Heat Miser: You haven't been answering my calls.
Snow Miser: I can explain.
Heat Miser: Then explain.
Snow Miser: I like my ringtone.
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Holy Father, I have sinned
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Heat Miser: I heard you've been telling everybody I'm an idiot!
Snow Miser: I'm sorry, I didn't know it was a secret.
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Heat Miser: hey bro?
Snow Miser: Yeah bro?
Heat: Can you pass me that pamphlet?
Snow: Brochure
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Heat Miser: *has hiccups and chugs a glass of water while staring down Snow*
Heat Miser: That was hot water.
Heat Miser: *slides out of kitchen*
Snow Miser: Why do you insist on acting like a cryptid.
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Mother Nature: Heat Miser, don't you have something to say to your brother?
Heat: Yeah, but then you'd make me apologize for that too.
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Mother Nature: Why can’t you just get along?
Heat Miser: Because we hate each other!
Snow Miser: That’s kinda how rivalry works.
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Mother Nature: We’ve got to find a way to cut back on expenses. What can we live without?
Snow Miser: Probably him.
Heat Miser: SHUT UP.
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Heat Miser: I’m a wanted man.
Snow Miser: That’s impossible. You weren’t even a wanted child.
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I love your blog
Thank you so much!! ^^ 💕
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Snow Miser: Awkward sibling hug?
Heat Miser: Awkward sibling hug.
Both: Pat, pat.
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Snow Miser, yelling out his window: do you think pigeons have feelings?
Heat Miser, trying to sleep: i'm going to give you one more chance to shut the fuck up
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Jangle: If you had a gun with only one bullet in it, and you were trapped in a room with Snow Miser and North Wind, who would you shoot?
Heat Miser: Myself.
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Heat Miser: people tell me i have a unique way of lighting up a room
Snow Miser: it’s called arson and those people are witnesses
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Heat Miser: You know what I‘ve always wondered? How do tall people like you actually sleep at night when the blanket can’t possibly cover you from your shoulders to your toes?
Snow Miser: It’s four o’clock in the fucking morning.
Heat: So you can’t sleep, huh? Is it because of the blanket?
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Snow Miser: My reasons for doing things are, one, spite, and two, aesthetic.
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“The miser brothers spin-off is trash”
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