#may seem like a weird choice to you - but it'll make sense when you read it
chiharuhashibira · 1 year
dude you and that anon are so wholesome LMAO i’m at work rn and their comment abt hoping work goes well is so real 🗣️
and since i’m in the mood to hop on the kaigaku request train (if you don’t mind it ofc) can i get canon divergent headcanons of what would happen if kaigaku still became a demon but continued fighting in the corps? maybe bc his S/O exists and he managed to make some friends or smth and he ends up not being well. as morally cringefail as he is in canon. like he’s still a snarky shithead (/affection) but becoming a demon kind of changed his outlook on life when he has to make a crucial choice y’know? hope this makes sense LOL anyways keep up the great work
Sorry if I took so long in writing your request >.< But as promised~ Here are my Kaigaku creations hihi ^^
Thanks @samnook for the request 🌸
Also, I wanna tie this up with my other Kaigaku creation sooo here it is!
𝑴𝒚 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫: 𝐊𝐚𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐤𝐮
Content Warnings: Curse Words and a bit Suggestive
If you want a semi backstory, read this first:
If you want it to be like no backstory and you're unaware of his past, read this:
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❥ Kaigaku has turned into a demon, a mistake that he had made before. But that doesn't stop him from working at the Demon Slayer Corps to repent for everything that he did in the past. He wanted to help other people and stop others from committing the same mistake as he did. He had managed to free himself from Muzan's grasp and you may wonder why? It's all because of his love for you.
❥ Kaigaku is still cocky as fuck sometimes. If he wouldn't be, then who is he? But then you managed to create a certain balance within him, despite all his moral dilemmas. The Demon would usually soften up when he saw you in his missions, making him want to protect you more than ever now that he has more power to do so.
❥ And when we say power, we mean it. Kaigaku's powerful, and thankfully, he's using it for the Corps and not against you all. A part of you is sad that Kaigaku would eventually see you get old and eventually die, but that's what life is. You're sad that he chose to be a demon before, but you're also happy that he's trying his best to do lots of great things despite being one.
❥ You will sometimes see Kaigaku doing some weird-ass contest with other slayers for fun, even if he knows he will win. This usually makes you smile, as somehow your lover starts to have his own group of friends. Unlike before, when he was too busy in his own world.
❥ Kaigaku seems to be wiser now. With the way he speaks and deals with problems. He's a demon, but he makes sure to resolve things as fast as possible now that "We don't have much time." He has all the time in the world, but he still doesn't want you to feel alone.
❥ And yes, when we say fights, we mean that Kaigaku could kill other demons in one slash before they could even touch you. He's protective and very loving. You know that. So, at the end of the fights, he would usually be the one who gained wounds.
❥ He clearly knows that he could heal those wounds in one instant, but Kaigaku would let them on his body because of two things. The first is because he wants to feel human again. He kind of misses that. The second is because he wants you to take care of him.
❥ A demon lover also means that he's active at night. And when we put night and activity together, it'll definitely end with you screaming in pleasure as he shows you how much he has missed you.
❥ You love Kaigaku so much, despite all his flaws. So even if you know that you're weaker than him now, you still do your best to protect him and make him happy. You will sometimes find yourself sitting on the engawa with him, just looking at the stars after a long night.
"Do you miss it?" "Miss what?" "The sun?" "Oh that. Yes."
❥ Kaigaku would often be saddened because he couldn't watch the sunrise and sunset with you now, even if he wanted to.
❥ You would often end up embracing your demon lover and soothing him, sharing his dream to see the sun once again.
❥ But of course, one day, you'll never know if a cure will come and your lover will finally come back to you in his original form. All you feel now is too much love for Kaigaku. As long as you're here, you'll definitely keep him together and away from the demonic things he sometimes wants to try.
𝑨𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒂𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒂-𝒔𝒂𝒏~
Thank you for reading this Kaigaku HC ^^ Hope you enjoyed it!
I'll reveal a little secret. So my brain is sleepy and my reading comprehension became crazy so... at first, I wrote a headcanon with a drama for Kaigaku like a story where he has dilemma because his lover was the demon slayer who will kill him or something!
But yeah, if you're lucky I might release it too HAHA!
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guardian5tiger3 · 1 year
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Group one
Y'all got it going on when it comes to money. Seems like you guys are in yo bag I heard . Lol.seems like you're distracting or blocking out something. It may be thoughts and or could be conversation. It might be something uncomfortable to bring up. But it seems to really wanna or keep trying to come up though.things may change or did cause of this or would if you brought it up maybe. If that seems bad or you're worried about that for some reason it only seems that way because of your perspective..you all need to actually change your angle on this. That will help in some way or another depending on who you are.
Group two
You guys in bed a lot? I saw someone in bed and someone sending a kid to go get this person and the kid turned a bright as light on on them. So this is symbolic , of some type of abrupt light, change🍀,disturbance. So when I typed that I went to put, and hit the emojis instead and then 🍀... So dang ..I got something about The Hunger Games..you all need to use your voice. I heard someone say speak clearly. Don't be afraid to say how you feel and what you mean as bluntly as it is so. I keep hearing counterfeit . Also you guys might be expressing something but it isn't the right direction if you go with the flow more you might not find the path appealing but you're being guided somewhere beautiful, you didn't know you needed it type of thing, maybe. Seriously about counterfeit so watch the hell out for that especially in regards to other people acting like someone they're not , and of course money that isn't channeled but it's concerning right so just watch out... Something is coming in for you guys , seems completely different for all of you guys. But I can say there is fire energy and air energy here. So actually for some of you I feel like you get two opportunities one of them is wrong one of them is right. The right choice will sit well with you and you'll be able to tell that it or they are what's right for you. Almost like it'll feel natural.
Group three
Super strange reading already. I'm kind of confused I'm not gonna lie. It seems that there's one energy. And another matching one. The first one seemed at first to be possibly blamed for something. Then it seemed that the first energy was being protected, or having peace at least with the energy blaming or looking at them, right. The second energy, that is matching is now seemingly to blame.
If this is infact about kids it seems like they're just being kids and either way kids or not, it's suggested that you should take an unemotional approach. Maybe to the point and kind of like, "I see through you." If that makes sense. Be stronger than the situation ,whatever it is.
Also there might be some energy here definitely for some a kid, and they're going to stir something up it seems, or do something possibly sort of destructive. Best advice I'm being given to give to you, is to get more involved with whatever the kid or any energy it is is involved in if that makes sense. If you're kid likes arts and crafts support them in that fully and get involved.
Group four
You guys might want to think about the past , and how you used to be, from wherever it is that you've come, and contemplate it all. I think there's something some of yall don't seem to be noticing. I think you've grown a lot as people. Someone's been stealing your energy or doing something like that to you okay and so it looks like they're gonna have to give it back in a sort of shameful way. Like I'm seeing them sad walk all upset and depressive and shamefully and give something rightfully yours and or somebody else's back and this energy is abundant and nice. This seems to me like you have to let go of something possibly. And how will you do that if you don't know what to let go of. I am sorry I don't know why but I'm getting something about tw. Jesus and specifically when he was on the crucifix and also oddly and specifically at night. Maybe also a vampire. So weird two things to mix and compare so idk wth.its a possibilty that you have something that feels wrong within you. Sadness, mental illnesses, something and you need to get to the root of it to fix it. That's what I feel. Protect yourselves. Spirits are watching your back at this time especially they are super surveiling everything around you to make sure you're ok so that also shows me though you could possibly be at risk of something negative so please do make sure you're protecting yourselves ok. Another thing they want those of you with 1 sadness 2 anger 3 grief especially to channel those into some type of motivation or power. And if you like toast eat toast or if you need to eat eat some damn toast.
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spaceorphan18 · 3 years
99 Perspectives on a Single Love Story #98
A/N: The Story of Kurt and Blaine told through the eyes of everyone else but them. Each chapter is a different perspective in the ongoing tale of their love story.
I started something like this a while back - and now I’m taking the idea and really running with it. Each chapter is a ficlet of a different character at a different point in Kurt and Blaine’s life - documenting their love story. This starts in Audition, and each chapter will be paired with a different episode until reaching Dreams Come True.
Burt Hummel (2009)
Burt Hummel finishes cooking his grilled cheese and slides it on the plate. He adds some chips, and grabs a light beer from the fridge, pointedly ignoring the can of Campbell’s Vegetable Soup that Kurt has left out for him. The kid is always trying to get him to eat his veggies. It’s weird how the things have swapped and it’s the child who is trying to get the parent to eat better.
But Kurt isn’t the one making dinner tonight - as he usually does - because he’s too busy having a friend over. A girl friend. Kurt had asked if he could splurge on a pizza and Burt had been so grateful to see a smile on his kid's eager face that he fished over a twenty with no question. Burt can’t remember the last time Kurt had a friend over - let alone a girl. Let alone a really nice girl, with polite manners. Makes Burt feel like he’s doing something in his parenting right for once.
Burt gathers his dinner, but before he heads up the stairs, he pauses a moment at the edge of the living room, taking a moment to watch Kurt engage with his new friend. Kurt’s happily chattering away over the show they’re watching - some design show that Kurt’s always talking about.
“I just don’t think that orange wool and brown polyester are a match,” Kurt is telling her, with an impressive air of knowledge behind his words. “And the scoop neck just does not work for someone with that long of a neck. Her body frame just is not made for it.” Kurt continues on, not letting his friend get a word in edgewise, and it makes Burt smile. It reminds him of when Kurt had been a young child, talking his parents’ ears off over whatever thing was holding his interest. A nice contrast to the stony silence Kurt usually surrounds himself in these days.
“Yeah, I guess I can see that,” the girl - Mercedes - says. But Burt can tell she’s just as lost as he is when Kurt discusses this clothing stuff. On screen the model turns revealing that she’s wearing, well, Burt can’t really tell, other than it doesn’t seem to be covering the correct parts. Mercedes, however, seems to be placating him rather well. She brushes his arm as she laughs at one of his jokes. She’s a bit taken with him.
Burt might see it, but Kurt doesn’t notice. And as much as he’d love his kid to reciprocate with a nice young lady like this Mercedes, he knows, deep down, that he won’t.
“He’s going to come out as gay to us one of these days,” he hears the voice of his wife tell him - a conversation from long ago. “You’re going to have to make your peace with that.”
“He’s still young,” Burt had tried to reason then. “We don’t know if we’ll grow out of it.”
Liz had laughed at that, deeply amused. “Pretty sure it’s not something you grow out of.”
“I just don’t want him getting hurt. You know the gays are--”
“Are what?” She had challenged, her eyebrow raised high, like she always did when she thought he was dead wrong. It’s not like he knew what he was really talking about anyway. “I know you don’t get it - but remember Kurt’s like me. An old, romantic soul. He just might happen to bring home a Disney Prince instead of a Princess. And we’ll love him just the same.”
Burt lets out a sigh as the memory fades. She had always been right. He may not get his own kid, but damn if he doesn’t love him. He just wishes Liz were here to help him make sense of it all. His heart aches just then. She’d be so happy to see Kurt with a new friend.
“Miss ya, Liz,” he utters under his breath.
Kurt turns just then, and for a moment, he sees Liz in him. “Dad?” he asks, uncertain. “Did you need something?”
“Nope,” he grunts as he takes a swig of his beer. “Just keep it down tonight. I have to be up early tomorrow.”
“We will,” Kurt smiles and nods, and turns his attention back to Mercedes and the TV.
Burt lingers just a little longer, allowing a smile himself before heading up the stairs.
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seventeendeer · 3 years
I’m really glad you mentioned the Susie and Noelle dynamic. When I was playing through chapter 2 it felt like not only was Susie “oblivious” to noelles advances, but even kinda rejected them sometimes. (denying to share the teacup ride with her and when the player picks for her to say something romantic in the Ferris wheel she completely goes the opposite direction)
I’m not saying that Susie is COMPLETELY opposed to Noelle in a romantic sense but I honestly am leaning towards an aromantic and asexual Susie! Knowing Toby fox he may go that direction to challenge our expectations but I really hope he wont get any backlash if he DID decided to do that. It’s still too early to tell, this is just my personal thoughts on it!
While aroace Susie is an excellent take, I do think a lot of narrative choices point to her liking Noelle back - I just think it's also trying to contrast Susie's more relaxed and (for a lack of a better word) "natural" crush against Noelle's almost obsessive feelings. Susie likes Noelle a lot and thinks she's cute, but that doesn't mean she's going to jump at every opportunity to get closer to her, especially because she's still inexperienced at even just making friends with people. On the other hand, Noelle seems to turn into a completely different person whenever Susie is so much as mentioned in conversation, even though she barely knows a thing about her prior to chapter 2.
Coupled with all the other weird stuff surrounding Noelle, I'm predicting future chapters will dig into her mental health problems a lot more and reveal that her trauma and her fixation on Susie are linked. I think she does sincerely like and respect Susie as a person, but I also think she's using her own crush on her as a coping mechanism. Noelle craves being protected and cared for, but she also seems to struggle with self-loathing and depending on how you read certain bits of symbolism, she might be at danger of self-harm - the idea of being with someone big and strong and mean like Susie might appeal to her because she would simultaneously have someone to protect her and someone to inflict the pain and humiliation she feels she deserves.
As previously mentioned, I do think they'll get together in the end, but I think it'll be a bumpy ride on the way there. I'm guessing as Susie gets more friendly and more traditionally heroic, Noelle might realize that she actually likes this version of her better than the role she'd been projecting on her up until that point. This could coincide with other positive development for Noelle, where she realizes she actually deserves to be treated with kindness and care. Discarding the Susie in her head in favor of the real Susie could be used as a symbol of her choosing recovery over self-destructive coping mechanisms.
I didn't care that much about Susie and Noelle's relationship in chapter 1, but when it was hinted in chapter 2 that Noelle's feelings might be a lot more complex, I got super hyped about it, I think there's a lot of potential for a really cool and unconventional storyline with those two and I really hope that's where the story's gonna go!
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White Lies (Pt. 14 of 21)
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Pairing: Keanu Reeves X Reader
Word count: 2.1 K
Summary: Keanu found the girl almost dead, in the wrecks of what was once her car. While she was in surgery, stuck in a coma, he gathered the best doctors of New York to attend to her. They told him she is likely to have some kind of brain damage, what may lead to memory loss. And this possibility added up wit the fact that she's pregnant, made the council come up with an odd idea. They asked Keanu to pretend to be her husband, since the stress of finding out everything that happened could put the baby in danger. He reluctantly agreed, but only if she does has some kind of memory loss. He still goes she'll wake up soon, with her memories intact.
But when you finally wake up, there's nothing inside. You're quick to find your head is empty, void, like a blank canvas. The only thing that brings you some relief, that makes you feel less lonely is the mention of a husband. And you can't wait to meet him, because you know you can't deal with this by yourself.
<- Previous part (13)
Next part (15)->
{Keanu Reeves Masterlist}
{John Wick Masterlist}
The Truth Always Finds A Way
“It's absolutely beautiful. I love it.” Laura says as you walk with her back to the living room. You just showed her Liam's bedroom, which is finally ready.
It's your fault it took so long though because there were a lot of things you couldn't decide on. But now it's ready, right on time thankfully, because it's the beginning of week 39, and you and Keanu are on full alert because it can happen anytime.
“Thanks. We have everything in place.” Gesturing at the door, Laura easily spots the bag lying on the floor. “That's the bag with everything I'll need in case we have to run.”
“So Keanu convinced you on a natural labor then.”
“Google convinced me.” Slowly, you drop to the couch, sighing. “Sweetie, you're making mommy so heavy.” You whisper to the baby, putting your feet up on the coffee table.
“You're almost here, little one.” Laura lowers her head near your belly. “Aunt Laura will spoil you so bad your mom will hate me.” She fell into his aunt role, but you don't mind. Since you don't have any siblings, you're happy Liam will have an aunt on Laura. “We'll pair up to prank your parents, right?”
“God help me.” You dramatically moan, eyes rolling.
“Planning on having more kids?” She asks, a hand caressing your belly.
“Yes. We have spoken about it and we'll have at least one more.” Smiling, you play with the tips of your hair. “Maybe Sophie will come, but if it's another boy it'll be Ethan.”
“I like it.” She says. “Oh, I have to ask. What was it yesterday? Lucia came over?”
“Yes, she did.” Not even on the last days of your pregnancy that woman leaves you alone. “It was fine until Keanu kissed me. Then it became a fight again. She just can't accept Keanu and I are fine. I don't remember him, but I fell for him again. I don't get what's the big deal.” When you look up at Laura, she has a weird expression on her face. “What is it?”
“N-nothing. Nothing.” She stutters, clearing her throat. “That's odd.”
“It is...” Furrowing your eyebrows, you're just about to say something when her phone starts ringing. “That's my alarm. I'll have to go.” She gets up, offering you a hand to pull you up. “But I can call later if you want to talk.”
“Sure, thank you.” Hugging her the best you can, you walk her to the front door, locking it after she leaves.
There isn't much going on today, so you head upstairs to your bedroom, smiling to hear the shower on. Tiptoeing into the bathroom, you see Keanu inside the box, so you silently take your clothes off before sliding the glass open.
That's when he notices you, turning around and smiling. “Is Laura gone?”
“Yeah.” Holding onto his arm, you step inside, feeling the warm water on your skin. “Heard the shower and thought I could join you.” Wrapping your arms around his neck, you kiss him, slow and passionately. In moments like this, the whole world disappears. New York is gone, the busy streets and its people... There's nobody else, no worries, just you and him.
“You know we can't...” He whispers, pulling away from a little.
“I know. I just wanna shower, I promise.” You didn't have any ideas, but now you do. But still, you have to stick with showering only. “Help me, Ke.”
“You're such a teaser.” But despite the dramatic eye roll, Keanu grabs the body wash and starts rubbing it through your body.
Much to your dismay, Keanu has become a master of self-control, and once you're done, you have no choice but to leave, dry, and dress yourself as you wait for him. Back in the bedroom, his phone starts beeping, as many messages come through.
“Ke, your phone is beeping like crazy.” You tell him, raising your voice a little as you finish brushing your hair.
“Can you check if it's Robert?”
“Sure.” Walking around the bed, you sit down as you take his phone, your eyes taking in the notifications.
But it isn't Robert, it's Lucia. Pinching your eyebrows together, you start getting angry. Whatever reasons she's texting Keanu, it's probably not good. Unlocking his phone, you quickly find the messages app, opening it, and reading the texts.
‘You can't possibly think this will go on after the birth.’
‘I will tell her myself.’
‘You're disgusting. Lying to her like that, while she's vulnerable.’
Your heart starts beating so fast it drums in your ears. Her words are a mystery, and you're struggling to bring sense into it.
‘(Y/N) has the right to know about Daniel.’
‘My son. My dead son, her true husband.’
The messages keep coming and you start crying, a hand on your mouth to cover the sobs.
This can't be right. What is she saying? There's a sudden, pounding pain on your head, as your eyes go through the new texts.
‘You can tell yourself whatever you want, but this is all on you.’
‘You're lucky I'm not the type of person to expose celebrities, or else I'm sure your career would be over.’
‘You can't just keep lying to (Y/N) like this, it's not fair to her.’
‘This child isn't yours, it will never be.’
‘You can say this is for her own good, but I don't believe this bullshit.’
Standing up to your feet, you throw the phone away, further into the bed, too far for you to reach. You can't read it anymore. Is she lying?
No. Lucia mentioned Daniel as if he meant something to you. Michael did the same. He didn't seem to understand how you were with Keanu, since you were with Daniel...
Too many things come flooding back. Keanu's first distance, some weird expressions you couldn't read when you made certain questions... But still, you can't bring yourself to believe it. Maybe Lucia just wants to ruin your marriage.
When you hear the bathroom door closing, you turn around, not even trying to hide your tears. Keanu gets worried the moment he looks at you.
“(Y/N)? What happened?”
“Why is Lucia saying Daniel was my true husband?” You burst out, both hands clenched into fists. “That this kid isn't yours, that you're lying to me.” Pointing at the phone, you wipe off some tears. “It was her, not Robert.”
Keanu's face drops, and his whole posture changes. That's how you know it. That's when you realize Lucia is telling the truth.
“No...” You mutter, heart breaking as you bring both hands to cover your face. This can't be real, but his silence, his inability to answer proves your otherwise. “Please, Keanu, say something!” You yell, bending over a little when a sharp pain spreads through your hips. With a hand on the bed, you sustain your weight, standing up straight again.
“I'm so sorry, (Y/N), I–”
“My God.” Cutting him off, you pace around, a lump in your throat. You can only feel, and watch, as your whole world comes crashing down. It feels like you're in a nightmare, under torture, with a knife being put through your heart. “How could you...” It comes out a whisper, so you repeat, yelling this time. “How could you do that?!”
“(Y/N), please listen–” He comes forward, making his way around the bed, but you step back, hands raised.
“I don't wanna listen!” You snap, eager to put some distance between you and him. “I don't wanna listen! We... We slept together!” The memory comes back like a wrecking ball, and you feel violated, betrayed. “I–... I gave myself to you because I thought you were my husband. I–” The wave of pain cuts you short again, and you gasp, using the wall to sustain your weight.
“(Y/N), what are you–”
“Stay away from me!” Shouting, you find the closet door, rushing inside and locking yourself inside.
You're moving even before you notice, grabbing the first baggage you find and searching for your clothes, messily shoving it inside the box. Keanu is saying something, knocking, pleading, but you don't want to hear.
He was everything, and now, you just want him to be nothing.
Your head feels like it could explode as you remember all the moments you shared since you first saw him, in the hospital room. Like an idiot, you felt secure back then to know there was someone to look after you, to guide you in a life you didn't know anything about. When he told you about the pregnancy, you thanked the heavens for having a husband by your side. You were scared, terrified, empty... Just as you are now.
Keanu is nothing to you. The happy, wonderful marriage is just a lie. Your life, the man you love... “Go away!” You shout at him, making a damn mess on his closet, but you don't care. You don't want to love him, not anymore.
With whatever is left of your strength and dignity, you close the baggage and leave, pushing Keanu out of your way, sight blurry with tears. “Siri, call me a cab.” You tell as you walk past Keanu's phone, the change of lighting on the screen showing you it got your command.
“(Y/N), please don't leave.”
“Do you really expect me to stay?” Struggling on the stairs with the baggage and your huge belly, you hold tightly on the railing until you're safe on the floor. “A-after you... Damn it! I don't even know why you did this!” You're yelling again, moving to the front door, hoping the cab will get here soon. “What kind of man are you? What kind of person does this?”
“Let me explain, please. I found you after you crashed the car and–”
“And you decided to take me?! Is that it? You thought I was pretty, and I was in the perfect position for you to take me and play couple?!” A horn makes you sigh, and part of you is relieved that you'll go away from the man, the part that's burning with anger.
But there's another side, probably your heart, that hurts, aches for him. This is what's making you cry, and it yells for you to stay. To listen.
But despite his begging, you leave, pulling the door open and running to the cab.
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Keanu isn't the one to cry often. He does feel sad, but tears are something rare.
But today, they come rolling down, like a flood.
How could it be any different? After everything he has done, how could he expect this to have a different end? This is what he deserves.
Pacing around the house, lost, he finds himself in the kitchen. Looking at the table, he sees her there, in her pale blue sweater, beautiful, smiling, putting a strand of hair behind her ear. He can't even count how many meals they had here, instead of using the dining room, because (Y/N) felt it was more intimate. Averting his eyes, he stares at the fridge, and there she is again, in her pink lace gown pajamas, stretching out on her swollen belly, marking down the weeks.
(Y/N) will haunt him for the rest of his life.
Slamming his hands on the island, he takes the small flower pot and throws it across the room, giving vent to his anger. Anger at himself for doing this. He could've said no. He could've told her he truth, that he found her, and that he would stand by her side for as long as she needed him.
But he decided on the lie.
Making his way upstairs, his phone's screen is on. Taking it from the bed, he finds the app tracking where the cab is going. Where she is going... But he closes it, going to the gallery instead, where he starts skipping through the photos they took.
Keanu is heartbroken for the first time in his life. On every photo, it hurts more and more, until he can't take it anymore. The tears are blinding him, so he lies down on his back, eyes on the ceiling. The house feels empty already, cold... But that's good. Because it suits him perfectly, that's exactly how he feels.
@multific @inumorph @aestheticallywinchester @bvbwestfall @liviiii98 @allie1804-fan @gian-giannina @playboygeniusphilanthropist @partypoison00 @mariafetamina @fortheloveoffanfic @trin303
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local-triggerhead · 3 years
[Theory/Analysis] The Motives of Each Eugenicist
Wow, look at me rising from the graves and dusting off this account after 800 years like it's nothing. Your Trigger hype beast is back baby, if any of you still remember me.
This post contains spoilers for both Gridman and Dynazenon.
Ahem. I want to make this post to gather my thoughts and better understand the antagonists of the show, as they aren't heavily featured and explored like Akane. It's just my own analysis based on what I can observe in the show, so some parts would be more vague and generate different interpretations. This analysis may seem obvious to some and not so much to others, but I hope it'll offer some clarity regardless. Tl;dr at the bottom.
The General Motive
It's pretty much given in the show. The Kaiju Eugenicists wanted to destroy humanity and create a world where themselves and kaiju can live and be accepted. They believe that the world is a better place as you're no longer being tied down by human bonds, granting you unrestricted freedom beyond even the laws of physics. This is their shared goal. However, each of them have separated purposes and things they want to achieve along with this.
Let's start with the 2 more obvious cases. Onija clearly stated what he wanted to do - kill all humans. How many times did he yell this out? It's kind of shoved-in-your-face. No other Eugenicists expressed this desire as strongly as he did. At the base level, he simply wanted to live. He was brutally killed once and was determined to not let it happen again no matter what. This is why "I thought I was dead" was a constant running joke. It's also why Onija had a deep personal grudge towards Gauma and humans, who were the cause of his death 5000 years ago.
Juuga had a deep admiration for Gauma and looked up to him. Unlike Onija, he didn't wish to oppose Gauma, but to make an alliance instead. When the Eugenicists first appeared, Juuga said:
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It's clear from this line that he wanted things to be the way it was 5000 years ago, where they were a group of friends working towards the same goal. He missed and yearned for that carefree time. The original Eugenicist group was the most important thing to him. You can see that he never fought with any other Eugenicists, but remained calm and passive towards them at all times. This attitude only extended towards the Eugenicists, as he had no qualms about killing anyone else for his goal, including the Dynazenon crew.
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Even when Mujina stole Dyna Striker, the first thing that came to his mind was using it to negotiate with Gauma and get him back.
These last 2 Eugenicists are slightly more complicated to pick apart, as they process things more internally.
At first, Mujina was very indecisive and didn't buy much into this kaiju thing. All she wanted was to finish it quickly so she could leave. She was lost in life and just followed the other Eugenicists around because she had no directions of her own. Then Mujina found Koyomi, someone who also didn't have anything going for himself and just plainly a loser in his life. He was someone she could feel related to. Mujina's attitude supposedly changed after she was tackled by Koyomi, but I believe this just pissed her off and only played a part in her personality shift. The other cause, I think, was Sizumu's encouragement, where she "realized that kaiju is all [she has] got" and that she had to take responsibility for her actions.
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Koyomi came to play a major role in episode 11, when Mujina witnessed him starting to look for a job. The only person who she could feel related to was unaffected by the aftermath of the kaiju and moving forward with ease. Meanwhile, Mujina, who had just found her purpose in life, lost it once again and was now completely stuck, as the future where the Eugenicists could live and be accepted was destroyed. When facing such a crisis, one would seek to put the blame on something for all of their problems, and Koyomi just happened to be the perfect target.
Toughest one to crack here, but I'll shoot my best shot. In the beginning, he opposed the Dynazenon crew the least among the Eugenicists. He suggested against killing them, had the most interaction with Yomogi and Yume, and suggested Mujina to return Dyna Striker for seemingly no reasons at all. His main reason for not killing Team Dynazenon was to see more kaiju, and getting close to Yomogi and Yume was for his kaiju to absorb their emotions. However, I believe there was another underlying reason that tied his actions together. He was looking for an alliance.
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Contrary to Juuga, the alliance he was looking for didn't only include Gauma, but Team Dynazenon as a whole. To understand why he searched for this, we must first look at what he was. He had an ability that allowed him to hear kaiju voices, which gave him a much deeper understanding of kaiju compared to the other Eugenicists. Due to this, while the others more or less thought of kaiju as a mean to create a world where they can live and be accepted, Sizumu would consider kaiju as his own kind, so much so that he had a severe disconnection with humans. He distanced himself away from even the Eugenicists, almost as if he only tagged along because they shared the same basic goal.
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He didn't seek to understand humans, but instead for humans to understand kaiju. His goal was to create a world where not only the Eugenicists were accepted, but kaiju themselves were accepted. He believed that the world was better off like this, because, from his perspective, kaiju could liberate people from human bonds and offer them unlimited freedom. To me, this is rather hypocritical as he never understood why people tied themselves to these bonds in the first place, so he wasn't in a position to say what was better and what wasn't.
Sizumu was the only Eugenicist to mention this kaiju power and express his distaste towards human bonds. He explained this very early on to Yomogi and Yume, and why did he do this, you may ask? Why, to help them understand his views and create an opening for a potential alliance, of course. If his only purpose was to absorb their emotions, then that's quite a lot of unnecessary effort to make himself look friendly and approachable to an uncanny degree, especially when being "friendly and approachable" wasn't his forte. No, he was testing the water to see if he could get them on his side.
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Then came an unexpected opportunity for him to determine once and for all if Team Dynazenon can understand and accept kaiju. He let a failed kaiju run free and distracted the Eugenicists away from it (with a tactic he learned from Chise) to see what the Dynazenon crew would do. Some people said that it's to test if any of them were kaiju user, and while that's possible, I think it's a little unlikely. Sizumu only observed them at 2 instances, first was when they started the search for the kaiju, the second was when their beam destroyed the kaiju. Unless the kaiju voices could tell him, there would be no way for Sizumu to know if any of them used Instance Domination, until the very end when Yomogi used it on him. The likelier hypothesis would be: he saw them searching for the kaiju > he saw the kaiju being killed > he surmised that kaiju couldn't exist peacefully with Team Dynazenon, and didn't seem to be particularly happy about it.
From then on, Sizumu decided that they couldn't be his allies thus no longer approached Yomogi or Yume. It seems that he arrived to this final conclusion:
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And this is where the series itself left off. Kaiju simply can't co-exist with humans. They are irregulars to the human society. Furthermore, the freedom that they offer can't be allowed to exist as running away from society and real human connections is wrong, even if reality is ugly and difficult to face. This is what make the series similar to Gridman. However, unlike Akane, the antagonists of Dynazenon failed to realized this and didn't get their happy ending.
(A detail that I'd like to mention is that Sizumu was silent during the entire final battle in contrast to the other Eugenicists who were pumping themselves up. It was like he was saying, "Didn't want to do this but I guess you left me with no choice". Though silence can mean anything so it's not a concrete evidence.)
TL;DR and Final Words
This is so much longer than I thought and I really apologize for it. I just don't want to make anyone do logical leaps when reading this post.
- Onija wanted to live and had a grudge towards Gauma and humans for causing his death.
- Juuga wanted Gauma to join them again and for things to be back the way it was 5000 years ago. He cared for nothing outside of the Eugenicists group.
- Munija wanted a purpose, found one, then lost it again. She envied Koyomi for regaining his sense of purpose and moving forward with his life.
- Sizumu wanted humans to understand kaiju and a world where kaiju can set humans free from their bonds. Initially considered an alliance with Team Dynazenon, but concluded that them (and people in general) couldn't understand kaiju after all.
- Final message of the show: Go touch some grass and talk to humans you fucking weebs.
When using Instance Domination, the palms of the Eugenicists always face towards the kaiju. The only exception is the last battle where Sizumu's palm faced towards himself, indicating that the kaiju was inside him. I believe that it was located at the center of his chest, where he shot out that weird magical light beam. Just a small thing I find interesting.
If we want to take it a step further, I believe the seed inside him had already grown into a kaiju, but it was still relatively small until he used Instance Domination on it. Eerie, huh?
And this is more of the theory territory and leaving the analysis, but this could possibly be why he was able to hear kaiju voices. Chise was able to understand Goldburn and translated for him at the end, so maybe having a kaiju inside of you would allow you to understand other kaiju somehow? If this is the case, he would probably have had the kaiju inside of him since 5000 years ago.
There's also this big brain moment from a 4chan user. The resemblance between Yume and Juuga is kinda uncanny considering they're both obsessed with the past.
That's it boys. I'm gonna crawl back into my hole until next century, or until Trigger drops Edgerunners. 8/10 show, VERY underrated gem. Trigger won't stop saving anime.
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
Hey y'all a few things here.
My ADHD brain wants to add a bit to the ending of my last chapter of "magic". But it's already been out for a little bit so people have read it and I guess I just have to tell people to read it and it's kind of looks sloppy but I think it ties in more to the beginning but whatever.
Secondly, as soon as whenever I wrote the line about Raul sparza existing in the same universe as black magic, I started getting this idea for sequel to Black Magic called-- I think we'd call it Doppelganger?
And it's about-- well I can't get into it completely but after the epilogue of black magic somebody recognizes Rafael outside of work in public, and they're doing something that is unprecedented and shocking and it'll make way more sense when you read the epilogue I swear to God it's nothing gross.
Anyway, work gets out in the Broadway sphere and the actual Raul Esparza finds out and storms into Rafael's office and it turns out that they look exactly the same. And they may or may not have similar personality traits. And a bunch of other stuff that is quirky and supernatural and all kinds of stuff.
I have to hang ups on writing this fic though:
Firstly, it gets into the line between writing about fictional characters and writing about actual real life people. Something that I find appalling. (No offense if you do, I just wouldn't do it. And yet here I am.)
But like I said this is supposed to be an au where you know, magic exists and doppelgangers and other things that I will include later so really it's not 'Raul' as far as a in our world like actual real life. He's a person that happens to have his name and personality traits and look exactly like him.
Secondly obviously having two men that look exactly the same-- It begs the question if you had the choice, would you pick Raul or Rafael? And I'll be honest with you, it's a very hard choice! It feels like Sophie's choice almost. (I said what I said)
I don't know what I would do. Which is unsettling because obviously I would eventually have to.
So... I don't know I mean I guess because it's a Rafael fic she would pick Rafael, and I guess because it's not actually Raul so it kind of makes sense but still man, it's a hard choice am I right?!
Anyway.. I wanted to put that out there before I post the epilogue so that you can read the epilogue and have an idea of where it can go, and then you can give me your full opinions on if you want it to go there. Or if you just want me to start a new story.
Or if you just want me to fuck off.
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I only bring this up, because it seems like this is one of my most popular fics. AND I don't know if it's because it's supernatural, but I do enjoy writing supernatural fics now they're kind of awesome! ANYTHING goes.
(Also I need to go to work orientation apparently if you're off for a year you need to go back and relearn everything)
So I probably won't get to the epilogue until tonight and if enough people want to add might start Doppelganger I don't know we'll see.
Okay thanks love you bye!
(also I dictated this while in the shower so if it sounds weird that's why lulz.)
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asking my babes but really anyone
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lillyblogs · 7 years
[Insinuation 2.7]
(Sorry about posting these out of chronological order; I didn't have a Tumblr blog yet when I first posted this one. Also, consider my liveblogs of 1.1 -> 2.6 lost to the ether.) [Insinuation 2.7] Brian and Alec were good looking guys, in very different ways. Lisa was, on the sliding scale between plain and pretty, more pretty than not. So Taylor admits to checking all of them out and also to finding them all attractive. Undersider harem when? Bug Please don't stick please don't stick I still want her name to be something cool like Myriad, but there's bound to be something of a joke to it. Lisa, though, put one of her arms around my shoulders and gave me a one-armed squeeze of a hug. She was a little older than I was, so she was just tall enough to be at the perfect height to do it. What caught me off guard was how nice the gesture felt. Taylor is attracted to girls theory: Confirmed?????? Actually, I get the impression that Lisa is supposed to be this but it's not quite coming across right and makes it seem like she has a thing for Taylor. We passed a twenty-something artist and his girlfriend, sitting on the sidewalk with paintings propped up around them. The girl waved at Lisa as we walked by, and Lisa waved back. Guessing she's an important character, a cape probably, but not one of the Undersiders. Circus? Spitfire? IDK I know too few names at this point. Alternatively, that was Uber and Leet. If that's the case, Leet was probably the girl and Uber the artist. If Tattletale's really a hacker, it'd make sense for her to be friends with someone named Leet. I supposed they might have a TiVo, though I’d never seen one. TiVo?????? Seriously, though, the Undersiders have a pretty fucking sweet loft. Also, Alec's an artist apparently. Knowing young fiction, this will either be the only thing he talks about ever or he'll never mention it again. ```“I’m jealous,” I admitted, meaning it.
“Dork,” Alec said, “What are you jealous for?”
“I meant it’s cool,” I protested, a touch defensively.
Lisa spoke before Alec could reply, “I think what Alec means is that this is your place now too. This is the team’s space, and you’re a member of the team, now.”How all great friendships start.“Last time he went up against Shadow Stalker, he came back here and bled all over a white couch,” Lisa groused, “nine hundred dollar couch and we had to replace it.”
“Fucking Shadow Stalker,” Alec commiserated.OOOH! Shadow Stalker sounds like they might be a rival villain. (Part of Faultline's group, maybe? Or perhaps the Empire, though the Undersiders don't seem to have major issues with them yet.) Can't wait to see them.Brian came back from the other end of the loft, raising his voice to be heard as he approached, “Rache’s not here, and neither are her dogs. She must be walking them or working. Dammit. I get stressed when she’s out.” He approached the couches and saw Alec sprawled on the one.OK now I'm 99% percent sure Brian and this Rachel girl are a couple, or he wants them to be. Or alternatively, she really is a mass-murderer with a dog fetish and that's why he's worried. Either way, isn't her identity public? If so, _why_ does she walk her own dogs, instead of having the other Undersiders do it for her? Indication of obsession? Possessiveness? Or maybe they have someone who can disguise people; Regent, maybe? Not sure if it would fit with his name, though. Regent, to me, suggests he might be part of some sort of Parahuman lineage (not sure how far back it could possibly go, since didn't Scion only appear in the 80s?) and that his power is _really fucking good_. He's their heavy hitter, the one who packs the most punches. Maybe he's a mini-Superman, complete with the "powers as the plot demands".“We’ll get you one,” he said, like it wasn’t even a concern. It probably wasn’t. “We generally haul in anywhere from ten grand to thirty-five grand for a job. That gets divided four ways… five ways now that you’re on the team.”Sounds like Taylor will be rich very quickly; she'll probably be against spending the money at first but give in after a little. She is the Queen Of Slippery Slopes, after all. In fact, I suspect the Undersiders are aware of that, b/c of Tattletale and are actively baiting her into falling all the way down and becoming a villain. However, they probably won't like the new, unrestricted Taylor Hebert.“I do know everything,” Lisa said, “It’s my power.”Still thinking superpowered hacker, possibly with some sort of tinkery flavor to it, with a probable focus on spying on and tracking people.“What?” I said, interrupting Brian. My heartbeat quickened, though I hadn’t exactly been relaxed to begin with, “You’re omniscient?”
Lisa laughed, “No, no. I do know things though. My power tells me stuff.”
Swallowing hard, hoping I wasn’t drawing attention by doing so, I asked, “Like?” Like why I was joining their team?
Lisa sat forward and put her elbows on her knees, “Like how I knew you were at the library when I sent me the messages. If I felt like it, and if I had the know how, I’m sure I could have figured it out by breaking into the website database and digging through the logs to find the address you connected from, but my power just let me skip that step like that.” She snapped her fingers.Damn it. I was wrong, wasn't I? But honestly that's a _horrifying_ power; she just _knows_ things she shouldn't. Like "everything about everyone ever", apparently. Perhaps it's some sort of weird form of clairvoyance; her power sees everything going on at once, but she can focus it on a specific person/area and it'll relay whatever it finds to her for her to make sense of with her deductive skills. Like having an omnipresent, invisible and intangible drone. Heck, maybe she's lying and she's just a Tinker with a specialty in surveillance and cloaking; would certainly explain how Rachel's able to regularly go outside, seemingly.Not giving him a chance to reply, she turned to me and explained, “My power fills in the gaps in my knowledge. I generally need some info to start from, but I can use details my power feeds me to figure out more stuff, and it all sort of compounds itself, giving me a steady flow of info.”Honestly I'm not entirely sure what she means by this, but it definitely seems like _every single one_ of my guesses as to her power was wrong.Lisa’s smile widened, “I’ll admit I cheated there. Figuring out passwords is pretty easy with my power. I dig through the PHQ’s digital paperwork and enjoy a little reality TV by way of their surveillance cameras when I’m bored. It’s useful because I’m not only getting the dirt from what I see, hear and read, but my power fills in the details on stuff like changes in their routine and the team politics.”At least I was right about her tendency to spy on people. And the PHQ's the _Protectorate_ ENE HQ, right? So essentially where the heroes work, and possibly live. Makes sense that Taylor wouldn't want to join the Wards if it's actually like that; she rather seems to enjoy having _something_ of a normal life and the ability to just go home and get away from this, to just be her father's daughter for a while. (Angsty plot twist: He's actually her stepdad, in addition to being a cape (maybe Armsmaster if he isn't a villain; tinkers seem sufficiently bullshit for that to work, and he was relatively nice to Taylor, if a bit businesslike-- _just like her father_.) and she learns both of these secrets at an inopportune time (perhaps after her first mission with the Undersiders?) and ends up leaving him and her civilian ID behind and moving in with the Undersiders full-time.)she grinned her vulpine smileNo way this isn't a fandom meme. Honestly, this just feels like such a memetic phrase and Wildbow _just keeps using it_. There are other ways to call someone sly and mischevious that don't involve how foxlike their smile is. Still thinking she's going to end up with Taylor, eventually and probably only temporarily. Unless she's also a double-agent. Would explain why she hasn't been the nicest to Taylor (she went out of her way to mess with her...), despite seemingly wanting her to join the team and seemingly caring about her. Grue, Alec and Rachel probably aren't going to double-cross the team, however. They seem like they're actually villains, albeit probably sympathetic ones. I can't wait to hear how despite seeming to only be in it for the money, they all have tragic backstories. Actually, perhaps having a tragic backstory is part of gaining powers; Taylor's got a lot of trauma and the Danny interlude did suggest that things turned from idyllic to tragic rather fast. And logically speaking, it makes sense that the villains would all have a lot of mental trauma; they're the people who society has chewed up and spat right out. Calling it right now that every Undersider is some kind of minority or other oppressed group: Brian: Black, possibly not straight. Possibly a single (adoptive?) parent? He seems close to the other Undersiders, so it doesn't seem like he'd live away from them by choice. If he's got a kid who he's desperately trying to keep away from this, things suddenly make sense. Or maybe a little sister/brother (I'm leaning towards sister), if he's too young to even be adopting children? Either way, he's definitely doing this for someone else's sake. If said person is old enough (i.e. 13+; I don't think the Undersiders would employ such a small child), they'll probably join the Undersiders after a few arcs of melodrama. Or if they're not, they'll do it (complete with the melodrama) after they grow up. Which Wildbow may only do so they can be paired with whichever Undersider doesn't get paired up, since I'm 100% sure they're going to end up a set of three couples, instead of a proper team of five. Bonus points if this hypothetical sister thinks Brian's a hero before learning the considerably more unsavory truth. Alec: He's definitely either gay or bi. There is no way that boy is straight. Also, he's got a French name, which is a pretty good sign he's going to be a Flamboyant Gay, especially if he picked it for himself. Lisa: A woman, also gay (probably). Possibly asexual, maybe? (She's definitely not aromantic, though; there needs to be at least something to use for shipping bait and "will-they-or-won't-they" tension, as Worm is basically YA.) Rachel: Maybe she's transgender? I'm guessing here. Didn't Taylor describe her as unladylike in appearance or something like that? Also possibly a butch lesbian* / gender non-conforming in some other way. *If she's a lesbian, Tattletale isn't one. It's a rule of how these things work. Though in that case, Tattletale wouldn't be a proper token character and would instead exist as a plot device / excuse for exposition and probably only exists to avert the Smurfette principle.They didn’t get a chance to tell me. I heard barking from downstairs. A matter of heartbeats later I was standing, three paces from the couch. Three snarling dogs had me backed against the wall, drool flying from their mouths as their teeth gnashed and snapped for my hands and face.``` Rachel can't control her dogs = confirmed? Or maybe she's a bit more unhinged than I was thinking, or both? I'm currently thinking that she's actually the sweetest and most innocent of the Undersiders, appearances be damned (it also makes her alias of "Bitch" rather ironic), but I could be extremely wrong. Since she works with dogs, she also probably has some skill as a vet, and probably acts as the Undersiders' medic as well.
I'm also starting to think that the Undersiders are using their actual names, and that they really do trust Taylor. Unless they're all lying about their names to each other as well as to Taylor, though they seem too much like fire-forged friends for that.
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