, they felt the loss keenly enough to hold each other in a tight embrace.  Maxwell felt like everything was perfectly in place and he hadn’t even planned for this part of it all.
As she grew lost in her thoughts, she didn’t realize that they had stopped and as she looked up, she saw Bennett smiling at them, the door open. Evie let go of Maxwell and drove right into the backseat of the car.
“Oh god bless you Bennett, this car is nice and warm!”  Evie held herself back from crawling into the front seat to press her hands against the air vents.  She heard a bark of laughter coming from outside the car and she dipped her head to see Maxwell laughing madly at her.  She stuck out her tongue and burrowed deeper into the seat.  “At least someone loves me!”
He murmured something to Bennett and got into the car.  As they headed for home, Maxwell pulled Evie closer to him and he kissed the top of her head before looking out at the passing landscape.  He hoped she couldn’t feel his heart beating faster than normal and he took a deep breath to calm himself.
When they arrived home, they hung their coats on the hooks and Maxwell went to start a fire while Evie made up some hot cocoa.  As she took the mugs into the living room, she saw him standing by the fire, looking into it, and lost in thought.  She set the cups down and walked over to him, wrapping her arm through his and laid her head against his shoulder.
“Evie.  Are you happy?”
“I am, Max.  Are you?”
“Yes.”  She could hear the hesitation in his voice, and she shifted her head so she could look at him.
“Yes. . . but?  What?”
“But I want more.”  He continued to stare into the fire, his face serious and his eyebrows drawn together.
“What do you want?”
“But you have me.”
“No, I don’t.  Not really.” Now Evie was concerned, and she untethered herself from his arm.  She moved between him and the fire, seeking out his face.  When their eyes locked, they stood there for a bit just staring at each other.  The grandfather clock chimed softly behind them, marking a new day as it struck midnight. Christmas Eve.
As the last chime faded away, Maxwell dropped to his knees and wrapped his arms around Evie’s waist, face buried in her belly.  Without a second thought, she placed her hands on his head, letting her fingers run through the silky blond locks.
“Evie, I love you.  So much. But I want more.  Much more than what we have now.”
“What do you mean?”  A small tremor ran through her stomach and she couldn’t tell if it was positive or negative. Maxwell pulled his face away from her and moved his hands to her hips, looking up at her.
“I want you to marry me.  Please.”
Time seemed to have stopped for Evie and she looked at him, her jaw hanging open.  She wasn’t expecting that.  Maxwell remained on his knees; his face full of hope as he looked at her.
“Yes?”  He sounded hesitant, as if his ears were fooling him.  She started to cry and dropped to her own knees.
“Yes!”  She slammed her lips against his, hands cradling his face.  He could feel the tears coming down her cheeks and he marveled at it.  Her joy, this joy that drove her to tears, was his doing.  He kissed her harder, trying to show her that he would carry all of her, including her tears of joy.
When they pulled back, Evie noted his eyes weren’t as dry as she thought, and she smiled.  Brushing her fingertips along his jaw, she let her thumb brush his lower lip. Something unfurled in chest and it nearly crowded out her breath.  She kissed him again.
“I love you, Max.”
“I love you, Sunshine.”
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