#maybe if I post enough about them I can manifest them being canon? 🥺🙏🏽
Forever stuck on hellblr mobile so pretty please just scroll past thank you! 🙏🏽
Another mini Rhaemond drabble! As always, set in a happy AU where no Dance of Dragons occurs! 😊
Aemond and Rhaena at a feast, a few weeks after their wedding, just chatting. OK, ACTION:
Rhaena often found herself watching him, this stoic and alert husband of hers.
She thought him rather like a cat.
Ready. Observant. Elegant and Beautiful. So deadly, yet here Aemond was standing at the edge of the dance floor watching with a faint smile as Lucerys attempted a waltz with his new betrothed, some granddaughter of Lord Beesbury’s (who was unfortunately very inept at it. It mattered little to Lucerys, who seemed to relish in being able to save her in that moment, if only from her own two feet. )
“I do wonder,” Rhaena said, approaching Aemond and taking his arm. “If they have said the words to each other yet..it has been almost a month since she arrived at court. What do you think?”
Aemond scoffed. “Not a chance. He isn’t the least bit tactful. Probably thinks she isn’t there yet, even though it is quite obvious that *she* is.”
“Oh? And it’s obvious to you?”
“Has been for two weeks now. Speaking of which, Baela is more than likely with child again. Jace has ordered crate fulls of strawberries once more.”
“Hmm, she told me her moon blood was upon her?”
Aemond sipped from his wine, offering Rhaena some. “Well, she lies, my dearest. Rhaenyra is cross with Daemon, by the way. For what reason, however, I have yet to see. Best avoid them for the time being.”
They often passed the time like this, Aemond filling her in and Rhaena simply absorbing the information. He would rather throw himself from the tallest tower of the keep than be referred to as such but Rhaena thought him quite the gossip. Aemond insisted it was “surveillance”.
“So when do you think he will say it?” Rhaena asked, her attention back to Lucerys and his lady. Her own betrothal with Lucerys had ended amicably, both admitting that while they cared for one another it was not in the way that Daemon or Rhaenyra did and certainly not the way that Aemond and herself felt about each other.
“When the poor sod realizes how different it is, obviously. Then he will understand why it’s necessary to say the words.”
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Rhaena was puzzled. “Different..? Between myself and her?” No bitterness was in her words, just complete curiosity. She had zero idea what her husband was talking about, this “difference”...had there been a section of his conversation she missed? “What difference does he need understanding of?”
Aemond smiled at Rhaena. “When he understands how different it is...loving someone who loves you back...then he will not hesitate to say it. It will not matter what they are doing or where they are, he will say it then and there.” He kissed her hand, sipping from his cup and kept his eye glued to hers.
“I love you.” He said simply.
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While with his words he may well have been saying the sky was blue or that Valyrian steel cut better than regular steel, as if his love for her was an indisputable and commonplace fact of life...his eye was full of conviction and emotion.
And despite her fondness of gallantry and romance, the way he said it thrilled her more than any of the flowery and overly simpering confessions she had received from men when she had been at the Vale. Because it was *his* way. Her Aemond.
Who she, too, loved back.
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