behemothbash · 2 years
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@maxsmite​​ said: New Year's is quiet for them this year. They're snuggled on the chesterfield, watching celebrations unfold around the world (Kanto first, now the synchronous parties in Galar and Kalos) and enjoying a few drinks (tea mostly. nothing either of them will regret in the morning).
As the announcer starts the countdown, Bede drags Hop up to the window, quietly murmuring along with the telly. When the clock strikes midnight, he points to the sky, where from his direction earlier in the day a fireworks show begins. A gift.
"I'm not one for most traditions," he says quietly, taking Hop's hand in his. "But there are a few I'll honour." With that he gives Hop a gentle kiss and his hand a squeeze. He pulls back but keeps his forehead on Hop's. "Happy New Year, love. I hope this year is kind to you."
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New Year’s celebrations are normally loud and, well, celebratory for Hop - but there’s something to be said about a quiet evening snuggled up to someone on the chesterfield. In all honesty, he’s a bit tired; he keeps nodding off, treading the line between dreamland and the waking world. (The cheers in Kanto on the telly kept him awake for a bit, though.)
“Mmh?” He lets himself get pulled away from the chesterfield and towards the... window? He raises an eyebrow at his boyfriend, confused, before he hears it. He looks up and his eyes widen. There, visible through the opening of trees are... 
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Hop grins. Either this is perfect timing, or Bede planned this from the start - which he probably did, the little showoff.
It’s only when Bede begins to speak that Hop realizes how close they are, and he blushes. This would be the part where they kiss, right? He gives Bede a nervous smile, closing his eyes.
It’s just as special as the first time they kissed, and every time between then and now. His face burns when they part, the assistant letting out an almost inaudible squeak of embarrassment. “H-Happy New Year...!”
He ducks his head for a moment, gathering himself, before lifting his head with a smirk. “... I think it’s time to start my year off on a good note.” And with that, Hop picks his boyfriend up by the waist, covering his face with little kisses.
“Don’t you think, my sweet, sweet Sugar Plum Fairy?” He laughs.
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chercept · 3 years
“Is this what being poisoned feels like?”
was the pie that bad...?
[ it’s true that the crust had made him hesitate due to the strange coloring, but he figured it was because it was done on purpose with food dye or some sort of ingredient. 
he nose wrinkles much like a kitten in distaste before his gaze shifts to the blond. ] 
no matter. first of all, are you alright...? i can find someone to help if needed.
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redtoomuchintoit · 3 years
big "that sign cant stop me because i cant read" energy bhifig 
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“No call to worry about a word you don’t understand!”
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drakrite · 3 years
❛  who  died  and  made  you  boss  of  me ?  ❜ // heh heh
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❛ yeah, well you're not really popular on saintly actions. ❜ raihan states exasperatedly, really, can't he just go a hot minute without some sort of sass over something rather important? ❛ you don't run the best track record right now, 'n' sorry, kiddo. but as your superior in the league. you're still gonna have to listen. ❜ one could even tell raihan disliked pulling rank, especially on a kid of all people. but it's true, especially when it comes to dragon sanctuaries and their territories, which, you know, all falls under raihan's jurisdiction.
❛ sure, fairy - type moves can deal with them just fine! woo - hoo, ❜ he waves his hands around, but places them on his hips not a moment after. ❛ but you need to be careful if you plan on helpin', my jurisdiction, i call the shots, alright? now, enough with the haughtiness, we got dragons rampagin', we're on the clock. ❜
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behemothbash · 3 years
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@maxsmite​ said: he can't throw hop. he knows this. he'd try and hop would end up two inches away from him. but there is something he can do.
he's been practicing.
it starts off sweet, of course. he wraps his arms around hop and guides him into reciprocating a hug. hopefully hop will be none the wiser...
... and then bede falls back, using hop's weight as momentum, and suplexes him. there is a loud thud as hop's head hits the ground and then silence fills the apartment.
in the other room, hatterene facepalms.
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A smile forms on Hop’s face, a blush dusting his cheeks as he returns the embrace. That’s right, he’s safe with Bede; not only does his boyfriend have very little arm strength, he’s also shorter than him. If Bede tried to throw him, well, Hop would return the gesture.
And Bede would fly much farther.
Yes, he likes a gentle hug a lot more than being tossed. It’s nice, comforting, sweet, warm, moving him, turning him upside down—
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“............................................................ Why.”
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behemothbash · 3 years
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@maxsmite​ said: He's holding his Rotom phone and covering his mouth with the other hand. He's trying really, really hard not to laugh outright but... "Hop, remember when you... you sent me... 'Do you feel the.... the feels I feel for you'?" Okay, the attempt at not laughing has failed, and Bede breaks down into a fit of laughter. It's not in a mocking tone, he promises, it's... very fond.
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He raises a brow in confusion as his boyfriend begins to shake, clearly trying to hold back a laugh. “What is it? What’d ya read?” Did Raihan post something funny? No, wait, they don’t really share the same humour. Maybe he’s amused by a silly Pokemon video, or—
“—H-Hey!” He groans, shoving his head into his hands in embarrassment. “L-Listen, I was runnin’ on fumes an’ so, y’know…! Not thinkin’ straight!” A little voice in his head jokes that he’s right, and he was, in fact, thinking very, very gay.
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Hop looks up as the other laughs, and his heart stutters. He pouts, but it’s mostly for show. “Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. I’ve got screenshots’uv all yer flub ups, too.” Even if it’s at his expense, hearing Bede’s laugh is… wonderful, really.
… How in the world did he get so lucky?
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behemothbash · 3 years
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@maxsmite​ said: 😰 when my muse is stressed, how do they act out? // help bede comfort his beloved ;;
prompt ☆ not accepting
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it’s usually incredibly easy to see how stressed hop is; there’s lots of frustrated sighing and fidgeting, he’ll bite the knuckle on his index finger, tug at his clothes, run his hands through his hair and ruffle it, he’ll pace, he might even groan! if his stress is really, really bad or he’s in an emotionally charged situation (read: a negative one) he's prone to tugging at his hair, too
.. it’s a wonder how he hasn’t lost any yet,,,,
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behemothbash · 3 years
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@maxsmite​ said: 🐱😭 die
prompt ☆ not accepting (🐱 Hold my muse after a nightmare & 😭 Hold my muse when they are crying)
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Hop loves sleepovers! Sure, he only ever had them with Gloria and Victor, but they were a blast! Besides, he was about to add his boyfriend to the list of people he’s had a sleepover with. Bede had suggested he take the couch while Hop took the bed, but really, what’s the point if you’re not going to be in the same room? So after a bit of pleading and Yamper eyes, he’d managed to convince the Gym Leader to share a bed with him (he was banned from telling Lee though, for whatever reason). He had talked Bede’s ear off the whole night, giggling and joking and telling stories until he realized he was the only one awake. Hop found himself nodding off not long after his boyfriend was out for the count.
And then Lee commands Charizard to protect him, but the Pokemon isn’t fast enough. Light bursts from the Pokeball and Eternatus escapes, sending out a wave of energy and poison as it rises high in the air. What’s left of the walls around him crumble, Lee is thrown across the clearing, his rivals are practically holding onto him for dear life— no, they are holding onto him for dear life, Eternatus is taking them away, its taking Lee away, there’s so much poison in the air and he’s struggling to breathe—
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And he’s crying next to Bede in his bed, gasping and shuddering. He tries to quiet himself, tries to force the image of terrified faces and unmoving bodies from his mind, tries to focus on the sound of Bede’s voice...
… Bede’s voice?
He’s brought to his boyfriend’s chest, Bede holding him close with gentle assurances and quiet murmurs. Hop wraps his arms around the other, desperate. “‘M sorry,” he sobs, “‘m sorry, ‘m sorry, ‘m sorry...”
He ruined the sleepover.
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behemothbash · 3 years
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@maxsmite​ said: 💕 Pull my muse in for a tender kiss (your honour i’m soft for the future verse)
prompt ☆ not accepting
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“I’m baaaaack~!” He sing-songs, closing the door behind him. He’d been in Wedgehurst for the better part of the week helping Sonia with some time-sensitive research, and he’d been unable to call often, let alone come home to Ballonlea every night. His bag is slung over a chair as he practically skips over to his boyfriend, smiling wide. “I missed you! And I showered already, so get over here!” He opens his arms for a hug, before faltering slightly. “I mean, if you wanna, obviously,” he begins to babble, “I’m not gonna make you hug me. ‘Cause I respect your space, yanno? So, like, don’t force it if you’re not feelin’ it—”
Hop makes a noise of surprise as he’s pulled down by the collar of his coat and feels his face heat up at the kiss. Oh. It takes a moment thanks to his brain short circuiting, but Hop reciprocates happily, before parting with a deep blush. He wants to say how much Bede means to him, how much he loves him, but unfortunately he needs a bit of time to recover.
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He buries his face in the crook of his boyfriend’s shoulder - which is a bit of an awkward position, considering the height difference - with a strangled noise. “Y-You’re... gonna be the end of me...”
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behemothbash · 3 years
@maxsmite​​ replied: “hop these are awful”
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“Aww, c’mon really? That’s not...”
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“... Fairy nice.”
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behemothbash · 3 years
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@maxsmite​ said: “shut your mouth and have a fantastic day at work” // alternate ending to that starter i just wrote you HIOGHSIOFH
prompt ☆ accepting
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Hop leans back, a smirk making its way to his face. “Don’t tell me you’re flustered. I’ve barely even done anythin’!” He might not say it - if only to save Bede from dying out of embarrassment - but his boyfriend (somehow) becomes even cuter when he’s blushing. Luckily for Hop, Bede is very easy to fluster; the fact that only a hug and a few sweet words has him blushing right now is proof of that.
His smirk widens, teeth showing slightly; oh, how he loves seeing all the little expressions Bede makes, hearing what embarrassed grumbles and huffs he can pull from him.
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“Teasin’ you’s just too fun, Plum.” He leans into his boyfriend’s space again and pokes the tip of his nose. “Not to mention how easy it is...” A pause, then a quick peck on the cheek. The assistant gives a cheeky grin before making a hasty retreat, throwing his bag over his shoulder.
“And if ya want me to shut it, you'll hafta make me!”
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behemothbash · 3 years
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@maxsmite​ said: ~♫ >:3c
prompt ☆ accepting
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“Even when the dark comes crashin’ through,   when you need a friend to carry you,     an’ when you’re broken on the ground...”
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Hop runs his fingers through his boyfriend’s hair, voice soft. He knows he’s not the most amazing singer around, but he can carry a tune well enough. And if his voice can reach Bede, calm him, shield him from his thoughts... Hop plants a small kiss on the other’s head, before closing his eyes.
      “... you will be found.”
you will be found ☆ dear evan hansen
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behemothbash · 3 years
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@maxsmite​ said: “Here, hold this for me,” Bede says, handing the assistant a water wiggler. Handing is a bit of an overstatement - it really just falls out of his hands into Hop's. Good luck.
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Hop holds out his hand without even looking to see what’s being handed to him, too busy reading an article on his Roto-Phone. “Oh yeah, sure—” He squawks when it wobbles and, well, wiggles off of his palm before he can close his fingers around it. Rotom flies out of his hand as he clumsily tries to keep the water wiggler from hitting the ground. “Bede!? Why’d ya give me a water wiggler!?”
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He fumbles for a few more seconds before it falls to the floor with a ‘plap’. There’s a period of silence, before Hop rolls his eyes with a good-natured sigh. “Very funny. When didya even getcher hands on one o’ these?” He snatches it up with one hand, planning on handing it back.
The water wiggler slips out of his hand.
Hop bends over and picks up the water wiggler. It slips out of his hands. Hop bends over and picks up the water wiggler. It slips out of his hands. Hop bends over and picks up the water wiggler. It slips out of his hands. Hop bends over and picks up the water wiggler. It slips out of h
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behemothbash · 3 years
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@maxsmite​​ said: He tuts fondly, having found Hop asleep on top of some paperwork. Carding his fingers through Hop's hair gently, he hums, "What am I ever going to do with you?" Gesturing to Marie to give him a hand, Hop is gently lifted by psychic energy and lead to the bedroom, where he is carefully placed on their bed. Bede removes Hop's glasses and sets them on the night table before tucking Hop in. He brushes some stray hair out of Hop's face and whispers, "Goodnight, love," before exiting the room quietly.
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Mega Evolution; a state that not only affects certain Pokemon’s appearances, but their abilities as well, and even types in some cases. Some Pokemon have more than one Mega Evolution form, but so far only few have been discovered. A Trainer not only needs to have a Key Stone on them and have their Pokemon hold a Mega Stone, but they also must have a strong bond with their Pokemon. A Pokemon cannot Mega Evolve if it’s not holding its respective Mega Stone. For example, a Blastoise cannot Mega Evolve with a Venusaurite; it can only Mega Evolve with a Blastoisinite. At first, Mega Evolution was thought to originate in Kalos, until...
Hop’s eyes flutter open slightly, Bede’s soft voice rousing him. Oh, he must have fallen asleep doing research... again. He’s not on top of his work, oddly enough; no, he’s being suspended midair thanks to... one of Bede’s Pokemon. He’s not awake enough to check - or care - who it is, in all honesty.
Ah, and there’s the softness of their bed under him... he’ll have to thank Bede for saving his poor back in the morning. Already more comfortable, his eyelids are once again shut, refusing to open until he’s gotten proper sleep. His glasses are set aside, he’s tucked in, and his boyfriend is bidding him goodnight. Sleep is calling him, but first...
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“... G’night, Plum...” He’ll have to make up for the lack of goodnight kisses in the morning, too.
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