#mayaaaaaaa i like you so so much hehe ^^ 🫶
le-velo-pour-dru · 1 year
♧ <3 <3 <3
Oooooh epic!!!!!! :DD
You’re my: AWESOME MUTUAL AND VERY KIND AND AMAZING FRIEND!!!!!!!! Sometimes I can't believe that we're actually friends, you're really amazing ^^ 🫶
How I met you: I think it was that when I first started out on Tumblr, you followed me, and I was just like, "WOAH!!!!!!!! 🤯" cause you're a really good artist, and you seem pretty well-established in the Tumblr bandom community, so I didn't expect you to follow my baby of a blog
Why I follow you: a. I love your art!!!!!! Even when I don't know what band it's for, I just really really love your art style, you're great :] 🩷, b. you're an iDKHOW and Brobecks fan!!!!!!! And you love Dallon!!!!!!!! :D, and c. you are incredibly kind and sweet every time I interact with you, and it makes me really happy 🫶
Your blog is: really fun :3 I'm not familiar with most of the bands you listen to, but I'm still always excited to see what you post :) 🩷 Plus, like I said, I love your art!!!!!!! 💖
Your URL is: pretty cool!!!!!! I've never heard the song its referencing, but it's just a good series of words, and I like the lil x in the middle :3
Your icon is: really cute!!!!!! :DD I don't know much of anything about Lola tbh, but I really like your icon and I think it's so cute ^^ 🩷
A random fact I know about you: You showed your Waterparks art to Waterparks IN PERSON!!!!!!! I still think that is so cool that you got to do that 🤯
General opinion: AGH I ADORE YOU MAYAAAAAA 😁🩷 You're unbelievably nice and just a joy to talk to, I love your art so much, and I think it's so epic that we both love Dallon ^^ 💖
A random thought I have: Those times when you've randomly sent me pictures of Dallon were absolutely the best by the way 😊 They always made me so happy. Also I still treasure that little doodle of Dallon you did for me a few months ago (if you remember that) ^^ 🫶
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