#maybe i can't sleep cause my brain couldnt rest for as long as this wasnt post
occult-roommates · 2 years
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Kim is a WHAT?!
It’s been one week since Dawud and Rudi moved to their new apartment. In the mean time, not much had happened. Except renovating one of the bedroom to accomdate the growing amount of people under that roof. Which means they just bought the cheapest bunk beds avalaible and Charlie kept her bedroom to herself. Hey, she’s the one who has been living there for a decade, all the other showed up in the last two years. She can’t share a room with any of them, what if they tried to kill her in her sleep? Other than that, Dawud mostly worked, meaning he barely got to interact with his new roommates, and Rudi finally got some piercings. They’d always wanted one, but their mom never let them. Sure, they were 22, but for as long as they lived under her roof, no piercings allowed.
All of this to say that one morning, Dawud was cooking himself breakfast. He had never been a good cook, but he’s trying to get better. Key word being trying.
Kino: Is this healthy, Dawud? You have to eat healthy, as you are with child. Dawud: Wh-What?? Are you insulting my weight? Kino: Why would I do that? I’m just concerned, I saw you throw up yesterday morning, which is common while expecting, so I assumed. Dawud: I threw up because I bought gas station sushi and they gave me food poisoning. Charlie: Look, let’s just rip the bandaid. I don’t know why it took an entire week to reveal it, but here’s the truth. Yes, Dawud, aliens are real, and Kim is one. Which is why they are...like that. Kino: Also Kim Graff is not my name. My actual name is Kino Gurafee. Dawud: Ok that’s funny that you spent the last week pretending to be from German cause Kino means movie in German...wait a minute.
This reveal was so surreal, told so casually in spite of it being a massive deal, Dawud hadn’t completely processed it. It’s only after pointing out the meaning of Kino’s name that it hit him. An alien, really??? Rudi, sitting nearby in the living room, was equally shocked...To be fair, they should have suspected something when they tried having a conversation in German with “Kim” and they couldn’t understand a word, which they pretended was caused by an audio processing disorder.
Kino: You see, I struggle to tell Earthlings’ genders apart. Everyone here tried to explain it to me, they all still look the same to me, male, female, cis, trans, nonbinary, intersex. I actually didn’t know Earthlings had many genders and sexes before coming to Earth, which is why when I created this form, I gave myself a mix of male and female characteristic.  Rudi: Honestly, I just thought you were nonbinary, especially since everyone refered to you in gender neutral term. Kino: I mean, by human standard I might as well be. Akva: You see Kino, I’ll give you a little trick. People who can get pregnant are the one who haves boobs, and those who don’t have boobs can’t. Kino: Oh, this makes sense, my species, the Sixaming, only have swollen mammaries while with child. Dawud: This might be the worst sentence I have ever heard in my life. Kino: So are you with child then, you do have a developed chest. Dawud: Now you’re just trying to make me feel bad about myself. Daniele: Look everyone, let’s not make fun of Kino ok. They’re an alien, from a species which only has one sex that’s able to both impregnante and get pregnant. Of course it’s going to be confusing for them that for us, reproduction is...split in two I guess? And then we assign each others arbitrary roles based on our reproductive capacity, roles which vary culture by culture by the way, but then nothing is also truly absolute. Like there are men with boobs and women with a beard, and let’s not forget trans people. No wonder they get confused!
This is the one time a year Daniele is the voice of reason. You see, he gets smarter with his glasses off, as a way of breaking stereotypes.
In the end of all of this, Kino thought it was time to reveal their true appearance. As they morphed from an attractive dark-skinned woman to a blue, still very curvy alien, though with a obviously different facial structure. Dawud had to admit, the completely black eyes were a bit off putting at first, hopefully he’ll get used to it. Then he realized...
He had to tell Audrey about this, now.
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