#maybe finally dig into kath and kim
mrghostrat · 7 months
anyone else enjoy their silly regional vernacular and feel sad to notice it slipping? when i was younger i consumed british and american media so hungrily, i adopted so much of it into myself because i loved it and wanted to Be That.
but getting older, i feel sad to realise i’ve washed out so much that makes me unique.
it’s such a small thing, but im gutted that i have to stop and think about whether we call it a footpath or a pavement. and maybe i’m just missing my family after so many years away from home, but im sad to have drifted away from so many household specialties too. i’ll always call it glad wrap and scot towel, but gone are the days of the channel changer, sun block, scerics and plonk.
but i’m sadder about all the little tidbits that used to come so easily, and are now totally lost to memory.
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