#maybe a rival company sabotaged like verux fucked them over so they could buy up citifutura
athetos · 7 months
Rn I’m reading dead silence by s. A. Barnes and I’m hooked… basically a space crew on the way back from repairs finds the spaceship version of the titanic that disappeared decades ago, and after much discussion they go on board to find the black box (and stuff to sell, since some of them have a need for money more than respect for the dead) and they find out that whatever happened is way more horrifying than they could have expected. I think the characters are pretty standard archetypes but they’re fun to see interact but the protagonist is really cool because she has ptsd + I can definitely see her being autistic as well and I like how she’s written. And like you gotta wonder is there something actually paranormal going on? Are the hallucinations she had as a child actually real? I wanna get answers soooooo badly
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