#maybe add some additional tags where it's longer fics and not drabbles?
Maybe I should make a new masterlist?
It didn't make much sense at the beginning, but I'm tempted to make separate masterlists by group and then divide the post by members to make it clearer for people looking for specific stuff.
What do you think?
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septiembrre · 4 years
author meme
Tagged by - @foxmagpie & @mego42
Tagging - I think most folks have gotten tagged, but friends feel free to do it!
ao3 name: septiembre
fandoms: that I write for? only good girls
number of fics: haha, I was avoiding answering this ask meme because I’m not very prolific. So far, I’m at 3 one-shots, a handful of drabbles, and one growing multi-chapter monster. 
fic I spent the most time on: definitely Get to Be Mine. It’s my only multi-chapter but I will be working on it for a while. 
fic I spent the least amount of time on: Heavenly Hot Tubs. This was my second fic and it was so easy to write. But, now I kind of want to rewrite it and make it sexier :’D 
most hits: Get to Be Mine has finally eclipsed the sexy hot tub fic by 4 clicks. 
most kudos, comments & bookmarks: Get to Be Mine. 
highest total word count: definitely Get To Be Mine... 
favourite fic I wrote: 
I love them all for their own specific reasons. They were all things I was really jazzed to write. Get To Be Mine is definitely my darling right now. 
However, I also really enjoyed writing Riendo Juntos, and the one shot about Rio & Beth hanging out a safe house and cleaning, and the one shot about Beth waking up in the middle of the night to bake bread. 
fic I want to rewrite/expand on: Haha, I’m at peace with all of the fics. I like reading my old stuff, with ideas of where I could have expanded them. Instead of feeling embarrassed, I feel proud that my writing has evolved and overall become something easier. 
That being said, I do have a hankering to re-write the smut in the hot tub fic and make it longer~ with more sensory details. But, I won’t! 
share a bit of a wip or story idea you’re working on: Damn, y’all I’m barely on chapter three of my fake dating fic. This thing is going to dominate my free time for the next several months (lol, whaaaat?). So I’ve been putting my head down and trying to concentrate on that. 
I’m in the process of editing a scene between Annie+Beth+Ruby and it has been soooooo much fun. I got into writing GG fanfiction exclusively for Brio and had felt really tentative about branching out into other characters, and writing Ruby and Annie’s voices (ESPECIALLY Annie’s. It really doesn’t come naturally to me).  
This is rough but, here’s a segment from what I wrote yesterday:
Annie snaps her fingers. “What about that purple dress? The one you wore for Kenny’s birthday party two years ago. Do you still have it?”
In fact, it had recently returned to Beth with the rest of her clothes that Rio had stollen. She had always felt good wearing it and it was one of the few surviving articles from the purge of things related to her marriage.
Ruby’s gaze darts sideways to Annie. “I cannot believe you are suggesting that dress. He took one look at her and I wasn’t sure what he was going to do to her inside that bedroom.”
“Oh, we knew what he wanted to do.” Annie says, her voice loaded with innuendo. She turns to Beth. “Wear that. You’ll feel great and he’ll love it.”  
Ruby steeples her fingers. “I don’t think we want to antagonize him any further, Annie.”
"And that was two years ago.” Beth adds. “Before all the rest of it. We don’t even know if he’s ever, y’know…” Her mouth opens making what she’s sure are ridiculous configurations with her lips as she flounders, “ --liked me.”
Annie’s jaw hangs open for a moment. Then she pulls it together and addresses Ruby first, “Okay, I care about my sister, so stop trying to guilt me. Maybe what they need is to finally fuck again and get over whatever this is.” Ruby raises her eyebrows, considering Annie’s point but with plenty of hesitation, as Beth splutters indignantly again.
Annie turns to her sister. “And Beth, I know homeboy has been super shady about his feelings but he has them.” Beth shakes her head, but Annie nods adamantly back at her. “They are in there somewhere because bizarrely, we are all still alive.”
She pauses to knock on the wooden surface of the worktable, and murmurs a quick, Rest in peace, Lucy. Ruby crosses herself. For a second, Beth’s stomach plummets, and fuzzy words for the Mourner’s Kaddish tug at the periphery of her thoughts. She curls her fingers around of the edge of the table to steady herself, and then, she processes what Annie said. Somehow despite the grief and all of the terrible things, it feeds the kernel of warmth inside of her.
“Is he the ideal romantic prospect? Nope. And no matter how this fake-dating situation goes, you are not allowed to become his wife-in-crime or whatever. But, maybe you guys can go through the motions—” She thrusts a little with her hips, rocking on the stool. “Bone, y’know, maybe. And then we can all move on and you can start dating for real.”
I think I got nervous about writing scenes with more than two people? That fear eclipsed everything and it made me forget that I LOVE WRITING SCENES BETWEEN FRIENDS -- especially between women. Oh my god. And they all have different ethics and funny bones -- it’s so great. Now the scene has spiraled a bit -- it’s 5k and I need to chill. 
Because of Get to Be Mine, I also keep daydreaming about all these other Brio fake dating situations. For some reason I keep wondering if it would be a good idea to create an ongoing side drabble series with additional/discarded fake dating premises? Honestly, I need to calm down with the fake dating trope (but, it’s so pleasant for my brain right now). 
The one I have in mind right now is a post Season 3 Beth+Rio+Dean scene where Beth and Rio watch as Dean make a mess of a customer/vendor interaction at Boland Bubbles. Beth steps in to intervene and while Rio watches. Rio ends up joining in the conversation, and the assumption is made that Beth/Rio are a couple, in front of Dean. Rio starts playing into it. Hahaha, this is my angstier, smuttier fake dating happy place right now. 
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lostlonelylotus · 4 years
Another Hiatus?
straight up thinking of taking another hiatus from Tumblr...I hate to, but I’m thinking maybe this place just isn’t good for me, even after such a long time away in the first place. More under the cut, if anyone wants to read it.
So, I struggle with a lot on a daily basis. Things that I don’t even tell what few people are around me in real life, because frankly, I don’t really have anyone to tell that I think would want to help. I’ve had to end a great deal of my friendships because they were unhealthy/toxic and others ended because I’m disabled and cannot keep up with more “social” or outgoing people (which unfortunately is usually interpreted as disinterest because of constant rescheduling or inability to go out).
No one even knows that I’ve started a particularly hard round of chemotherapy that involves painful injections, because I worry that people just get sick of hearing how I’m actually doing versus the image of me they think should be real. I lie and say that I’m fine, when I’m struggling mentally and physically. Very few people know that I’m in such severe constant pain that even with strong opiates, medical cannabis, benzodiazepines and constantly watching my diet, I’m spending 12+ hours a day in bed. I never get below a 6/10 anymore. I can’t remember what anything below that feels like. My body tortures me every waking minute.
I’m back to where I started when I began treatment in 2012 and my mental health has taken a nose dive because it all just feels so futile, you know? Treatment after treatment, surgery after surgery, fighting tooth and nail to have the bare bones of a life only to fail and wind up at square one is...Hell. 
Add onto that, that I can’t get a FT job (so no PTO or good health insurance) despite having multiple degrees and that I had a position lined up before COVID that might now no longer even exist when this is all over + that the Part Time job I have that I love has completely changed now that I’m work from home and I HATE these new tasks and miss my coworkers + that I live with an actively abusive family member + that I have no friends beyond surface-level acquaintances despite so much effort to try and make and keep friends + that I’ve struggled my whole life with internalization of everything...and you’ve got a walking disaster of a human being who should probably nowhere near this site.
My therapist is through the school I graduated from, so I can’t even see them, and it wouldn’t matter because our relationship has progressed too far and they just treat my visits like a social hour and we never even talk about my real problems. It’s pretty damn pathetic when your needs don’t even matter to your therapist.
In real life, I’m a doormat to people’s needs. You need a house sitter? That’s me and they’ll pay me pennies to do it. You need someone to teach your children during COVID because we’re co-distancing? You need someone to drop everything and help you? That’s me. But when I need something, anything? A cup of tea or a genuinely asked “How are you?”? Forget it.
I miss fandom. I miss the escape. I miss the discourse. I miss the photosets and the freaking out over characters. I miss fandom buddies.
My experience of fandom since I last left Tumblr maybe 2-3 years ago has been very solitary. AO3 fics that I *do* comment on or discord servers where I’m one of dozens or more of people that no one can really remember because it’s hard to try to “compete” to be heard with 5 other people who are friends that are talking in depth about parts of fandom that you are new to...that and Google bloody Images have been my fandom for the past 2 years. 
It’s fucking lonely out here. I feel like a fandom cowboy, alone on a prairie, occasionally passing by other cowboys and wrangling the livestock together for a moment before heading on with a half-hearted tip of our hats. It’s more than likely the reason why I haven’t published a fic in nearly 2 years, even though I’ve completed 1 or 2 little ones. I used to write all the time, all the time. Fics, ficlets, drabbles, headcanons. Screaming into the void is so much harder than just sitting there with your eyes closed and pretending there is no void.
I got into Classic Doctor Who and back into a few “older”/smaller fandoms, and when there’s no fic to be had...your only option really is Tumblr. I was writing again (am writing again?), and the photo/gif sets and the meta had me fucking inspired for the first time in...so long. I was addicted to writing again. Wrote more in the last two weeks than I have in years. Started writing a fic that’s already longer than any I’ve ever written before.
I thought I could handle it, Tumblr helped so much before in the Golden Days of Tumblr. I became part of a huge fandom friend group on Skype back then. I had friends. I had true fandom, not this bizarre one-person-imaginings experience of fandom. 
I was able to see something triggering or an opinion I disagreed with or deal with bad anons or any of the bad parts of Tumblr. I was able to see just the good, overall.
But, now, I don’t know that I can? I’m too internalizing now? Someone replies to a post with a minor disagreement and it makes me hate myself. I get a slightly disgruntled anon and I cry. People don’t tag very triggering or super stressful political items anymore, so I can’t “unplug” when I need to avoid seeing things about riots and horrendous crimes against people and so I wind up with an additional panic attack because I can’t do anything about anything. 
I don’t know if the vibe of this place has changed or if I’ve become one of the dreaded and dreadful “snowflakes” who just can’t handle shit. I think both, honestly. 
And it fucking sucks, okay? Because I was starting to get back into the swing of liking this place. I was starting to branch out and reconnect with folks I knew from before that were/are wonderful or make new fandom acquaintances. I had the carrot of having a collection of true fandoms in front of me. Of feeling connected in this time of horrendous isolation (both for the world and me personally). 
But the stick is so much bigger than I remember. So much larger and harder; a tree trunk log instead of a twig switch. I’m not taking little love taps or slightly stinging slaps, I’m being beaten with it. By it.
I don’t know what to do. I want to keep Tumbling. I want to keep building friendships and talking about dumb fandom things. I want to reblog old gifsets and have convos in the tags. I want to share fics/art back and forth. I live for the discussions that I’m starting to have again. I live for seeing 3 bloody notes on an original post I made. I live for knowing that someone, somewhere is seeing something I wrote or made or said and likes it.
I don’t want the internalization of disagreements, of a perceived inferiority to other users, of feeling bad about myself over things that aren’t even a big deal on Tumblr but are to me. I don’t want to feel even more ‘less than’ than I already do.
I don’t want to feel extreme anxiety over the insanity of the world that I can’t escape even on here because tagging is a thing of the past and it’s apparently a major faux pas to ask for tags on triggering content, even if I fully support the matters tagged. I live the insanity okay? I’m a queer, disabled, person of color, in the small-town Midwest living in poverty. I’m not some racist who just doesn’t want to see your protest content. I’m struggling to get by. 
Maybe I’ll just stop producing content? Only reblog and like? Only comb through character tags or chat with some of the fantastic people that have offered? My inspiration is declining, along with my mood.
I’d honestly contemplate a permanent hiatus (just not a deletion) if all of the fandoms that I was in had discords, but they don’t. If they do, I don’t know about them. Though, honestly, discord is not the same, and I always feel even more insignificant there. Drowned out or unimportant. 
Huh. Drowned out or unimportant, that could really be the title of this pity post. Possibly the title of an autobiography, if I was ever self-indulgent enough to write one.
If you’ve read this whole thing, then wow. Thank you, because you’ve just given more of a shit about me and my feelings than anyone in a long, long time. 
This post probably won’t be up long, it was honestly meant to be a pity-party cathartic release of feelings and will, no doubt, make me feel more pathetic the longer I leave it up.
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giyushino week wrap up!
aaaaand that’s a wrap!! thank you to the moderators of giyushinoweek, and to everyone who liked/reblogged/commented on/sent me asks about my fics!!
it was a wild ride to write 8 fics in basically a week or so; i keep saying the fics were hastily or frantically written but LMAO considering how little fic i put out nowadays and how long it usually takes me to write because i edit as i go (which means i take f o r e v e r ), i was seriously just screaming like I JUST GOTTA DO IT I JUST GOTTA GO WITH IT I DON’T HAVE TIME the entire time haha. it was really good to be able to just think of a thing and run as far as i could with it, though!! it’s been quite a long time since i was able to do that, and it was really nice to have a project to work on in the back of my head. <3
ideally, if i work myself up to it, i’d like to revisit all of these and spruce them up to post to ao3, but we’ll see. :’) 
under the cut is just some thoughts on my process during this and also writing each of the fics, if you’re interested! favorite prompt, the most difficult parts to write, what the fic was originally was, things like that. 
thank you again, everyone!! back to hibernation and occasional slow snail pace writing i go, haha.
re: writing process -i tried writing a fic per day during the week before the actual event, which...kind of worked!! ideally, i was going to write a mostly complete fic each day, and then spend the week of the event editing each one before i posted it. what really ended up happening was that i partially wrote several, but not all of them, during the previous week, and then spent the week of finishing up, editing, or writing the whole thing more or less the day before the prompt was “due”, LMFAO. my weekday schedule is pretty structured because of work--I have maybe an hour or two of free time before i have to sleep--so i doubled down a bit more on the weekends. i know like it wasn’t imperative that i meet the “deadline”, but i really, really wanted to!! i figured i’ve written a fic per day for fandom weeks before so why can’t i do it again, but BOY i don’t know who i was back then. i mean, i still did it (yay!) but it seemed so much easier then?? either i was just writing more back then or less afraid or...something, or it’s just been so long that i don’t remember what i felt, LOL.
-i was really quite nervous in the beginning to post the fics, since again, they’re pretty hastily written and my usual writing process is much more “careful” and drawn out. but, it was also freeing as the week went on to just post and not worry, because the point of the week was to have fun, and not necessarily to write the best work i expected of myself within a limited time. (oh, how the perfectionist in me still hisses, though.) still, i’m glad people liked them, and even the extra notes that i just kinda spit out for some of them. :’) i do wish that some had gotten more attention than others, but those ones don’t show up in the tags and i’m not sure why, so. alas. 
re: the fics -confession: as of now, i feel pretty neutral about all of them, since i wrote them in a frenzy. at some point i’ll probably go back and read them and feel differently (and catch my mistakes! oh no!), haha. -a lot of them ended up being AU, which is...??? unexpected?? but i think it was just easier to put them in an entirely different setting, so i could play a bit more loose with their characters, haha. 
day 1 - glance (or hug) -this one...im pretty sure was one of the ones i waited until the last possible minute to finish up. it’s pretty basic event-wise, one of the few more regular slice-of-lifey ones for the week. it was surprisingly hard to get down the “movement” of it all; a glance is hard to describe in detail and in any other way, but i had really wanted to create kind of this...fleeting, almost nostalgic atmosphere in the back and forth of “he keeps looking, she keeps missing”, if that makes any sense. oof, it’s still hard to describe what i had wanted to achieve even outside of the fic!!
day 2 - soulmate (or family) -this one was SUPER HARD to write!!! originally i had wanted to go with a “A sees flashes of what B sees” soulmate prompt, because i figured that would be SO disorienting and would be fun to play with. but i ended up not being able to run with that one. i had also wanted to do the “soulmates write on themselves and the words show up on the other’s arm” idea, based off of what i had started in a 100 word drabble i did, but that deserved wayyyyyy more exploration and angst i was able to write in the time i’d allotted. i do like the “tattoo” soulmate aus the best, i think, and i did want to explore the one i did more, buuuut. alas. soulmates aus are something i prefer to read rather than write, i think, they can get so complicated!! 
day 3 - AU (or touch) -i’ve already made enough notes on this haha, but this ended up being a little too ambitious!! it wasn’t originally supposed to stop where it did, but i just...kinda got stuck and couldn’t bring myself to continue it, because i knew it would just keep going and needed more thinking out. so i just stopped it at the scene break, and hoped it would be decent enough. :’) surprisingly people seemed to enjoy this one most of all????? or maybe it was just the au itself that was a appealing, haha. regardless, i was surprised at the amount of notes this got!
day 4 - demon & wedding -soooooo this might’ve been my favorite prompt LMAO, like when i realized what i wanted to do for this day, i got excited because like, oooh yeah, pain. definitely wanted to go in on this to flesh out and explore various aspects more than i did, but i think of all the ones i wrote, i might be the most pleased with this one so far. 
day 5 - moon (or angst) -honestly, it’s a surprise i didn’t choose angst for day 5. writing about shinobu’s death would’ve been so easy, but i’ve seriously been putting it off since i started writing for kimetsu no yaiba. both “a blade of honey” and “if not cut at dusk”, which are my longer fics, were intended to be about shinobu’s death scene and turned into something completely different, and i ended up avoiding it for day 5 even though it could’ve been so easy. it’s denial, probably! anyway, shinobu’s MAD BOLD here. she would never. maybe. there’s two shinobus that i think about--the "usual” one, modeling herself after kanae, and one who’s more in line with her younger self/inner feelings. i think i went with the latter for a lot of these fics, because i didn’t have to be as careful with dialogue. giyu might’ve suffered character-wise, though, woops. but again, maybe shinobu would, in the vein that she wants to win and have the last laugh, haha. still, i feel more like she wouldn’t. :P oh, also, do you remember ages ago, when AMVs were still widespread, that scene that was everywhere in naruto where hinata’s bathing/training at the waterfall and it’s like really pretty and cool and stuff? yeah. that’s what i wanted this one to be, a little, LMFAO. genuinely surprised that people thought this one was pretty spicy!!
day 6 - kiss (or ocean) -confession: i wrote all of this while i was at work LOLLLL. it was a slow day, i promise. this might’ve been the easiest one to come up with, because the “quick, kiss me!” to escape situation is a classic. the characterization is preeeetttyyyyy loose here, but it was also kind of fun, honestly. my day 5 and day 6 run in pretty similar veins though, so i had kind of wished the endings were a bit more distinct from each other. 
day 7 - date (or crossover) -honestly i had wanted to do like, a soul eater crossover!! really i was planning out an au, but i think a crossover specifically has characters of two series interacting, and then i was Tired and was like, i can’t do that. crossovers aren’t something i usually read, either, so the planning got too complicated and i gave  up. the date idea was also one that came much later and one that i finished up last minute; i’d wanted to make it a little more cohesive and come up with better things for sabito’s list, but. eh. it got longer than i expected too! ideally there would’ve been more of the college life, and sabito and makomo. i thought about doing another additional notes for this, but there was wasn’t enough i had wanted to add on. really it was just the majors for them i’d been playing with--shinobu as a med student (possibly a minor in horticulture/botany, SOMEHOW), sabito & giyu as hydraulic engineering majors (sabito more on fieldwork, giyu more on research), and makomo as a marine veterinary student. shrug!! the lines of “you do realize we were set up, right” and “this was a date, tomioka-san” were the highlight for me, haha. and i’m inordinately fond of the title.
day 8 - halloween (or n*sfw) -sexy stuff isn’t my forte at all!!!! so halloween it was, but. i was thinking of skipping out on this one, and then was like, oh what the hell, you’ve come this far, of course you’re going to go the last leg, too. already wrote enough notes on this one too, but yeah, this one really was quick, and just barely meets the prompt, i think, lmao. ended up being more of a fantasy au, which was fun, though there was a lot left unexplored. ultimately just glad that i was able to come up with something for the last stretch. :)
please feel free to drop me an ask if you have any thoughts or comments! i’d love to hear your thoughts on the fics for the week, if you’d like to share. :) 
thanks for reading!!
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ao3feed-gravesnewt · 6 years
Fantastic Drabble's
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ShSakR
by Miki523
Just short blurbs, generally less than five hundred words each, I honestly don't expect a lot of people to read them but if you do, some feedback would be nice. I will probably add more as time goes and may try to make a whole fic if someone is interested in one and asks.I will also write one if someone wants, no guaranties how long it will be though.
Words: 1275, Chapters: 5/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (Movies), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Seraphina Picquery, Tina Goldstein, Newt Scamander, Original Percival Graves
Relationships: Original Percival Graves/Newt Scamander
Additional Tags: Just some general works, Generally less then 500 words, feel free to use in your own stories, use as prompts maybe?, May make longer stories based on these later, Not sure though
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ShSakR
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allwaswell16 · 6 years
Annual Writing Self-Evaluation
*All answers should be about works published in 2017. 
I was tagged by @fullonlarrie and @letsjustsee ! Thanks, Lauren and Rachel! <3 <3
1. List of works published this year: In the order that they were posted
Don’t Need Permission
Email Chain Part 4
Now That I Found You
For You I’d Bleed Myself Dry
On a Day Like This You Know It’s Meant To Be
Screaming (OT4 Email Chain)
Won’t You Please Come Around
Let Me Kiss You
The Brits & Always You (Email Chain)
I’ll Be There
You Really Got Me Now
Looking Through You
You & Me
but tonight (you’re on my mind)
We Know Where We Belong
Is Neil Available? (Email Chain)
How Could I Ever Forget
That’s How I Know
And I Could Hear the Thunder
Sound Like a Song
Look Like a Movie
One Day You’ll Say These Words
Let You Lick the Lollipop
This is Halloween, everybody make a scene
Do You Smile To Tempt a Lover
Paper Houses
Staring Across the Room
We’re Dancing On Tables
Be My Homeward Dove
Today’s the Day (Winter Drabble Series)
2. Work you are most proud of (and why):
Probably Looking Through You. I spent the most time and effort on that one. When I was writing it, it just felt like I had to spend a lot of time getting things a certain way. Usually I don’t get so hung up on word choices...I’m more of a dialogue and story person. But for this one, I couldn’t seem to keep going forward until I had things just right. 
3. Work you are least proud of (and why):
I wouldn’t say I’m not proud of anything I published this year. Let’s just say there are some fics I wrote that I like better than others. I won’t say which or I’ll get defensive messages again from people and/or @juliusschmidt teasing me.
4. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
Harry tries his best to walk in normally, but the last time they were here Liam literally had to step between him. He sees Liam tense up in his chair first because he can’t bring himself to meet Louis’ eye. He opens his mouth to say hello or anything really, but he glances Louis’ way and is struck mute by the way Louis looks. He’s wearing the same clothes he left their flat in the night before. He clearly got about as much sleep as Harry did based on the darkness beneath his eyes and the taut lines around his mouth, his hair ruffled haphazardly. He looks exhausted and wounded and yet so lovely it hurts to look at him, and Harry just wants to go home. 
He wants what they once had and the fragile beginning of something that he can’t seem to get right. This is what home means to him now, maybe what it has always meant to him. It means Louis in the flat making tea, it means Louis’ voice calling out his name with a laugh, it means Louis borrowing his t-shirts and never returning them, it means staying in curled up on the sofa with Netflix, it means kissing him with the desperation of a man who just wants him to stay. It means all of it and everything that Louis is to him. And while these are all the things in Harry’s heart, he doesn’t see any sign of the same written on Louis’ face.
(This was the worst trying to find something. But I’m also going to include this next one so @bangiebbelievesinlarry doesn’t come for me.)
The monster shrugs again. Louis really wishes he didn’t look so damn attractive when he’s shrugging. “Well, have fun sitting here waiting for your non-existant trick-or-treaters.”
Louis glares at the monster’s very appealing broad shoulders as he walks away. The monster mainly stays in Niall’s circle, but at one point Louis sees him chatting with Liam and a few minutes later with his lab partner, Lissie. He’s showing them his dimples, too. Probably shows everyone his dimples. He’s a ho. A dimples ho. It’s fine. Louis doesn’t care anyway. He can show his dimples to anyone he wants. Louis just doesn’t want any part of them.
5. Share or describe a favorite comment you received:
Ohhhh, too many to share here. I’m a comment ho. I love every single one of them. I’m utterly delighted every time I get the ao3 email that says I have a comment. I’ll say my proudest moment may have been seeing one of my fics on @magicalrocketships ‘s rec list. If I could go back in time and tell the me that first started publishing fics that someday sunsetmog was going to read and like one of my fics, I would have told my future self to gtfo. 
6. A time when writing was really, really hard:
See all those fics up there? Almost every one of them had a deadline attached to it. I spent the first part of the year signing up for every damn thing that crossed my dash, and I spent the last part of the year regretting all my life’s choices. I’d say by early fall I’d begun to get burned out, which was unfortunate seeing as how I had many fics due November 1. lol. And then I thought, why not do nano in November on top of it? Because I’m an idiot. 
7. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you:
Darcy the Parrot? I dunno. lol. I had no idea when I was writing That’s How I Know that Darcy the Parrot was going to be such a thing. That fic is my fic with the most kudos at this point. Who knew people were going to like troublesome parrots? Not me. 
8. How did you grow as a writer this year:
Well, I apparently wrote a hell of a lot of fic this year. 286k words actually. I’d say I tried out a lot of different genres, so I guess I was adventurous at times with what I was doing. I wrote construction workers, vampires, mischievous cats and parrots, a Regency era romance, librarians, pop stars, songwriters, models, actors, farmer’s markets, and high school aus. I wrote fics set in Rome and Vegas and New York City and Chicago and of course, London. I wrote enemies to lovers, friends to lovers, strangers to lovers, meet-cutes, exes to lovers, and established relationships. I wrote humor and fluff and smut and angst. And I wrote Tomlinshaw and Drarry in addition to all the Larry fics. So yeah, tried out a lot of things this year. 
9. How do you hope to grow next year:
Next year, I’d like to focus on writing more what I want to write rather than write for everyone else, which is what I did this year. I think it was really great for me to do that and stretch myself, but next year I have some things planned that I really want to see through. 
10. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc):
Forever and always @taggiecb. I don’t know how I’d write without her, honestly. At this point we talk in our own fic shorthand that we’ve been speaking for the better part of 3 years. Sometimes I have to ask her to really look through something and tell me what’s wrong with it, and she always has the best insight into what could be the problem, but she always does it with such love. I’m so grateful for that because I know she hates to pick apart my writing. She’s the person who loves my fics the most, so she has to fight herself to give me things to fix. lol. 
11. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year:
Hoo boy. Well, for one thing, I have been sometimes intentionally, sometimes unintentionally, writing myself into my Harry characters. And one of my fics this year is almost completely autobiographical. I’ll leave to your imaginations as to which one that might be. 
12. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
I think the best advice that I’ve experienced is reaching out to other writers. Writing doesn’t have to be a solitary experience if you don’t want it to be. I love having groups of writer friends to go to when I need them for support or to give some fresh eyes to something I’m writing. 
13. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
I still need to finish my wip And I Could Hear the Thunder. I’m a bit stuck on it at the moment. 
I’ll be publishing one right away in the new year for the 1000 Feelings challenge/ @nottooldforthisship ‘s birthday. It’s based on a great manip from @melmanpur! 
I am writing a fic for the Moodboard Larry fic challenge, but that’s supposed to be anonymous. So I won’t say too much for now on that. 
I have a fairly ambitious longer fic planned. I don’t know how much I want to say about it. I’ll just say for now that it’s historical. And it has a pretty big twist to it. 
14. Tag three writers/artists whose answers you’d like to read.
I would like to read any and all writers/artists/creators who want to do this! Please say I tagged you, so I can read them! I’ll list a few people though to add some pressure to do this: @juliusschmidt @magicalrocketships @akai-coat @daisyharry @softgolfdaddy @polkadotsvstripes @writsgrimmyblog @flamboyantommo @rainbowninja @turnyourankle 
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