#maybe i need to do a gif meme request again so i’ll stop to just play video games when i’m not working and nothing else
flooffybits · 4 years
Dreamcatcher reacting to s/o being non binary
Idol: Dreamcatcher
marshmallow: Hi! May I request dreamcatcher reaction to reader being non binary?
☕buy me a coffee☕
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Minji is a very empathetic person. Ever since you started dating, she takes pride in how well she’s able to read you and match your mood whenever she could. If you were feeling extremely happy, she sees that twinkle in your eyes right before you open your mouth to tell her what it was that brightened up your day. When you’re down, she sees how your shoulders are slumped and the way your eyes refuse to meet anyone else’s just because you think no one will notice.
But she does.
So it worries her when you come to her one day, the anxiety seeping off of you when you cross your arms across your chest, almost as though you were shielding yourself from whatever may happen with the conversation you were about to have.
And to be honest, it kind of scared her to see you this way. But after you were finally able to tell her what was bothering you, her worries slowly melt away as her shoulders relaxed the more that you explained.
This took you a whole lot of courage to finally tell her and she could see it with how your posture shifted every now and then that she couldn’t help but pull you into her arms and gave you big hug.
“It’s okay. I’m so proud of you, and thank you for trusting me.”
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You’ve been trying to think of ways on telling your girlfriend about being non-binary for a while now. While it didn’t exactly bother you when you first got together, you eventually started to be more and more aware of your own identity when time passed and it scared you when you came to terms with who you really are.
You didn’t tell her right away because you wanted to be sure, yet all the thinking had only ended up with a headache, so when Bora came home, she was extremely worried to see you curled up on the couch instead of being in bed. Carefully, she crept over to check if you were asleep before she quietly laid behind you, her arms wrapping around your waist as she buried her face into your neck, pressing a light kiss against it.
“What’s wrong, baby? Why aren’t you in bed?” When you turn around to face her, she can see the uncertainty in your eyes and she feels more worried as she caresses your cheek. “Hey, talk to me. What’s wrong?”
She’s patient when she sees that this is taking its toll on you until you finally admit that you are non-binary, your voice barely a whisper and she presses a tender kiss to your forehead before she tightened her arms around you.
“It doesn’t matter to me. What matters to me is that you’re you and that you’re happy with who you are. It doesn’t change the fact that I’ll still love you either way.”
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You know that you shouldn’t worry about your girlfriend accepting you once you tell her, but the fear is still there, lingering in the back of your head like a parasite that won’t leave you alone.
As confident as you were that she wouldn’t react negatively towards you, the what ifs still popped up when you think you can finally tell her. And with your inner turmoil, you don’t realize that she’s noticed.
She sees it on your face that you want to tell her something, but back off just at the last minute. She wonders what it is and she wonders why it’s bothering you so much, but she doesn’t ask, wanting to give you the time and space that you needed to be ready to tell her whatever was on your mind.
So when you sit her down one night to finally tell her, she looks as you nervously avoid making any sort of eye contact when you talk. The way her piercing gaze cuts through you was nerve wracking enough as it was, so you didn’t have to look at her to know that she was staring at you.
“Hey, look at me.” She’d call you when you finish your little ramble, gently taking your chin between her thumb and forefinger. “It’s okay. I’m only going to keep loving you more than I do the day before. Don’t think it’ll ever be any less.”
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You were honestly afraid of your girlfriend at times because she could be so random in the times you least expect her to be, but she’s cute like that. However, it doesn’t take away the nerves of telling her you were non-binary.
In fact, you’re way too nervous about how she’ll react because you don’t know what her stand on the whole thing is.
You try to ask her about it, how she feels about people who are non-binary, showing her posts and whatever you found online that would seem interesting, resorting to memes even just so it wouldn’t be too odd to randomly show it to her.
But all the distractions and attempts at delaying the inevitable was all futile because as soon as you decided to finally tell her, your hands would not stop shaking and you couldn’t fight back the tears as they began to sting your eyes.
When Handong saw this, she quickly scooped you into her arms and ran her fingers through your hair as you clutched at the sleeve of her sweater. “What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” She would be so worried and you’re not sure why you feel even more scared, but you were lucky that she was able to understand your words even if you were a little choked up.
Instantly, her expression would soften while her arms tighten around you. “Oh, Y/n, I’m not going to leave you for something like this. You’re you, and I chose to accept every part of you no matter what since the beginning.” She’d whisper sweet nothings into your ear until you calm down, reminding you again and again of how much she loves you.
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Yoohyeon is a very openminded person and you had no doubt that she wouldn’t react negatively to you telling her about how you identified yourself. Though there was a touch of doubt at the very back of your mind, you decided that it was better to be upfront about it rather than delaying.
So when she comes to your apartment as planned, you were already waiting for her in the living room and shuffling your feet. “How is the most amazing girlfriend in the world?” She asked cheerfully and you awkwardly clear your throat before shrugging your shoulders in attempt to seem nonchalant. “I don’t know, how are you?”
She pouts at your response before giving you a light hit on the arm. “I’m fine, but how about you?” This was it. The start of the conversation gave you the perfect opening, so you decided to bite the bullet. “Well, for one, I’m not a girl, and two, I’m feeling a little nervous about you reacting to that.” She’d pause at your statement and you can see the gears in her head turning as she stared at you.
Slowly, she’d blink as the words finally sink in and a very soft “oh” would pass her lips before walking up to you and cupping your face as she stared at you with a very determined expression on her own face. “I love you so much.” You’d be taken aback by her sudden declaration, but before you can question it, she’s already showering you with so many praises.
“You are amazing and the most loving, caring, and loving partner I could have asked for and you’re so strong, and I just want you to know that I love you so much.”
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You honestly do your best to be subtle when Yubin is around. She picks up on things quickly, so if you drop enough hints, it’ll be easier for you to ease it into a conversation with her because at least she’d have an idea as to what you want to talk about with her.
While you were already bracing yourself for a long talk with your girlfriend, you were thoroughly surprised and maybe just a tad bit disappointed when she nodded her head. “Oh, that’s nice.” She’d then proceed with asking you what you want to eat for lunch and what you’d wish to do afterwards.
Her lack of a reaction had caused your thoughts to run the whole day, and you wonder, did it bother her? Did she care?
You wanted to know that you made the right decision, so you go to look for her in the living room. But as you came closer, you were more surprised than you were that morning when you saw her scrolling through her phone with various topics and articles regarding non-binary and transgender people.
At the sound of your voice calling out to her, the rapper would turn her head, subtly putting her phone away as she’d smile at you and wave you over. “Hey, there you are. I was wondering where you went.” You’d be confused by her words before she’ll gesture for you to sit with her, arms wrapping around you as she pressed a kiss to your temple.
Your initial reason for finding her flew out the window, and instead, she was the one who did the asking. “I just wanted to know a few things and I hope this isn’t too much for you, but is there a different name you want me to call you now?”
The gentleness of her tone and the way she tries to be careful with her words and approach melted away your doubts, but it’s her question that brings tears to your eyes because you know just how much she really cares.
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While you think Gahyeon doesn’t really notice when you shift or become an even more awkward mess when she calls you her girlfriend when she’s boasting to her members, you have no idea just how much the girl worries because she thinks that she’s done something to upset you.
Did you not like it when she showed you off? Did it make you uncomfortable? Did you not like people knowing you were together?
You were both having your own internal conflict and you were surprised when she was the one who called you over to talk, making your nerves skyrocket when she said she had something to talk to you about.
“I just want to know that you’re not having second thoughts about us.” You were so shocked by her words and you immediately shake your head when tears start forming in her eyes as she explained how she’s noticed your odd behavior whenever she talks about you.
“No, no, of course I’m sure about us! I was just, well you see...” You stumble over your words, but eventually, you’re able to tell her just why you didn’t look so comfortable when she talked about you and she felt both extremely relieved yet a bit disappointed with herself for not noticing sooner.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” She immediately does her best with correcting herself. Though there will be times that she forgets out of habit, she always catches herself before properly addressing you, wanting to make you feel as comfortable and cared for as she can.
“I’m sorry that I keep forgetting, but I swear, I’ll keep trying harder.” She might need to adjust a bit and get accustomed to this bit of information, but when she’s unsure of something, she’ll always ask you before anything else.
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newcaptainofsquad9 · 4 years
Twice wanting to help with their Black girlfriend’s hair would include...
I’mma see how this goes. I know all Black hair is different, but I’m going off of my own experiences as a Black woman.  I just wanted to make some Black women Once’s  smile with this. Some of these have potentials for becoming entire fics, but let me know if ya’ll like them. Hope ya’ll enjoy!
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• Nayeon would be so fixated on your hair, giggling every time you combed through it and applied whatever products you chose.
• She’d be super curious, it might come off as a bit rude sometimes but she’d always follow it up with aeygo, a hug or kiss. If you were really having a hard time with your hair, maybe all three.
• “Jagi, your hair looks so different from before? Do all these different gels and moisturizers help?”
• You nod, eyes staying on your reflection in the mirror as your hands grow tired. 
• Nayoen notices, reaching to grab your hand, but flinches as you sigh. 
“I’m sorry Nayeon, I still need to get out a few more kinks in the back.” 
•You explain how your hair is extremely different from her own, going into detail as she listens to every word. The moment you finish, she asks if she could help.
This took you a little by surprise, but you allowed her to help moisturize your hair. 
“Like this?” she’d ask as she carefully rubbed the Creme of Nature throughout your hair. 
You nodded and showed her how to comb down to the root. 
•Whenever you’d flinch or jump as she comb through a tangle or knot, she’d stop kiss you and rub down your arms. 
• It didn’t take as long with Nayeon’s help, but instead of stopping because of your tired hands, it’d be Nayeon wanting to make-out
• “But my hair’s not finished yet?” you’d ask.
Nayeon would flash her signature bunny grin and kiss you anyway. 
“You’re still perfect jagi.”
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• Jeongyeon sat down in front of you with her attention fully on you with a puzzled expression as she watched you mix in the two relaxers you bought with a tiny, flat wooden stick.
• She’d be so engrossed as you put on the gloves and began to comb out your hair; her expression changing from curious to  concerned in a matter of moments as you tensed at the knots and kinks you came across.
• She hurried to retrieve your moisturizer, spritz and all while looking to help.
“You forgot to add the moisturizer,” she’d say. “Isn’t that why it’s so hard to comb? I remember you told me. To get it softer.”
• Your heart sank at her soft tone, she remembered. 
“Aww, well I can’t mix the products in with the perm,” you say, gesturing to the relaxer before you. “I have to comb it out then put it in.” 
“Will that make it easier to manage?” she asks. “I-I just hate to see you in pain.” 
• You had to embrace Jeongyeon to ease her, she always worried about knots and kinks a lot. 
“Could I put the perm in for you? it could can go an hour less if I help.” 
• You couldn’t say no with Jeongyeon’s intense stare and how much you already knew she cared and wanted to learn. 
• It took awhile for Jeongyeon to comb a bit harder without fear of hurting you, but once you reassured her, it went well.
• Showed you memes while you sat with the perm in your hair and applied more Vaseline to your forehead to avoid burns and rashes.
• She shampooed your hair at your request after the perm was initially washed out to ensure it was completely out. She scratched your scalp too, just to ensure a bit more comfort during the process.
• Helped you blow dry, grease your scalp and all before ending the day with cuddles and kisses. 
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• Momo is the type of girlfriend who’d sit you in between her legs to help you with your hair. 
• You thought against it, getting flashbacks from when your mom would fix your hair but of course you couldn’t resist her pouts.
• Momo might be a bit slower than the others when picking up on fixing your hair. 
• She’d try to run her fingers through the knotted, kinky parts, but stopped as soon as you flinched or hissed in pain.
“Sorry!” she’d yelp before stopping completely to hug and kiss your cheek. 
• You’d always reassure her and told her to watch until she was confident enough to do it herself.
• Even if she was 100 percent confident, she’d always try to make you feel comfortable while she combed through the tough parts.
“Boo! Mommy wants to hold you!” she’d say to Boo as the dog trotted into the room. 
It’s as if the dog and owner were linked because Boo came over to you, crawled into your lap and licked your fingers.
• Momo always whispered sweet nothings in your ear, urging you to hold Boo tight for you both. 
“Boo and I got you baby, I’m almost done. I promise.“
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• Would love to help braid your hair all the time.
• Was confused as to why you need so many sections platted off. 
• “So, you aren’t keeping it braided up this time?” she asked. 
“No, well at least over night,” you say. “I’ll take it out in the morning.”
“Why? I love the braids, they bring out your eyes.” 
• You tell her about your worries of wearing your hair in braids or cornrows, due to how people perceive hairstyles like that. 
 • Sana always told you otherwise, but wanted to go with whatever hairstyles that made you happy and comfortable. 
• Whenever your hand would get tired while taking out your braids, Sana would help.
• She’d always ask if she was going too fast or slow, making sure you were ok. 
• Would be confused about the concept of a bonnet, since she loved touching your hair, but understood why thanks to a talk with you. 
• She’s puzzled as hell in the morning when you both way up and it’s halfway on your head. 
“What happened?” she asks.
You shook your head as you adjusted it back on your head. 
“It happens when I sleep kind of rough.” 
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• Jihyo is the type of girlfriend who will make an attempt to buy hair care products for you. 
Calls you asking which product you use. 
“What’s it called again? The pink bottle, right?” she asks. 
“Pink oil moisturizer,” you say. “Could you pick up a thing of grease too?”
“Of course baby.”
 • Would like to completely educated on your hair, texture and all before she even attempts to help. 
• You’ve even caught her looking up Youtube videos on how to braid, twist etc. 
“You can always ask, you know,” you’d say. 
“I know, but it’s a sensitive subject and I just want to approach it the right way.”  
• When she does try though, she sits you in her lap and you have to talk her through it while she does so.
• Comments on how beautiful you are and kisses your cheek and neck whenever you get flustered.
•  Always has your bonnet ready when and if you need it. 
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• Mina was always fascinated with your hair, and it wasn’t until you stayed over one night that she began to ask a lot of questions about it.
• You had never seen her so inquisitive, especially when she was in the middle of a game. 
“Is everything ok, Mina?”
“Yeah jagi, it’s just--your hair is so--amazing! You need that entire bag of products to do it?”
 • Will just stare into your eyes while you’re fixing your hair, and grins with glee once you catch her(like in the gif above). 
“You look so beautiful when you’re concentrating like that,” she says. “I-I can’t help it.” 
• Mina is the one who catches on extremely quick on how to fix your hair and often asks if she could help with any new styles you’d like to try.
“Only if you want to,” she’d say. “I wouldn’t want to ruin it.”
• Once you’re comfortable with her fixing it, she’d definitely let you sit in her lap while she works and you’re gaming.
“You’re doing amazing baby, you barely tensed up,” Mina says. “Gaming really does relax you.”
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• Dahyun loved your hair, yet always tread lightly when it came to how you when about doing and fixing it.
 • She often came up to you with a giddy smile, yet she couldn’t find the words to tell you. 
“Hi babe, you good?” you’d ask. 
“Yeah, uh. I know you do it yourself and all but I can help. You seem a little down at times.”
• While you showed her how to do it, she’d always lighten the mood if you grew frustrated. 
If your hand got tired she’d hold it and never let go until you’re smiling. 
• Like Jeongyeon, she will show you memes and even take pictures of you (after you’ve finished a new hairstyle of course :) ) so you can make your own. 
The captain would read: “When you’re too pretty for your own good” or “when you know you’re girlfriend material”
Of course Dahyun would keep it between the both of you, and it never ceased to make you smile or cringe at times. 
• Is super giddy when you let her practice braiding your hair. She gets super engrossed in talking about your hair and just talking about the funny thing that have happened that you have to put her back on track at times. 
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• Chaeyoung always wanted to know more about your hair and finally asked to help you during wash day.
• You happened to be about to go over to the sink with your towel, shampoo and conditioner. 
Chaeyoung popped in to use the bathroom and couldn’t help but ask if you needed her to do anything to assist. 
 • Like Jihyo, she’d do her research, but will always find your opinion on your own hair valid. 
• Loves to sketch you whenever you just fixed your hair, and gives you a cute aesthetic like Cottagecore.
• Will just take you outside in the fresh air to take in how beautiful you look and take many Polaroids. 
 • When applying whatever products you need, she’d be super slow and extremely careful. Often times a little too slow, since the oils and/or moisturizers feel a certain way to her. 
“Ooo, it feels so cool!” she’d say.
“Uh, Chae? You still have four more sections to go.”
“Oh, right! Sorry!”
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• You both were going to dinner and a movie one night. Tzuyu really wanted to see you, but your hair wasn’t really working for you. It usually didn’t take you as long.
• Tzuyu texted and called you from the living room where she waited, but got worried and knocked on your bedroom door, urging if you were ok or not. 
• You told her to give you a few minutes, only for you to turn around and see her standing at the threshold of door (of course you forgot to lock it). Tzuyu staring at while you finish combing out your hair.
• She just stared, blankly then walked out.
• At the end of the date that night she just brought the encounter up again.
“I could have helped jagi,” she said.
“Tzuyu, you don’t have to.” 
“But you were frustrated. I know that look.”
 • Unlike the others, I think Tzuyu would leave most of the handling to you. It’s not that she didn’t find herself capable, but that she knew you could handle it. 
  • She mostly held parts of hair for you, along with apply grease or spritz to an area you couldn’t reach. 
• Loves to just sit in your presence, take in your beauty and compliment you.
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yehet-me-up · 3 years
Content Tag Game
Tagged by EXO sister-wife Kat @yeoldontknow​ <3 1. what fandoms have you written for (but do not currently)?
2. what fandoms are you currently writing for?
3. how long have you been writing? on this blog?
uhhh I definitely wrote half of several harry potter and lotr fanfics in HS but that was ‘the dark times’ many moons ago. so as an adult this is my only fandom! just stumbled into kpop and stumbled onto fanfics in the most backwards way possible (was sent a meme of a 1D ‘imagine’ and was like hey I wonder if they have these for kpop and then I found them and they were not a meme, but were fucking incredible AND NOW 4 YEARS LATER (started August-ish 2017???) here we are hahaha)
4. on which platforms do you post your stories?
oh dear god i just remembered I have an AO3 account..... WHOOPS, shit 😅 might need to, y’know, update that at some point. jfc adhd object permanence is something else.
5. what is your favorite genre to write?
Personally it’s sci fi/fantasy, but here in the fanfic space I’d say..... uhh slice of life, romance, angst but make it a happy ending?? fanfic is a way for me to share all the sort romantic hopeful feelings I have about love and life and friendship and purpose 💕
6. are you a pantser or a planner?
Used to be a pantser when I started this (and when fics used to be like ?? 3k-5k) now that fics in general are longer for one-shots and series my good lord I need an outline. Especially for exo mall which is *insert meme of crazy guy with the bulletin board* a lot for my brain haha
7. one shot or multi-chapter?
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8. what is the perfect chapter length in your opinion?
I’d say mine are usually 5k or so?? some series were shorter per chapter, depending on subject matter. I tend to write like... interconnected long as frick oneshots, so i don’t count those as chapters ☠️
9. what is your longest published story? is it complete?
uhhhhh good question haha. my book was 95k and I think exo mall is like *dammit math* 140k or something that has significantly gotten out of hand. I have two more fics so it will probably be like 180ish when it’s done?? not including the drabbles to come haha 
10. which story did you enjoy working on the most?
I loved No Quarter and torturing Kat with her husband, also staying up all night to finish Chanyeol’s exo mall knowing kat had NO idea it was coming was a BLAST. Kyungsoo’s exo mall was one of the most ‘in the flow’ writing experiences i’ve ever had. I wrote this Baek oneshot at like 3am when i couldn’t sleep once and tbh it felt like I wrote it in a dream. ja;slkfjasd I love so many of these this is like a trip down memory lane, so I’m going to be a wh*re and say two more haha.  This is the most honest and close to ‘real life’ thing I think I’ve written on here (and also one of the only sex scenes I didn’t lose my goddamned mind trying to write a;sldkfja;sdf). And lastly Ablaze, which was the longest thing I’d written (I think) and let me know that hey? maybe I could write a book someday <3
11. favorite request you’ve have written and why (if any?)
This request for Exo Mall Baek was such a joy to write! And for some reason this Taeyong drabble makes me wish I had the time/energy to write it into a full story, it gripped me so much when I wrote it, like a movie had fully downloaded into my brain out of nowhere.
12. are there reoccurring themes in your stories?
For sure! I’d say found family is a big one. Trusting that you’ll find your place even if things don’t make sense or you feel unsure. Believing that love is worth the risk and fear of trusting someone ;laksjdfal;sd. That love can be big gestures and super intense, but that after that fades away it’s the small daily moments that matter most - the people who stay and listen when you’re sad, holding hands and forehead kisses, taking care of people when they’re sick or scared or just need company, showing up to try again or to communicate even when things are hard. 
Someone commented on a fic of mine ages ago that I helped them see that real love (of that small, daily, consistent kind) is possible and MAYHAPS I cried because underneath it all, that’s what I’d want people to take away - that love of all kinds is scary, but it’s always worth it in the end <3
13. current number of wips?
Surprisingly just ... 3? wow how time has changed hahaha. I have Jun + Baek for exo mall (plus some drabbles but that will be something people write in about, so I wouldn’t consider them wips) and then I maaaaay continute on here with the Jun + Min regency baes series. We shall see :)
14. three things you have noticed about your own writing?
1. I can’t NOT write Baekhyun as the biggest cheesy dork in the entire world 2. That I’ll always have endless fantasy world to live in. I have to try actively to not start new WIPs because it’s so damn easy to be inspired. If I’m ever bored I know that I can jump into some story and let myself be carried away for a while 3. that who and how i am in real life is not usually the same person that i am when it comes to the vibe of my writing, and that that’s totally okay <3
15. a quote you like from a published story.
“I wish it had been with someone like you, though,” you say, squeezing his hand.
“Someone like me?” he says, raising his eyebrows, waiting for an explanation.
You look down at the floor, trying to figure out how to put how he makes you feel into words. “Yeah, someone strong, and steady. And safe.”
He lets out a laugh. “Safe? That sounds awfully similar to boring.”
“No, no. You don’t understand,” you say emphatically, coming to stand fully in front of him, grabbing his other hand as well. “You never ask me to be anything but who I am. You’re patient, kind, caring. For the longest time I thought that falling in love would be stifling. That it would… I don’t know, take my independence. Take my spirit. Make me into someone I don’t recognize.”
You step closer, holding his face in your hands. “But I can’t think of anything I want more than to be with you. You make me the best version of who I am. I don’t know how it is for you, being with me. But when I’m with you, it just feels like… home,” you finish gently.
- from Kyungsoo’s exo mall because THIS is how I feel about falling in love now, and this story was me working out what I believed about the process (like a goddamned emo bish haha)
16. a quote from an unpublished story.
For a moment you allow yourself this weakness. It won't destroy you to admire the strong lines of his body, the intensity and focus in the set of his brows, the deep, warm color brown of his eyes as they - oh lord, he's looking directly at you. As he notices you watching him his lips press into a small smile, inclining his head towards you.
'Oh no,' you say, mortified. In a breath you've blinked and drawn your arm through Maggie's, weaving your way through the crowd and dragging her with you.
'What's wrong?' she hisses in your ear, slightly off-kilter from the drink and revelry. 'You're going to tear my arm off.’.
'Sorry, he -' With a hand you push through the front doors, gulping in the cool night air and breathing deeply to steady the erratic pace of your heartbeat. 'Maggie, what's happening to me? He looked at me and I felt so... naked. I can't explain it.'
She realizes you aren't in actual distress and laughs. 'Good. About time you fell in love. I'm delighted.'
- From perhaps a future chapter of Jun and Min regency baes series....
17. space for you to say something to your readers.
Thank you so much. Truly, from the bottom of my heart. This fandom brought writing back into my life after such a long time away and I had no idea I would love it so much. The friends it’s brought me and the kind words that made me cry or cheered me up on a shitty day or made me laugh out loud and the watching other writers grow on their journeys. Getting to hear how something I made could help you feel less alone or less sad on a shitty day is all I’ve ever wanted from sharing all this. Thank you for being here and thank you for sharing parts of yourself with me <3
Tagging anyone who sees this who would like to do it, even if you don’t consider yourself a “real writer” yet (yes you are, stop doubting yourself!!!!) 😘
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nctzendreamz · 5 years
Psycho — Bae Joohyun
Irene really, really loves you. Too much, you begin to realize.
Warnings: Psychotic!Au, mentions of abuse, murder, language, and in general dark themes.
Word Count: 7k
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January 16, 2020 — 9:45PM
She might as well have been a celebrity, as she was the key reason that this coffee shop got visitors. Her silky smooth skin, complimented by her sparkling eyes and perfect build was everything the masses needed to get up early in the mornings before work.
She couldn’t count all the numbers she had recieved in just the couple of months she had been employed at Velvets; the coffee shop that rested in the center of the city. It’s red and pink decor, followed by the hand crafted decorations from so many visitors in the past, was exactly where Bae Joohyun, more frequently referred to as Irene belonged.
She always had the same greeting. It was in the protocol, after all.
“Hello! Welcome to Velvet’s. How are you doing today?”
And today is no different. She always tries her best to look right at the customer as soon as she hears the familiar bell, indicating the door had opened, but her nail was chipping, and it was driving her nuts. She says her line, still fiddling before she realizes that it can’t be fixed until later.
“I’m so sorry! It’s been a long—“
And then she stops. She has seen a million people come and go to her place of work. Most of them found her beauty to be enchanting, but even the finest of them could barely make her blink. No matter how hard they tried to merge the conversation onto dinner, or what she was doing after her shift, her facial expression stayed the same—dull and unimpressed.
But you. You’re standing here in all of your glory, hair perfectly sculpted to your face. She loves this look on you. It’s the perfect color to compliment your perfect skin, and daring eyes as they swallow her whole. Usually, she did this to others, yet here you were, snatching her soul—seemingly without even trying. 
“A long day.” She finally breaths out. Her heart is racing at a dangerous pace, and she knows she looks like a creep right now. Her dark eyes are trying to break you down, and bring you to your knees, but it’s not working.
“I understand that.” You giggle. You seem tired. The bags under your eyes are slight, but still drooped enough to which she can tell you’re either a student, or you work a nine to five. Regardless, you’re not always free. Your clothing is simple. Sweats, a hoodie, and some ugg boots to shield you from the cold weather. “Your nails are so cute, by the way.” You smile, and it’s calming. It’s not a full on cheese session, but that makes it even better. It’s simple, just as you seem to be.
“Don’t flatter me.” She begins, showing them to you in full form over the marble counter. “It’s chipped.”
“And still cute.” You assure, smoothly moving a sole finger across the nail. “Is it gel polish?” You question with an adorable head tilt. Absolutely priceless. You’re probably very good at getting what you want. You know exactly how to move, and lighten your voice to make people feel what you want them to feel.
“It is. You know—
“It stays on longer.” You finish for her.
“Exactly.” She can’t hold in her smile. Was her heart...warming? If so, that meant her cheeks were turning pink, which also meant that you could see clearly that you were doing it right. If you were flirting with her, you were doing it so well, and so respectfully.
“I’ll just take a hazelnut.” You breathe out. Your hands are in your pockets, and you’re shifting the weight from your toes to your heels repeatedly. You must be cold. When you’re cold, you get jittery it seems. That’s why you’re in here in the nick of time. You’re definitely in school. You probably just got out of class, and have a shit-ton of homework to finish. That’s why you need the coffee and that’s why you seem so exhausted; although you’re trying to hide it from her.
“Hazelnut!” She shouts, turning around and giving the ticket to the real worker in here. She doesn’t even look at him as reaches out to snatch it from her. “Is that your favorite?”
“The only coffee I will drink.” You admit, covering your face with your hands. You’re embarrassed. You probably feel somewhat uncultured, and childish for even saying that out loud.
“Have you ever tried another?” She says in a light tone, tilting her head just as you did a few minutes ago. Still, you’re unfazed. You actually close your eyes for a moment before snapping them back open.
“I have. I think it was roasted chestnut? Whatever it was it was not good at all.” And now you’re laughing. Your laugh—it’s beautiful. It’s not a subtle, shy chuckle that would indicate you don’t laugh often. You laugh all the time. She can’t tell if it’s a boyfriend that always has you geeked like this, or maybe your friends. Maybe, even your girlfriend, but that would break her heart too much.
“Well, coffee isn’t the only good thing here. We’re not Starbucks, but our frapachinos are pretty good.” Irene mentions, eyes flicking to the frap menu to the left of her. She lets the red sweater she spotted slip off her shoulder ever so slightly, and you’re looking at it. It was for a mere second, but she saw it.
“Here you go.” Josh—the chef of this shift interrupted, handing you your coffee quickly.
“That’s the fastest you’ve ever done that.” Irene seethes, shooting an annoyed look to her co-worker.
“Trying to close. No offense.” Josh nods to you, already starting the trials and tribulations that closing involved. He’s wetting a rag in preparation of wiping all of the counters down.
“Oh, none taken. I hate to be that customer that comes in late like this. I just have all this work to catch up on and I figured buying aderall from the guy who sits beside me in Psych wasn’t the best idea.”
Irene breaks into a fit of laughter. Truthfully, she wasn’t faking it. You were so funny. But she was also right. She hit the nail right on the head, actually. Josh couldn’t believe his ears as he had barely seen her smile a genuine cheese. Of course he stayed silent. “You’re funny!” She coughs out through her fit.
“Don’t flatter me.” You smile brightly. Your smile is so pretty, just like you. God, she was running through too many scenarios on how she could make you stay. “Thanks for this pleasing experience. Today sucked and I needed it so badly. Do you guys have like a manager or something? Or like a survey?”
She had never been asked this before. No one had ever cared to commend them on their excellent service and caffeine recovery program they had in place for the addicts. “Um...no. But what you can do is come back. To repay us.” She whispers the last part.
She needs your name. She just knows someone like you has the most goregeous name.
And the heavens answers her request. She already saw that you had a necklace hiding under your hoodie, but you’re pulling it out now. It’s a name; she just needs to know who it is.
“That necklace, I love it.” She leans over the counter, squinting to see the name. “Y/N.” She mumbles. “Is that your name?”
“It is.” You respond. “People say it’s stupid to wear your own name, but it’s comforting to me. Plus, I don’t have someone else’s name to wear so.”
So, you were single.
“Don’t get too discouraged. Someone could come and change that. Very soon, actually.” She purrs, and she finally does it. She’s getting in your head. You’re seeing her.
You leave, your walk mezmorizing her in ways that makes her tingle. She barely follows the procedures of cleaning, as all she wants to do is go home. She needs to know everything about you.
“Y/N L/N. Twenty four years old. Younger than me.”
It wasn’t that hard to find your all your social media. All public, minus your Facebook account. Your Twitter consists of retweets of memes that probably made you scream, and your own little comedy that your select friends liked as they felt obligated.
She can’t lie; she was expecting to see a tweet about her. Something about a beautiful girl in the coffee shop. But there was nothing. Not a peep. Then again, maybe this was a good sign. Maybe you liked to keep your loves private. She’s searching through your pictures, embellishing in the sight of you until something stops her scrolling.
It’s a picture of you, and another guy. His hair is black, but his features are far from plain. He’s not impressive to her, but she knows to you, he’s everything. He seems to be just your type.
It’s been two years, and yet, it feels like a thousand.
The caption is so short, yet so sweet and gentle. It’s telling a million stories with one sentence, and even she can tell there’s real love in the photo. On your side, at least. She feels sick now. He’s tagged on the photo.
Lee Taeyong. That’s his name. The first place she searches is his likes, where she knows she’ll find proof of him being a scumbag. The way you addressed your necklace; it’s almost as if it was a mere replacement for a previous. It was a somber, silent story.
A lot of his likes are filled with hip-hop. Viral dances, artist appreciation, funny memes just as you enjoyed. You two probably found love through a similar interest. She continues to scroll though, where she finds something that truly twists her stomach. A quote.
Do you ever wish you could turn back time? Fix a mistake? Go back to when everything was perfect? When you could hold her and she was yours? Because same.
He hurt you. She didn’t know what he did, but she knows he hurt you. Her first guess was cheating, and she was going to stick to it. Maybe your chill nature was because your walls were up so high. Maybe your intense laughter wasn’t because you laughed all the time, but instead because you hadn’t laughed in a while. And it was all his fault—fuck Lee Taeyong.
He works at a video game store. No—he owns an arcade to be exact. She was going to see him. She needed to observe him in person. See his vibe. In the mean time, she can follow you on Instagram. That’s not too weird, right?
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January 17, 2020 — 7:30PM
“Welcome to T’s.” A dull voice speaks.
Although the lighting in the arcade is practically blinding—all the neon creating a cool atmosphere, their customer service is awful. Probably a telling to his personality if that’s the kind of people he hired.
She waited for a moment, waiting for more. How can they just assume she knows what she’s doing? What kind of place was this? It’s a Saturday afternoon, and it shows because people are everywhere. Kids are running around, and adults are talking trash to eachother as they bet money on who will win the car game. “Men.” She sighs. But with her sighs brings the man she’s looking for. He’s almost blending in with his all black clothing, but she knows it’s him. He’s hard to miss, but not because of his features. It’s because she hates him.
Her current outfit; a tight red dress and dangerous heels aren’t really arcade attire, but she doesn’t care. She clacks her way over to Taeyong, who is surrounded by many people. He must be popular. He definitely cheated on you. The girls around him were ridiculous. So much for missing you.
She knows approaching so quickly would be foolish. It wouldn’t make sense. She decides instead to creep around, wanting to know who these people are. As she gets closer, she can recognize almost all of them. Chungha—your seemingly bestfriend was here, some guy with his arm around her shoulder. The Johnny she had seen pop up on your feed a few times, the Ten, and lastly, the Momo. Momo also seems to have some unspoken feelings about you.
She could feel it in the way she comments under your pictures. You couldn’t notice her flirtatious nature, but it was there.
The most beautiful human in the world.
My favorite.
Can I be you?
More like—can I be with you?
“Excuse me.” Irene finally speaks, interupting their laughter. She was hoping they’d give her a dirty look, so she could have even more of a reason to turn you against them, but they don’t. They look at her in synch, smiles still on their faces.
“What’s up?” Johnny says, a dashing grin on his face. Another who thinks she’s too beautiful. Exactly how she felt about you. “Are you new around here?”
Chungha punches him in the shoulder promptly, clearly not a fan of his approach. Irene can see why she was your chosen best-friend. Then again, was she really your friend? I mean, all of these people were hanging around your ex boyfriend and the only person who wasn’t here is you?
“Sorry about that.” She apologizes. “Us pretty girls are hard to come by, and they get extremely thirsty.”
She’s funny, but not as funny as you.
“Oh it’s fine. I’m Irene.” She introduces, placing her frail hand out. It connects with Chungha’s, and it’s genuine. “He’s right. I am new here. I’m a tad overdressed, I see.”
“I’m not complaining.” Johnny adds, receiving a punch from Taeyong this time.
So, he’s somewhat of a woman supporter too. I mean, he didn’t have to stop him from his words, but he did.
“I’m Taeyong.” He sighs, but he doesn’t place his hand out. That’s odd. The glow of games is making all of them look nothing less of models, but that doesn’t mean she’s impressed. No one was better than you.
“You know, you’re allowed to touch a girl other than your family and Y/N.” Johnny jokes.
The mention of your name makes everything in Irene’s body spike. They were acknowledging you, even though you weren’t here, which means maybe you didn’t mind them being here without you. Or maybe you and Taeyong weren’t exactly broken up. Something complicated instead.
He doesn’t say anything, just squints at his friend in an evil manner.
“Y/N.” Irene interrupts, putting a hand on her chin. “I met someone with that name last night.” She says. She knows exactly what she’s doing. “I work at Velvets, and this girl came in. She was wearing a necklace with that name.”
She watches for Taeyong’s reaction, and she gets what she wants. The mention of the cafe makes him almost flinch. Velvets must have been a place you two frequently visited together when you were dating. But then again, why did you seem so clueless about the menu? No, you weren’t. You mentioned you tried other coffee. It must have been with him. The way you laughed, it all makes sense now. You were thinking about him. A memory popped up.
She wants to ask if you were his ex, but that would be crossing the line. She had only known them for two minutes. It would seem too odd.
“Was she wearing sweat pants and a hoodie?” Momo questions now. Her hands are crossed over her chest, and Irene can’t read her. She doesn’t like that. Momo somewhat has her guard up.
“Yeah. I think she was.”
“That was definitely her. She’s been dressing like a complete bum lately.” Momo giggles now. If she didn’t already know this was her competition, she knows now. Momo is giggling just from thinking about you. You must make her laugh a lot. Irene doesn’t like her judgemental nature. You would be perfect in every state if she was a real one, but she’s not. So maybe she isn’t going to be a problem after all.
“You described her perfectly.” Irene seethes, quickly switching back to her normal state. The bright smile, and pink lip.
“How was she?” Taeyong questions. He still cares. She can see in in his eyes, but even if she was blind, it wouldn’t matter. His voice was so frail when talking about you.
“Oh brother.” Ten sighs
“I have a right to know.” Taeyong argues. He’s frustrated. He’s hot headed; at least when it comes to you.
“She seemed perfect to me. Laughing a lot, making jokes and stuff. I apologize if I’m out of place for this, but what’s going on? Is she okay?”
All of their faces seem to freeze for a mere second. They’re not uncomfortable with her question, but it seems like they’re wondering do they have permission to tell your buisness like that. They’re looking at Taeyong, presumably because it’s technically his buisness too.
Chungha is the first to speak. “She’s fine. These two,” she points to Taeyong, and then seemingly to thin air, “they broke up.”
Momo is oddly silent. She’s seemingly fuming, but no one is paying attention to her. That means none of these people know about her feelings for you. She’s been keeping it bottled up this entire time.
“Oh...sorry for asking.” Irene quickly scrambles, tucking her hair behind her ears. “I should’ve put that together by myself—
“It’s okay, beautiful.” Johnny places a hand on her shoulder, and she wants to slap the stupid grin off of his face, but he was going to be useful. He was stupid, and naive. One pull down of her panties, and he would tell her everything she needed to know. She moves into his touch, giggling just a tad.
The vibration of her phone distracts her, and she quickly searches for it in her Louis purse. You followed her back. One by one, you’re liking her pictures, and she can feel her heart beating hard through her little chest. Was her fairytale going to happen? Was she finally going to be able to fall in love again? God, she loved you already. Your sexy demeanor, your perfection. She needed you, and she would do anything to get it.
The bell of the shop dings, indicating that more people are walking in. From the way that they all freeze once again, she knows exactly who it is. She turns around and there you are. Her knees so badly want to get weak, but she controls herself. Today, you’re wearing an oversized t-shirt. She can’t tell if you have shorts on under, but she hopes you doesn’t. The shirt is from some band you listen to, and you have white converse on your feet. High top.
Momo is the first to greet you. She practically jumps into your arms, and Irene notices the way you don’t seem to mind. Her brain is starting to shock her, jolting her anger to all the wrong places. She could fucking kill Momo right now. The two of you are spinning around, Momo’s legs around your waist and you inhaling her scent. Everyone else is looking at the scene with a soft smile—they’re so stupid. How can they not see?
Momo finally returns back to the floor, and now you’re looking at her. She quickly fixes herself up, so quick, that you don’t even notice.
The way you say her name is causing her to pool. She wants to hear you say it for the rest of the night. She takes a deep breath, not hiding it this time before she strides to you, hugging you. She knows this won’t make you uncomfortable. You seem to be willing to catch some affection for people you like. When she feels your hands on her middle back, she inhales you. You smell like spring, even in the winter, and that’s so beautiful. You’re so beautiful. She allows her cheek to graze against yours ever so slightly, and your noses to touch before she backs away. She sees the way you bite your lip. No one can see you but her, and she likes the thrill. It’s dangerous.
“Johnny.” You sigh, walking past him without a look. You don’t like Johnny—that’s obvious. Was he possible the reason for you and Taeyong’s break-up? “My Tenny!” You screech, putting his face in your hands like a baby and kissing his cheek softly. You have a soft side. “Chungha~” You sing, embracing her tightly. Now it was the big reveal. Would you speak to Taeyong? Or would you two do the awkward stare.
He still loves you. It’s obvious in the way that the love practically pours out of his eyes, and his hands shake. “Y/N.” He whispers. It’s like no one else is in the room. You must have not seen any of them in a while, based on the way they stare at you admiringly.
“Hey.” You whisper back, slowly moving to hug him. He closes his eyes for a mere second, and it’s all over. Now you’re back beside Irene, who’s very pleased.
“Irene was just telling us that the two of you know eachother.” Johnny speaks. He’s trying to get back into your good graces. It’s so obvious it’s painful.
“Yeah.” You smile, but not at him. “I was at Velvets getting my usual, and then we met. Surprised to see you here though.” You’re looking at her now.
“What? Just because I’m in a dress means I can’t be a gamer?” She jokes, and everyone around laughs. Everyone but Momo.
“No. Momo wears dresses.” You say, slapping her thigh gently. Why do you keep touching her? She’s standing right here, looking good for you, and you’re flirting with Momo? “There’s just a lot of assholes in a place like this. You don’t seem to be interested in that.”
“Well, how about I prove you wrong? Loser has to buy the other coffee.” She prompts.
She hopes everyone else looks jealous. Especially Momo. Knowing you, even if you wanted to say no, you weren’t going to deny her.
“Any coffee?” You question with a raised eyebrow.
“Anything you want—that is, if you win.”
“I say we have a tournament.” Momo adds in. “I mean, it’s been a while since we’ve all been together lile this.”
Shut up, slut. God, Irene just wants to wrap her hands around her neck. She had to get you away from her as soon as possible.
“Sounds good to me.” You agree. “Is that cool with you?” You look back at her. You’re already hooked enough to have to ask permission when you had only known her for 24 hours.
“Does it matter if she is?” Johnny mentions.
“Johnny!” Chungha screeches. “Why are you being such a dick!”
“Don’t answer that.” Ten prompts, taking his friend by the hand and leading him outside.
“Anyways, that sounds like a great idea to me. Let’s roll!” Chungha yells in sorority fashion, and now all of you are going to where the fun is. There’s a million games to choose from, but it seems like you guys have a section you’re leading her to.
“As you can see, the games only get harder and harder from here.” You explain to her, placing a hand on her lower back.
“So like, kids shouldn’t be going this far.” She giggles.
“Exactly. Consider yourself privileged.” You wink.
“Just because I’m short and cute does not mean I’m a child.”
“You’re going to have to prove that to me.”
You’re definitely flirting with her now. And to make it even better, more fiesty than she had expected it to be.
“What are you doing after this?” She flirts back, placing her hand on your back now.
“You’re taking me to get coffee.”
“Velvets will be closed.” She pouts.
“I didn’t say you had to take me to Velvets. They sell hazelnut coffee everywhere.”
“You really think you can beat me, can’t you?”
“No. I know I can.”
And you did. You beat the clean breaks off of her in every single thing. The whole tournament went to hell as you and Irene were completely in your own world. You ran from game to game like children.
You weren’t rude enough to not say goodbye, but it was quick. You knew exactly what was going to happen after tonight, and you needed it. It had been too long.
“You’re not coming over?” Is the last thing you hear right before you and Irene head out. It’s Momo again, and her eyes are sad as she seems to know exactly what’s going on. “We haven’t had the big sleepover in so long, and I cleaned my house.”
Irene is reading you like the open book you are, and you’re fighting it. You haven’t seen your friends in a while, and you want their attention. You love the fact that they miss you, and you miss them even more, but you don’t crave them like you’re craving her right now.
“I promise next weekend.” You try to plead.
“But I got drinks.”
“A promise is a promise.” Now your pinky is out. The way Momo seemingly gives up on her complaining shows that your promises held weight. She connects her pinky with yours, before lightly caressing your knuckles with her thumb. You don’t think anything if it, but Irene knows, and her eyes are burning holes into her skull.
As soon as the two of you reach the car, you’ve forgotten about the coffee.
With a slammed hand on the foggy window, Irene is in bliss.
“So much for that hazelnut coffee, huh?” She purrs, kissing you once more.
“You still owe me.” You giggle.
“You’re absolutely right.” She’s now crawling down your body, fully prepared to repay you for your victory. More like her victory. She had won, and it was easy. You were easy, and yet she still loved you. She would never let you go, and anybody who got in the way of you two being together forever will feel her wrath.
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February 17, 2020 — 2:00PM
“Wait wait, so you’re telling me that I leave for two seconds, and Y/N and Irene are fucking?”
“Not just fucking—fucking dating.”
Johnny and Taeyong were catching up, just as brothers did. After being pulled out of the arcade by Ten, it had been decided that Johnny needed a break from his crew. There was clearly some animosity—rightfully so within the group, and a month break was much needed.
“I didn’t even know Y/N...”
“Exactly.” Taeyong finishes for him, taking an aggressive sip from his coffee. With the slam, some of it splattered on the table. He can’t help but think about how you would immediately clean it up as little things like that bothered you, if you were here that is.
“Well, how do you feel about it?”
“I don’t understand how this happened so quick. I mean, think about how long it took me and Y/N to start dating. We talked for what felt like years before you guys pushed us to make it official.”
“You mean pushed you.” Johnny corrects, sipping his Americano with shade.
“Whatever. I just don’t like it. I mean, this Irene girl just shows up, and takes Y/N away that quick? That quick?”
“I mean, she is fine as hell. Are you saying you wouldn’t be down for that?”
“Can you not be gross for like two seconds?” Taeyong fumes.
“Shh.” The congregation of the library says in unison, causing him to throw his head down in shame.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Month of meditation actually did something I can assure you.”
“I want to look into her.”
“As in, like stalk her? Do you really think you’ll find anything?”
“I don’t want to, but this all happened too coincidentally. I know you think I’m crazy,” a nervous habit formed as a little boy, Taeyong is scratching his elbow like a manic. His rash has appeared, and rash equaled bad news.
“Well, you know I’m on your side. You might be stupid and crazy, but as your best friend it’s my job to make sure you don’t do it alone.”
They weren’t alone, even when they thought they had found a secluded area. She was there, disguised as a typical college girl. She sported a bob that made her look extremely basic, and her ears heard every drip of that conversation. Of course, being the idiots that they were, a bathroom break included them leaving all their belongings on the table.
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February 21, 2020 — 12:00AM
“Do I know you?” The blonde girl says in a low voice. She’s scared as she approaches her vehicle. She worked the late shift tonight, and deep down she knew it was a horrible idea, especially when her boyfriend was too drunk to come and get her.
“You don’t need the extra money—I got you, babe.”
But she ignored him.
“No, but I know you.”
“Did my boyfriend sleep with you? Because if you want revenge, I’m not the one you need to be speaking to.”
“What would make you think that?”
“Past trauma.”
“So he’s cheated before.”
“No, past trauma.” She doesn’t know why she’s entertaining this stranger. Maybe it’s because she’s so beautiful. You can’t help but to trust her, even in such a suspicious predicament. I mean, she was leaning on her fucking car like she pays the note. “Are you an addict or something? I barely have anything for myself, okay? Maybe next week.”
“You’re Johnny’s girlfriend, aren’t you?”
“I’m calling the police.”
But Irene snatches her phone from her, slamming it on the ground. The black gloves that cover her hands secure her non-existent finger prints, and the phone shatters.
“Literally what the fuck!” The blonde screams, but it doesn’t matter. They’re in a parking garage and there’s no one here to save her. She tries to run away, but Irene is just too quick. The knife that was behind her back connects to the back of her neck, and she haults.
“This is for your nosy fucking boyfriend, who believes that he can somehow find out about my past and make Y/N leave me. How foolish of him.” She chuckles, letting the blood trickle down her arm.
She’s crying and screaming, but as stated, it’s irrevlant. Irene 2 — Johnny 0.
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February 18, 2020 — 9:00AM
“I just...I just can’t believe it. I told her not to work that stupid fucking shift.”
“It’s not your fault, Johnny.”
“Yes it is. If I wouldn’t have been drunk out of my ass, I could’ve saved her somehow—I don’t know. But now she’s gone. I loved her. I loved her so damn much and I was finally pulling it together because of her.”
The rest of you sit on the couch, struggling to find the proper words for such a tragedy. Johnny is sobbing into his hands now, while Ten is rubbing his back gently. Taeyong is off to the side staring into space. You’re familiar with this look. He was thinking heavily about something, but you obviously would never find out what it was. Chungha is sitting on your right, rocking back and forth. Her nails are chopping at her fingers—a clear sign of her fearfulness. Similar to Taeyong, Momo is silent. You expected her eyes to be on you in search of some answers, or silent suspicions, but she refuses.
Finally, Irene is beside you to the left. You didn’t know Johnny’s lover that well, but you knew she was a decent girl. She didn’t deserve this, and you couldn’t even imagine what would it would feel like to lose someone you loved. Anyone sitting in this room. Her frail hand is locked on your elbow while her thumb is trying to soothe you.
“I’m so sorry.” She whispers. Her lips find your shoulder in something sweet and comforting. “Who would do something like this? Did she have an ex boyfriend?”
It takes a minute for Johnny to find a response.
“She did tell me about some guy who began to get a little possessive, so she broke it off. But she never mentioned him coming back.”
“Maybe it was him.” Irene says quietly. You can tell she’s trying not to say too much, as she hadn’t been hanging with the crew for too long. You’re grateful that she’s here for you.
“Let’s just let the police do their job.” Momo finally speaks, standing up from the loveseat she sat on alone. Something is wrong with her, but you’d have to figure that out later.
“Let’s order some food.” You decide, standing up as well. “I know you might now want to eat right now, but it’ll clear you head even if just a little bit. We are all under a lot of stress right now.”
“I agree, babe.” Irene commends, smiling at you sadly.
“Alright.” Johnny sighs. He also rises, but he goes straight into the back of his apartment instead. None of you were worried about him hurting himself. You knew he needed time to let his emotions out, as he was constantly trying to be society’s definition of a man.
Your phone vibrates, and it’s Irene who’s hitting you up.
I think you should check on Momo. Was she friends with her? She just seems really upset and I know how close you two are.
You have to contain the smile that wants to come out for the sake of the situation, but she was so perfect. She didn’t get jealous about anything. And she was so in love with you. It had been too long since you could confidently admit that this wasn’t a one-sided situation.
Your feet are approaching the kitchen softly, trying not to make such a scene. Momo is leaned over the counter at first, but when she sees you she tries to straighten up.
“Hey.” She whispers, preparing for eavesdropping.
“Hey.” You say back.
Why was this so awkward? It was never like this before.
“I just wanted to check on you.”
“I’m fine.”
Which means she’s not. You see her observing your current outfit—yoga pants with a shirt she had bought you years ago covering your body.
“Do you want to talk later?” You offer, putting a tiny smirk on your face remembering that usually made her feel better.
“I think that would be good, actually. I don’t know if we’ll have the time, but maybe when everyone’s asleep?”
“The best thing I’ve heard all day.” You open your arms out, and you know she won’t deny you. She lets out what seems to be all the stress from her week as she lets you engulf her. It had been so long since the two of you were close like this. On your nights where you couldn’t sleep from past thoughts, it was Momo who would come over and hold you until you could.
“I’ve missed you.” She mumbles into your shoulder. “So much.”
“I missed you too. I’m sorry I haven’t been exactly here as much.”
“Irene...I know.” She pulls away at the mention of her name, and it’s odd timing. “Let me just ask you something— as one of your best friends?”
“Go ahead.”
“Don’t you think the two of you are moving a little fast? I mean, we saw the girl for the first time a month ago, and now you’re all committed and in love with her. I’m just concerned.”
She made several points. It wasn’t that you made people wait for you in the past. This whole scenario was just too quick, especially since you had just gotten out of a relationship not too long ago.
“Are you insinuating that I’m not over Taeyong?”
“No.” She’s confident in her answer. “I don’t want you to be with him anyway. He cheated on and is a fat jerk.”
You snort at her last two words, and she’s punching your shoulder lightly even though she’s laughing as well.
“You’re so negative minded.”
“Continue.” You breath out, covering your mouth.
“I just feel like—
The door flies open, revealing Irene on the other side. “Sorry to interrupt, but have you ordered the pizza yet? We’re all starving.”
In reality, she wasn’t in the mood for food. Ten and Taeyong had went to the back to check on Johnny, and Chungha was using the bathroom. She had heard your whole exchange and to say she was pissed was an understatement. Why didn’t you try and defend her? You should have walked out of the room, and straight into her lap the minute the slut tried to question you on something she knew nothing about.
Both of you look like you’ve been caught, and she relishes in that. The fear that is in both of your eyes.
“Yeah I got you.”
That’s all you have to say to her? First, Momo was able to get you to open up that fast, when you hadn’t even revealed to her any details of you and Taeyong’s relationship.
“Or, you can order it if you want. Me and Y/N were just catching up I’m sorry to take her away.” The slut speaks. Her voice bleeds cockiness, even though her face is soft and sweet. She knows that Irene is mad. She’s enjoying it.
“Okay.” Is all Irene mumbles before going back to the living room.
“What was that about?” Momo is looking at you in confusion and fear. She had always had suspicions about Irene. She just seemed too nice—too willing to be everything you needed, when in reality she didn’t fit the role.
Momo had been in love with you since she met you. Your smile, the way you loved everyone no matter their differences, and your seemingly never ending talent of making her laugh. You were magical, but she was okay with being on the sideline. She had done it for two years straight while you were with Taeyong, and even during your nights of crying over she kept it to herself.
She knew keeping it to herself was only hurting her, but she was willing to be hurt for the sake of your happiness as you were happy with Taeyong. She could see how much the two of you loved eachother, and even after everything went down, she didn’t want to stop your journey of loving herself to have to figure out a way to reject her feelings nicely.
“Guess I’ll have to find out later.”
You seem frustrated as your leg is tapping up and down—even though you’re not sitting. Your breathing is getting faster and faster, and she knew this picture. This is exactly how you used to react when Taeyong made you upset, or neglected your feelings.
“Does she know what pizza you like?” She decides on, trying to pick your mood up with her bare hands as you were always able to do for her. She finds herself dancing slightly—her go to when she didn’t know what to do.
“I should probably go find out.” You smack her exposed stomach before walking back into the living room, where everyone has returned. Momo is behind you, and Irene is staring straight at the wall.
“The pizza should be here soon.” She whispers without removing her eyes.
“That’s goo—
By soon, even she didn’t seem to have meant this soon. The door is being knocked on quite aggressively, and all of you are looking at eachother trying to decide who’s going to answer.
“I’ll get it.” You step up. You were always the one in the group who would rise to the things you knew they were scared to do. Before you can even put your hand on the knob though, the banging is coming again, this time even louder. “I’m coming!” You spit full of attitude, and at the same time, everyone but Irene is rising to the occasion to stand by your side. You would always protect eachother—even from the pizza man. Johnny steps infront of you, opening the door himself.
It’s the police, and they don’t look happy.
“Are you Johnny Suh?” The chubby officer questions.
“Uh—yes.” He stutters. “The police said I wasn’t getting questioned until tomorrow.”
“Oh cut the crap.” The other offer says. “You’re under arrest for the murder of Cierra Valdez.” He rips the handcuffs from his belt, and he’s trying to turn Johnny around, but Johnny will never go down without a fight.
“What are you talking about!”
“Get off of him!” You yell, immediately trying to pull him in your direction. Everyone else follows, together more powerful than the police. Johnny is out of their grasp for just a few moments before a gun is pointed towards all of you.
“Drop your hands now!”
“You’re not gonna fucking shoot us!” Taeyong screams. It was the most passion Irene had heard come from his lips, and she was quite entertained. She was entertained by all of this. If you wouldn’t have been letting Momo flirt with you, she would’ve gotten up to shield you, but you didn’t, which is why she’s sitting on the couch in fake shock.
“Y/N get over here!” She yells. She doesn’t even have to wipe the sly smirk off her face as nobody is looking at her.
But you ignore her.
“I didn’t kill her!” Johnny is crying all over again, his whole face soaked in tears. “I loved her. Why would I kill her?”
“Anything you do or say will be held against you.” The Miranda rights are flowing out of the officer like he does this all the time, and now they’re dragging him out. His back is scratching on the cement.
“Y’all have to help me!” Johnny screeches. The whole apartment complex can hear what’s going on, and it’s killing him inside. He didn’t kill the love of his life. He didn’t. “I loved her.” He cried once more. “I fucking loved her!”
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jeonggukieandcream · 5 years
Golden curls and a devilish smile
Request: Aw, something sweet maybe like... a Disney Movie Marathon? Where I call him Princess SINderella, like we said some time ago? Awww it’d be so cute and fluffy oofff ~ @ravenrainy​
A/N: Happy birthday, dear!!!! I hope you have a wonderful day, a prosperous new year, and I wish you all the very best!! You’ve come so far and I’m so very proud of you.  🖤❤️ I love you a lot! 🖤❤️
GIFS indicate the different (and increasingly beautiful) phases of Michael. You’re there through it all; it’s what you both deserve. I wish I could reach through the screens and bring Michael into reality for you, honey, but I can’t. This is the best I can do for you and I think Michael would appreciate this (I hope you do, too!)
Word count: 2, 200.
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Something so inconsequential in the grand scheme of things had quickly become a tradition between the two of you. It was something that neither of you had known just how much you would come to enjoy and cherish this occasion between you until it was happening, and from that point was it your go-to comfort activity, your way of shedding all of your daily responsibilities, worries, fears, insecurities and stresses.
Complex people the two of you were, but your ultimate way to relax was one of life’s simplest pleasures:
Having a Disney film marathon.
The way in which this tradition had become what it was between the two of you was just as simple as the good it brought you. 
One night you had been studying while you were visiting Michael at the Murder House. Camped out on his bed had you been deeply saddened and concerned by the way that he had shuffled into the bedroom, the door wide open as a silent invitation towards Michael - it was his bedroom - and any of the nicer, gentler ghosts that wanted to join you while you watched Disney films and studied. 
Michael’s baby blue eyes had been rimmed with redness which only served to enunciate the natural beauty of his eyes, and his golden curls were sticking to the sides of his face, so damp were his cheeks with tears. He was wearing a short sleeved grey shirt with dark blue on the collar and the edges of the sleeves, and checkered blue boxer shorts. 
It was two in the afternoon and he was in his pyjamas, which meant both that Constance, his beloved grandmother, had been neglecting him this day as she always did. and also that it was one of those days in which the voices in his head which whispered nefarious things to him about doing their bidding, about doing his father’s bidding, were louder than usual.
You had cooed softly, dropped your pen immediately and held that hand out. Like the child he was mentally did Michael continue his shuffle over to you, his eyes and face turned downwards. You didn’t even need to ask Michael what was wrong, as immediately did he say, “Grandma won’t talk to me.” A quiet mumble which you barely heard, but you did hear him. You did.
Another soft noise left your lips and you cleared Michael’s bed for him, hurriedly closing textbooks, shutting your laptop after you quickly hit save, and almost throwing everything onto the bedside table in your rush to get Michael into your arms. Again did he take the initiative, waiting for you to shuffle over to the wall, laying down and stretching an arm out. Michael laid down as soon as you were settled, tucking his damp face into the crook of your warm neck. The tip of his nose was cold as he nuzzled it above your jugular, and your nose crinkled as you giggled at his light touch.
Your outstretched arm came around him, tucking Michael into your side, and he hummed softly and sniffled, a hand fisted to dash tears away from his eyes. 
“I don’t know why I keep doing what I’m doing. I need help.” Michael burrowed into your side, so deeply that it was like he was trying to crawl inside you. He pressed himself tightly against you, an arm looping around your neck so that he could pull himself up just enough to hide his face from you, but also so that he could bury his face in your hair; using your body as the ultimate security blanket with which he would shield himself from the world and its cruelties; which never seemed to let up on him.
“I’ll help you, Michael.” A solemn vow which crawled inside Michael’s ears and brought a smile to his full lips as he once again shifted next to you, lifting his head to gaze at the television stationed at the foot of the bed.
“What are you watching?” That soft voice, those eager blue eyes. Tears had dried on his face and left tracks on his cheeks. It wasn’t the first time that Michael had come to you crying and it definitely wasn’t the last, but it was the first time that he had felt like he could ask you about what you were doing, a childlike innocence in his eyes as he looked curiously at the television.
“What’s - “
You grabbed Michael’s hand and tugged him to lay back down beside you. “Shush. Just watch. I think you’ll like this one.”
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It came to pass after the first time that whenever either of you were upset, the other one would pick a Disney film and the two of you would watch as many as you could in the time that you had available to you.
When Michael was a student at Hawthorne School for Exceptional Young Men, he did extremely well in keeping up with the expectations and pressures put on him, but oh, he carried so much fear, sadness and anger within him that sometimes he spent his days biting his tongue until it bled; holding himself back from cursing people out or condemning them all to the deepest pits of Hell.
For the most part could he control himself, but as pressures heightened, tensions rose and Michael’s head was left spinning against all that was being demanded from him - really, he had been thrown right into the deep end and given no time to discern up from down before people had started trying to harness his natural powers for their own, it seemed that there was need for another Disney film marathon.
You were, once again and without coincidence, camped out on Michael’s bed studying. His scent, which was saturated into the material of his duvet and pillows, helped to focus you, and being surrounded by his possessions kept you calm and focused as you wrote yet another essay. The door slammed open but you didn’t even slightly jump, so used were you to Michael’s admittedly dramatic ways.
You did look up, however, and Michael’s trembling lower lip cut across Ariel singing about I wanna be where the people are ~, and made it impossible for you to focus on the film. Mirroring the last time this had occurred did you immediately put your pen down, shove all of your materials to the side and open your arms up to Michael, who almost stomped over to you.
“They want me to take the Seven Wonders test in two weeks.”
“They what?! Michael, that could - “
“I know,” There was a notably whiny edge to his voice and you grinned to hear traces of the sweet boy that you had met all that time ago, “But everyone seems to think I can do this. No one gave me a fucking instruction manual and I - “ Michael cut himself off, a playful smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “Is this Little Mermaid?”
“Yeah.” You tapped his arm. “Wanna cuddle with me? I’m gonna watch Aladdin after this and then maybe - “
You hadn’t even finished your sentence but Michael was already laying down in front of you, his head on his pillow, his body gently pushing you further back towards the wall. You laughed at his enthusiasm, your heart squeezing in your chest so deliciously, and wrapped your arm around his waist, tugging yourself closer to him as he adopted the position of the little spoon. Often times were you the little spoon, but today, emotionally vulnerable as he was, did it seem fitting for Michael to take your place. You didn’t care, really, as you pressed kisses to the side of Michael’s face, your other hand awkwardly coming to brush his golden curls back so that you could reach more of him.
“You’ll do perfectly, Michael. I wish they wouldn’t pressure you, though. You deserve so much more.”
“You are more.” Michael spoke quietly, as if he was afraid to ruin the tranquillity of the moment, and he could hear your thoughts racing, so loud were they. “They don’t know me like you do.” They don’t love me like you do. Everyone always wanted something from Michael. His name, his powers, his father... but not you. No. You saw Michael for who he truly was and you loved him all the more for it.
You were his Queen, he your King, and one day would you rise from the ashes of this world together like a phoenix.
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“Oh, my love,” A weary sigh from the suddenly open doorway of Michael’s bedroom in Outpost Three. “You look so tired. What’s the matter?”
You put your phone down, stretching languidly on Michael’s bed, aware all the time of his appreciative gaze as he made his way towards you with slow, measured footsteps which rang out around the room, the sound bouncing off the walls. To him, you were the most beautiful woman on this plane of existence and all the others. “Can’t sleep,” You sighed, “I don’t know why... for the last three days I can’t sleep... can’t study... so I’m just watching Disney clips on my phone to pass the time.”
“Do you want me to help you get some sleep?”
You shook your head and lifted an arm out of the duvet, holding your hand out towards Michael with a mischievous smirk on your face, a devious glint in your eye that looked so right on your face. You were tired enough that you were thinking and speaking without really thinking about what was going to come out of your mouth, and Michael couldn’t deny that he much preferred this lack of a filter. It made you a little bit more interesting - though, granted, you were already the most captivating person he had ever come across in his short time on Earth.
“No. But - do you want to watch Disney with me, Sinderella?”
Michael stopped at the side of your bed and tilted his head quizzically. “I beg your pardon?”
You resisted the millennial urge to say, then beg, finding the meme hilarious in this context but knowing that Michael wouldn’t understand it; and instead tugged him onto the bed with you, taking your place beside him and putting your head on his chest to better hear his heartbeat. It was your favourite song and never again did you ever want to hear a repeated refrain of any of the songs which played on a loop downstairs; you just wanted this song and this refrain for the rest of your life.
“Oh, come on,” You grinned, looking up at him, “Golden curls and those eyes? Baby, you’re a Disney princess. And, do you get it? Sinderella?”
Michael’s baby blues told you that he didn’t.
Your grin only widened as you pulled up a notes app on your phone - you would never know how Michael still had internet, electricity and a Netflix which was curiously stacked with only your favourites and things which you would enjoy once you found the time to watch them - and typed two words:
Cinderella and Sinderella.
Michael took your phone from you, his fingers grazing yours sensually as he did so, and his eyes roamed over the two words. Confusion melted into genuine amusement after a few seconds and his eyes glittered with mirth in the candlelit room, a soft orange glow cast about his face only seeming to amplify the blue of his eyes and turning his hair even more golden.
“Very clever,” He praised, “But tell me - if I’m a Disney princess, what does that make you?”
Endless possibilities filled your mind but you were only interested in the one where the laptop continued to play Disney films on repeat and Michael’s torso remained as your pillow, which rose and fell with his every breath. You just wanted this moment forever; Michael feeling safe and warm, cherished and loved in your embrace as you pressed yourself into his body; wanting to feel as much of him as you could within one touch.
“Hush, love,” Michael cooed, his chest rumbling in your ear as his deep voice filled your senses, “I’m not going anywhere. Sleep.”
“I love you,” You tried to say that you loved him a second time, which immediately followed the first, and you felt a light pressure on your forehead as Michael kissed you with his full lips.
“I love you too. My Raven.” The last two words were full of pride, of joy and of love, and you finally, finally, found sleep in the arms of your Disney princess, of your Sinderella.
Only for you would Michael allow such liberties.
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Though you and Michael had met quite by chance, it was an encounter from which serendipity had been born. Your friendship and eventual relationship was an intense roller coaster which consisted only of celestial highs and hellish lows, but you wouldn’t change any of it for all the world.
He was your Antichrist, and you were his Raven, and though you were whole individuals, together were you the unstoppable King and Queen of the New World.
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noonaficcorner · 5 years
Rose-Colored Boy | Part One
Paring: Mark Tuan | Reader
Genre/Rating: Friends to Lovers |  Fluff, Smut (later on), Slight Angst
Warning: Language
Summary: What happens when you get to meet one of your online friends in real life? Will the friendship hold up when you realize that everything is not as simple in the game? When the computer screens aren’t in the way, hopefully your walls don’t come between you and something great. 
Part One // Part Two // Part Three
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A/N: This is my first kpop fic so please be kind. I couldn’t get the urge out of my head to write, so here is part 1. I don’t know how many parts this is going to be, but enjoy!
“I swear to god, if you don’t get this asshole off my six I’m going to die and make sure I’m reincarnated as the worst ingrown nail on your big toe! Kill him!” Your voice carried so loud, you were sure that your neighbors assumed someone was really committing a murder. It wasn’t that you were normally a violent person, but the way that the game caused you to lose all sense of your surroundings and common sense, possession was the only semi-logical explanation for that kind of behavior. Your fingers started to ache from the intense banging on the keyboard and quick back and forth of the mouse beneath your palm, but you couldn’t stop. The rest of your team was in your ear, yelling out curses for help, and you were right there with them.
“Sinderella, reload! Reload!” FlyingRooster93 screamed in your ear, but it was too late. Just as you were taking his advice, a headshot took you out of the game.
“Fuck!” Your head fell to the desk and you wanted to beat something up or wallow, but a ding from the computer brought you back. It was a request for a private chat. Not really wanting to talk to anyone, you saw it was FlyingRooster93 and a small smile touched your lips before accepting.
FlyingRooster93: Sorry for telling you too late >_<
Sinderella: It’s okay. I should have gotten off hours ago. I start my new shift at work tomorrow.
FlyingRooster93: That’s right! Washing the asses of old people or something.
Sinderella: Not exactly, dumbass. I’m moving to the day shift and it happens to be on the elderly floor.
FlyingRooster93: Does that mean you’re not going to washing some old dude’s balls?
Sinderella: You just wish someone would wash your balls.
FlyingRooster93: You’re right, I do. I’m exhausted, too much effort. And you still didn’t say no, so I’ll take that as a yes lol.
Sinderella: Whatever! What are you still doing on anyway, didn’t you say you were going on some big trip or something in the morning.
FlyingRooster93: Crap… you’re right. It’s been so long since I’ve been on, I lost track. Thanks, Sin.
Sinderella: No worries. It will be another 83 long years before I see you again anyway.
FlyingRooster93: Dramatic much? Want me to draw you like a French girl, so you could then leave me to die in some ocean?
Sinderella: Maybe, but I need a sugar daddy to give me a big diamond first. Gotta pay for your funeral somehow.
FlyingRooster93: Should have known you only cared about wallet size.
Sinderella: Fuck yeah I do! Have to pay these student loans off somehow. But for real, will I see you sometime this decade or wait forever and a year again?
FlyingRooster93: Or I could text you as you hit on the grandpas….
Sinderella: …
FlyingRooster93: What? Want to hit on the grandmas instead?
Sinderella: In order for me to text, I would need your number or am I doing this telepathically?
FlyingRooster93: If you did, that would fucking awesome for one, but yeah, I mean, we’ve been on the same squad for 2 years now and we talk all the time. This is what friends do, right?
Sinderella: Friends…
FlyingRooster93: Are we mortal enemies or something? Sin, it’s no big deal. Here, 116-201-4947. I gotta go pack. Text me, okay? Don’t be freaked.
Sinderella: So bossy. Fine. You text me first. 868-112-2586.
Sinderella signs out.
The last thing you expected was to exchange numbers with someone you’ve been gaming with for the last 2 years. You didn’t know each other’s names, just handles, but for some reason, this made you nervous and excited. You both knew certain aspects of each other’s lives. Like age and the base of your professions, but that was it. You knew he was a “he” because his voice was one of the only ones you could pick out while playing. You didn’t want to admit, but it was a really nice one and somehow eased your game rage. But texting? What did that mean? Was this going to lead to phone calls? Video chatting? You turned around and looked into your mirror to see your makeup-less face and messy bun. Shuddering at the thought, you left your desk and jumped into your bed. Just then, your phone flashed with an incoming text. Why was your heart about to punch through your chest cavity? Calm the fuck down, it was probably just spam. Holding the phone face down in your palm, you slowly turned it over.
116-201-4947: Are you going to save me as FlyingRooster93 or should I give you my name as well?
Asshole. You laughed and your fingers flew across the screen.
Sin: I mean, a name would be nice, but I could also save it as pushy bird.
Mark: I am not pushy. But, it’s Mark. Should I keep calling you Sin?
Sin: I mean you can. But, it’s y/n. Mark… I was expecting something more manly.
Mark: It’s very manly. Anyway, go to bed, you have to catch a rich grandpa in a few hours. Night, y/n.
Sin: And you have to… go away for a million years. Night, bossy Mark.
Mark: ;-)
Tossing your phone to the side, a smile was on your lips as you laid back down. Your online friend was becoming less abstract and more real and it didn’t feel so bad. Even though you joked, you really hoped he didn’t ghost you like usual now that a window had opened between the two of you.
What you didn’t expect was for that window to stay wide open. Mark would text you almost every day. It wasn’t fully deep conversations. He would send you the occasional joke or something that crossed his mind. You would reply with a meme or snarky comeback. Your gif wars were insane, but made you laugh on days that were really rough either with work or at home.
There were things that were still a mystery. The fear of having voice or facetime was never tested because all you both did was text, but some truths were told. The 93 in his username was for his birth year. All the traveling he seemed to do was for work, even though he never said exactly what his job was. You found out that he had 3 siblings, but he was living away from his family due to work. He lived with his friends and he loved meat. Both of you talked about your favorite BBQ spots and some even overlapped. You found yourselves arguing when it came to which bubble tea places were the best. You even divulged some things about yourself. Like how you just moved out from home and living alone for the first time. How you really enjoyed becoming a nurse and hoped to move up in the hospital. Little facts were exchanged and you found the awkwardness melted away. It was nice to know more about a guy beyond how quick he was on the reload. Weeks turned into months, and before you knew it, two months had passed. However, when your phone rang one night, the shock at Mark’s name across the screen had you stuck.
“Hello?” You didn’t mean for it to come out as a whisper even though you were alone, but the surprise at the call itself had you on edge.
“Is that how you always answer the phone? As if you just did something wrong?” His laugh came in deep and hearty. You could tell he was smiling even if you didn’t know what that smile looked like.
“Well, when strange men call me after midnight, I’m not sure if I should answer.”
“Yeah, about that. Sorry. I just needed to talk and my hands were too heavy to type.”
“Likely excuse. Told you to stop rubbing it out so often, you’ll get weak bones and go blind.” Laying back against your pillows, comfort easing in as you listened to his laugh again.
“If I go blind, you have to take care of me before I get a dog.”
“Are you saying I’m dog-ish?! Wait, what’s that noise?” You heard some muffling voice through the speaker. It sounded like an announcement of some sort.
“I didn’t say anything. Anyway, I’m at the airport heading home. Finally, right? I start to board in about 40 mins and wanted to kill some time and…”
“And what? Bother my beauty sleep?”
“That was terrible of me; you need all the beauty sleep in the world.”
“Hey! I’ll have you know, I’m gorgeous even on minimal sleep.”
“Prove it. Want to meet up tomorrow?”
The phone slipped from your fingers as if it morphed into water. Meet. Up? Like face-to-face? Human-to-human? Was he serious?!
“Yes, I’m serious. y/n? Pick up the phone.” His laughter came through again. Shit, he knew that you dropped the phone and you must have spoken those last words aloud.
“Are you back, y/n? I’m coming home and I want to hang out with you and not through a screen. I know it’s shitty of me to spring this request on you this late, but you’ve really become one of my closest friends in just a matter of weeks and it’s just natural to want to meet, right? Or maybe I’m way off base and you don’t. Fuck, didn’t think about you…”
“Mark.” You said over his rambling,but he just kept on.
“I mean we text every day and I thought we could just watch something or go eat something…”
“MARK!” You yelled, and finally he shut up.
“Thank God. I didn’t think you would shut up. Do you want an answer to the question or would you like to continue with your monologue? I can get you a skull if you want to get deeper, hamlet.”
“Yes you want a skull or you want an answer?”
“Answer damn it!”
“Yes. I’ll meet up with you.” You breathed out. You tried not to laugh at his eagerness, but the realization of what you just agreed to started to dawn.
“Okay… awesome.” He breathed out and you could tell the smile was back on his lips. Lips that you were about to be able to know what looked like. Shit.
“I promise I’m not some psycho killer, but would it be okay if we met up at my apartment? It’s just…”
“Sure. I’m off tomorrow so I can just, go there?” You interrupted. You didn’t want to sound so eager yourself, but you were trying to beat back the worries that started to build up in your chest like a bad case of indigestion. You wanted to meet him, he’s basically been your friend for two years, why would this be hard?
The sound of the announcements came through the speaker again. “Crap, that’s me. I have to board. I’ll text you my address and a time that works. See you tomorrow y/n.” Before you could even say bye, the line went dead. As you sat on your bed staring at the phone as if it would bite you, Mark’s text came through with his address and apartment number.
Holy shit! You were really going to meet FlyingRooster93 in person.
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thuganomxcs · 2 years
send  💀  for  a  violent  starter . (P5 Makoto or Ann- any muse you want tbh)
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starter call meme / still accepting
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“Ugh what is it with kids that makes me a friggin’ sucker?” He spoke silently under his breath as he was roped into shopping with this young girl of the tender age of eleven. The girl held him by the hand and pulled him enthusiastically through the underground market where she wanted to buy beautiful flowers to surprise her sick mother and hard working father. “The flowers I saw in this shop are so beautiful Urameshi-san, they’re going to just brighten my mommy’s mood.” Said the little girl as she tugged him along.
Whilst he couldn’t care any less what anyone else thinks but still Shujin’s number one violent student or second to the transfer at the very least is seen now hand in hand with a kid going towards the flower shop, A FLOWER SHOP of all places. “Yeaah, just don’t think you’ll strike gold everytime ya see me around kid, think of this as a one time gig, though I really do hope your mom makes a full recovery. We’ll pick out the best damn combinations of flowers and get her a great bouquet. How does that sound?!” He said with so much vigor as the child squeals with excitement. 
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Then ONCE they arrived at the place in question and picked out the flowers they wanted only to find out that Yusuke had been flat broke. Short on buying those flowers by at least 1000Y. He checks the soles of his pockets of the shujin trousers he wore and chortles sheepishly as he couldn’t pull out a red cent. “Who’da thought these damn things were so friggin’ expensive, c’mon lady help me out here It’s for the kid’s sick mom. Can’t ya cut us a discount?” Though she was rather sorry still she couldn’t complete his request, at least until her part-timer came into the scene, hearing the whole thing and another that had a bleeding heart when it came to children. “That’s okay, I’ll pay the difference for them.” Said the frizzy haired employee. Yusuke heard that kind gesture and looked in the back, HEH thought of the devil and he showed up. It was the ‘violent’ transfer student. “Thanks a lot frizz, I owe ya one.” Yusuke spoke out with a smile on his face as ‘Frizzy’ shook his head. “It’s not a problem, take these and give her mother my best.” The young man said with a smile.
“You got it pal, hey Yui. What’d we say t’ the nice guy?” The girl’s face brightens as she bows and takes the flowers before bowing with tears of joy at the corner of her eyes. “Thank you so much mister.” Now holding Yusuke’s hand again she began to pull him away once more, excited to get back up to the surface. Then the next stop was Big Bang burger, her father worked there and it was almost time for him to be let out considering his shift had begun soo soo early to the point the sun wasn’t even out yet. Now whilst excitingly rushing back towards the surface she had bumped into another student, judging by the pin he wore, he was a third year. “Agh.” the girl accidentally dropped her bouquet but luckily it wasn’t ruined. The teen turned around to spot the fallen girl now being helped up by Yusuke. “The hell?! Hey brat, you scuffed my shoes. Even freaking ruined them, are you and your brother NOT going to apologize?!”
Said the teen, Yusuke sighed and walked past him with the girl purposely feeling the other pushing his shoulder against his own. “We’re sorry okay, now let us go.” Yusuke spoke as he tried moving away further for the two boys that hung around with teen standing before them. “Yui..you know how to get to your pops from here right?” He asked her quietly, she was scared but nodded her head. “Good, now run along and don’t look back no matter what.” He pats the girl’s back giving her that courage to venture further, easily dodging the two before her, but maybe it was that easy because they had their attention on Yusuke himself. She was still too close, close enough to hear pummeling..she didn’t need to see THAT part of him. “Forget the small fry, this is the bastard that probably has the money to pay me back for messing my shoes.” The ‘tough teen’ said leaning himself close to Yusuke trying to intimidate him, but Yusuke simply glared back in silence.
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“Oh, tough guy huh?!” He stuck his fist forward, colliding against Yusuke’s cheek. His face shifts towards the side with impact only slightly but he still managed to look at his attacker dead in the eye, his resolve unflinching and once he saw that the girl was nowhere to be seen he grins mischievously. “My turn son of a bitch.” He yelled out and the fight between him and the trio began, they tried their best, Yusuke even letting them get a few hits in but they were nowhere near as strong as they needed to be against the number one delinquent and were all violently pummeled to the ground. So many clicks from several phones in the area, people snapping pictures or recording what had transpired. ‘Alright, nothin’ t’ see here get out of here.” He spoke out against the people until he spotted a familiar blond throughout the crowd. “Takamaki?..you came to get in a few licks yourself?”
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teenwolimagines · 7 years
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Part One
Part Two
Part Three
A/N: So no title cards for a little bit and in other news I sadly won’t be posting as much due to work but this is not a hiatus. 
Waking up Theo felt...normal.
More normal than he had felt since the Dread Doctors crept into his life, he wasn’t waking up in some dank tunnel on a rickety cot he dared not ask the origin of. 
He wasn’t waking up to a two strangers he had to constantly terrify and  keep in line, and he certainly wasn’t waking up to cop shining a light in his eyes.
He was waking up in a warm bed, in a house where he had nothing to do. No life or death situations.
He sat up and looked over at (Y/N) who was half on the floor, looks like someone fell out of bed.
He should wake her up, sleeping like that couldn’t possibly be comfortable. So he gently shook her foot.
‘Mmm you rat... get outta here.’ she mumbled kicking her foot, Theo easily avoided the attack with a laugh.
‘(Y/N).’ he said a bit loudly.
She shot up and looked around frantically.
‘Where’d ya go you-you...heeey Theo.’ she started off angrily but eased into a more relaxed tone once she realized where she was.
‘Morning, so what rat were you talking about?’ he smirked.
‘I was in some market and all the stuff was free and delicious then this rude rat jumps in my basket.’ she yawned as she explained her dream.
‘What did you dream about?’ she asked while standing up.
‘I didn’t have a dream.’ Theo was surprised by the truth in that statement.
His sister didn’t tear his heart out last night.
‘Well better luck next time, come on lets go make breakfast. After we brush our teeth of course, there is an extra toothbrush in the medicine cabinet.’ she said as she stood up and went to the bathroom.
Theo sat up and stretched looking at her as she walked away.
Who was this girl?
She came out of nowhere and in less then two days had already the best thing to happen to him since he was ten.
While he was grateful, endlessly grateful for her letting him stay here, but last time someone came from nowhere promising him a better life he had to kill his sister.
Deciding to shake that thought away, and just enjoy this as the good thing it seemed to be.
She hadn’t asked him for anything, or given him any ultimatums so maybe this was just as it seemed.
His way out of that life.
Sadly, as Theo had finished that thought his phone chimed with a message.
No one, literally no one, had his number...other than the McCall Pack Members. 
And they didn’t exactly send Theo trendy memes, they only texted him if they were short handed and desperately needed help. Even then he wasn’t fully trusted and after they just cut him loose.
Theo had half a mind to just ignore the call and let Liam and his weird friends handle it alone, but he couldn’t.
Because if there was something running around killing people again, that meant (Y/N) wasn’t safe. If Theo ever wanted to do anything good for anyone, it was gonna be for her.
So he opened the text.
Meet us at the library ASAP
Theo groaned internally as he threw the phone onto the bed, he sighed as (Y/N) exited the bathroom.
‘What did the phone do?’ she smiled.
‘Nothing...just a friend that doesn’t realize I’m not in High School anymore.
‘Trust me you won’t be out of place, its amazing how many people who don’t attend that school...go to that school! No security at all, I’m telling you the place just isn’t safe.’
‘Tell me about it.’ Theo chuckled as he headed to the bathroom to brush his teeth.
‘If you are going to the school, do you mind me catching a ride, I’ve been wanting to stop by and talk to some of my old teachers to write letters of recommendation.’
Theo paused his teeth brushing and looked over her.
‘What school are trying to get into?’
‘Well, I’m trying not to put all my eggs in one basket, applying all over the place honestly, but NYU is the goal. They have an amazing art program, I spent almost all last year on college tours and no one compared.’ she rambled excitedly. 
Theo nodded and went back to brushing his teeth.
He hadn’t finished high school, he’d have to go online and aim for a GED.
‘I’ll give you a ride, we can stop for food on the way.’ Theo said.
‘I can only assume your body is seventy percent McDonald's, do all the push ups you want, but that food isn’t good for you. I have some fruit salads we can have on the way.’ (Y/N) said sternly.
‘Fine, let me get some clothes from my car.’ 
‘Cool I’ll get dressed.’
Ten minutes later they were in his car on there way to the most dangerous place in Beacon Hills.
‘Hand me a fruit salad.’ Theo requested, glancing at two packaged salads in her lap.
‘Hey you are the driver, and I’m a passenger, my life is in your hands. So keep them on the wheel.’ (Y/N) said as she opened one.
Theo rolled his eyes, believing that she was gonna make him wait til they were at the school.
Theo looked down at the strawberry that (Y/N) was holding out to him.
‘Say ah.’ she smiled.
Still a bit confused Theo opened his mouth and accepted the berry that was offered to him, and every other fruit she held out for him.
This is weird, she is weird, anyone just being nice to him was weird.; good weird.
The pulled into the parking lot and Theo parked in the visitors area.
‘I’ll be in the library.’ Theo said as they got out of the truck.
 ‘Alright, I’ll meet you there after I’m done OK.’
Theo watched as she headed toward the main building, sighing as she disappeared behind the double doors.
He stood there a second longer before heading to the library, Mason was waiting by the door to let him in since he didn’t have a school ID badge to get in anymore.
‘What took so long?’ Liam asked.
‘Some of us care about our appearance.’ Theo smirked.
Liam rolled his eyes, but didn’t say anything.
‘What do you want?’ Theo asked seriously.
‘Things have been quiet.’ Liam started.
‘Like suspiciously quiet, considering how bad things were not too long ago. Like maybe someone is plotting something, kinda quiet.’ Mason added.
‘Well the Anukite was responsible most of that madness, but not all of it. I think Monroe took her heavy hitters with her when she ditched town.’ Theo replied as he sat down.
‘It would explain the sudden surge in vacant houses.’ Mason said.
‘That and the fact that everyone knows this town is horror show and they’d have better luck surviving at the Bates Motel.’ Theo added.
‘So the bad guys left because they lost and everyone else is leaving because they’re scared of us?’ Liam asked.  
‘Pretty much, look I know you’re ready to prove you’re ready to take charge as an alpha. That doesn’t mean looking for trouble when there isn’t any.’ Theo advised.
Liam’s muscles tensed the way they always did when he was struggling to control his anger.
‘Maybe he’s right man, maybe things are just good for now.’ Mason suggested.
'What if he’s wrong and there is something going on?’ Liam argued.
‘Then he’s wrong, what are we gonna do? Go around driving yourself nuts over a problem with no clues, leads or confirmation that there even is a problem?’ Mason reasoned.
‘Fine, but keep your eye out for anything suspicious, I mean anything.’ Liam conceded.
‘Cross my heart.’ Theo smiled.
‘Do you even have one?’ Liam glared.
‘If I did you’d be breaking it.’ Theo said in mock hurt.
The chimera turned and saw (Y/N) walking into the library.
‘How’d you get in without-’
‘I actually follow rules and get a visitors badge when I come here.’ she interrupted holding up the badge.
‘Who is this?’ Liam asked, eyeing (Y/N) suspiciously.
‘I’m (Y/N), Theo’s friend.’
‘Theo doesn’t have friends.’ Liam replied.
‘Okay, that was a real dick thing to say kid, I don’t know what your beef is with him, but Theo has been nothing but nice to me. And you clearly  don’t dislike him too much since you called him here.’ she sassed.
Liam looked taken back, clearly not expecting her to talk back or defend Theo.
‘Are you done here Theo?’ she asked, turning her back to Liam and Mason.
‘Uh yeah.’
‘Good let’s go home.’ she said pulling Theo out of chair and out of the library.
‘Rude little shit, why did he call you if all he was gonna do was put you down? I almost kicked him, and I never hit people! Not even in bumper carts.’ she angrily grumbled as the reached the car.
‘Did...did you just defend my honor?’ Theo asked.
‘Yeah, you got a problem with that?’ she snapped.
‘Nope.’ he smiled.
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