#maybe i need a break from f1 and maybe this will be my final straw
leqclerc · 5 months
Listen, I’ll come around to it and understand it if it’s something that came from Xavi himself, if this is something he wanted, maybe something he needed for whatever personal reason. I’m just concerned because this is so sudden. I mean, he just flew out with the team to Miami and absolutely nothing seemed amiss. If he was on his way out (or switching roles I guess) Charles clearly didn’t know because he didn’t say anything about it over radio and I know he would’ve if he knew (as is customary for drivers who know they’re getting a new race engineer.) I’m heartbroken that they were “robbed” of this moment. It’s one thing knowing someone’s leaving and being able to prepare and idk having an appropriate sendoff. But we had nothing of that sort here. Even Ferrari’s official statement – just saying it’s an “organisational update” – feels cold and impersonal. I hope they’ll acknowledge him and maybe prepare some kind of sendoff post for him later on but I’m not holding my breath.
Whatever happened it must’ve happened in the past five days. Again I’m concerned and confused because it’s so sudden? And with Imola coming up, one of the home races for Ferrari, mid-season, the start of the European leg – with upgrades due as well – the timing arguably couldn’t be worse. I always said it takes time for driver/race engineer pairs to work out the intricacies of their relationship, to find what works for them. This smacks of the Bottas situation – and he ended up getting a penalty the first weekend he was with his new race engineer precisely because they weren’t in sync, there was room for confusion and miscommunication. I know it’s a bit different seeing as Bryan’s been part of Charles’s side of the garage for years – at least as long as Xavi has – but afaik he’s never been, like, an actual race engineer for a driver. And that’s obviously a whole challenge in itself and will undoubtedly take some time getting used to on both sides.
Again, if something justifies the urgency then okay, I get it. I sincerely hope everything’s okay on Xavi’s end.
But yeah. Disappointing, confusing, very weird.
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moneymasnn · 2 years
The holiday fling| Mason Mount Part 1/2
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Notes: To start this off THERE WILL BE A PART TWO!! lol it will be posted on Saturday, so only two days! This has been sat in the drafts for so long until I though it was good enough to post lmao. I hope you all enjoy the fic, I haven't written in literal months, but I'm really happy to be back on mason Tumblr again!!! Ive missed u all, thank you for all the kind messages I love every single one of you! And also I wanna say another thank you for 1k!!! When I saw it I was so shocked I honestly cried lol... but anyways enjoy the fic my lovelies🤍 gif credits too @goalkepa
Blurb: One where y/n meets a stranger outside of a bar and they both decide to be someone else for the night, until this backfires on them.
Warnings: Just mild swearing!
The request
Fancy holidays weren't your thing. You didn't really fit in with what people call the ‘riches’. The constant cameras, lack of privacy. It was honestly the last thing you ever wanted to experience. But with your brother in constant limelight, you almost were forced into that way of life.
You had just finished your degree in journalism in London, and right now was a better time than ever to have a well deserved break. 
Your brother had willingly been on the other end of all of the phone calls you had made. Crying in your university's toilets, telling him you were homesick and couldn't deal with the stress. 
You loved your brother, and you knew he only ever wanted the best for you. But what you needed was words of encouragement, not “drop out and come say with me.”
Now, to anyone, yes I get it. That does sound like the life, am I right?
Traveling around with your brother, he's a F1 racer, so the traveling would be set to a maximum, amazing views, beautiful cities, everything paid for. Yeah it was very appealing, but you weren't going to settle for that. You wanted to do it on your own.
So let's say hypothetically you did go travel the world with your brother, you wouldn't have anything for yourself other than following his career and you don't think you could deal with another phone call from your parents asking you what you were going to do with your life.
But now that you have finished university, you have some jobs on hold. But for the time being you decided to join your brother on his lads holiday to mykonos, fun. 
That's also how you ended up in the situation you were currently enduring. You and Lando had left the villa a while ago to go have some well needed drinks, and to celebrate the fact you actually managed to graduate.
But long story short, like everyone else in your life, Lando had brought up the dreaded question, “what are you doing with your life now you have finished uni?”
A question you couldn't exactly answer...yet.
“All i'm saying is-” 
“I get what you're saying, lando, but I want to do something for myself.” You couldn't help but let out a sigh of desperation, fiddling with the black straw in your drink.
“I could get you a job with mclaren? You could be an interviewer or something, and on the plus side you'll be with me for a year, traveling the world.” He smirks at you, bumping your shoulder.
He would love that, for him to be the hero. He's had everything handed to him on a silver plate, and you hated that. For once in your life you just wanted to be your own person.
“Oh because mum and dad would love that.” You mumble rolling your eyes.
“I'm sure they would, finally being able to see their child with a stable job, and maybe a stable life.” He snaps back at you.
You let out a breathy laugh. You might not be stable, but who is after they've just finished uni?
“You're being unreasonable? I don't want to live in your shadow, lando.”
“And you're being ungrateful.”
His words hit hard. You hated passing up his incredible opportunity, but you just wished he understood why you were doing it.
“I'm not being ungrateful, but you making one or two phone calls to get me this job defeats the point of what I'm trying to tell you. I want to get a good job because I'm talented and smart, not because Lando Norris is my brother.”
You watch as Lando rolls his eyes at you before he waved over the bartender to probably order another drink in hopes it kills the tension.
A silence loomed as you sat back in your chair, playing with the rings on your fingers.
The thing is, he doesn't get it. You love that he wants to help, but he needs to let you figure things out on your own.
You watch as some of landos friends start to approach him from the entrance,all dressed in fancy over-priced shirts, crisp white shoes and embarrassingly sunglasses on in the club. 
You eye up the men that only acknowledge your brother, ignoring your presence completely, and you suddenly think that going for a walk and getting drunk by the beach sounds like a good idea.
Lando wasn't paying any attention to you as his back was now turned, greeting the young boys that had just walked over.
You grab your drink, smiling at the bartender before swiftly getting out your chair and walking out of the bar, leaving Lando with his friends. He was too distracted to notice you had gone anyway.
You really should keep your head up when you're walking, fiddling with the black straw in your drink, it becomes a slight distraction as you go to make it to the exit door. Although, for you it wasn't only the cold mykonos air that hit your body.
Your body collided with another that was also trying to make it out of the door, you smiled up at the young boy, he looked about in his twenties, gorgeous brown eyes, eyes that complemented his dark brown hair and his short, stubbley, beard.
“Sorry, you go.” he said. 
“No, it's fine you go.” You ushered him with a quick smile.
“No honestly, you can go first.”
Your eyes narrow at the man, he swiftly smirks, scratching the back of his neck as you take up his offer and walk through the door first, smiling as you soak up the warm fresh air from outside.
“Sorry, about that.” he catches up to you, deciding to stand next to you. 
It took you a moment to catch what he was on about but then you realized that your drink had split when he bumped into you, luckily missing your outfit, but your toes looked kinda sticky.
“Wait here?”
“What?” You look up at the odd stranger in disbelief, before he takes the now empty drink from your hand, pointing to the concrete slab that was made to look like a bench by the door.
“Just sit and wait, please.” Honestly, your day had been awful, and I don't think Satan could say no to his eyes.
He goes to push the door to the club before he turns around again, “Vodka lemonade?” You silently nodded before he wisped around the door.
You stood for a second before deciding to actually sit and wait.
The back of your legs hit the cold concrete slab as you sat, crossing your legs staring at the palm tree that calmly swayed above you.
You didn't have a moment to contemplate what the hell just happened with the stranger when your phone dings in your pocket.
Where did you go? Sent 22:15
Y/n???????? Sent 22:16
Did you go back to the villa? Sent 22:17
I'm sorry if i've upset you i was just trying to help Sent 22:17
I'm fine, don't worry. Gone back to the villa i wasn't feeling too good talk 2 u tomo. Sent 22:20
Get back safe x sent 22:20
You couldn't help but roll your eyes, but you knew you needed to get out of here in case Lando notices you haven't actually gone back to the villa, but your trail of thought crashed when an almost familiar body was lingering over you.
It was the guy from earlier.
But this time he was holding a black round tray with a set of drinks on it, a wide grin plastered on his face as he placed the tray down next to you with what looked like two vodka lemonades, and two shots of tequila.
“Drink?” He asks you with a smile. “The least I can do after I practically spilled yours.”
“How do I know you won't spike me?” You squint at him, he didn't seem like the type to be honest, but what do you know, he's a stranger.
He furrows his brows before placing a hand on his heart, before smirking and picking up one of the drinks, he sips from the straw, before taking a dramatic gulp. He lets out a breathy laugh before passing the glass to you.
You tried not to giggle at the stranger's antics, but the couple drinks you had with Lando earlier were already doing you dirty as you quietly slipped the drink the stranger had bought you.
“Also the ice is floating.” He added, taking a sip of his own vodka lemonade.
You turned to face him, his cheeks tint a pink shade before he pointed to your glass, “When a drinks been spiked the ice usually sinks.”
You stare at your floating ice for a moment, if he is a serial killer he's pretty damn good at luring in his victims, because it's been roughly six minutes and this boy has you captivated.
“So what's your name?” he smiles, passing you a shot.
The smell of strong tequila invades your nose as you watch him lift up his shot to cling it with yours.
He can sense your closed off demeanor as he sighs, but his smile never fades, “Fine, okay then, maya.” He winks at you with his shot in the air as you copy his actions in swallowing the tequila, the sensation burning your throat.
You winced slightly at the taste, before slamming the shot back down on the tray.
“Maya?” You question him, wiping the dribble from your bottom lip.
“Maya… Everdeen? Yep, you definitely look like Maya Everdeen.” He nodded to himself as he placed his shot glass back on the tray.
“Been watching the hunger games have you?” You smirked at him, picking your drink back up to fiddle with the straw.
He smiled before his cheeks turned pink again, he was kinda cute when he blushed.
“Hmh, if we're being serious, you definitely look like a charles.” You added, gazing over his long brown hair and his gorgeously glossy brown eyes. Your gaze linkers around his neck for a little while, noticing the small chain loosely hanging down the tip of his chest.
“I don't think I grew up posh enough for my mum to call me charles.” He smiled down at you.
“Where did you grow up?” Your eyes were watching your floating ice, as he giggled at your question.
“Trying to get to know your victims?” 
“Simply making conversation.” The corners of your mouth slightly moved upwards.
“Portsmouth.” He replied, he did have a south east england kinda accent. “You?”
“You don't have a bristolian accent though?” He questioned.
“I did a lot of traveling growing up, I live in London now so it's not like I'm around the accent a lot, it really pops out when i'm with my parents though.” You smile up at him, but when your eyes meet he was already looking at you, the silent moment of eye contact was cut off when your phone screen lit up.
Did you get back to the villa alright? Sent 22:41
“Hey Charles, fancy getting out of here?” You quickly stand up, brushing off the dirt from the back of your thighs.
“Go where? Somewhere quiet so you can murder me, i dont think so.” He smiles, you roll your eyes at his attitude before looking at the glistening reflection from the moon on the sea.
“Exactly that, the beach will do perfectly.” You smile already making way to cross the road.
This was very out of character for you. You don't do one night stands, not that this was a one night stand, or even anything close, but you knew it wasn't the safest of situations to have put yourself in. And the fact your brother would be pissed if he could see what you were doing right now. 
You pulled your heels off on the side of the road, watching ‘charles’ pull off his socks and shoes as you both took a stroll along the beach.
You spent the long walk talking about everything and nothing, it was nice, talking to a stranger. You and the boy never once spoke about your own life or its problems. You just spoke about the world and had an odd conversation about planes. He told you about his fear of heights while you compared it to your fear of spiders. You spoke about the future and how one day he hopes to have a family, you couldn't say the same, sure you would love to have a family, but you wouldn't do that with just anyone. After the conversations died down, ‘charles’ had suggested a game he liked to call ‘rapid questions’.
“Summer or winter?” he asked you.
“Autumn.” You quickly say.
“Good answer.” He smirked as he looked down at you.
“Okay I have one, are you a cat or dog person?” You asked him.
“What do you think?”
“You look like a dog person.” You bump his shoulder, smiling up at him, watching how his eyes lightley shone from the reflection of the sea..
“Correct. One place in the world you would love to visit?” He asks you.
“New york. You?”
“Vegas.” He sheepishly smiles.
“Best present you've ever received?” You asked him, he smiled as he thought about his answer.
“Hmh, my great nan she knits jumpers for all the grandkids every year at christmas.”
“That's your best gift you've ever gotten?” You question him, trying to suppress your smile from his answer.
“It's the same routine every year, but the best part is the smile on her face when she sees you wear it on christmas day.”
“That's cute.” You bump his shoulder as you continue to walk along the sandy beach.
“What about you?”
“The best gift I've ever received… probably flowers.”
“Yeah, I love getting fresh flowers.” You shrug.
There was something about you that the boy couldn't help but be captivated by, he wanted to walk along this beach all night and ask you questions.
“Something you hate?” You said, interrupting his thoughts.
“Competitive are we?” You smirked at him, your eyebrow furred as you watched him scoff slightly.
“Very.” He winked.
“Not a sore loser are you?”
He laughs, “I try not to be.”
“What about you? what's something you hate.”
“Expectations.” You shrugged, facing forward as you threw your head back slightly, feeling the sea breeze on your neck.
He looked at you confused, you took note of the expression so you decided to elaborate on your answer.
“There's nothing worse when you try your hardest and someone still expects more of you.”
“Yeah, that sucks.” he smiled down at you, but his smile widened as he thought of another question.
“Favorite swear word?”
“Bolacks.” You said with a confidant smile.
“Really?” He laughs,
“It can mean so many different things, good food, it was the bollocks, just kicked you in the nuts, sorry about your bollocks?” The stranger couldn't help but laugh at your answer.
“Mines definitely bastard.” He said.
“Bastard?” You repeated back to him.
“No, you've got to say it with sass, like bastard.” 
You both walked along the sand for a while longer, giggling as you both kept repeating the word bastard.
Your empty glass was still clutched in your hand as you both continued to slowly walk, you had no idea how far you had both walked, but judging by the complaining from Charles it was probably quite far. 
You turned around at the noise of Charles groaning, he fumbled down on one of the sunbeds laying across it as he looked up at you.
“I don't really drink a lot, so I'm basically a light weight. I just need to sit down for a moment.” 
You can't help but giggle at him as he sprawls out along the sandy sunbed.
You situate yourself at the bottom of the sun bed, your eyes focused on the view of the sea and moon rather than the clearly drunk man whose head was now placed on your leg.
“Yes charlie.”
“I thought my name was charles?” He smirked, his eyes never leaving yours.
“It is, but charlies a cute nickname.” You had to take a second to look away, even with the alcohol his stare was intense to you.
He turned his head so he could look into your eyes better. But you broke eye contact again by pulling out your phone, you checked the time and it was currently one am. You knew you should probably get back to the villa soon, really risking it with Lando going home and not finding you all tucked up in your room.
“Tell me about maya.”
You smiled down at the boy, fiddling with your fingers for a moment, as you leant forward, gently leaning on his thigh.
“Well for starters, she loves books. Oh, she's a dog person. Her favorite color changes every week.” You pause for a second to think about what else you could say, but your mystery man was just soaking it all up.
“And she can't tell you what her job is or she will get assassinated, and so will you.”
The stranger fake gasps at your words.
“Tell me more.” He sits up, cross legged as he faces you.
“Hmh, she works for the FBI.” Your heart melted at the boyish smile plastered on ‘Charles' face.
“I've already said too much.” You say dramatically, hiding your face on his leg before you look up again.
“What about you, what does Charlie do?”
“Okay, but you've got to promise not to tell.” You silently nodded before taking his pinky finger in yours, he leans forward to whisper in your ear.
“I'm spiderman.” He smirks.
You pull away and gasp slightly, trying to keep it serious before you burst out in giggles. 
“Why are you laughing?” He frowns at you, but you can see the smile behind his eyes.
“Shoot a web.” You demande though your laughs.
“I cant.”
“But your spiderman?” You whine at him.
Charles huffs as he sits up more, “It's the suit, it doesn't come out of me, duh.” 
Your initial thoughts to this man was that he looked kinda sporty, like an athlete, a little bit cocky too, but the more time you spend with him the more you realize he's a literal nerd.
Your heart swelled as you wanted to spend more time with him, but you knew you had to get back to the villa soon.
“Thank you for trusting me with your secret Charles, but duty calls, i've just been made aware of a threat against the queen, i have to leave mykonos as soon as i can.”
You sit up but the boy gently grazes your legs.
“Wait, Maya.”
You stand up in the sand, looking down at the boy, especially his hand that was clutched around your knee.
“Meet me again tomorrow, please.” You thought about it for a moment, you leave in two days, and his company had made you smile more in the last few hours than you have in months.
“I can't make any promises, the jet leaves in an hour.”
“Well, the queen can wait, she's about to kick the bucket anyway. Tomorrow, should we say six?” You can't help but laugh at his comment.
“Where?” You ask him, watching how he lets out a sigh of relief at your answer.
“The caster hotel.”
“I'll see what i can do, spiderman.”
“But you were fine this morning?” Lando questions as he follows you through the hallway.
“That's because I didn't feel sick this morning, and now I do.” You huff.
“Why don't you want to come?” He leans in the doorway to the room you were staying at, he knew you weren't ill, but he would never suspect you sneaking out to meet a man whose name you still don't know.
“I just don't.” You sat on the bed, your arms folded as your dressing gown was tightly wrapped around you, hiding the dress you had on underneath.
“Are you depressed?” He cocked his head to the side, a questionable look on his face.
“Lando, for fuck sake, i have a headach, and your making it worse!”
“You left the bar early yesterday y/n, and you don't want to come again today? After everything you've put me through, sorry that I'm worried about you.” His words hurt, but not as much as the time on your phone that read 5:46.
“You don't need to worry about me.” You mumbled.
“But I do, I'm your older brother?”
You sigh before raising your head to look at your brother. 
“I'm fine, just please let me have the night to myself.”
It was times like this where you felt like just crying, crying until the floor swallowed you up. It was currently 6:22, you were sitting in bed with lando. You were both watching old love island episodes with some snacks that were left in the fridge. Lando canceled on his mates for dinner, meaning you couldn't sneak out and see charles. You were going home tomorrow, and the chances of bumping into your mystery man were slim, but you let it go. Guess it wasn't meant to be.
Part two will be posted on 16/7/22
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