whiskersz · 3 years
hiiiii (*´︶`*)ฅ♡ wonderful writing ! could we maybe have some hcs/a scenario of a Madeleine Cookie and a reader who struggles with insomnia/constant exhaustion ? thank u !
hello! i'm glad you like my writing! here you go, I don't know much about Madeleine so he might be a little ooc but i don't think there's much content of him anyways? so this is my interpretation ;' enjoy!
Madeleine x Reader with insomnia/exhaustion
Exhausted, that's the word you felt like was most appropriate to describe how you had been feeling for days on end; as Madeleine's right hand man, your duties had always been taxing, if not a bit repetitive, and struggling with insomnia didn't help you get them done quickly.
But lately it had been especially hard to focus on them because of how late you were falling asleep, and how early you would wake up to make sure everything was in order, retreating only once the sun was completely set.
Madeleine, as the caring and attentive partner he had always been, hadn't failed to notice the bags under your eyes getting bigger and your tired voice and body language; trying to get you to go to bed earlier, even if you were just going to lie there for hours, didn't seem to work, and always ended up in you insisting that it was all useless and you would've preferred to get something done instead of staring at the ceiling until sunrise.
So on one particularly rainy day of that week, he decided to give everyone a day off from training which meant that both of you would've been free to relax until the next day.
He sighed when you still went to open your wardrobe, trying to decide on an outfit to wear. Your fatigued eyes scanned the clothes for what felt like an eternity to him, until you settled for a cream colored blouse and high waisted pants;
"That's an overly formal outfit for what's supposed to be our day off."
He joked, but you just rolled your eyes.
"Why even take today off? Because of the rain?"
He shrugged, cuddling into your shared bed's warm blanket. You shook your head at him and began changing out of your night clothes.
"Wait- the rain's not the only reason, I…"
He trailed off.
"…I wanted us to be able to relax and spend some time together for once… since I've noticed how tired you are, so don't bother wearing anything fancy, just come back to bed."
You felt your cheeks grow warmer at his words, which somehow managed to remind you of the pains you had been getting since you stopped even trying to fall asleep at a decent hour.
You thought of how nice it would've been to fall asleep and then wake up into your lover's strong arms, well rested and ready to go.
And plus, you hadn't failed to notice how he started staring at you with his puppy dog eyes, typical of when he really wanted or needed something from you.
"…Ugh, I guess I'll try, just for you." You smiled and threw your clothes back into the wardrobe, climbing back into bed right afterwards.
Madeleine beamed, wrapping his arms around the small of your back and bringing you closer to his chest; you could feel him smiling when he kissed the top of your head.
His familiar scent and the sound of the rain softly hitting the windows were definitely helping you relax, and your eyelids started getting heavier.
When Madeleine noticed, he sighed contently and began whispering anything that came to his mind to you; he remembered you telling him that his voice had helped you fall asleep faster in the past.
"Do we even really need to work until late at night…? Maybe we get tired from it easily now because we're getting old."
"Oh shut up… you're old."
You lightly pinched his side, which elicited a laugh from him.
"Don't you dare start a tickle fight right now."
"Hmm…maybe not now…but be prepared."
You both went on jokingly bickering and whispering to each other, until Madeleine could see you clearly struggling to stay awake. Your eyes were barely open and your responses had been reduced to simple hums or nods; so he yawned and cuddled closer to you, if it was even possible.
"We should sleep now, don't you think?"
He chuckled and started playing with your hair until you drifted off, which was when he allowed himself to do the same.
You heard a sound, not really registering where it was coming from at first, nor who was making it. With your dreams still replaying in your head, you rolled over and opened your eyes, just to find out that the other side of your shared bed was empty.
You sat up and looked around in search of your boyfriend, who came running in your room shortly after, holding a tray with food and a glass of water.
"Rise and shine! Did you sleep well? Sorry I left you in bed all alone," he handed you the tray and kissed your forehead, "I wanted to make you something to eat."
"Thank you, you really didn't need to though," you smiled at the way he decorated your plate, "What time is it?"
"It's around two in the afternoon." He climbed back into bed and snuggled on your side.
"And it hasn't stopped raining yet?"
"No, looks like this was meant to be a lazy day."
You enjoyed your meal while listening to Madeleine brag about his cooking skill; though you couldn't blame him, he really was a good cook and you loved it when he made something for you.
For the first time in a while, you noticed you actually felt well rested enough, and it was all thanks to Madeleine, who happily obliged when you asked him to put his head on your lap so you could play with his hair -returning the favor, since he had done that for you earlier- while you read a book you had recently gotten for yourself, but hadn't had the time to read. 
Now you could finally relax with your boyfriend without your eyelids constantly feeling heavy, at least for a day. 
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