#may or may not just be without insurance for a few months. we'll see.
orcelito · 1 year
Desperately need to commission an icon of orcelito so I don't keep just recycling the same 4 like I have for the past 7 years
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mgautotransport · 2 months
What is the cheapest company to ship your car?
Are you in the market for a reliable car shipping company in San Diego that won't break the bank? Look no further. We understand that finding the most cost-effective option for shipping your vehicle can be a daunting task, especially with so many companies vying for your attention. But fear not! In this guide, we'll explore the ins and outs of car shipping services in San Diego and help you discover the cheapest company to trust with your precious vehicle.
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Understanding Your Needs:
Before diving into the search for the cheapest car shipping company, it's crucial to assess your specific requirements. Consider factors such as the distance of transport, the type of vehicle you're shipping, your budget constraints, and any additional services you might need, such as enclosed transport or expedited delivery.
Researching Car Shipping Companies in San Diego:
With your needs in mind, it's time to start researching car shipping companies in San Diego. A simple online search using keywords like "Car Shipping Company San Diego" or "Car Transport Service In San Diego" will yield a plethora of options. Take your time to browse through their websites, read customer reviews, and compare pricing and services offered.
Comparing Pricing and Services:
While cost is undoubtedly a significant factor, it's essential to consider the overall value provided by each car shipping company. Some companies may offer lower prices but compromise on quality or reliability. Look for companies that strike a balance between affordability and service quality.
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Getting Multiple Quotes:
Once you've narrowed down your options to a handful of reputable companies, it's time to request quotes. Most car shipping companies offer free, no-obligation quotes that you can easily obtain online or over the phone. Be sure to provide accurate information about your vehicle and desired transport services to receive the most accurate estimates.
Beware of Hidden Fees:
When reviewing quotes from car shipping companies, be on the lookout for any hidden fees or surcharges. Some companies may advertise low base rates but tack on additional charges for services like door-to-door delivery, insurance, or fuel surcharges. Make sure to ask about all potential fees upfront to avoid any surprises later on.
Consider Seasonal Variations:
Keep in mind that the cost of shipping your car may vary depending on the time of year. Peak seasons, such as summer months or holiday periods, often see increased demand for car shipping services, which can drive up prices. If possible, consider scheduling your car shipment during off-peak times to secure better rates.
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Negotiate for the Best Deal:
Don't be afraid to negotiate with car shipping companies to get the best possible deal. Many companies are willing to work with customers to accommodate their budget constraints or offer discounts for various reasons. Be upfront about your budget and see if the company can tailor a shipping solution that meets your needs without breaking the bank.
When it comes to finding the cheapest company to ship your car in San Diego, thorough research and careful consideration are key. By understanding your needs, comparing pricing and services, and being vigilant about hidden fees, you can identify a reliable car shipping company that offers affordable rates without sacrificing quality. So, whether you're moving across the country or sending your vehicle for a temporary relocation, rest assured that the perfect car shipping solution is just a few clicks away.
For More Info:-
Best Car Shipping Company San Diego
Car Transport San Diego To Miami
Vehicle Shipping Services San Diego CA
Vehicle Transport Company in California
Vehicle Transport San Diego
Visit Over socials media pages:- https://www.facebook.com/mgautotransportation/
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randomrings · 7 months
Streaming hiatus and struggling financially
Genuinely terrible update: The place that I was hired by texted me a few hours ago and said they just found out they can't afford to hire any new employees. This is because they are in the process of relocating. To add to it, their new building has a separate operations manager overseeing what goes on there. The manager that was going to hire me said he will send my application to the ops manager there. I have not confirmed an actual date on when the new location will be opened but I suspect January.
What does this have to do with you? I'm taking a hiatus from streaming until I figure out my finances. We are not doing okay here and finding out the day before I start that I actually don't have the job I was promised is a really big blow. At risk of sounding beggy: https://ko-fi.com/randomrings If you have a little money to spare, feel free to donate here. The situation is too fresh for me to know how much money I actually immediately need, especially because I'm also in debt for just trying to survive. Only give if you are safe to do so but we could really use it. Not for Randomrings Channel. Not for Lexi Karma. For survival.
Thanks, everyone for your recent support. I'll come back when I can do this thing without looming dread over my head.
EDIT [12:45pm est] - Just realized that posting this with the tags I did might be vague to people who don't follow me or know me personally. Hi! I'm Ayden. I use they/them and she/her pronouns. I moved in with my partner this year, quitting my transphobic job. See, I'm trans and was discriminated against and didn't feel safe there. Unfortunately, at the time of the move, they didn't have a transfer to another building available for me. That move was this past June. I have been unemployed since. The rest of the story is above. I'm on EBT so we can get by on food and I have some money left over to scrape by on bills for the month.
Rent and water combined is roughly $800 USD a month. My split of that I have documented as $400.81 for this past month. I may have a job lined up in January. I might find something in the new few weeks. But we're struggling now. So hope that clears up the situation. Thank you!
EDIT [11:38PM EST] I took off the mutual aid request tag. We ran into a few refund checks from my old insurance policy. Though only rough $86, still not nothing. I think *yes* we are still struggling. We're frustrated, scared, and upset but I think I posted this out of a bit of panic. We'll make it through December. If not, I'll make a post like this with a little more forethought. I should do commissions. But I'm still going to be on a streaming hiatus until I can get my life a little more together.
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paypant · 1 year
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austinpanda · 3 years
Dad Letter 071821
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18 July, 2021
Dear Dad--
I shall tell you an epic tale of internet loss! Here's what happened: When we went to bed last Monday night, we had no internet. No big deal, it just goes out sometimes. Still didn't have internet when we woke up on Tuesday, and we continued to be without it all day Tuesday. Then I got off work, and called them, and spent about two and a half hours dealing with them, before the call mysteriously dropped, and I decided not to deal with it any more on Tuesday.
In the two and a half hours I spent failing to reestablish my internet connection on Tuesday, a lot of the problem was explained to me. Firstly, whenever they access my information by my phone number, my Austin, Texas Time Warner shit comes up, and they immediately feel lost in the twilight zone, because I'm in Maine, and have been for some time. Once we get through that shit, and they find our current account, then we have to verify our address. Here's where the stupidity awakens and begins doing yoga to loosen up for the arduous work ahead.
When we moved here, we couldn't get them to give us internet service. We tried so hard, in so many long phone calls, to give them our money, but they refused, because our address doesn't exist. There CAN'T be a trailer 1A, there can only be numbers. If you include a letter, the way 1-A includes a letter, it breaks the whole fucking internet. The guy who represents the leasing company that owns the trailer we're renting even went down to the local Spectrum office and talked to them in person, and it still didn't work, until this one time when we called and got that one guy, the One Right Guy, who knew how to make it work.
The way he made it work was by taking note of the fact that trailer 2 appeared empty (It was not.) and he could just put "Trailer 2" in the address, which made it work, and he could give instructions to the installation pukes that it was actually 1A who needed the connection, not trailer 2. And I was there when the pukes showed up, so I was able to make sure they ran the cable to the proper physical location. And after that, all the mail we got from them said we were trailer 2, and had pissy notes written on it by the mailman asking us to correct it.
But we couldn't correct it, because that breaks the whole internet, if you'll recall, so we found a solution: We went with paperless billing! No more mail from Spectrum, our internet providers.
Then, few days ago, someone associated with trailer 2 requested a termination of service, and sure enough, Spectrum came and shut off the cable/internet to us in trailer 1A, because of the intentionally obfuscated trailer number bullshit.
And they can't just turn us back on, because trailer 2 now has service going with Spectrum, and 1A still doesn't exist! Never fear, they assured me, in the most recent phone call. They can create my address in their system, update everything so that it all has the correct trailer number (1A) on it, and even give us a new, cheaper deal on our next 12 months of internet, EXCEPT!!! When they're creating a new address, they have to physically send someone out to do a required thing, and there's no way around that. The guy still tried to upsell me on a complete cable/internet/phone package, and asked me lots of questions about what I watch, and how much, and what I pay for my phone each month, etc. I found a genuinely sweet and non-sarcastic way of telling him, "We ain't gonna talk about that."
That last phone conversation was yesterday, Wednesday, and now it's Thursday, and they'll be coming by to hook us up between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. There's a chance I may be charged a couple of fees for the installation, but the Spectrum puke on the phone said he'd make sure we either (a) didn't get charged for it, or (b) get immediately reimbursed for all of it. We'll see how THAT goes, and it's almost time for the installation person to show up.
Okay, the installation person has come and gone. His reaction when I explained why he was there was priceless! He couldn't believe that our internet had been working fine until they switched it off by mistake and he STILL had to come out here and physically do stuff? Crazy talk! They should have fixed it over the phone! Zach and I both assured him that the nice phone pukes at Spectrum tried that many, many times, but since we were a whole new address being created, someone had to come survey the blah blah blah, and he basically said, "Yeah, that's bullshit."
Having said that, he DID have to take our combination cable modem/router away, and replace it with two devices, a cable modem, and a router. We had one combined device, a single black rectangular thing, and now we have two: a black rectangular thing, and a WiFi router that looks like it dispenses febreeze into the air, but it actually dispenses the internet. They really should make it dispense both; I know we have the technology to make that possible.
Now a couple of days have passed, and we continue to have speedy, reliable internet. I’ve been bemoaning our lack of adventure lately, but when it comes time for adventure to happen, we tend to want to stay indoors instead. I am working on fixing this! I’ve determined that a lot of my recent depression has been the result of all the isolation over the past year and a half, so I’m now attempting to do more stuff with other people. I have a goal here, too: to be able to have a New Year’s Eve party at our trailer with at least 5 or 6 fun people in attendance. So far I’m up to about 3 fun people, but I’ve got a few months to go, still.
Here’s something I’ve been experiencing some dread about: tomorrow I begin working at the casino full time. I haven’t worked full time since Progressive, years ago, and I’m worried that it’ll rob me of my sanity. I think I’m going to be okay, however! Because, as I predicted, nine hours at the casino doing audits isn’t the same as nine hours at the call center being shat upon by anxious car accident victims. Now the only person who poops on me is my boss, and then, only if I mess up something in a particularly regrettable fashion. Otherwise, my work is free from anyone giving me poop. It’s a refreshing change.
Also I’ve got a hearing aid-type thingy. Getting hearing aids is expensive, even with insurance, and I found a sort of middle ground option. They make a thing called an Olive Smart Ear. Basically, it’s a hearing aid that you can set up at home, and because (I assume) no doctor is involved in the process, they can’t legally call it a hearing aid. It’s called a conversation enhancing ear bud. Woo!
Anyway, the Olive Smart Ear isn’t really intended to be used in pairs. But when you get it, and charge it up, and stick it in  your ear, and you install the phone app, you can give yourself a hearing test. It shoots tones to your ear, and you press a button on your phone when you hear the tone. Then it adjusts the gizmo to suit your particular areas of hearing loss, and bam, something resembling a hearing aid but cheaper, with no doctor visit. You can also switch between three modes: normal living mode, conversation mode (background shit is muted) and television mode (TV shit is amplified).
I’ve spent some time wearing it and noticed a few things. First of all, I can hear all my S sounds really loud now, and I hit those Ss too hard, and it makes me sound lispy. I don’t wish to sound lispy any more than I ever wished to sound southern, so I shall work on that. Also, everything makes sounds. The remote to the projector TV makes little clicky sounds I never heard until now. Everything we own makes little clicky sounds. The air conditioner in the living room makes deafening jet engine sounds. But the hearing aid gizmo itself is kind of cool, all black with a couple of glowing lights. The whole thing is a button! You jam it in your ear, and tap and hold to turn it on, tap and hold longer to pair it with your cell phone app, tap and hold longer to turn it off. Quick tape to lower volume, quick double-tap to increase volume. It’s very futuristic. Plus, now I can hear a mouse get a hard-on.
More next week. All my love to you both!
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Running a professional search firms is actually a big business. If you consider this type of business, your expected revenue will vary from 25% to 35% for this total annual salary every single senior executive once the consumer hires your recruit. Such are one of the typical fees you may charge to prospects.
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Best Headhunters - How To Start HEALTHCARE HEADHUNTER With Less Than $100  
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Life is a mystery anyway so paying little heed to the need to get an unmistakable image of a decent vocation or employment you likewise should be extremely open and cognizant concerning what comes the right way. The correct open door doesn't generally coordinate what we figure it will resemble.  
On the off chance that in no way, shape or form inspire an extra opportunity to make great initial introduction precisely what are the odds of getting a hotel with extremely quick early introduction? 
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Author Name:- Shreya Mehta
Address:- 104 Esplanade ave 120, 
                  Pacifica, CA
Mobile No:- +1 917-668-8461
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Ngozika Louise Ogboru We'll Answer Your Pressing Questions About Real Estate Investing Today
Ngozika Louise Ogboru Proficient tips provider. The number one way to lose a lot of money in real estate investments is to make hasty decisions. Most people who are successful with their investments enjoy success because they have done the research and have years of trial and error to look back to. This article is just the first step in helping you reach your goal of real estate investing.
Do proper research before real estate investing. Look at between fifty and a hundred properties in the area of interest. Compare them using good note taking and a spread sheet. On the spreadsheet list the price, necessary repairs and expected rental income. You will easily see which properties are good investments and which are not.
Ngozika Louise Ogboru Proficient tips provider. Do not be afraid to spend money on marketing. It is easy to just focus on the numbers and get fixated on how much marketing is costing you. However, it is important to think of the marketing as an investment in and of itself. If done the right way, it will only benefit you in the end.
Always be on time when you set up a meeting with a potential client. This will indicate that you mean business and will show no disrespect to your potential customer. Coming to a meeting late shows that you are unorganized and do not care about your customers, which will cause you to lose them.
Be careful about choosing properties with strange room layouts. You may personally find it interesting, but many people don't like these strangely developed properties. They can be extremely hard sells. Picking one up without a potential buyer in mind can lead to it sitting in your inventory for months, if not years.
When contemplating a real estate investment, be certain that the rent payments you can collect will cover the bulk of your mortgage. This can help you get on the right foot. The worst thing that can happen to you is your need to dip into your cash reserves to pay your mortgage because you do not have enough tenant income coming in to cover it.
Evaluate neighborhoods just as you do the individual properties. An attractive and desirable neighborhood usually performs well under most market conditions, while depressed areas can be a real challenge. You can make many different changes to a house, but you cannot change the location it is in.
When doing a home improvement that requires digging, call to see if buried lines are present. In some cities, you can be cited for digging without finding this out first because of the extreme damage you can cause if you hit a line.
Beware of buying single-family homes in a neighborhood that is full of rental property. Typically, a rental neighborhood is not a desirable location for buyers who want to raise a family. The value of single-family homes in this type of neighborhood will not likely go up very much because of their location.
Ngozika Louise Ogboru Proficient tips provider. You may want to consider a company that specializes in managing properties. Even though it will eat into your profits, in the end, it can be a wise investment. Property management can screen the renters interested in your property, as well as take care of repair costs. This gives you extra time to spend on other investments.
Insure all of your properties, even if they are currently vacant. While insurance can get expensive, it will ultimately protect your investment. If something were to go wrong on the land or in a building you own, you will be covered. Also, have a general safety inspection conducted once in a while too, just to be on the safe side.
Never give up! Real estate investing is not a simple thing to jump into. There's a lot to learn, and you should expect quite a few bumps and bruises along the way. But with patience and increased skills from playing the game, you'll become better and better at it.
Always consider the market if you are looking to buy property to turn around and resell it. It can be risky to invest in a market that is flooded with available properties. You don't want to be stuck with something that you have to sell at little or no profit. Understand that you may have to wait to get the best price so make sure you can do that.
Ngozika Louise Ogboru Professional tips provider. Before buying any property in an area you don't know, look into the economics and trends of the local market. High unemployment rates could keep the prices of property on the downside. That means you will get a very small return, if any. An area that is thriving will have high property values.
Try and partner up with lenders and other investment types as you develop your real estate portfolio. Once you get to know them and they understand that you are a reliable partner, you may end up getting all the financing you need for future endevours. Consider working out a percentage of profits with them in advance and then go shopping for real estate.
As an investor, be very picky about the properties you will invest in. This means that before you even consider making an offer, you take the time to thoroughly inspect the property. To be even more on the safe side, hire a professional inspector to perform a walk-through and ensure the property is structurally sound.
Always be prepared to calculate before you make an investment in real estate. Calculate your lending costs, any repairs and updating that may need to be done as well as how long you might be left holding the property. While the selling price may look good, there are numerous other factors to consider before buying.
Ngozika Louise Ogboru Skilled tips provider. Hopefully, this article has helped you see that there is more to real estate investments than really meets the eye. It is important that you take baby steps when you finally set your eyes on a property and use what you have learned today. After all, the more you know, the better your chances of turning a profit.
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