#maybe idk i just think it would be nice for newer blogs/fans since that’s how i got my backlog to begin with
hinadori-chan · 9 months
sorry i was gone for a couple of days i had some stuff come up
works been weird so i took some of the paperwork home to compensate and it’s taken up more of my free time then i wanted
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mrkis · 2 years
I know this may make me sound like a toxic person, but I promise I aint one, but this blog feels like a safe space and I kinda want to share this with someone.
So I have this friend who is also a kpop fan and we connected (initially) due to the fact that NCT is (or for her now seems like 'was') our ult group. Her bias is Taeyong and we had spent hours and days talking about the boys, watch content together, and overall just share our love for them together. However, last year she biased Hyunjin from skz and ever since she started stanning the group too, and I mean its not a bad thing nor is it a problem, its her choice ofc, but it somehow feels like she has forgotten about NCT alltogether and it sucks cause it was a big thing in our friendship.
We still talk about them when we see each other, and I do share stuff with her on insta like before, its just that she mostly ignores them or would watch but not comment, and suddenly I would be spammed with skz content. Here, I want to mention that I cannot consider myself a fan of skz, the boys are cool and they have some nice songs, but I never got to be more than a casual listener. They are just not my group, ya know? I get that she shares stuff with me cause she is excited about them but I cannot reciprocate with the same excitment because I am not a fan, and its kind of whatever to me. I try my best but its overwhelming me when she ignores the things about a group we both stanned hard at one point (I still do ofc, NCT are my everything). She has told me that she doesnt really watch content with NCT anymore, which is fine, I had such periods too, but idk man it still kinda stings especually when she spams me with 20+ videos of a content for a group I dont stan. I kinda want to tell her that, but I dont want to sound rude or disregarding, especially since I do share NCT stuff with her, but it my head its normal because not long ago was this our favorite group.
I have also noticed how passive she is with the things they came out with, she would not share the same excitement like before and that honestly makes me sad. And like I said before, its obviously her choice who her favorite group is, its not something I have a right to bitch about its just that lingering feeling of stigma and I guess disappointment that we no longer have those NCT filled days with watching content together and stuff.
I hope this doesnt make me sound like a bad friend and person, but there is no one around me with whom I can share this with and it has been heavy on my mind. I am not someone who lets go of memories so easily and it kinda backfires for me. 😅
i'm sorry it took incredibly long for me to answer this. i actually kept this in my inbox for a bit to think abt the right words to say.
personally, i don't think that makes you sound like a bad friend/person. its how you feel and it's completely valid, and i don't think your friend is a bad friend/person either. we all fall out of touch and find newer things to be infatuated with. it happens, yk? i mean i used to be so far up bts's asses that they used to be all i ever spoke abt until i discovered nct. but i understand that you're upset over the fact of not sharing/bonding over the same group with a friend anymore, especially with the memories you've both shared...
i think you should talk to her and say that you don't have interest in a group you don't stan... but you also need to be prepared or accept that she maybe doesn't want to talk abt nct anymore??? its a hard and tricky situation, but it's best to be honest. i promise.
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sydhina · 6 years
@clockworkanguish and @forget-me-not-james-hrndle tagged me to do this thing so shoutout to them for being awesome
are you excited for the tid tv-show? why or why not?
— i have some hope. since cassie answered that question about it and tbh im always pretty excited to have some of my favorite books adapted (so i can force my friends to watch them) i do hope they dont fuck this up
what’s your favorite quote from tsc?
—“fiction is truth even if it is not fact. if you believe only facts and forget stories your brain will live but your heart will die” or “beautiful things, cruel things. cruel in a way that only people who absolutely believed in the rightness of their cause could be cruel” (also i love how these are like 9 pages appart from each other)
which character is most like you and why? (physical appearance or personality)
— kit. he’s a sarcastic nerd who gets tired after running for like ten minutes, loves cookies and would probably die for tiberius blackthorn and honestly same. (for appearance dru or livvy because same hair and eye color)
any theories on what will happen in queen of air and darkness?
—everyone you love will die and so will I (i suck at theories)
any theories on the wicked powers?
—...kitty... also i will probably cry over dru a lot
if you were going to get a shadowhunter chronicles tattoo, what would you get?
—the dragon of wales so will and i match IM JOKING i’d probably get the voyance rune or just a nice quote
are you a sh tv fan?
— not really i only saw two episodes so idk anything about it. i saw some gifs though
how long have you been a fan of cc’s books and have you been in the tumblr fandom as long as you’ve been a fan?
— i read her books when i was about twelve so around 2014-2015 and no i’ve had tumblr since july last year and this blog since april
favorite ship, brotp and notp
—ships: kitty, haline, sophideon, herongraystairs and rosastairs
brotp: lily and raphael, the s4, alec and lily, magnus ragnor and raphael,
notp: clebastian and clalec
which characters do you think are under appreciated and why?
— *banging pots and pans together* look appreciate my boy og thomas please. i beg you. i know he was only in one book but he deserved so much better
three things you associate with/love about your favorite season
—autumn: the smell of the air, hozier songs and hot chocolate
what’s your hogwarts house, ilvermorny house and patronus?
—ravenclaw, pukwudgie and a saint bernard
what’s your favorite song, lyric and band/singer?
— song: this changes everyday but currently i’m in a very ‘karma police’ by radiohead mood
lyric: “whe don’t own our heavens, no, we only own our hell” from ‘buy the stars’ by marina and the diamonds
singer/band: uhm idk marina and the diamonds?
if you're in high school (or an equivalent) and you want to go to uni, what do you want to study?
—i’d like to study literature or classics. so since i live in belgium i’ll probably studie taal-en letterkunde or study abroad
coffee, tea, water or soda?
—water, unless orange juice counts as soda
what’s your favorite mythical creature?
— faerie or phoenix or siren
what could you do a 40 minute presentation on with no preparation?
— with no preparation?! bitch i’m stupid. nothing. maybe i could talk about how im stupid for 40 minutes but besides that idk
if you could live anywhere in the world, where would you move to?
— somewhere cool in the us like new york or los angeles. maybe prague or london. amsterdam because weed. and if it doesnt have to exist: the shire
what 'dumb' accomplishment are you proud of?
— i caught the ball during basebal in pe once and i still think of that because i usually suck
what’s your name
i’m tagging whoever wants to do this because idk who of my newer followers even likes tsc
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