#maybe i can make these for other fangans...
soureggs · 5 months
I want to say my opinion on the btd gomenne gomenne fan game , i basicly have no leg to stand on but this is just my view on it
Controversial opinion but
I DONT think anyone is wrong realy in this situation,both sides are vaild.
°its very muddy and ppl try to bring in topics i DONT understand????
*I think ppl often forget alot of the Loud minority of gatos fanbase has sorta parasocial relationship with her since at one point gato was very active in her fanbase offten answering questions on the spot and constantly liking fanart and leaving comments, something not alot of creator's do ( i know the creator of sally face interacts with their own fandom too!)
But bc gatos fanbase is so niche the small amount of ppl assum she approves of everylittle thing or knows about every protect/merch ect She doesn't , it apperse to me shes often the last one to hear the news. If even(?)
( somewhat un related but im using this as an example bc its recent) vvvvvvv
// Very recently a merch creator/ seller said that her version of ren was a. l%li-con and there was some ppl who assumed gato was okay with this. She wasn't lol- i mean gato said multiple times kids DONT even exist in the games plot, BUT because gatos so lenient and open to head canons /spins on her characters thoes ppl assume she approved it \\
Its also very hard when you make a character and then a person starts writing them using their own head canons or having alot of out of character moments
And a STRANGE AMOUNT of thoes ppl thinking its canon or cant get THAT version of your character out of their head/ fan art /wrighting untill eventually its a fanon
Even WHEN a fangame is a perfect (like said fangane) because one person dose it , some ppl with bad intention will use this as an excuse to make a upsetting fangame and wont REALY get in trouble.
Hell even ppl with good intention could do the same and completely miss interpret the characters yk??
Veteran btd fans saw this years ago -
But keep that in mind with Everthing i said above how it might be a reasonable personal rule to have in such a small fandom. Especially if she had bad passed experiences
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I think ppl misinterpret her words, not out of malice ! Im sure of it! , but (creating your own game based off my work) is much different than
(Creating a game using my characters and or plot or story)
I belive she ment ( you can make your own muderp%rn dating sim) like courten cowboys or lurking for love , lovers trophy , etc etc ! Maybe her wording was a misstranlation ? Or misinterpreted? , im on the spectrum so i have that problem too sometimes ! And Especially since gatos so flexible and vague its easy to missread /gen
To be Inspired by a work dosent mean to use the characters or plot, just like referencing when drawing ! Example, OFF and undertail was Earthbound inspired but they both dont use any characters ect OVER THE GARDEN WALL Was inspired by Dante's Inferno! But its not the same characters pulled out and used
I hope that helps/gen
I personaly believe stuff like that , what happened before and even in other fandom is why gato has that particular rule about not wrighting her characters at length. Not wanting to take the risk of someone miss using her characters again! /lh
I think its odd that ppl can Wright about sans undertail doing some weird ass shit and ppl dont scream about how toby fox approves of it . but they do for gato for some reason? ( if you could let me know why pls do ! )
" well ren was giving to gato so its not even hers"
That argument is silly to me, ren was giving as a gift, when you give a present to yourfriend is it yours anymore?? When a person buys an adoptable is it still the sellers?
Its not like gatos shy when saying she didnt creative ren, she was given him and modified him and still lets ppl know she didnt crate him .
Some of them use that as a talking point to say that said fangame creator is fine using that character in particularly as if hes free use, i DONT understand as someone who sells characters /designs(?)
( if you could explain i would appreciate it!)
The fangame devs are very talented the game seems fine from what i hurd! They did take creative liberties but its still very much gatos characters, I think they where respectable with them even in the contex of said game! . But i find it weird that the post says fanart for their fan game is appreciate ( at least in the English post i found prompting it) fan art of a fan game is confusing and i see how some ppl might mix the two up! Know?? like what would even be the tags? 'Sorrysorrybtd?' :0 So i can see how that could be another reason for the rule!
°I acknowledge and am so grateful that the artist. And devs worked so hard on the game and assets , im sure alot of ppl are as well! And im 100% sure it wasn't their intention to upset gato or anyone in that matter at all!
they are NoT obligated to apologize, maybe not make a second game out of respect(?) But thats their prerogative! They can do it , they wield the power yk?
And making dramatic posts about it as well - it just rubs me the wrong way. Especialy using this as a opportunity to disrespect gato and ONE of her only rules she has for this very odd ( positive) fanbase. its kinda a little silly in my opinion . NOT to mention harassing the other game devs - this might make them not want to make any other games at all in the future ! D:
Please know i dont mean anything in this post to be upseting or malicious in anyway, i honestly think no one this fangane drama had any bad intentions or would do anything to upset anyone on purpose! I know its very high tension. And i would be upset too if a fangame i worked SO hard on with characters i love was met with disapprove instead of praise. And this is to say -this could have ben done better on gatos part. Thos could've ben done in privet imp
BUT im not gato , im not the other devs. im not in the positions to say ' i would've done this' bc ive never ben in that position, ive never had to deal with anything like this. So i wouldnt know what ild do in that moment ! And i think alot of ppl also forget that with all devs involved
We are all vary passonat in this fandom. But please dont start burnning bridge's over this! :'3 this fandom is already so devided due to all of our strong personal opinions it dosent realy need to be a. ' pick your side ' thing i dont think..
I am relatively new to the fandom, so i DONT know much about the past dramas srounding it, so if yall have anything youll like to say or add or educate me on PLEASS let me know and i will retract any of thoes statements !
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thefandomenchantress · 7 months
ok, listen to me…
Ace with the despair disease.. I imagine something like… him being extremely kind to the other cast members (I'm not very good at English, I hope I didn't write anything wrong😭)
(Nah don’t worry you wrote everything right!)
THIS. One of my favorite ever motive ideas is the despair disease, but it makes everyone act the exact opposite of how they usually do (Instead of making them do random stuff like being naive or whatever). Well, favorite to happen in a fanfic, not the actual fangan.
If this happened, Ace would be impossible to piss off, he’s just constantly smiling and being nice to everyone. This all seemed like a good thing until everyone realized that since Ace was so scared of everything before, he now fears nothing, including all of them dying. Leaving him quite vulnerable to be murdered.
And Eden’s the exact opposite of Ace, in a way they almost traded personalities. She exited her room the day of the motive and immediately started cussing Teruko out in the hallway with no warning. If they find a body, she just yawns and says something about wanting to finish this trial quickly so that she can go take a nap. Hu keeps trying to snap some sense into her, but to no avail. Before the trial she trusts no one and throws accusations at literally everyone.
David is…acting the same as normal? He got infected but continued to be nice, positive, and friendly all the time. This confuses everyone and calls into question what his true nature was before if this is the opposite of what he’s actually like. Hu tries to say that maybe he’s asymptomatic, but everyone knows that’s unlikely.
Yeah, this would be great. Everything’s a mess and Teruko is praying to god she doesn’t get infected, because then she’d probably start trusting everyone and she can’t have that. The overall theme would probably be something about everyone having valuable traits, and when people turn opposite the rest of the class learn to value the traits that are gone.
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dr-ultimatum · 16 days
09/08/24 Project Notes
Hi, I'm Mothy, the creator of "DR Ultimatum," a rpgmaker fangan following Honoka Akino, the Ultimate Horror Mangaka, after she falls asleep on the train to school and wakes up in a mockery of a town with fourteen other Ultimates. The only way to escape is to kill: at least, that's what the animatronic rat is saying.
I want to make a record of the progress that's being made. I'll update you about two times a month. This first one isn't very exciting, so have some beta art of characters! The leftmost and middle characters are both scrapped, maybe I should bring back the sukeban girl? (Her text would use Japanese characters btw). The middle girl would eventually become Tamiko, and the right girl is beta Chioka. She looks weird without glasses...
If you have any questions, comments, or concern, you can shoot an ask or email [email protected]
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Like I've said, I've been busy for the past three months. I am happy with everyone's designs so far, though there is one student who still needs their design finalized. Expect an updated Azumi and Kuree design soon, but they are more like art updates than anything else.
Meanwhile, I've been working on the outline to the story as well as a prologue. A prologue *has* been completed, but it's now updated as I adjust everyone's characterizations and the setting. Unfortunately, I'm not very good at drawing environments, but have some concept art of the location!
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For the location map, the large rectangle represents the electric fence that contains everyone. The shoddy lines are roads. Yes, there is a gun range. I think I'm happy with the locations, so my current focus is on making my outline neater and fleshing out the locations as well as I can. I have a lot of respect for LINUJ, because starting this made me aware of the things I can't quite do on my own.
Following the completion of the general outline, I'll make a one for chapter 1 purely to add as much detail as it deserves. I want to release the prologue and chapter 1 together, so I'm very excited to continue working on this. Of course, in the meantime, I'll make character bios of everyone so you can get to know them a bit more. Have another concept I made (that doesn't reflect Honoka's actual personality).
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I've also worked on smaller things that are too abstract and miniscule to be put in a tumblr post, as well as starting to really buckle down what tasks I need to do. I haven't began implementing things yet, since I'm focused on concept art and writing, but I'll do that once I'm in the asset making phase. It's...a lot, so I'd like to gather a small team of people to make this something nice. But before I do that, I want to people to know that they're following a project that won't just string you along.
This is about the end for now. I'll definitely share my progress as it goes along! Like I said, this update isn't very exciting, but I hope the next one will be fun. Thank you for reading!
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catgirl-catboy · 1 year
Mastermind Whit Essay
Okay, I'm really unsure of how to begin this post. I know most people in the DRDT fandom suspect Teruko as the mastermind due to her secret, but are we perhaps playing right into the masterminds hands?
I feel like if Teruko was genuinely the mastermind, she wouldn't give David of all people a note confirming she is. Due to how misleading the secrets have been with other people, it makes far more sense to read this as a frame by the true mastermind.
Maybe Teruko would deliberately make herself suspicious if it were chapter 5 or 6, but in chapter 2??? I'm not buying it.
I feel like this red herring of Teruko is hiding another, far more suspicious character.
Before we get into our theory, the mastermind should match up with the killing game's mascot.
Monokuma and Junko are the obvious pair, since Junko herself chooses to look like Monokuma. There are also hints in Monokuma theater about her true identity.
Monomi and Izuru also have some parallels, especially since Usami's transformation into Monomi could be considered a nod to Hajime's transformation into Izuru.
Monokubs are cheap ripoffs of Monokuma. Tsumugi is a cheap ripoff of Junko.
This trend also tends to apply to fangans, but I'd rather not spoil any for you.
So what does Monotv say about our mysterious mastermind? Monotv's personality tends to focus on one thing: ratings. He will also fake ineptitude on occasion to make things more interesting.
What if I told you that there was a DRDT character whose every action happens to increase ratings?
That's right, ladies and gentlemen (and Nico!), I'm talking about Whit.
Whit is one of the few characters we see before we get an introduction for him. And what do we see him doing? Turning Hu against the group.
Hu is one of the few characters that isn't willing to trust the group with her secret in chapter 2, and this could very well be because of the bad first impression Whit helped make. This has a side effect of having her emotionally dependent on David by trial 2, which I'm positive will have bad results when the hiatus ends.
When we get to his introduction proper, he spends most of it trying to force Teruko and Xander closer together. This isn't his only notable interaction with Teruko either, since he's the only one that prods her to talk about her past pre-trial 1.
It's hard to say for certain about Whit's intentions, but most of his actions appear to have negative concequences later on in the game.
When it comes to Whit, he claims most of his actions are guided by his intuition, like Sayaka before him.
But when you look at things from an objective point of view, his intuition might not hold up. This is the person that hid David's secret from the class for as long as practical.
In-universe, Whit claims its to help David's career.
But if you look at it closely, does this claim make any sense? This killing game is televised, so it'd be reasonable to suspect that the in-universe DRDT audience knows all the secrets before the characters do.
Besides, how good can Whit's intuition be if he believed in the good of someone as suspicious as David.
So, if Whit's stated motive for keeping that secret doesn't hold up (to me.), what would? Why, MonoTV's motive! Everything Whit does intentionally or unintentionally ups ratings.
Teruko distrusting and being isolated from the group? Is good for ratings.
(Whit didn't bring her back into the group like he did with Charles, which reads as OOC behavior to me. But do you know who canonically doesn't want Teruko talking with the group? MonoTV.)
Hu and David getting close and having a falling out? Is good for ratings.
You could even argue his relationship with Charles is good for ratings.
Speaking of David, I find it interesting that Whit used the same tactic as David to avoid sharing his secret, but did it better.
Unlike David, Whit dropped multiple possible secrets, and admitted the possibility that it could be none of them upfront. This makes him dodge the suspicion David got when his stated secret wasn't on the list.
Whit's secret wasn't even given much attention in the trial itself.
I also feel like Whit's secret was worded a lot more plainly than most of the other secrets. Compare "your mother is dead, you always omit that truth" to "Your older brother died, but you don't remember him at all." or "Your younger sister killed herself because of you. You should have never left."
It could just be because the secret isn't plot-relevant this chapter, or it could be because Whit's secret isn't what it seems.
Another thing, Whit is pretty strange around corpses. He made a dark joke about Min's execution, and under reacts to every corpse in the game so far. Many people think this has something to do with his mom, but I have one question for those people. Would that really explain why he's worse than Veronika, who canonically enjoys the game?
This concludes the main part of my analysis, but here are some details that could be questionable with Mastermind!Whit in mind. (Or maybe I just think everything he does is suspicious, who knows!)
In chapter 1, he deliberately threw the arm wrestling contest to Teruko. Could be hiding his true strength?
He chooses NOT to break up fights that were going nowhere. This seems contrary to what an ideal matchmaker should do in this context.
His name. Whit is one letter away from Wit, meaning intelligence. That could be an example of some very clever foreshadowing. But... its a reach.
He was one of the 3 to get redesigns, along with the protagonist. However, he got specific attention done to his eyes. Every Mastermind in canon does something cool to their eyes upon the reveal.
Out of all of the canon Danganronpa characters, Whits talent is the closest to Toko's. Charwit could be an inversion of Togafuwa, with feelings being one-sided on Toko's (Whit's) end this time.
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thebusytypewriter · 1 year
Okay Salem my beloved two options for my req you do whichever scritches the brainrot best 💕
—Reader-insert/Kamukura Despair-era shenanigans (shippy? chaotic? hurt/comfort? angsty? up to you!) (Bonus points for bullying Servant/Nagito /hj)
—A oneshot for any OC you haven’t gotten to talk about (enough) on here :> I know you have an FMAB and a non-Rosalind fangan kiddo in particular; maybe one of those!
ily Salem thank youuuu :D
Jonnie my beloved you give me options but this is for YOU and I know you love Kamukura so I offer Despair-era shenanigans :> It's a rather..... specific idea but I hope it suffices nonetheless! 💕
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Towa City—the most fucked-up city in this new fucked-up world.
So why, exactly, are you—a former investigator before everything went to shit—finding yourself heading into this fucked-up city? Easy. You’re chasing a phantom.
Not a literal phantom, of course; you’re tracking an individual who’s popped into and out of your radar for months now, showing up without fail at the preferred locations of every Remnant of Despair. You have a couple of buddies in what remains of the civilian-formed safety corps, and they had the misfortune of running into this phantom while on patrol once.
Their number of squadron members was cut in half that day, and the bastard apparently never lifted more than a finger.
You’re intrigued, of course, but you want to make sure this odd man never causes any more disasters.
And so, you’ve found your way to the newest circle of hell: Towa City.
Based on reports, the bridges connecting it to the mainland have since been destroyed, but that doesn’t stop you from commandeering one of the small motorboats remaining at the docks. Ripples in the water nearby alert you to the fact that your target had the same train of thought. You quickly check your supplies before absolutely hauling ass across the water.
As you approach, you’re greeted by a surprising lack of robotic killing machines. They had been the staple danger of Towa City, and you’d prepared several countermeasures against those beasts, but there’s nothing; not even so much as a single ball-sized bot. It doesn’t sit right with you.
(You don’t notice the long-haired man staring down at you from the bridge’s remaining supports, taking in your confusion.)
Nevertheless, you continue on your way, handgun at the ready just in case. As per your training, you follow every turned stone, every shifted pile of dirt, and every open door to track your target. You can’t help but feel pride at your skill and luck to make it this far, to get so close to this strange person.
(He’s moving too fast ahead of you for you to see him laying out the path.)
You climb flight after flight in this one building, all stones gone, all dirt replaced with concrete. The only thing that guides you now is the echoing footsteps above you, growing ever so steadily fainter.
(He takes care to make noisy steps for a change.)
The sound of a door alerts you to the phantom’s exit. Tenth floor—a penthouse suite, you think. You pursue, ready for another chase… or maybe a fight. After all, no one really knows anything about this person; you could be dealing with the former Ultimate Taekwondo Master for all you know.
(You are. Among other things.)
You’re surprised to see your target standing perfectly still within the living area, back to you as they look out of the window toward the skyline. There’s no indication of hearing your entrance, and it unsettles you once more. Now significantly closer, you can reasonably identify them as male, or at least male-presenting. His long black hair drapes over his back and partially obscures his pristine suit from your view, and it’s almost annoyingly perfect and smooth. He stands tall, posture simultaneously relaxed and proper in an effortless manner.
He’s a bit of a vision, you catch yourself thinking.
Deciding not to look a gift horse in the mouth, you take careful steps forward. One hand holds your gun, which is loaded in case of the worst, and the other delicately pulls your singular remaining pair of handcuffs from your belt.
Thirty feet from him. Twenty. Ten. He makes no move to run, no move at all, so you hesitantly holster the gun so you can have both hands at your disposal.
Just as you step within reach, he turns, and you manage to block a knifehand strike with your forearms. It catches you by surprise, but what combat training remains in your head took action just in time to save your ass from being knocked unconscious.
You have only that brief moment to take in his face—chiseled, neutral, objectively handsome. Intense red eyes stare you down, but they’re not angry. They’re not anything.
His head tilts, and after a beat, he opens his mouth to say something.
He doesn’t get the chance.
You manage to grab hold of the hand he’d used to attack you, and one side of the handcuffs is shoved on.
That’s when he moves, tugging the caught wrist back and attempting to shove you back by the chest, but you’ve got a vice grip on the other cuff.
“Come on,” you growl, keeping still the hand you just caught as you fumble to grab and get the other under control. “Don’t make me use my fucking taser—”
“AHA! Oh…” You move back just a hair, staring in disbelief at your target’s wrist… and yours.
In the confusion, you’d gotten it half-correct. You’d handcuffed him, all right. Just… to yourself.
Well, shit.
“This is awkward.”
He stares, thoroughly unimpressed. But he makes no move to escape.
“What, can’t you just get out of it?”
Red eyes blink back at you.
“…Thanks for the input.” You sigh. “Dammit, why couldn’t this have just gone the way I’d planned? Fine, let’s just… save both of our prides. I’ve got the key.”
Using your free hand—the right one—you reach into your small utility bag attached to your belt and grab the single steel key from within. Even as you hold it up to show him, your target continues to just stare. It’s unnerving, but at least he isn’t trying to kill you. That’s a first, and a welcome one at that.
However, despite your training and ability to lock and unlock handcuffs blindfolded, the edge of the key catches on a ridge it shouldn’t, and the dumb thing slides out of your hand and onto the floor. You ignore the burning in your cheeks and squat to retrieve it.
Just as you reach for the key, he swiftly kicks it with the toe of his shoe, sending it flying an impressive distance across the floor and under the penthouse’s oven.
You stare in disbelief at where it disappeared. Then you look up at him.
How the fuck is he able to look so smug while still remaining expressionless?
“The hell is your deal?” You push yourself up and waggle your cuffed wrists in front of him. “Unless you know how to get out of handcuffs without a key—which I don’t—then we’re stuck. Is that what you want?”
“Or you could just not talk to me. That works.”
God, you wish you still had a team.
“You’re a detective,” he finally says, tone as flat as his expression. “You don’t appear to be related by blood to the Kirigiri line, and the lack of a ring on your hand implies that you are not married.”
The analysis throws you for a loop momentarily as you process it. “The Kirigiris? I mean, I know of them, but no, we’re not related. I’m just a private investigator from Tokyo. I came here to—”
“To track and apprehend me,” your target finishes, “someone you could not figure out. Someone who remained just out of reach. Now you have time to do so, and I will be able to do the same.”
“You make it sound like you planned this.”
He doesn’t refute it.
The sound of approaching vehicle engines alerts you to the presence of someone else outside. It’s faint, given your height at the tenth floor, but you’re still able to classify them as military-grade. Probably those Future Foundation people. You wonder what they’re doing in this city.
…You wonder if they can get you out of the cuffs.
Your target narrows his eyes at you, as if reading your thoughts. “That would be a terrible idea.”
“Good thing I didn’t ask for your opinion.”
“If you surrender to the Future Foundation, it is quite likely that they will consider you an accomplice of mine.”
“Oh please, I’m a licensed detective, they have no reason to distrust me—” Now it’s your turn to blink at him. “Wait, did you say accomplice of yours? Who does that make you, then?”
For once, he hesitates, appearing to mull something over in that strange head of his. Then, he finally says, “I am called Izuru Kamukura, and I am considered to be a part of the Ultimate Despair, who are now the Remnants of Despair with the death of Junko Enoshima.”
It processes for a moment, then you huff a half-laugh. “A lot of uncertainty there.”
“They are facts.”
“Right, right. So the Future Foundation…?”
“Wishes to kill me.”
“Gotcha. And me showing up, handcuffed to you—”
“Would likely end in your own death, or at least imprisonment with suspicion of cooperation with a terrorist.”
“Son of a bitch.” You glare at Kamukura, gesturing vaguely toward the stove. “Then why make me lose the key? Are you just that sadistic?”
That smug little twinkle in his eye comes back. “No. I knew it would be interesting, being locked to the person who’s been following me for two months.” He leans forward into your personal space, dark hair falling to curtain the both of you. “Checkmate, detective.”
Heat rushes over your face once more.
Guess you have no choice but to follow his lead.
‘Interesting,’ without a doubt.
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Teach me your massive writing nerd ways, senpai!! 😫
(For real though, hope you get better soon ^^)
//Thank you ^^
//I'm not really an expert in this department, but here's Sixteen Steps on how I oversee the Fangan writing process:
Decide on your story's theme first and foremost. What's the major conflict? What ideas are being put forward and challenged? How will your Killing Game's story, character and environment reflect these? Are you sticking with the classics (Hope vs. Despair, Truth vs. Lies), something similar but new (Trust vs. Doubt, Growth vs. Stagnation, Redemption vs. Corruption) or are you going with something completely different? All of these can and should play a role on the nature of the Killing Game itself.
When you've decided on what kind of story you want to tell, work on the characters. Your characters shouldn't just be there to die and crack jokes, they should be an active part of the story and their arcs should ideally reflect the conflicts and themes. You also are not bound by the archetypes used in canon and can vary it up however you want.
Character arcs: Have them. Even with characters whose fates are sealed and they aren't going to die, there's no reason not to allow them some degree of growth and change in the time that they do have. Their arcs can even naturally conclude with their deaths in trials or the like, which can vary from them choosing to save someone else to one final act of spite against the rest of the group.
You are not bound by the almighty outline. You're also going to need at least a general idea of where you want your story to go, but it's okay to provide yourself with a degree of flexibility. Who's going to survive? Who isn't? Why? What are the motives? Are they doing anything besides just faffing around waiting for the next murder? Maybe your ideas will change, just make sure you can smoothly integrate those new ideas without upsetting the flow and clues you've established.
Small moments are more important than big ones. Moments of characterization in the plot, like vulnerability, small confrontations, even casually-provided pieces of dialogue can do more for your characters than just having them die horribly/dramatically or them revealing something major in or after the trial. FTEs should be supplemental, not the place you dump all their best/worst character qualities.
Characters should communicate. You shouldn't define characters purely by their relationship to the protagonist or to one other character. See how many dynamics and interactions you can come up with, and how you might be able to include those into the story. Diversifying interactions opens up a lot of potential new dynamics and story opportunities.
It's okay to be a LITTLE self-indulgent. I say this because I got flak for saying writers shouldn't let their self-indulgence overwhelming their fangans. I will clarify that it's okay if you want to include something just because you want to include it, as I have in my own writing, but if you want a murder method/execution/confrontation/what have you in the story, please at least integrate it in a way that makes sense. If you don't, it's going to feel jarring at best and actively harmful and disruptive to the story at worst.
Your setting should feel like a part of the story. The place where your cast is trapped shouldn't feel like a featureless prison with setups for murders, it should have an active role in the situation and clue us into the story. Is it run-down and grungy? Unnaturally clean for an inhabited space? Is it dark? Is it colorful and lively? What's keeping them from leaving? What do they find as they explore?
Avoid stereotypes about mental health. If you're going to use DID, Schizophrenia, Autism, OCD, depression, PTSD, Bipolar Disorder, any personality disorder, etc., PLEASE do your research before you even think about writing a character with any of these. Mental health being equated with violence is grossly exaggerated; people with these conditions are more likely to be victims of violence, not the perpetrators. Please don't make a character built out of negative stereotypes just for the sake of drama or making the story "interesting." A good character is vastly more interesting than another Genocider Syo knockoff.
Idiot Plots are Unacceptable. There's a fine line between a character making a bad decision because of pride, fear, miscalculation, or any sort of understandable flaw, and them making one because the story needs them to in order for a murder to happen. Your characters can make all the right decisions that they reasonably could, and still ultimately fail. That often makes the antagonists seem much smarter and more threatening.
Do not overly focus on the rival. If you've ever heard someone say that villains are more interesting than heroes, that person is probably just bad at writing heroes. Your protagonist does not have to be boring and your rival doesn't have to, and preferably shouldn't, be the most important and well-written character in the story. A good rival challenges the protagonist and serves as their foil in some way, but that also means the protagonist can challenge them in other ways; e.g. Byakuya has no chance of solving Trial 4 because he couldn't even conceive of a situation where someone would sacrifice themselves for another.
Suffering does not equate to sympathy. Yes, a killing game would be a miserable experience, but just making the characters miserable and putting them through the wringer constantly, with no chance for them to breathe or get any kind of victory often feels more exhausting than sympathetic or interesting. This extends beyond fangans and into writing in general; if you've established that a character is never going to succeed at anything they do, people are going to emotionally check out of the story because there's no reason to get invested that something might go wrong.
The mastermind should reflect one side of the conflict. For the driving theme, whichever side the protagonist is on, the mastermind should represent the opposite. For extra thematic flair, maybe have their backgrounds parallel each other in some manner and see how their lives too very different paths as a result. If they don't, they're going to feel very disconnected from the story and like they had no reason to do this at all.
Ask yourself what kind of mastermind works best for your story. Do you want someone loud and bombastic? Quiet and scheming? Angry and bitter? A deluded paragon who thinks they're doing good with their killing game? Someone not even human? When you have it in mind, work backwards and ask how this person would then decide to become the mastermind of this killing game in the first place.
If you're stuck, try reverse-engineering. A lot of us have the outcome of a story in mind first but aren't sure how we get there, especially with murders in these games. I find the best way is to work backwards, starting with the outcome (basically the Closing Argument) and scattering all the pieces of the murder scene around to where it becomes a mystery. Motivations, of course, should be the first thing on your mind and why they targeted a particular character.
EXECUTIONS ARE NOT A STORY. This is probably the biggest hurtle I see with a lot of aspiring fangan writers, where they focus very much on the deaths and executions over everything else. Your fangan can't just be a paper-thin plot designed to get us from one execution to the other, it needs an actual story and characters to keep us engaged. Furthermore, your executions shouldn't just be spectacle, they should have a purpose in the narrative and provide character insights in and of themselves, whether it's ironic punishments or some final revelation about the character.
//And there you go, some tips for writing a fangan. Hope these help! ^^
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librariansrose · 1 year
So I don’t really mention it but;
The way I got into DRDT was through friend recommendation.
At the time I was known for being attached to a certain rambunctious wizard from another fangan; I still am.
A friend dmed me around the time ch2 Ep 11’s twist happened and showed me, Him ™️. Insisting that he was also my type.
Now mind you they showed me some shots that didn’t interest me because well, they just didn’t grab the right ones.
About a month or so later, another friend goes through DRDT, the same one who is the genuine reason for my attachment to mister silly wizard from other fangan.
I bite the bullet and ask; “Hey so another friend of mine is really invested in this but I don’t want to get too sucked into fangan since DR community can be abit… you know.”
My friend told me they were having a good time with it and confirmed the claim of my other friend that yes Maybe that one ™️ would fit my type.
So since I trust her judgement, I decided I’d give it a shot.
At first, out of the entire cast I actually attached to Xander. Over time I grew to really adore his connection to Teruko and David vaguely interested me at the time because of Obvious reasons.
I met Veronika and was head over heels immediately. I still love her even if I don’t gush about her nearly as much as the other aforementioned three.
So as I went through the story; I found myself analyzing like I usually do when I hyperfixate. More specifically; the character ties, personalities and relationships.
My takes at the start towards some of the cast have drastically changed but my favorites have remained the same.
I would have not found DRDT if not for my two friends. I would not have found fangan without one of those friends in particular.
I do still love my time with fangan and will continue to.
I love writing stories for those characters, studying them with analysis and bonding with others over our appreciation for the media itself.
Making charms… that’s been fun too. It will still be fun, same with printing stickers.
Frankly…? I don’t mind waiting for a good story to finish its publishing run. I’m along for the ride; I’ll continue to support it and most especially the Dev and team involved. Through the wait or otherwise.
I try to weave the love of said media into the stories I write. Each story is like a tiny love letter to that source story itself.
So I guess I want to say this;
Dev, Team, VA’s, thank you for it all.
The hard work, the patience, the joy of the creation process. It’s a pleasure and will continue to be.
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illusionsofcontrol · 7 months
Hey guys, thanks for the kind messages you sent me. Sorry I couldn't respond to them individually, but I promise I did read them and really do appreciate them. I am feeling better now, though some days it's really just one step at a time.
As for THV, I am not going to give up on it for the time being. However, I have had to accept that it is going to take plenty of time and effort to finish and get over my "shame" of spending so much of my life on a silly Minecraft Danganronpa fic. I made the mistake of trying to rush through the process and "get it over with" which ironically only made my progress that much slower (kind of like cramming a square piece of clay into a circular hole and jamming it vs taking the time to mold it properly beforehand). I took the common advice of forcing myself to write a certain number of words per day, but that only resulted in rushed unsatisfying writing that I could never bring myself to untangle. Maybe it could work for others, but I don't think this way of writing is particularly great for a mystery novel that requires a lot of careful planning.
So... I'm not starting the planning from scratch but I am scrapping a lot of what I originally wrote. I've essentially had to figure out what on earth was making me so unsatisfied with the story, which was honestly quite a lot and I'll probably make a separate post to discuss some of that. But one by one I've been tackling these issues and making some major revisions, and now I am a lot more sure of how I want the story to go. There's still more things to work on in my head, but I'm going to take my time with it.
However! In recent months I have been using a wonderful site called 4thewords.com which essentially turns your writing journey into a fantasy adventure game with quests to complete, monsters to fight, and rewards for your writing progress. It's not free but it is only 4 USD a month and it has pushed me to write so much more than before because I'm someone who cannot resist Obtaining Achievements. I would really recommend it for anyone like me who wants to write but has trouble pushing themself to just sit down and do it. (I promise I'm not sponsored or anything I just really fucking love this site 😭)
Anyway, that's where I'm at for now. I can make no promises that I'll ever finish this story, but I am going to keep taking things one step at a time and enjoy the journey itself. I also want to say that I'm probably going to be pretty inactive on this blog as I don't really feel like talking about THV itself before it's done. I'm still down to talk about writing and dangan/fangan stuff in general though! But I hope you guys can understand my general silence here.
Thank you guys again for all your support (:
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raspbeyes · 1 year
Okay locking in my guesses for today >:)
David - def doubt he's culprit, he's just been so narratively suspicious that i doubt it's him. He's been called out by Teruko from the start and if i ever made a fangan, i wouldn't choose to put the culprit in the thumbnail. Judging by the fact he revealed his family history of depression, he might be the hopeless child one, as i realized the manipulator one may not fit him. Hes shown to be overall upfront on his intentions and judging by how he let his mask slip within the first moments after meeting xander and teruko suggests that he puts up a front, not a manipulator. He also did blush after arei hugged him, and i doubt u can fake that, so i think his feelings (platonic i feel) are real
Ace - Im still on fence whether he may have the motive. He could easily be bluffing (maybe to draw David out and for david himself to admit it) as idk if Ace would ever go looking for David's secret by asking around. If Ace does know, it either implies he guessed using process of elimination (maybe he at least knows other people's secrets like min or levi) or he asked either veronika (i think she has the hopeless secret) or whit. But ace doesnt like veronika, and idk if he'd talk to whit lol.
As for him being culprit, it wont make sense imo for him to admit he was on the second floor at the time of death. Moreover, and really imo, the murder doesn't feel like ace would do it (i sound like j lol) as its a very clean murder and I feel ace would he of a more slapped-dash kinda of way. He does have motive to kill, either nico or to escape, but he has no reason to kill arei that i can think of.
Nico - kinda like david, if Nico is the killer, it would be narratively disappointing. To just have nico pivot his attention to arei makes no sense. Now both murder set ups seem similar, with the neck being the point damaged, but nico would be incriminating himself if he just did something he was caught last time for doing AGAIN. Though nico was just wandering around (while i dont think its crucial atm, the fact no one aside ace found that suspect is strange) at the time of death is suspicious. Nico does say he feeds the fish before 10 and he recalls seeing David go to the second floor around time of death, so wouldn't nico have been there too?? Again i don't want nico killer
Swap theory - admittedly ... i dont get the swap theory. I get too mixed up on who's doing the killing and who's being impersonated. Tho it could be possible, as during first part of trial, there was an extended discussion abt accomplices that seemed to have gone no where, so for it could be paid off later in the trial.
Hu - Honestly there's just this gut feeling I have it's Hu even tho theres no indication yet. As everyone has pointed out, shes been very defensive of nico in this whole nico-ace debacle, while nico has been strangely silent. Hu definitely dislikes ace, tho for arei, I'm not as sure outside of hu being fed up with arei in ch 1. Hu refuses to tell her secret or for some reason, the secret she has. There was wire involved with nico killing ace, wire hu could have given, and she may have resorted to arei's rope in storage since she no longer has her weapon and a rope is similar to her wire. Charles does mention finding a starched up ball of clothes in the dress up room, clothes only whit, teruko, and hu are probably aware of. And we do see hu's clothing there. She also mentions her alibi twice with being with eden, which isnt anything important, I just thought was strange.
Eden - I recall reading a post of eden being a culprit and truth is ... i dont wanna suspect my girl even if there is evidence 😭😭 she has connections with arei, and she was with hu during the time of death, a alibi i just said i doubted. She was in the dress up room for unexplained reasons the night of ace's "bda". But i really dont want it to be eden, and if it is, pls for a good reasonnnnn
Levi - i love levi, he's literally why i got into drdt so ahhh i dont wanna suspect him. But with the emphasis placed on the secrets, Levi's could potentially fit the cold blooded killer. Tho from the intro to ch 2 between levi and eden, he does seem to be wanting to be a good person, which doesnt read to me as a killer without remorse. However he does have a connection with ace and nico, and he did mention saying he wanted to strangle ace during the first trial, with ace and arei then being attacked at their neck. There's an unexplained punch on the computer room's wall, one that could connect to the floor below and seems levi could be the one to break the wall like that.
Anyway thats all i gotta say :D
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causeitsagame · 1 year
I've finalized all of my fangan base designs (...I think) and look, the most important part of the entire height reference chart:
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She's short.
I love being able to see my kids in front of me ❤️😭 (I'm going to murder so many of you in unspeakably horrific ways)
Everyone behind the cut, with a brief bit about their design + role!
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This is uhhhh nothing that will be playable any time soon, but I'm aiming for an honest-to-god full (fan) game experience. :) First trial has eighteen different truth bullets, this protag has her own unique mechanic, I'm building things out in Unity, etc. etc. etc.
I am GOING FOR IT, because setting a high creative bar and forcing yourself to push yourself is how development happens!
I'm moving from left to right and including the name/talent/MTBI in text below for readability. I included the MBTI here because I tied each one of them to an MBTI archetype as a fun self challenge (hey, sixteen people!) and so you can look to see who you match up with.
Every single talent is plot-relevant by the end of the game, at minimum. Many are plot-critical. I didn't want anyone to feel like wasted space.
Emi (Tailor, INFJ) - Sweet and humble, she's the type to just wear a standard school uniform. She focuses on assisting others, so she's always got her equipment ready if someone needs something mended.
Akari (Actress, ENFJ) - THE BEARER OF THE AHOGE. Famous ever since she started as a child star, she's always had every life decision made for her by her agent or stage parents. Sounds like you need some character development, girl!
Minata (Gardener, INFP) - Shows off detailed scientific knowledge more suited for a "Botanist" title, but he goes by Gardener for a reason. Practical and kind, he's the type to show up in a working outfit.
Hana (Cinematographer, ISFP) - Has earned awards for her work, yet currently struggles to get attached to new films. Design-wise, her formal presentation is her trying to compensate for that career struggle and look older. Girl should be on LinkedIn, she wants to N E T W O R K.
Momoko (???, ENTP) - Picture a walking pair of 🖕🏼🖕🏼. But. Like. A funny one. Don't worry, girl; as a ???, you're plot-important! You're sure to stick around! (Ignore the muffled Rantaro voice.) I actually had a very specific inspiration for her look, but it's a spoiler for why she's actually there and what her identity ends up being.
Maeko (Director, ISTP) - Three movie-related talents, by now. Is that plot-relevant? An artifact of me being near the Hollywood Sign? MAYBE BOTH? (It's both.) Anyway, Maeko is willing to Commit to the Bit of whatever she's working on, hence showing up in that old-fashioned director's outfit. She knows how the whole Ultimates thing works.
Shin (Statistician, INTJ) - My MBTI sign. :) As a kid, Shin decided that the mathematician in Jurassic Park was totally cool. That ended up steering him toward ear spikes and hair streaks instead of sweater vests. Still gotta have glasses, though.
Riko (Astronomer, INTP) - Riko is clueless about basically everything besides star maps, including "how to act like a normal teenager" or "how to stand comfortably." She gets a generic uniform (with constellation tights) because she wouldn't have the slightest clue where to start, otherwise.
Moriaki (Salesman, ESFP) - Heya pal 👉🏼👉🏼 Thanks for stopping by for a chat 👉🏼👉🏼 I definitely won't make any deals I can't handle 👉🏼👉🏼 KHAKIS 👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼
Ayame (Journalist, ENTJ) - I don't think it's much of a spoiler to say that an investigative journalist is a good fit as one of the hard carries in trials. She zips around to stories on her motorcycle, hence the boots, jacket, and sunglasses :)
Satoru (Historian, ISTJ) - What an asshole. (He has my favorite of everyone's FTEs.)
Hiro (Fire Fighter, ESTJ) - A fire fighter. Literally named Hiro. His existence as a character is NOT. SUBTLE. Add in his first aid training, and you have someone too good to be true. (Maybe...?)
Katori (Beach Volleyball, ENFP) - Obviously, this design had to exist if I'm trying to respect many (but not all) of the tropes. Laid-back, optimistic, and totally into manifesting positive outcomes. She's basically an insta influencer who found herself in a killing game.
Ren (Bodyguard, ESFJ) - You might be big as hell, but that doesn't look like much of a bodyguard outfit, bro 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
Daichi (Outdoorsman, ISFJ) - A second huge dude! BREAKING THE MOLD. (Actually, you might have noticed that there are four pretty ripped dudes, and that is in fact plot-relevant at multiple points. It's not only me going 'thirst traps for both sides.' Anyway.) I'd loosely planned out his outfit (flannel shirt, timberland boots, etc.), but I also wanted to involve a school uniform somehow. The only way he could fit into one: ripping his blazer's arms off to turn it into a vest.
SO, there they are. :) I'm tens of thousands of words into this fangan script, have all the trials, evidence, major plot beats, and the ending mapped out, and a 100+ CC0-license 3D objects + locations plus several hundred sound effect files stockpiled. It's happening! Slowly. But it's happening! I will try my very best to make a fun, engaging game.
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dragbunart · 9 months
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I wanted to play around with those character's based on those beta designs i made awhile ago. They may get SLIGHTLY alter's over time (example: I wanted to make the skellys on these two outfits match a bit more and adjust the colors on other characters). Because I think I want to make a fangan KG with them.
I'll probably do some disconnected comic with them in the meantime to get a feel for their personalities.
Most of them need names. I think Reaper (the sickly-looking one) will probably be called Reaper as I've gotten attached to that nickname for him. Or some nickname like that for him would be cool
But I have no idea what Big Guy's name should be.
Like Ai and Yamato Hanako (Andriod and Zombie Girl) These two have become friends in my head. With Big Guy (For lack of a better nickname) often picking Reaper up by his hood (like a kitten). In fact Big Guy gets VERY upset if he can't find Reaper and can go a bit agro.
Being Big Guy is a Fuyuhiko Beta... I think he could potentially be a Hitman for the Yakuza? Or maybe he's like totally innocnet and a mortician of some sort. I dunno. I just want him to be involved with Death in a different way from Reaper (Who can see and communicate with ghosts).
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danganronpa96 · 1 year
Hold on I'll ask a few but not a lot since I don't wanna be annoying lol.
Idk I have a fangan with these characters but the show is sadly underrated but have you watched 101 Dalmatian Street? Really good show, really good characters, really cute art. Really scary finale.
There was a question asked in the Penguinronpa QnA, two actually, and I wanted to ask these questions. Since 96 isn't complete you can just do like the characters slash chapters you've done up til then or just do 69 only.
For each character, what would they have contributed if they lasted longer in the story. Like the role. Antag, development, support, that one character who does nothing but survives anyway, etc
What's one thing for each chapter you'd go back and redo, if there was one thing for each chapter?
Sorry for question count I'm a very questiony guy. Also yes, this is York the guy who gave Bojack-o-lattern a ton of nicknames. Also I've watched some of Breaking Bad and watched Saiki K almost all of Season 1 (dubbed). Both are really fucking good. There's an Ao Oni movie apparently but the demon design is apparently bad, wait shit I'm rambling. Let me stop now.
1. I haven’t watched it myself, but as long as you enjoy the show yourself and the characters you’re writing, then that’s great! As long as you’re passionate, you could even convince others to check it out
As these other answers are kinda long, I’m gonna put them under the cut ↓ ↓ ↓
2. I’ll answer this for DR69 as it’s easier as that story is already finished.
Mr. Krabs - probably would’ve taken on an arc of greed or teamwork that would’ve reflected into Luigi in some way
Mario - would’ve taken on a very tight-knit support role for Luigi, perhaps helping him come out of his shell and befriend anyone Luigi would
Dedede - as a comical character in the story, it would’ve been funny if he did get access to a hammer or something and tried to break down a wall, only for it to actually lead them to somewhere useful (or makes a hole that a killer could utilise for a murder case)
Ashley - like a mentioned in a very previous post, she would’ve had an arc of coming out of her comfort zone and making more friends, gaining some confidence on the side to confide in others. She would probably become a close friend to Luigi, who takes on a similar type of parental role he does with Parappa (as one single man can never have too many kids)
2D - I’d like to think we’d get to see him perform at some point. Either as a performance with Miku and Teto, or maybe on his own without the cosmetics and show lights, singing to someone who needs the motivation
Peter - I won’t lie, I don’t particularly want Peter to be an endgame character, even in an alternative timeline. I think he’d continue to just be a comic relief character tho, just not so loudly during the darker parts as we get later into the story
Sans - If Sans was alive longer, sansmaeda would be able to be explored more than just during the trial and some parts before. Perhaps the relationship would cause some problems with trust, or it would change the dynamic of the group in someway (as the first sort of relationship they’ve been accustomed to). On his own, I think he’d begin to actually care about investigating himself and find some pretty useful things
Fluttershy - for Fluttershy, she’d be able to spread her kindness a lot further from when she died. Since she had her own doubts herself, however (seen in her diary), it would’ve been a good opportunity for her to receive help from others rather than just being so selfless. Also, she would’ve been able to share her drawings herself, allowing her to explain her creative process and see the others' reactions to her art
Brian - if Brian was persuaded to keep going, he’d have no regrets, more easily able to accept certain strange things and focus on what’s most important: saving everyone else. I think he’d often try to be self-sacrificial, but others would convince him they all need to stay alive together
3. I’ll continue to answer this with just DR69.
Chap 1 - add more events to the daily life. It felt kinda short, even if it was my first ever dangan chapter, and it would’ve been nice to see more events with the whole cast before one bit the dust. I’d like to see them all do something together -- maybe find a way to escape even if it backfires.
Chap 2 - this is more of a technical thing, but I accidentally forgot to have one of the three practicing the play (either The Conductor, Miku or Teto) mention they were rehearing in Classroom 1-A and not the performance hall during the night of the 2nd murder. This led to some theories believing the latter, which made me feel a bit guilty as it led some theories the wrong way.
Chap 3 - I mentioned before I wanted to also add more events to the daily life of ch3. However, I’d probably remove that um. Luigi having to be a real plumber for Peter scene because it was just gross and I only did it because I thought some people would find it funny I guess?? Like it’s not the worst thing ever but I don’t like stooping to toilet level humour often.
Chap 4 - for this chapter, I think I’d want to justify why Sans killed Peter himself. While taking on a selfless act as he didn’t want Nagito to die is alright, just Peter making fun of Papyrus doesn’t really reflect why Sans would get so mad. However, this was actually because in a very old plan I had, Peter had actually killed Papyrus himself (idk how or why but he did) and that confession would be what had led Sans into killing him. I mean I guess it could’ve been possible in a prequel type thing but it would make things more messy (also impossible considering Papyrus is alive for the albeit dead sequel)
Chap 5 - I think I would add more moments of Luigi seeing Parappa hanging out with Brian and trying to make him happy again. We only really see him trying to talk to Nagito, and not with the other two often. It would be nice to have Luigi at least know one thing they did together, making the moment it all falls apart in the trial much more harder to bear.
Chap 6 - I can’t think of much I would change here. However, I would’ve liked to add a part during the trial where Luigi reminisces on the others who have passed away, and I would add a CG of a collage of all the final moments of each character like how they did in SDR2 and NDRV3. I just think it’d look cool but painful as a reminder of all the deaths in one big image. I’d also add a CG right at the end of all 5 survivors standing together after escaping the school. I was planning to, but I got quite burned out after basically working on that final chapter so intently after such a long hiatus.
4. Hello again! I’m glad you’ve enjoyed those shows so far since I really like ‘em too. It’s nice when people check out the medias I write in my fangans!
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Commonly ask questions
So since a lot of people are asking me some questions in regards to this blog, I'll post those questions and [Here] are questions from the previous blog but I'll answer questions here so if any of you are curious you can come here, anyway let's begin;
'Why did you decide to make a new blog, what happen to the old one?'
Well I notice my old blog hasn't appear in searches on tumblr and I haven't gotten any ask at all thanks to tumblr's messy system so I decided to make a new blog among other reasons.
'So your rebooting the entire series? Why?'
I felt like my old blog was getting very bloated and clutter that I was confusing myself so I figure I restart it, do a major Re-Write and keep the story more consistent with the games and talking with Mod Honey and @commander-bubbles-the-first on Discord of our issues with Danganronpa 3 as a whole so this is mostly a full on Re-Write, which includes removing some characters.
'So given this is a Re-Write and you mention your removing characters, who in canon are you removing?'
I am going to keep the characters from Trigger Happy Havoc, Goodbye Despair, Ultra Despair Girls and allude Danganronpa: IF, Danganronpa Zero, Killer Killer, Danganronpa Kirigiri, Danganronpa Hagakure, Makoto's Worst Day Ever, Kirigiri SAO and maybe make some jabs at Danganronpa Togami
As for Danganronpa 3... I am going to be removing some characters but if curious of who's staying, these are the guys;
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In regards to DR3, I do want to limit the cast down and expand on these guys as they are pretty underutilized which I do want to expand on them and some are going to be shifted around but yeah, this will be the characters from DR3 that are going to appear... speaking of that...
'Are your OCs/Fangans going to appear on this blog? Who's getting shafted?'
As in regards to fangans, I'm going to have the Another and SDRA2 series because I feel it fits into the series pretty well and with them included somethings make sense and that's the only fangan I'll keep and of course the OCs I made to represent Class 77-B family along with Nagi and her family and OCs from my own fangan is only going to be Masa, Akira, Hideyoshi, Hisao, Estu, Sunako, Mayumi, Tomoe, Eito and Kimika, Yokoyoko and Kojikoji's Classmates and even ASOOT's Kyoji, Umeko and Ai but for any new characters... well... I think I'm going to leave that a surprise. 8P
'What changes are going to be made?'
Well I won't say what is going to happen but I think I'll safely say this... there won't be any killing game, so if your expecting people to die then I'm sorry but that won't happen and I'm also going to not include brainwashing and make Junko to what she was hyped up as but also give her some actual flaws and also re-work her idealogy a bit.
'So why is it taking so long with the changes and when will you start?'
I do plan to start when I finish looking up some material and doing some research while also making sprites, so please be patient with me - thank you.
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despairing-disaster · 2 years
Do you already have some predictions on who will be the victim and blackened of this next chapter? Just going by the first episode alone I can think of some possibilities but Im not so sure yet
Hmmm... maybe. I've been steadfast in my prediction that Arturo would either be a ch 2 or ch 3 victim, and while I'm holding my ground on him probably dying this chapter, I'm less sure about the victim idea. The thing is, you can really only do so much with a character that is *genuinely* that shallow. He's a treat to watch in terms of his ideology, but he isn't really doing much beyond making people uncomfortable and someone like that generally isn't well suited to live that long in any given fangan. Ik there's always that "how the hell did you survive?" character, but my money's on that one being Ace.
Another thought that only cropped up in my mind after rewatching ep 1 again was Levi's statement around trying to be "a good person" said in quotations to Eden. That really only stands out in my mind because of some sleuthing one of the unofficial discord servers did that revealed that there was text hidden behind the chapter's title that *likely* (not guaranteed) said "a good person." So a part of me wonders if Levi's gonna play a major role in this chapter in some way, bolstered by how much he revealed about his home life right off the bat to Eden. Given the motive, I wouldn't be surprised if that was tied in either. It really almost seems like he has some sort of complex surrounding his morality and the need to be good in his mind.
And speaking of the motive, obviously J is gonna be a big player in this chapter. I've gone back and forth on whether or not I think she could be next on the chopping block given how last time someone who wasn't Teruko was on a title card, he got electrocuted, but even if it's within the realm of possibility, she might just skate on by. A lot was revealed about her in a short amount of time with Arturo Arturo-ing, but she also has no reason to kill at this point, given her secret was revealed, and with someone suddenly deciding that he needs to kiss the ground she walks on, less of a target on her back than some other people, probably. There's definitely going to be a lot of Drama[TM] surrounding her this chapter tho. Probably between her and Arturo.
...she might kill him, actually, but that might be too easy to figure out.
My last suspect is Arei, but I'm holding my tongue on that one. I don't know if she'd kill or be killed, but she seemed pretty confident about having nothing to hide at the very least.
I will probably think of more later, but my executive dysfunction has been executively dysfunctioning a lot more than usual lately and I'm worried if I leave this in my drafts, I'm gonna forget about it there - -;
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detectivenyx · 8 months
One thing I get hung up when it comes to fangans and the mastermind is why Mastermind chose this particular death? First, there's "why they choose the participants?", "What would they have to gain from some of them dying, and why choose a killing game with class trials and executions ." The last question relates to the intrinsic and extrinsic reasons for existence of the killing. Intrinsic reasons would be the masterminds motivation, and the extrinsic reasons would be how this killing game relates to the themes of the story.
Some Fangans that make it to the end of their story get pretty weak with that last part. If the killing game was "The Hunger Games" or "Battle Royale" with the same cast, would it have mattered to characters and the themes?
Danganronpa itself isn't perfect with this either. Junko designed the death game to emphasize Hope and Despair. The mutual killing format makes more sense for Junko to create than "Battle Royale." Then Danganronpa 2 comes around, and while the themes of hope and despair are present (extrinsic) , the "AI Junko" motivations were pretty weak, as shown in the game. She stated she didn't even care about the deaths. The killing game could have been a battle royale, and it would mean nothing to her. I think it was Danganronpa 3 with Izuru that gave a better motivation for enacting the killing in Danganronpa 2. Also, I think the future vs. past could be a bit better executed using the killing game format or at least emphasized more.
Going back to Fangans, it usually just when someone really want to write a fangan because they love danganronpa without considering why using this format is a good way of emphasizing their themes or if the existence a killing game is properly justified by the masterminds personality and the lore. The class trials and execution become more of obligations to their murder mystery stories. Might as well make regular detective stories. Maybe they can make money off of it. That's just my opinion.
while i don't think DR could ever be perfect because perfect writing does not exist, i do think that this assessment given to SDR2 is not fair. i did not find the decisions made particularly strong ones, but they are made with a specific purpose - that hope and despair might be opposed to one another, but work in conjunction with each other - their 'true' opposite is apathy, which both izuru and junko have in droves. their abilities to analyse and predict what would happen next meant there was nothing stimulating to them, making them both bored and apathetic. junko's been trying to mask her boredom her whole life because nobody really understands how she feels (which is why she took such interest in fucking around with the brain - either so someone else can understand her or she can feel what others feel). she doesn't care that izuru got severely brain-fucked into his situation, he's someone who can stand up to her intellectually and she's beyond excited for it, especially since he is meant to be the other side of her coin. as for junko not really having a motivation by sdr2, she was a liiiittle bit busy with the whole 'got pulverised to death and had people steal her organs and fuck her corpse' thing to have a motive of her own since it's izuru who put her in the system, and primarily to test the things nagito had been yapping on about all game.
i do agree however that fangans kind of just give their chosen mastermind character the very surface level motive of junko's from dr1, read: heehoo despair, and that most of them are pretty bad even barring most of them are written by like, 13-17 year olds (though i've read some pretty bad ones written by people older than me). it's kind of as said - many fangans want the melodrama of a murder and the heart-string tugging of a trial but rely on danganronpa's source material and way too much on appealing to fanservice (which fangan writers forget can be non-sexual) to make it work. even good fangans fumble this because despite her massive popularity, people just kind of treat junko like a generic yandere creepypasta stabby stabby antagonist in her villain era or whatever the fuck the lingo is. she ain't perfect but she's a lot deeper than she usually gets credit for.
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I noticed how Ryoma said something about Haji seeming familiar, and I'm just curious if that line is going to be relevant later or if it was just a throw away line because of Haji's... uhm... *cough*... controversial tastes and Ryoma's childlike appearance
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The line was absolutely not a throwaway, nor in reference to Ryoma’s appearance. It has relevance to the story that will become apparent as things unfold. The most I can reveal right now is that it will have something to do with someone’s memories.
Apologies for the ramble, but I feel this is something important to mention.
The decision to include Haiji Towa, and to make him the Prologue’s victim, were all made after careful deliberation and much added research as well as mental health care on my end. Due to circumstances I’d rather not elaborate on, this was a decision that, out of all of them, was the most difficult to make. Not just because I was worried I could not do justice to the topics that come with even considering using this character, but also because of my own personal issues making it more difficult for me as the writer. However, for the story I wish to tell, his inclusion was one I felt was needed. I had always intended the Fangan to open with Hina waking up to a murder, but no matter who I put in that slot initially, no one seemed to fit without feeling either contrived, cruel, or even too humorous. Once I put Haiji there, however, the rest of the outline fell into place. And so he stays as our first body in the Underworld Academy, never to leave again. 
While I am here, I would also like to assure everyone reading this story: 
There will be no jokes in regards to any topics of a mature nature. Meaning things like Mikan’s tendency to fall, the actions of Haiji Towa, Ryoma’s prison time, and other such things will be treated with as much care as I can possibly give them. There will also be no jokes of that nature in regards to character appearances such as Ryoma’s. And most importantly, almost every character in this story will be given as much screen time and respect as possible within the confines of the plot. 
Haiji Towa is a character who deserves no screen time and no respect. And as such, he was the perfect choice to have as the Prologue victim. 
Going forward, Haiji Towa’s impact on the plot, while it will happen, will be miniscule in the grand scheme of things. He will be brought up again maybe once or twice after the Prologue, but that will be it. After those moments, he is dead to the world. 
As will be said by Fuyuhiko, Sayaka, Celest, and Nagisa in the upcoming parts of the Prologue: “He will not be missed.”
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