luvvwins · 3 years
let's just take a moment to reflect on not me.
the show was going to be popular no matter what, because it had offgun in it. BUT it took what could have been just another BL show and it MADE A DIFFERENCE.
• it featured an openly trans character, not as a joke but just as a person.
• it seriously tackled topics like disability and lgbtq+ inequality, corruption, capitalism, politics.
• it featured actual activists that are constantly trying to make a change.
and so much more. And none of this would have been possible without the brilliant mind of P'Nuchy. So thank you to P'Nuchy for truly gracing us with a masterpiece.
No show is perfect, and we can't love everyone. But the ACTING™ was amazing. The ACTING™ was what made the audience invested.
Nuch, Namo, Eugene may have not been main characters, but the show was wouldn't have survived without them. They gave us powerful women, and loyal friends. They showed us that they didn't need a man to give them substance, they themselves were substance.
Gumpa, Gram, Dan, Yok and Todd. Despite my *feelings* towards Gram, he was loyal. He stood by his friends and the people he cared about (for the most part), and he believed in his cause. Dan was the character that needed to exist. The character that had everything going for him but had to give it away to protect his loved ones. Gumpa, this man actually deserves an award for dealing with these absolute idiots. The advisor that we all need in our life. Yok, MY BABY YOK, the loose-canon that is actually everyone's baby. First SLAYED as Yok. He made Yok the greatest, sluttiest, artist out there and when he cried, we all cried with him. Really though, no one could've have done thia the way First did. AND THEN TODD. THIS ABSOLUTE MOTHER. He was best kind of villain, the villain that you just kinda have a crush on.
And finally...our dear OffGun. I've talked a lot about Gun so let's just talk about Off for a second. I feel like Off doesn't always get the beat roles, so I feel like we haven't really seen the extent of his acting ability...but he did and AMAZING job as Sean. He really got the chance to shine in a character that had a lot of meat and bones and I am so proud to say he was so good!
And then there is Gun who is literally amazing and we love him and HE IS AN ACTOR™. He truly convinced me that two different people were playing the twins. He was so different for both characters and that was AMAZING. He is AMAZING.
Overall thoughts: fav character was Yok, fav scene was Todd and Black's scene in episode 13, biggest plot twist was grameugene because what the hell, and the highlight of the series was seanwhite under the Pride flag.
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luvvwins · 3 years
what i need to focus on this weekend:
-meeting with my professor
-the three major assignments i have due
what I will actually focus on this weekend:
- all the thai bls i need to watch.
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luvvwins · 3 years
my highlight of this entire episode was gun and sing's acting and chemistry.
i don't know how but gun is actually able to make me believe that he is two different people. watching that scene with black and todd, i genuinely forgot that gun is playing black too. i just have no words to describe it, but it was like watching a whole different person to who is playing white.
sing! man he is KILLING it. ive always liked sing and thought he was cute and handsome irl, but him as Todd is everything. like damn, i hate todd, but at the same time i am listening to everything he says and understanding him.
GUN & SING AS BLACK AND TODD. they aren't even romantic interests, but their chemistry is off the hook. I am in NO WAY exaggerating when I say, i have never been so anxious watching a scene before. like i have never been so hooked on to a scene. every single second meant something to me, and i felt like I couldn't breath. the way the two of them just played their roles so well. my words do no justice to how well they did their scene.
lastly, todd be unable to hurt black because they're friends. the redness of his eyes, the way he won't look away from black's eyes. 'If I really could, you wouldn't be standing here.' that sent chills, you could tell he meant it. they've literally had the least amount of screen time overall, but their scenes are some of the ones that stick with you the most. their relationship runs so deep.
i have not done justice to how GOOD their scenes, chemistry, acting are.
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luvvwins · 3 years
Things I am NOT Ready for:
Cutie Pie Episode 1
Not Me Episode 10
My major assignment due tomorrow lol
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luvvwins · 3 years
Look he may be the worst, but the way I am extremely attracted to Sing as Todd 🥵 The HOLD HE HAS ON ME 🥲
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luvvwins · 3 years
Gumpa really said, you dumbass, you've been sleeping next to him for weeks and you couldn't tell.
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luvvwins · 2 years
jay is the epitome of 'i don't get paid enough to deal with your bullshit.'
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luvvwins · 2 years
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luvvwins · 3 years
finally watched ep10.
so many emotions, but mostly....
No Thoughts just DanYok protecting each other. I've replayed that damn scene ten times and haven't even finished the episode yet.
(also give Gun a damn Oscar. This man is the best there is. How can I love White and want to smack Black?)
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luvvwins · 3 years
i just want my fucking love story. i think ive waited long enough???
where's my cute senior who purposely annoys me and then falls for my slightly obsessive-compulsive behavior (although i have diagnosed ocd) and the way i am cold to him?
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luvvwins · 3 years
i really love mature bl shows. all my fav bl shows have been ones with serious/mature themes, characters, ideas, etc.
i think that there is an audience for the cute, romantic college and high school bls, but there IS an audience that wants all the serious shit too.
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luvvwins · 3 years
...okay...i get that they didn't really realize black was gone. i get that black isn't the nicest person...but you just found out that black has a twin...WHY IS GUMPA THE ONLY PERSON WHO ASKED BLACK WHERE HE WAS?!?!
why does Todd (the man who tried to kill him twice) care more about Black than his so-called friends?
This makes so much more sense about why Black went to Eugene and White before he does whatever dumb shit he's about to do with Todd. Because those are the two people who truly showed that they cared about him.
Like...we all know he's trying to protect White, but he's probably more than devastated that the group that he considered his only family other than his twin brother didn't even seem to realize he was replaced. Sean cared more about finding White than anything else. Yok seems to only care about Dan (though who can blame him tbh). Gram is into Eugene (still not okay this). White (and Gumpa) are the only ones who have shown any care.
AND THIS WHOLE THING WITH EUGENE?!?! I just...I don't approve of all that Black has done...but he deserves so much better.
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luvvwins · 3 years
okay i am ready!!!
FIRST, foei please 😂
Second, wHY IS KUEA SO CUTE?!?? Hia's ID numbers please 😭
Why is drunk kuea the cutest thing in the world. I love it so much?!!
I---- the photoshopped pictures 😭😭😭 NOOOO I have the worst secondhand embarrassment 😭😭😭
"the real hia will never kiss me" (we all just broke a little bit)
DIAO 😂😂😂😂
I would DIE FOR KueaDiao friendship. Please they are so cute and funny?!!
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luvvwins · 3 years
just caught up with the episodes of semantic error and let me just say, this was *chef's kiss*
my fav scene: jihye and jaeyoung both offering sangwoo the seat next to them 😂
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luvvwins · 3 years
Am I the only one confused as to why Gram was ever labeled as gay?!?!?!?
He dated a trans female?!?!
He never explicitly showed interest in only guys or girls?!?
Let the BI flag Fly?!?!
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luvvwins · 3 years
this gave me EVERYTHING I WANTED but also stressed me the f@#! out !!!
TODD!!! THIS WAS SO GOOD! they did the scene between Black & Todd so well!!!
DakYok is everything!
But that one scene between Yok & Sean, literally my favorite scene 😂
GUN IS THE ACTOR OF THE YEAR!!! He is so f@#king good!!!
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