#maybe I should try FFXIV?? I know no one who plays it though I don't want to jump into that alone lol
windrunner · 2 years
I feel unrecognizable. I don't want to play ScarVio, I'm really feeling like skipping Dragonflight, and FE Engage just isn't hitting concept-wise. Huh
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artpenumbra · 3 months
TWST Dorms my FFXIV OCs would be in:
Don't mind me, spur of the moment thoughts that sat in my brain. While I have a lot of OCs, FFXIV is my other game I play so these guys have more going for them info wise. These headcanons are with de-aging(and gender swapping) my FFXIV OCs to high school level.
Svanielle/Svan: Pomefiore comes to mind because she'd rock the uniform BUT with her interest in Botany and fashion and (by my friends) seen as a very pretty character she'd fit right in. Vil will probably get on her for maintaining long hair though. Another possibility is Diasomnia because of her connection with the fae and being an elf. For non-FFXIV people, the elezen race is basically elves. Out of the four OCs I have she has the most magic power so this dorm wouldn't be a bad match. Though if her dragon-phobia carried over she'd avoid Malleus out of fear. But I feel like she and Lilia would be best pals for being mischievous older people types. As a male, he would be "Svanael Corvus" and like the FFXIV version, he has a smol fairy friend and a lot of crow friends he talks to.
Sho: My first thought is Ignihyde for the sole fact that this dorm focuses on magic research and implementing it into technology. Above all else they are also very introverted. FFXIV!Sho is basically this, due to unfortunate events his magic skills have diminished significantly but he's taken up finding ways to infuse his mana with various machinery and weapons to get by. It's just that in the TWST verse he would NOT be trying to craft weapons and gunblades, or maybe he does and his classmates need to tell him to STOP. Scarabia, Octavnielle, and Heartslabyul are possible dorms he could match in due to respectively representing both of his other traits of being efficient, resourceful, and a stickler for rules, but I think they may be too social for his personality. Sho is male already, but his TWST name would be just "Sho Mystgrave." He's someone who is quiet but you should fear him. Naturally best friends with Svan.
Lunasera: Scarabia, hands down. Simply because Kalim in there and they'd be the best of friends can't change my mind. But Lun is very witty and artistically inclined. Her FFXIV verse is a traveling musician and artist so I feel she would know her way around social situations as a performer, but she's also sharp-minded and has high survivability skills as someone from a nomadic upbringing. With those factors in mind this is the best dorm for her. As a joke though? Octavinelle would be a hilarious match as she'd be a good entertainer for the Mostro Lounge business with her neverending charisma, but I can see her driving Azul up the wall because she's free minded. Basically a very watered down, not so dangerous Floyd. Her male name would be "Gerel Nightsong," Gerel is Mongolian for Light, which ties into the FFXIV Xaela Au Ra nomenclature, and Nightsong is an existing surname she has in FFXIV, but fun fact: "Lunasera Nightsong" is her stage name. Weird I figured out her male name first.
Nami: So Nami is a weird one. While I know her personality she's still in a stage where I don't know what exactly I would like to do for her. She exists in two different verses but I haven't been able to use her properly. Though from the top of my head, she's the most physically adept out of the four with Luna being second. So that in mind I think it would be funny for her to be in Savanaclaw, because while she's petite she can and will suplex someone three times her size and not break a sweat. She's also canonically mute so she will express herself with her actions above all else. Octavinelle is a possible choice, I can see her working as security, because every shrewd business man needs an extra bodyguard and being mute would be a bonus. In FFXIV, she's a viera which are bunny people so she's already a beastman in that regard. As a male, her name is probably either Kai, Mirai, or Kaien. Nami means "ocean wave" so I want to keep her ocean themed name going, and due to my sentimentality in the FFXIV verse, she will be related to Sho so she'll share his TWST!surname.
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luck-and-larceny · 1 year
Tagged by: @carnivalis
Thanks so much for the tag!
Tagging: @thefreelanceangel , @kestrelvylbrand , @charm-in-spades , @dumb-hat, @tough-bit-of-fluff ... Really anyone with multiple OCs who thinks this would be fun!
Favorite OC: Oh, come on now, I love all my children equally.
That's a lie. Sometimes I struggle with OCs and can't quite connect with them. Sometimes when I write or play them it feels like I've known them forever.
Still, I can't really settle on a favorite. I like so many of them! It might be Xifang, my red-headed, over-the-top, manic, thiefy character over on Gilgamesh. If you follow my OOC blog, crimson-thorns, the profile picture is of her.
Oldest OC: That's also Xifang. She started as an Exalted character.
>.> Do I gravitate towards certain character types? -hides every over-the-top, manic, thiefy character she's ever made behind her back- Certainly not.
Newest OC: Aurora Carries the Sky. Or just Aurora. Another Exalted character. She is NOT a thiefy character. Ha! She might be the other things though…
Meanest OC: Hmmm… Malika is maybe the meanest. She's certainly the most spiteful. And one of the most selfish. That makes her sound like she's not much fun to be around, but she can be! At least I think so. I hope so!
Softest OC: Oh, probably Saachi. She's a bit of a contradiction when she's at her best: strong, capable, and stubborn while simultaneously soft, vulnerable, and riddled with crushing uncertainty.
Most Aloof/Standoffish OC: Willow, my Reborn D&D Warlock. She's been given a second chance at life after making some huge mistakes with her first chance and she's still trying to figure out how to be less aloof.
Or Adelaide in FFXIV. She's the oldest daughter of a remarkably shitty noble house in Ishgard. On first brush she might come across as haughty and aloof.
Dumbest (Affectionate) OC: Long ago I had a character in Aion named Mistlethrush. She was exceedingly dumb and fun to play.
Liv, a character I've brought to FFXIV in a far less dumb capacity, was originally a low Intelligence character from a D&D game. I like to think her dumbness was a bit sweet and charming.
Dumbest (Derogatory) OC: Oh, I don't know. NPCs in games I ran don't count do they? If they do it's Jeryk from my Shattered Star campaign. He was the woooorst.
In FFXIV, maybe Xifang. I play her almost like an NPC. She's dumb if the scene/another player needs a character to be dumb at that moment. Usually it's at her own expense for humor. She usually deserves whatever consequences she experiences for her stupid schemes and poorly thought out plans.
Smartest OC: Willow. No doubt. The problem with playing high int D&D characters is that I, myself, am just average in intelligence. @_@
In FFXIV I think my most knowledgeable character is… hmmm. Maybe Adelaide? Or Liv (she's not low int in FFXIV). Malika isn't especially book smart, but she's got social/street smarts. She knows enough to be a problem… and frequently is!
Horniest OC: Yeah yeah yeah. It's Malika. She's a hedonistic character who believes that everyone should do whatever they want, whenever they want, to the extreme as long as it isn't hurting anyone else. She's excessive and exhausting.
OC you'd bang: Probably Malika. And I'd feel real weird, uncomfortable, and awkward afterwards. And probably she'd steal things from me that are super important to me and I'd think "Wow. I made a mistake." I think most people come away thinking that about her. I think she doesn't disagree with that assessment.
OC you'd be best friends with IRL: Saachi probably! But she'd accidentally make me feel like an insecure underachiever because she's so driven and ambitious and I'm, you know, often trying to figure out how to just stay home, eat a bunch of snacks, and play video games all day.
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Know the Mun
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1. Are you named after anyone? For my birth name no. I was named something that I presume was fashionable at the time, as there are always several people with the same name in any group of people around my age. But hardly anyone outside my family calls me by my birth name anyway. And my online friends tend to call me by whatever character name they know me by!
2. When was the last time you cried? I don't cry very often and certainly not in front of other people. I think I got a bit emotional when playing through the Loporitt Tribal Quest conclusion, so possibly FFXIV has a secretly cathartic function for me.
3. Do you have kids? No sadly not.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Selectively, but probably more than I should do. I try not to be snarky or mean though.
5. What sports do you play/have you played? I stopped doing team sports at school as soon as I realised that I could bugger off to the corner shop when the teachers weren't looking. Although if going to the gym counts as doing sport, then I do that a lot.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about other people? How they communicate.
7. Scary movies or happy endings? Happy Endings. I don't like horror movies or jump scares.
8. Any special talents? Sadly not. I suppose I'm quite good at remembering things about people, but I don't think that's particularly special.
9. Where were you born? South Devon, England.
10. What are your hobbies? Er... Gaming? Reading? If going to the gym isn't a sport maybe it's a hobby?
11. Do you have any pets? No sadly not allowed in rental accommodation.
12. How tall are you? 6'4
13. Fave subject in school? English. Also History and RE.
14. Dream job? I quite want to get a Doctorate one day, but I fear I am neither smart nor wealthy enough.
15. Eye colour? Pale Green.
Tagged by @eorzeanflowers.
Tagging anyone who likes to do it. Maybe @loveliestbun @humblemooncat @ae-fond-seeker @draculas-husband and @plenary-indulgence
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boileddogchicken · 2 years
i feel like most blorbos of mine that qualify as oc's are ones made within the context of either a ttrpg or a video game, that's cool and all but i should try to make one not confined by any particular setting tbh, although knowing me i'll inevitably turn said character into someone within something anyways i still have thoughts about the thirsty sword lesbians campaign i gm'ed even though it's over, one of the npc's has become the template for so many characters i've made, so there's the original one, there's the star wars 5e one, the dungeons and destiny one, there's like half of a pathfinder one (i need to play pathfinder fr), also i keep thinking abt the species she was and coming up with more lore abt how they work and in the silly college au i think abt from time to time where all my oc's just get to be normal (except marina of course, she will never know peace) the TSL bird woman and the star wars 5e bird-adjacent woman are dating oh and also my WoL just fights everyone oh yeah i still need backstory for my D2 guardian, also i should throw her into the blender that is the My OC's University™️ AU im new to using tumblr how long is the character count for a single post??? wowww i can just keep typing and just keep going honestly tho, if my brain just wants to keep writing stuff i might as well take the time to write that ffxiv thing i've been thinking abt lately but haven't been able to put together if it ends up being stream of consciousness like this post that's fine, tbh it'd make sense for b'rsh to write in that way but wait i was gonna write in third person. hmmmmm i'll have to think about what i want to do in that case also i need to think more about how exactly b'rsh is connected with all my friend's WoL's bc like *one* has been properly flushed out but the others are almost entirely vibes yknow? maybe i'm just tired and forgetting things since i'm so bad at memory but idk iverelle and b'rsh's dynamic???? or like backstory stuff???? like b'rsh and etrii hang out on weekends and shoot the shit but no one else has been properly developed i mean b'rsh likes to bother narail and also she has an auntly vibe with just abt every other WoL belonging to my friends but how did that come to be yknow??? wtf was this post abt when i started wait it was me wanting to make oc's outside the confines of specific settings/ttrpgs/games eh whatever if i make my own character and i think they're neat who cares right? i think the closest thing i have to a fully independent oc is Dusk, she's a wild west but fantasy outlaw who was cursed with absolute silence, meaning she can't cast spells or speak but also it makes her so hard to track so yeah but also i had been thinking of using her in a ttrpg. but honestly i don't think i will tbh if i'm being honest- but yeah that's the gist of it i'm still not at the character maximum for tumblr- is there one? or can i just keep going until i decide that it's time to stop. hmmmm do i really want to try to push tumblr to its limit or should i just stop now and press post
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the-world-walks · 6 months
If you stumble across me somehow, hello. This is a secondary blog that I made to serve as my FFXIV containment zone, since I love this game a lot, like a lot, but I don't really interact with the community much and I feel like after a couple of years of playing solo and getting nearly every Job to 90, maybe I should change things up a bit.
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On that note, meet Veveli, my new WoL. Though this blog is going to be a general fandom blog, this blog alongside Veveli are going to serve as a bit of a vehicle for me to experience the MSQ and Etheirys once more, with a very stupid gimmicky challenge to myself. In summary - no flying, no teleporting.
Why the hell would I do such a thing? Well I don't know, on my main I teleport all over the place and fly around so much, I kind of miss when I was going through Thavnair for the first time on the back of my newly acquired Amaro, feeling like a true adventurer. Some of you might recall a while ago there were also the temporary cloud servers, and there I participated in a small but iconic event called the Cloudwalk, where a small crowd of us decided to walk all the way from Costa del Sol to Ishgard. To top it all off, I saw a post a while ago where someone else was playing without using Aetherytes and it made me realize, oh good. I'm not completely insane, there are other people who want to play like this.
So, I guess that's it for my introduction post. I still do have a main WoL who has some Crafters left at Lv70, so Veveli is more of a side project I won't be playing constantly in my free time, but still I'd like to do this, so I'll try. Thus begins a new journey, one of Veveli Veli, a girl born in Ul'dah who is bored of the bricks and sands of her homeland and wishes to see the broad colors of the outside world. She's always had trouble manipulating aether, so it'll be a bit of a long and painful adventure, but she's determined! Maybe someday she'll even learn how to use a weapon to make it easier, but until then, she'll be punching giant bugs.
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