#maybe id feel differently if rewatched s3
flythesail · 1 year
That episode was actually?? Really good!???
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mishastits · 3 years
rules: tag ppl you wanna get to know better! thanks @gracekisses <3
favorite color(s): blue!!! like teal and turquoise shades
currently reading: ninety one whiskey i would say i don’t wanna talk about it but actually i really really do i’m like halfway through it and i feel out of my mind
last song: i’m listening to rome by dermot kenendy rn ✌🏻😗
last series: grey’s anatomy. i’m on s3 in my fffffffourth or maybe fifth rewatch
last movie: oh man i really don’t watch movies. does inside by bo burnham count
sweet, savory, or spicy: sweet AND savory. together. at the same time
craving: i’d kill a man for mcalister’s deli rn which i think is a local thing. but.
tea or coffee: i don’t drink either very often but both of them must be sweet and iced when i do
currently working on: i’m writing two different fics and i’m doing art of dean during the confession scene so be on the lookout
this is where i’m supposed to tag ppl but honestly i am lazy and if you want to do this just @ me and say i tagged u id love to read ur responses
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franklyfunghoul · 7 years
my reactions while watch vld s3 ep6-7:
(SPOILERS, PROBABLY) ep 6: LANCE THE SHARPSHOOTER IN ACTION FUCK YEAH I LOVE THE SECOND TIME SOMEONE STOLE HIS SHOT WHY GUYS CMON KEITH HUNKS LAUGH IM THRIVING DAMN ALLURA NICE WIP HELL YEAH THAYS SO FUCKING COOL (izzy much? nvm ignore me) I LOVE THE TEAM SO MUCH LANCE STANDING LIKE THAT WITH THE GUN IS SO COOL I SHIROOOOO (IVE BEEN SPELLING BAYARD WRONG THIS WHOLE TIME) AND KEITH SHIRO AND KEITJ THIS CONVERSATIPM JESUS saying 'they' like you don't need him okay love SHORT SLEEVES HAIR CUT HIS VOICE SOUNDS DIFFERENT (HIS LIKE MANNER OF SPEAKING IDK I MIGHT BE CRAZY) o shit headache tracker something like that not good def relevant LANCE N KEITH TALKING AW KEITHS JOKING LANCE NOBDOU IS REPLACING U PLEASE FONT SAY IT OHMU GOD IM GOING TO CRY KEITJ SMILING AND TALKING TO LANCE IM CRUING TJE LIL SMILE IM SO HAPPY BONDING MOMENT 3.0 (I'm actually crying like I'm not even trying to be relatable and hip with the kids I'm legit crying) i think somebody did something weird to shiro but maybe not and the new clothes are trippin me out thays awkward the bros talkin at the same time oi KEITH DID THE SHOULD TOUCH TO SHIRO THAG LANCE DID TO HIM SHIROS HAIR I CANNOT HANDLE IT U THINK HE WOULD HAVE STAYED IF LANCE DIDNT SAY ANYTHING?? FUCK THIS SEASON IS REALLY GOING AND IM DEFINITELY GOING TO BE REWATCHING IT TOMORROW we get to see a new side of Keith and lance (and allura and something wrong with shiro) and i love (im not sure about the shiro thing but if im right about that im not loving it) KEITH LISTEN TO HIM PLS LISTEN TO EVERYBODY OH IM EXCITED FOR THIS FIGHT OHMUGOD IVE NEBER SEEN LANCE MISS BEFORE AND HE MISSED ALL OF THEM LANCE SAVED KEITHS ASS 11/10 WOULD RECOMMEND BUDDY DAMN KEITH DAMN ALLURA HAHAHAHA LANCE UR SOKKA IS SHOWING i still love how the explosions are white circles over orange circle things lance forming sword seems so wrong to me what KEITH LISTEN TO THEM PLEASE LISTEN TO SHIRO how do u completely avoid the first one then get completely fucked by the second one i KEITH JUST WANTS TO PICK ALL THE BATTLES SHIRO U GOTTA UNDERSTAND fuck long reaction sorry BUT LOTERD STOP BEING SO SMUG ep7: WHAY THE FUCK DID I JUST SEE HAGGAR EJAY TJE FUCK IS THAT HER WHAY TJE FUCK WAS THAG A WIFE WHAY THE FUCK OG PALADINS LOOK SO COOL LIKE THE MARAUDERS OF VLD THE PEOPLE THAT EVERHONE WANTS A SPINOFF ABOUT BUT WILL NEVER GET I LOVE ALFOR NOW "OH DEAR" AND THE BACKGROUND MUSIC ZALFOR IS THE OTP (im kidding pls don't hurt me) BLAYTZ SEEMS LOWKEY HIGH FUCK I LOVE THE OLD PALADINS AND LIL ALLURA AND CORAN if vld was about the old paladins I feel like id stan alfor so fucking hard but i don't know enough about him rip ZARKON SCREAMING ABOUT A CAT IS MY AESTHETIC IS THAT THE GIRL FROM THE VISION IT IS OMG YUNG HAGGAR OHMUGOD THAT WASNT ALLURA THAY WAS HER MOM WHAY THE FUCK HOW DID I NOT REALIZE i love alfors voice sm ,,,,,,so where the lions ever not scratched or lightly used or whatever I LOVE ALFORS VOICE SO MUCH bc shooting the somehow sentient purple glowy shit will help "AM I A LEG" hey I just remember how hunk called his lion boy in season to has anybody talked about that bc like the rest of them call em girl and i just male loins don't look like that zalfor is probably going to become like not that lowkey a thing now (unless they already have a ship name and im oblivious bc i don't want to know) and it's going to become the most angsty ship but i high key ship zarkon and his wife bc THEY BOTH CRAZY AND HE CARES SO MUCH FOR HONERVA BJT I DONT CARE THAT MUCH IM PROBABLY GOING TO FORGET ABOUT THEM IN TEN MINUTES zarkon u crafty shit, i now know where loterd gets it form OH FUCK FUCK FUCK FUVK FIVK FUVK
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