ocdeeznut · 3 months
Adventures in rewatching voltron continued:
i’m up to s4 and every time Shiro comes on screen i just-
it’s so unsettling and actually really well done
how me manipulates the team’s movements ever so subtly. Creepy.
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voltronreference · 9 months
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The Garrison Trio
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hood-ex · 5 months
Finally finished all of Voltron. Some thoughts:
The last seasons actually weren't as bad as I thought they'd be based on what I heard. I mean, yeah the Lance/Allura ship was unnecessary, and yeah the final episode wasn't super satisfying or good lmao, but all in all, the plot still kept me invested. Only time I felt truly bored was during those god awful filler episodes. Genuinely only liked one filler episode which was the carnival one where Shiro was arm wrestling people.
Wish Shiro had a heavier presence in the show after he got his conscience shifted into the clone body, but at the same time, it was cool to see him captain Atlas. I was so glad they at least included him in the final battle with Honerva.
Lance and Hunk definitely felt like they took more of a backseat in the character focus department. Like yeah, they had arcs of sorts though not super obvious ones imo. Lance was a big flirt who could be cocky, and he matured and became a reliable second hand. Hunk ended up showing more courage and willingness to bring people together, and he did have a passion for food, so I like that he had least had a hobby/passion of sorts. I just feel like I didn't really know them quite as well as the other paladins, Lance especially. I'm honestly very surprised Lance didn't get more focus as say Shiro or Keith. He seems like the type of character to have a bigger focus.
My main beef with Shiro is that he didn't really have any flaws over the course of the show. He was always the loyal and caring leader. Of course, we got to see him lose his patience with Slav which was really fun. Other than that... he was almost just like... too nice. Too perfect. The change for his character mostly happened through life events. I think if they had fleshed out that side of Shiro more, Shiro would've been my favorite character.
It wasn't until maybe Season 3 or so that I finally got over the fact that the paladins were flying lions around. I'm sorry but I thought flying lions were so lame when I first started watching it. These are supposed to be made by King Alfor, an Altean, so why did he choose an Earth animal as the design for Voltron? Like huh? Allura and Coran didn't even know what a cow was, how did they know what a lion was alkdjsa. Whatever, I got over it eventually. (Edit: I just remembered that the white lion is a thing that exists and that Alfor knew about it sooo I suppose he got inspo from that).
"Form Voltron!" and then the long ass sequence of all the lions forming together. I got so sick of seeing that every single episode. Voltron actually would've been cooler had the paladins only transformed into it like once or twice every season rather than every episode. Like only bring Voltron out for the biggest baddies. I found it so much more fun when the paladins all fought separately. And a lot of the time, the paladins had to end up dissolving Voltron to win a fight so like??
Black lion my beloathed, red lion my beloved. Nah idc, I have beef with the black lion. The red lion was by far my favorite lion, but I liked it more when Keith was with the red lion. Feels like they could've done more with the red lion as well with it being the fastest and all.
The Blade of Marmora was cooler than Voltron to me. All their fight sequences were sick. Also, Keith looked so good in that uniform, hello. I definitely enjoyed the hand-to-hand combat in this show possibly more than I enjoyed the lion fights.
Lotor/Allura was the only ship I enjoyed until Lotor went off the rails. Idc, Lotor was a fun character with an interesting backstory. It's too bad his character arc had to go the way that it did. Also not totally opposed to how it ended up though.
Matt gave me the ick as soon as he started fawning over Allura in an obnoxious way. Felt kinda ooc for him as well. But after that was over with, I enjoyed him well enough. That one episode where Pidge went to the memorial planet with all the graves... that was heavy as hell. Kinda wish Matt actually had died for the full weight of that episode to hit bc that was such an intense moment.
Loved how Pidge was shown to do basically anything to get cool video games in some episodes lmao. I also thought it was interesting how she was the most tech savvy of the team, but she formed a connection with the natural world, as did her lion.
The first 2 seasons were definitely funnier than the rest. The first season had me laughing at least once every episode. The jokes tapered off later on, which I suppose makes sense bc the plots got heavier.
Loved the Hunk and Shay relationship. Balmerans were pretty cool in general.
Tbh, I didn't really care that Shiro's boyfriend died because we only saw him in a short flashback. I do think they should've given Shiro a longer or better reaction to finding out that his boyfriend died though. Also, speaking of Shiro and men, it was so fruity how the last scene of the entire show was Shiro kissing his husband. Voltron said gay rights for space dads.
Kosmo was cool, and I especially liked how he was Nightwing color coded. Plus teleportation powers?? Nice.
Keith and Shiro's bond was really touching. I just wish they would've divulged their shared backstory together earlier on in the series to help me understand why Keith had so much respect and loyalty to Shiro from the jump. That goes for a lot of the paladins, actually. A lot of their backstory info should've been released earlier on in the series instead of shoved into the last few seasons. The only ones who didn't suffer from this were Pidge and Allura.
Some seasons were only 6-7 episodes which was wack.
Keith definitely had some good moments giving advice to Lance or Hunk. He had a pretty satisfying arc overall. Well, out of all the other characters anyway. He's gotta be my favorite character in the show. He had flaws that he worked through, and he came out as a strong leader. I also can't forget how he and the Blade of Marmora planted bombs to destroy the Galras in line to rule the Galra empire, but when Keith realized Shiro was with the Galras, he immediately raced back to deactivate the bombs. We love a loyal man who will do anything for his brother.
Shiro took on a lot of damage and trauma that just wasn't addressed in any satisfying way, especially in regard to his arm. He did make one sarcastic remark to Lance about how he wasn't in tip top shape because he got his arm cut off/his conscience moved into a clone body. Wish they would've touched on the loss of his arm more. And not just his human arm, but his other arms as well.
Allura's death was just like... I don't remember what she said to Keith before she decided to give up her life, but all I could think about was when she was cold to him because he was half Galra.
I thought it was so funny in the last episode when they showed all the realities in every universe and there were just like... 50 of them or something lmao. Like Honerva really didn't have to do much to end them all. They really did rush the ending, huh?
Even though I haven't watched the original series this was based off of, I enjoyed the small references I did catch like with Sven and such.
All in all, I had a fun time. Will I rewatch it any time soon? No... but I will definitely be reading fanfics of it going forward.
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keithkog · 27 days
(Context for why I’m here) Allura’s memorial site often has quite a few people here, even if it’s not a special occasion. I know on the day of her death thousands of people show up. I don’t go to those, Lance does. Thankfully, the nine or so people there left me alone today. This is not normal, usually people would be bugging me.
I found some juniberry flowers, Colleen was able to repopulate them here on Earth. Though I have heard they are not exactly like the original, they have a different smell or something.
I’m not going to say what I did there other than leaving the flowers. Honestly I’m so tired, of a lot of things. The universe is an asshole. I hope Allura is peaceful or having fun if there is an afterlife. I think Adam and her could be good friends.
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just-a-scratch-man · 1 year
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Voltron Legendary Defender 06x01
Little tough episode for Shiro
“Shiro what’s wrong?”
“I’m ok…”
+ Bonus screencap
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vammppyre · 1 month
WARNING VOLTRON SPOILERS also blurb of thoughts n shit on it <3 basically a public voltron-centered diary entry at this point bc i have nobody to talk to irl so buckle up!!
just finished voltron and i’m fucking SOBBING. i finally started rewatching it a few days ago (kickstarted by a single keith post) when i had watched a few seasons before but not finished; from my scrambled memories of it as i rewatched, i think i originally stopped around season 7 somewhere?
anyway i had gotten to the beginning of s8 earlier tonight but when i got on our beloved hell site for the first time in like ages i went n followed a bunch of voltron tags and got a eensy weensy spoiler (lances markings he gets from allura) and was like GOTTA GO WATCH BC HOW DID THAT HAPPEN
so i binged all of s8 since like midnight and spent half of the last ep SOBBING. and i am NOT a crier. like. thinking they were gonna permanently lose their reality turned on all the fucking waterworks. allura’s sacrifice?? more sobbing. then crying from relief and also sad (allura) when they actually got their reality back. and then
and like lance is pretty much living there now and like the way he changed so much AND HIS MARKINGS 😭😭😭 like i love klance don’t get me wrong but oh my fucking god. what happened with him and allura. SOBBING. he literally cared for her more than anything and i can’t fucking imagine the shit he went through trying to accept and move forward once she was gone.
the REAL kicker was getting those pics of them all growing up and moving on with their lives. like i’ve fallen in love with all these characters over the last few days and those 8 seasons. i know yall get the end-of-series effect like this bc like come on we all do but we neverrr get a montage like that, at least not in any of the other shows that i know and love.
like wdym pidge is growing up?? and allura’s gone, leaving lance without her while he follows in her footsteps and lives on her planet? and shiro settled down and got a husband???
literally we got like ten minutes max (i don’t wanna go back and look and cry harder) of the rest of the storyline all smushed together and it’s so much and im sobbing anyway
i love this show sm i can’t wait to fully dive into the fandom <3
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fanfictionlord · 3 months
I am gonna sound like such a nerd for this (I am a geek not a nerd but thats besides the point) but when ATLA first ended there was this whole redeeming the villian opsession in fiction where everyone tried to make their villians either sympathetic or tried to redeem them made them join the main crew or just made them secrife themselves or something so they would have died as a hero but literally no one could pull it off as good as ATLA and it never made sense or wasn't enjoyable and when there were only two times I wished for a villian to be reedemed they didn't do it neither fucking times and I will forever be mad about this
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azaasterblue · 9 months
Does anyone else remember when before season 8 came out there were all those leaked photos and fans were proving that Matt Holt would not only die but that the robot Pidge built at the end was some sort of like replacement for him does anyone at all remember that
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jpeg-mikey · 2 years
aw no. I just learned that lotor got melted in the quintessence place. I had no intention of picking up voltron again but that fucking sucks. idk why but that show occasionally gives me a feeling of unnameable dread for reasons unknown (probably the poor writing decisions and the Darker And Edgier tone of the last few seasons). like I couldn’t even finish watching all of it when I was younger. can’t I have ONE long-haired twink that doesn’t die tho lmao
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demobatman · 2 years
ive never seen a show lose sight of its own characters so terribly as Two Episodes of stranger things did.
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oh the flashbacks the word "buddy" triggered in me when i laid eyes on a blue and red coded pairing
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my live reaction:
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soadscrawl · 2 months
For silly comic ideas - pidge trying to teach keith how to game >:)
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this is suuuchhhh a fun idea they go to the space mall and find an ancient human relic (nintendo64) and history is made. i just think keith would really dig the genderfreak ninja princess
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klancelover42069 · 24 days
They're idiots, your honor
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iholli · 9 days
knowing VLD and MAWS is so funny cause every time Lex shows up I'm like "why is Matt Holt evil now" even though I know
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26aspen-edits · 8 months
No but like its so weird to watch rhys go from being the comedic relief in voltron legendary defender and infinity train
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to then being the badass dramatic protagonist in our flag means death
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like this man HAS RANGE and I literally didn't realize until i finally watched our flag!
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lil-llewellyn · 1 month
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