#maybe if folks get interested I'll do a little ask game where you pick a random number
sycopomp · 11 months
Barula and Pich? 👁
YES!! Barula and Pich are characters that @rainboopz and I have, in her setting of "The Sea King's Mermaid"! It's an Asian fantasy set unda da sea 🎶 and she's actually going to be publishing a website on it soon so everyone can learn more about the world and lore!! 👀
But for Bich specifically, these two have become just. two of our favorite bastards. And bastards they are-- irredeemable, absolute, bastards.
Barula is General of the North Sea, and Pich is General of the West Sea. Illicit affairs with your enemy? Oh my. It's more of an "enemies with benefits" situation going on, but they're also pretty friendly when their seas aren't actively at each other's throats (and even sometimes when they are lmAO). They swap notes on interrogation techniques, boast about victories, gossip like a pair of old grannies, and in general make themselves a pain in everyone else's asses.
Neither of the other Generals really like them-- of course Barula hates Chihaya, considering they're a shark, though their general demeanor and personality grates on his nerves as well. He did manage to take one of their teeth after an unfortunate… accident… led to Chihaya going into a blood frenzy-- which Barula was quick to put an end to, and he sure as shit never lets anyone forget that he bested a crazed shark General.
On the flip side, he doesn't mind Minseok… but he is salty that he's never bested the guy in any of their spars. He's General of the South, which Barula mostly considers a joke since all they really do is party. How the hell does a leafy seeahorse of all things, from the happy-go-lucky kingdom of all places, defeat him? General of the North, the most battle-hungry and warmongering kingdom in the seas, infamous even in his own right for being one of the most formidable warriors in the history of the four kingdoms. What the fuck!!
We haven't done as much on the Advisors of the four seas, but the North Sea Advisor, Hoaxuan, is also mine and they Do Not Get Along. But Hoaxuan doesn't get along with anyone in the North. (Wonder why...)
As you could probably tell, Barula is mine, so I can talk for him about hoouuuuurs. He's a striped dolphin with a hate-on for sharks, he's way smarter than anyone assumes from such a brute, and he shamelessly takes advantage of the privilege and authority afforded to him by his position. He worked damn fucking hard to reach the top, and like hell he isn't going to enjoy it to the absolute limit. His Emperor couldn't give less of a fuck either; Ganbold is a temperamental, stubborn, self-righteous old lung that, if anything, encourages Barula's abuses of power-- so long as it serves to strengthen the North (or at least its image). I mean, the Emperor himself doesn't seem to care much for doing shit by the book, so why the hell would Barula? (They're a hell of a pair tbh, enabling back and forth lmAO.) However, their closer relationship doesn't mean Barula is blind to Ganbold's flaws, and even he gets fed up with those divine temper tantrums. But part of his job is shutting up and obeying, and he doesn't really care about the motivations behind being sicced on someone by his Emperor, hehehe.
I have a playlist for Barula, appropriately titled "Barulastard," with such songs as "Animals (Cover)" by Living in Fiction, "Animal in Me" by Solence, "Move Your Body" by My Darkest Days, "Detonate" by Black Math, "Between Breaths" by Blaqk Audio, and "Limbo" by Freddie Dredd. It's about the vibes, man.
You can learn more about Barula on my Toyhouse: https://toyhou.se/21387196.barula
And Pich's Toyhouse is over here: https://toyhou.se/12707449.pich They have a lot of wickedsauce art by Rain, so plsplspls go check them out I'm not normal about them I love them.
(They'll both be getting updated bios for the website to keep all the TSKM bios uniform too, so look forward to that hehe.)
If you have any other questions about (or for) Barula, pls send 'em my way because he's my favorite bastard. (Or Minseok! He's also mine, tho he is not a bastard. His bio is a WIP but we just did some work on his lore recently and I'm sooooo in love with him rn.)
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twothpaste · 1 year
Y'ever think of what Aloysius and Lardna are like in Intermission? Yeah, they both suck, but they are both crucial to Porky's character, so they remain unavoidable. (You can pick Ness's parents or Paula's or even Pu's who have to exist but are never seen if you prefer tho :] ) They'd all be interesting, but you most certainly do not have to talk about them all now!
Oh, my friend, ask and you shall receive. I'll cover all of 'em.
Aloysius is a conservative sleazeball banker. Probably just about the worst guy ever. Divorced Lardna when Porky was 13, but the kids were still compelled to see & visit him periodically. He's been an unrepentant abusive parent since day 1. Picky avoids him like the plague. Porky absolutely despises him - all the while unwittingly regurgitating his beliefs and behaviors. There's this whole dynamic where Aloysius was smothering Porky in cash and expensive gifts (Mercedez Benz baybeeee) when he first started college. But then Porky's excessive demands and (admittedly reasonable) lack of gratitude got on the big man's nerves. The uh. Airbnb Incident. Was the straw that broke the camel's back. Aloysius cut him off financially, leaving Porky to come cryin' to Lardna for help.
Lardna's almost as awful, reigned in only by her wet blanket second husband, what'shisname Prettyman (one of the funniest Earthbound npcs I think). The kind of mom who's always got something to nitpick or chastise about, sometimes uproariously, with not a damn thing nice to say. Her fights with Aloysius persist years after the divorce, much to everyone's displeasure. She cuts Porky off, too. Big surprise. There's an awkward period where Porky tries to get Picky to be the middleman between them, but even Picky's had enough by that point. Poor Pete hangs in there, stuck living with Lardna 'til he graduates high school. After that he moves out, with intent never to return.
There's kiiind of this sad dynamic with the Minches, where like? Peter (Picky) is the only decent person here. And for a while he tries his darnedest to hold his splintering family together. And he gets nothing in return for it, not even from Lardna. I think he was closest with her, but even she becomes a lost cause, taking her frustrations out on him in Patrick n' Aloysius' absence. The bravest thing this kid ever does is tell her off and leave, on his own initiative. If they ever make any effort to patch things up, it'll have to start with an apology from Lardna. Miracles do happen, Pete supposes, but he's not holdin' his breath.
Anyways. On the absolute opposite end of the spectrum, Ness' mom is very sweet and silly. I named her Kathleen, Kathy for short. She loves kids, was always welcoming Ness' n' Tracy's friends for sleepovers, adores and dotes on every single one of his buddies. She's known Picky, Paula, Jeff, and Poo for years - she's practically like an extra parent to them. Her instinct to mother Lucas n' Claus is immense. Ness thinks it's a little embarrassing, Tracy thinks it's Very Embarrassing, but what can ya do. She's got a sad little empty nest thing goin' on, as Tracy gets ready to leave for college too. Even though Ness is going to school like, within 30 minutes of her house, and visits often. Maybe she'll get a cat. Or a girlfriend.
Mr. Kimura is as absent and busy as he always was in EarthBound, but also just as fond of frequent phone calls. Ness inherited from him a love of baseball, classic rock, old video games, and road trips. His car's also a hand-me-down from Dad. I don't think he's obscenely rich enough to be depositing hundred thousand dollar checks into his kids' bank accounts on the daily, but he makes plenty to help 'em with young adult expenses like college and rental deposits. He's a funny, laidback, good-humored guy. Kind of a calming counterbalance to Mom's pent-up energy.
Ness' folks got divorced when he was like, fifteen or sixteen. It was all on civil & amicable terms - mom could hardly stand dad's perpetual work trips, dad thought that was fair. Tracy was more shaken up about it than Ness, bein' younger than him. And since she's such good friends with Picky, she had a pretty nasty impression of What Happens To Families After Divorce. Thankfully, the Kimuras ended up going about it quite smoothly.
I wrote a lot about Paula's folks [here]. Her relationship with her neurotically tyrannical mom n' her poor ineffectual dumpling dad makes me ache so much. 🥲
Poo Rana is the so-called "Prince" of the Kansas State Senate, because his Mom's a revered Kansas State Senator. His dad's in politics too, though not quite as prolific. He grew up rich and esteemed, smothered in extracurricular activities and accolades, prepared at every stage to follow in his folks' footsteps. Then, as a teenager, he realized he doesn't want anything to do with any of that actually. So there's this weird tension between him and his mom. 'Cause he loves his family dearly, and doesn't wanna let them down. But he's a free spirit at heart, he can't give up his whole life on the altar of "royal" expectations. There's this bit during his senior year of college, where his mom's running for a spot on the U.S. Senate, and she's tryin' to rope him into helping with her campaign. While Poo rebelliously sneaks out of fancy dinners and plays D&D with his friends. He and Paula share a lot of solidarity, both bein' stifled by their overbearing moms. He's honestly got it a bit better than her, though. Senator Rana may be intense, but she's not petty or underhanded in the slightest. One of these days Poo will convince her he really is better off living his dreams as n anthropologist metalhead tabletop nerd, and one of these days she'll listen.
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inventors-fair · 6 months
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Valiant Efforts: Battle Runners-Up ~
Our runners-up this week are @grornt, @hypexion, and @real-aspen-hours!
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@grornt — Tovolar's Moonlight Assault / Harvesttide Exultation
I think this card is balanced, well-designed, flavorful, resonant, and pretty...normal! That's a good thing when you're designing cards that are supposed to be good. I did want to swing for the fences with the winners this week—as much as I could without destroying the stadium. This really is a well-designed removal suite for green and feels like it's doing everything that you can do right in the color, though, so what's to complain about?
Maybe the fact that is DOES do so much stuff is reason for concern, but green has had its heyday of advantages, and this card probably isn't going to break any formats like its pre/mid-2020s ilk. Creatures, life, card draw, and buffs isn't too bad...is it? I'm kidding, this all fits in for both how much a battle can matter when you need it to be a bit of everything, AND how easily a battle can be flavored on a world we already know with a story we're familiar with. Tovolar makes the Harvesttide a little crazy, and what more can we ask for than a witchy, wolfy get-together. Personally, I'd ask for Tovolar's digits. His wolfy, wolfy digits.
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@hypexion — Attack on Eiganjo
Once more, everything about this battle makes sense. You want to find the best ways to deal damage to get the advantages that you need. The more that you penetrate the defenses, the stronger you can get. You picked a line, and stuck with it, and I'm right there with you. Did multiple people come up with the concept for the assault supertype? I missed conversations in the workshop if so. Regardless, that name makes sense and I'm glad that folks went with it. The different directions are quite interesting as well!
I wish there was an easier way for this particular scenario to be made manifest. Can you ping the battle over and over until you have eight power on board? Perhaps! Is getting two 2/2 creatures worth it, too? If they have first strike, I'd say so. The rewards for battling could perhaps be more fleshed out, and/or there could be a reward for winning the battle, if such a thing is feasible, but that hardly matters. I get what this card does and what it wants the game state to look like. It's complicated once we get there and I'd love to see the decision-making process of someone having to deal with/against this in combat.
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@real-aspen-hours — Loot the Storehouses!
Another assault! Gotta love it, don't you. This is actually quite similar to the Granary card, or at least it would seem so at first glance. And then the actual ability and implied flavor happens, and we're in a different world. Probably literally! The card advantage is different, which is fine, and it's more focused on that than it is a more general reward feeling. I think what I really like here is the utilization of the second main phase, or at least how this card wants you to think about it. The benefits of battle, if you will.
I think "You may play those cards this turn" would be better than the whole "until your next end step" clause, just because of clarity, but that doesn't matter too much. Ooh, or what if you could only play them on a turn that Loot the Storehouses was attacked? There are plenty of options and there's not one right answer. Considering that card advantage is pretty easy to understand, my curiosity wants me to ask where you imagined this card taking place, y'know? What world, which storehouses, etc. It could be anywhere and that's all fine, but as it stands, I do want to thank everyone who submitted a single-faced battle this contest for all the cool things that one can do with them. Super proud.
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So, I'll post about this in the Discord, but I'm going to be away from my computer most of the day. Again. Life is a long series of doing thangs. Commentary will either be up late tonight, or sometime during the day tomorrow. I'll be working as hard as I can, though!
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calico-heart · 10 months
10 fandoms, 10 characters, 10 tags
Basic rules: choose 10 fandoms that you are part of/support, and choose a favorite character from each of those. Then, tag ten folks!
Thanks for the tag @briar-ffxiv :3 idk how i'm supposed to pick a single favorite out of all these tho cries. Obvious fandoms are up top, but some (maybe. a little.) less common ones show up further down!
FFXIV // Alisaie Leveilluer
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I think she's one of the most dynamic characters in the series, and I love love love seeing her come out of her shell as the expansions go on. Her personal arc focuses so heavily on surviving grief and learning to keep an open heart even when faced with loss over and over again, and I appreciate how well that ties into the main storyline, too.
Fallout 4 // Piper Wright
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My wife <333 Piper's reckless go-gettem attitude and propensity for ruffling feathers on her quest to out the baddies really endeared me to her. Finding her soft heart under all the bravado and banter is really rewarding, and I love how committed she is to standing for her ideals, even if it means standing alone. Fo4 has such a cool setting to get immersed in overall, and I really do enjoy all the 50s/60s US tropes thrown into the mix with it.
Reth // Palia
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The epitome of making objectively horrible choices for arguably noble reasons. I love this walking disaster. He made me soup. I like how most of the Palia characters have more to them than meets the eye at first meeting, and how many ways they can surprise you as you build relationships with them. But gaining the disgraced pariah Reth's trust? Becoming someone he's brave enough to ask for help from? I treasure it above all the others LOL
Gale Dekarios // Baldur's Gate 3
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I'm NOT going to essay I'm NOT going to essay I'm not -- But seriously I do adore this guy's arc. I like how messy it is, even if in more subtle ways than, say, Astarion (ilu too boo.) Gale has so many "gifted kid" trademarks and strikes me as someone who's entire self worth has been based on how useful or interesting he is to others. It's hard to fault him for his ambition, when his magical prowess was the only avenue he had to make meaningful bonds up until the whole tadpole nonsense. BG3 exceeded my wildest expectations out of an RPG and continues to do so every time I pick it up.
Anders // Dragon Age II
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I feel obligated to say I don't really consider myself part of the DA fandom because every time I've poked my head in I've found it to be a wretched hive of scum and villainy with the most inane batshit discourse I've ever seen in my life. But the game itself? Love the game. Love the characters. Anders broke my heart. I really enjoyed his internal turmoil and the very literal ideological battle between justice and vengeance he faced throughout the game. I'll eat that up.
Obi-Wan Kenobi // Star Wars
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He's baby.
I definitely pick and choose which installations of the behemoth that is the Star Wars franchise to consider canon, and like Dragon Age I try not to actually get involved in fandom spaces. Ever. But I love Obi-Wan's story in the prequels especially, and if you've followed me very long I'm sure you know how much I like my hurt/comfort and angst, which he has in spades.
Halo 1-3, ODST, & Reach // The Arbiter
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I grew up on Halo and even have a little poseable model of this guy decorating my bookshelf. Halo's a shooter game first, of course, and I spent a good chunk of my childhood rerunning levels, and playing ninjanaut with friends on splitscreen. But its lore also fell into that sort of early TES space for me, where you had enough of an idea of the world for it to capture your imagination and inspire you, without being overwhelming to keep track of. The angst. The mystique. The badass alien with a glowing sword. 10/10. My Spartan OC is called Artemis and my brother has one named Ares and yes we did slay in PvP as teenagers.
Firefly // Simon Tam
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Choosing Firefly is predictable af but thats ok. It still makes me ache wishing we got to know more about the world, the characters - and maybe that unfinished homesick feeling is part of the appeal. I loved watching Simon be so out of his depth in the frontier of space, but willing to giving up everything for someone he cared about and learning to make a new place for himself with Firefly's motley crew.
Mizu // Blue Eye Samurai
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I was not prepared for this show to WRECK me like it did. I thought it was going to be a run of the mill cheesy samurai anime and GOD. The thoughtful, clever storytelling and dynamic characters knocked me on my ass. I couldn't stop watching. The cast is incredible, the art style is gorgeous. Every single aspect of this show ties into this theme of being caught between two worlds, and Mizu's story is one I am not going to forget any time soon. If you haven't watched this, you're missing out.
Mal // The Dog Master
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I'm not sure there's even really a FANDOM for this book. I haven't ever met anyone else who'd even heard of it, let alone read it. But a fandom can just be me, occasionally pitching it desperately to friends, right? XD The story follows several tribes, but the "main" character is Mal, who was kicked out of his tribe and survives partly by befriending a wolf and raising it. It's pretty cleverly written, with several timelines converging at unexpected moments to offer up plot twists and tie-ins that really wouldn't have been possible if it was written another way. I'm a little geeky about it just for the structural approach. But there's honestly not enough good caveman books out there, and this one has a wide cast of unique and interesting characters who feel very human.
I will tag @ronqueesha @bogglebabbles-main @sayonaramidnight @traveleorzea @orime-stories @silentletterwords @ellastara @rinka-fortemps @eriyu @jameswrites
And anyone else who wants to! I'd love to see your lists! But no pressure ofc <3
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zachsgamejournal · 4 years
PLAYING Watch Dogs Legion
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I wasn't supper interested in the first Watch Dogs. It looked like a modern Assassin's Creed, and I hated AC at the time. I also had Grand Theft Auto as my open world game...but I've not loved it recently, either. Watch Dogs 2 interested me because A. It took place in San Francisco--a city I love playing in and B. It pushed stealth and non-lethal combat as an option.
While I did buy and play Watch Dogs 2, and enjoyed it, I was fairly poor and traded the game in towards another purchase. Ever since doing that, I've always dreamed of the day of owning it again. Then came Watch Dogs Legion.
I loved the premise of combating the police state by enlisting the help any citizen you might meet on the street. This is really something more games should consider. GTAV tried something similar where the player could switch between three chosen characters. While this was neat, it wasn't a replacement for their lack of character creator and failure to have "representation" within the game. Not to mention, I didn't find the characters particularly likeable, so it was hard to be stuck with these three and still think, "Isn't it cool that I get to switch between them??"
So while Watch Dog's Legion doesn't let you "make" a character, you are free to look for characters you can relate to, examine their personal and team benefits, and work to recruit them. My first two characters were men of color over the age of 50. I picked the first because his bio said he volunteered at a children's hospital. The second was "given" to me by the game's story. I'm currently working on recruiting more.
Another thing I wanted from this game was a replacement for GTA. Not a full replacement, but an opportunity to drive vehicles around an open world and just sorta chill. While I think Watch Dogs 2 was likely a decent vehicular replacement, Legion has not been. The cars feel "stuck" to the road. Reminds me of The Getaway: a fun game for its time, but not a true GTA alternative. Maybe it's cause these take place in London???
Some like to call a "no-kill" playthrough a "passive" playthrough. I don't like that. There's nothing passive about Solid Snake crawling through warzones, destroying terrifying, nuclear-enabled monstrosities. There's nothing passive about fighting a system of oppression and violence.
Anyway, I'm doing the passive playthrough as best I can.
While Watch Dogs 2 was designed for a passive playthrough, Legion was not. When asked, the game director couldn't confirm whether such a playthrough was possible. The first mission is a training mission. I was able to sneak around and knock people out. Some of the combat resulted in very violent finishes. I was not a fan, and afraid that this implied I killed the person. Still, they gave me a "stun grenade" that I used as an alternative to shooting folks. But at one point, I had my gun out when started hitting a stunned enemy. The auto-finisher resulted in my character shooting the man in the back of the head. I was appalled! And thus was careful to never have my gun equipped again.
After the intro, my first character had a stun-pistol. Thank Gawd. I also had a spider-bot that could stun characters as well. This has made me comfortable playing the game in front of my children, since I'm not required to kill anyone--and the people trying to kill me are clearly the bad guys.
I did set a "trap" and when a guard walked into it and got shocked, the game seemed to imply he died. I want to check on this...but I insisted to my kids that the man was purely unconscious.
The city is quite large. The twisty London streets make it hard to get from point A to point B. And Jeezus, the one-way streets! I guess this is why Londoners rather walk and ride the metro.
...something to consider...
Still, I'm excited by all the little objectives to do, and opportunities to find tech points. Before I traded in Watch Dogs 2, I had barely done three or more main missions. Most the hours I spent in the game where doing side objectives and finding tech points. I loved it--and I imagine I'll be very focused on side objectives here.
The game is pretty fun and I'm excited to get to know London...even a fake one. I'm looking forward to building my hacker army!
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Carnival Date Larry x fem reader
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Him and Sal came up for the idea while in town together.
Lisa and you were at the apartments and she sent Larry into town to look for a part.
The two discussed the idea over lunch
"So you said you wanted my advice on something?"
"Oh yeah! So dude my 1 year anniversary with (Y/n) is coming up and I want to do something special but I've never been good at that romantic shit. I thought maybe I'd take her to a nice restaurant but that's so cliche."
"Did (Y/n) say she wanted to do anything specific? Maybe just ask her?"
"I would but I know exactly what she'll say. She'll tell me we should spend it in our pjs cuddled up in my bed watching a movie or playing games."
"Ha she really is perfect for you huh?"
"Exactly she's perfect dude! And we do that most weekends we hang out. I want to do something special for her because of how amazing she is to me. I mean do you know what shes doing today?"
"What's that man?"
"She's helping mom clean up Charlie's old apartment. I guess Mr. Addison wants to get it cleaned up for new tenants. When mom and I were in there this morning and she realized she'd need the parts from the hardware store (y/n) volunteered to help her."
"She is really nice. Plus she seems to make you a lot happier."
They finished their quick meal still unsure of what to do leaving Larry a tiny bit frustrated.
Despite a few decent ideas between the two they weren't able to come up with anything that he felt was good enough for his girl.
When the two were checking out at the local hardware store Larry noticed a particularly colorful flyer in the window.
"Hey Mr. Wilks is that carnival flyer new?"
"Oh yeah some of those carny folk came by and hung that up just yesterday. They also gave me some to hand out if you'd like."
The colorful flyer made a brilliant idea pop into his head.
"Sure man I'll take one."
"Sweet a carnival would be fun."
"What if that's what if I took (Y/n) there for our anniversary?"
Sal nod happily seeing the brilliance in the idea also considering asking Travis.
Grabbing both the flyer and the bags the boys left the hardware store picking up some lunch for the girls before heading back go the apartments.
Two weeks had passed and if was the Saturday of Larry's and (y/n)'s year anniversary.
Larry had saved up some money for the last two weeks.
He did anything and everything to earn even a little money.
Mow lawns? Yep
Run errands for older residents? Definitely
Stand out on streets and sketch people? Every Friday.
Selling his supply of pot? You bet.
You would join him for dinner thinking that was all that was planned.
Lisa had helped him prepare a really nice meal.
Despite it being like your millionth date together he was still nervous redoing his hair at least ten times
When he opened the door to you, you were dressed so beautifully he felt his actual jaw drop.
"Woah you look fucking amazing love!"
Ash had helped you pick out an outfit of a black cami tank top, a high waisted purple plaid skirt that went slightly above your knees, knee high tights with ribbons on the knees, and of course your black converse. I
ts moments like these that made Larry realise how much of a goddess you truly are.
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"I'm a lucky bastard."
You giggled with a blush before standing on your toes to kiss him on the cheek.
"You look amazing too Larry." You beamed.
Larry was dressed in a dark red button up and his ripped black jeans. I gently grabbed her hand leading her to the table that was nicely set with everything all out and warm.
With the wonderful smell and how beautiful the Johnson dinner table looked you smiled turning around and wrapping you arms around Larry.
"Oh Larry this is so nice!"
He hugged you back but let out a small chuckle.
The two of you took your seats and began eating.
"This is just dinner babe the real fun comes later tonight." He winked giving you a quick kiss on the lips in between taking bites.
You blushed letting out that adorable laugh that Larry loved.
"I figured Lar it's not one of our dates without something happening in the bedroom."
He quickly realized you had thought that he was making one of his pervy jokes.
"Wait no no no! We're going somewhere after this. And it's not a sex thing."
This made you perk your head up confused and interested.
You smiled playfully pushing his arm.
"Are we gonna go see a movie? I didnt think the theater was showing anything you'd like."
"Nope and I'm not telling you so eat." He chuckled making you fake pout your lips.
Once the food was finished he grabbed his wallet and keys as well as a black sanitys fall jacket in case you got cold.
The whole car ride he teased you about where you were going.
"Please just tell me Lar!" You pleaded with a giggle.
"Nope. Sorry love you'll just have to wait and see." He chuckled.
Soon enough he pulled into the parking lot turning to face you once he shut off the engine.
Your eyes were already huge and filled with excitement.
"You're taking me to the carnival?!"
"Yep Sal and I found the flyer in town and thought it would be perfect." He said with a nervous laugh.
He was really hoping this idea would be special enough for you.
"Larry that's so cool! Thank you!" You cheered leaning over and hugging him tightly.
He hugged you back letting out a relieved sigh, so good so far.
Once the two of you got your wristbands you decided to head to the games section first.
You both played a few of the games together having a bit of a friendly competition.
At the last booth there was a Teddy Bear with a little plastic guitar.
As soon as Larry Saw it he knew it had to be yours.
Since it was a basket ball game it didnt take Larry too long to figure out out.
Sure enough after like 6 tries the small bear was yours.
He turned around handing it to you proudly
Of course you responded by hugging him tightly and kissing him on the lips.
The first ride you both rode was a roller coaster, Larry's favorite.
He made sure to hold onto you tightly whether you needed it or not.
The next ride was the tunnel of love they had set up.
AS you can imagine Larry got quite handsy making out with you the whole time.
The last ride was of course the ferris wheel and Larry had timed it perfectly that you were on the ferris wheel at sunset.
The first thing he did was take out his phone and take a photo of the love of his life followed by a selfie of both of you.
The next thing he did as the temperature had dropped quite a bit was wrap his jacket around your shoulders.
"You always look so hot in my clothes."
He smiled leaning down and kissing you softly.
When you two pulled apart you laid your head against him and he wrapped an arm around you.
"This has been so perfect Lar thank you so much."
"Honeslty love I should be thanking you. Everything is perfect with you by my side. Ever since you and I met my lofe has been so much brighter, happier, and all around better. It's like before you came around I was wondering around in one of my drawings. Life was flat, black and white, and sometimes pretty scary. Then I met you, and all of a sudden my life was colored in and beautiful. You're like the Sunshine breaking through the grey storm clouds. I was gonna buy you something nice but my mom suggested this instead. It was what my dad gave to her on their 1st anniversary. I replaced the chain but basically when he gave it to her he said that she was his sun because his world would be incomplete without her. And I think that's so accurate for how alone I'd go back to being without you."
He held out a box with a beautiful necklace with a sun pendant.
You pulled out your own gift for him but it was in an envelope.
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"I figured you would be so concerned about doing something special for me that you would forget these just went on sale."
"Holy shit! Holy shit!"
With a perked eyebrow he took the envelope opening it up carefully to reveal three Sanitys Fall tickets.
"It's for their show in a couple months. And theres a ticket for all three of us."
Lardy didn't hesitate to hug you tighter than ever before
"Holy shit I love you! I love you so much!"
You giggled hugging him back.
When you pulled apart he helped you get the necklace on and you couldn't help but admire it.
As you two were walking out to his car that night he lifted you up on his back the whole way.
On the car ride home you ended up briefly falling asleep making him admire you as much as possible without wrecking.
"I'm so gonna marry you some day love."
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bobbystompy · 5 years
68 Quotes I Enjoyed From 2019
Below are my favorite quotes from 2019. Though most occurred throughout the year, some took place before but were encountered during.
1) “I don’t bitch about Millenials.
John Entwistle once complained that he didn’t understand rap. Pete Townsend said, ‘It’s not our job to understand it. It’s our job to get the fuck out of the way.’
New generations come of age. The older generation’s job is to shut up and adapt.” - @danagould
2) “I can’t do drugs with you until we kiss.”
3) “If you pay me $50 I'll show up to your funeral but stand really far away, holding a black umbrella regardless of the weather, so that people think you died with a dark and interesting secret.” - @DanaSchwartzzz
4) “A human being is a dangerous thing to let loose in a room with itself, when it cannot think.” - Roger Ebert
5) “There are no bad bourbons, only better bourbons.” - Dave Hernandez
6) “You can’t put a dollar in a kimono.”
7) “This is how it was.” - rampant takeaway from watching ‘Superbad’ several years after its release
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8) “What if I had been born fifty years before you in a house on the street where you lived / Maybe I’d be outside as you passed on your bike / Would I know? / And in a wide sea of eyes, I see one pair that I recognize” - Ben Folds, ‘The Luckiest’
9) “Learn the rules so you can break them.”
10) “Nobody makes chili for two.” - Stacy Massey
11) “‘Best city in the world,’ I mutter to myself, as i adjust my ‘driving blanket’.” - Chicago resident Deanna Belos, during the 2019 Polar Vortex
12) “Dude, no one’s ever got arrested for listening to Counting Crows.” - Ricky O’Donnell, justifying late night music volume at his party
13) Bill Belichick: We’re going to have fun tonight. Rob Gronkowski: Yes we are. We deserve it. Belichick: You’re damn right. Gronk: I haven’t stepped out in like eight months. I gotta step out tonight. Belichick: I’m with you, man. I’m even going to step out. Gronk: Oh, I like it!
A Super Bowl winning exchange.
14) Center David Andrews thanked Bill Belichick for giving him "a shot".
Belichick disagreed with it.
Andrews: Thank you for giving me a shot. Belichick: A shot? I didn't give you shit. You earned it! I don't give anything.
Another Super Bowl winning exchange.
15) “We elected one of the very worst living human beings to be President, and it's exhausting. Each and every day, it's an exhausting slog, just to exist in a world where that's true.” - Michael Schur
16) “Some of y’all always picked Odd Job when you played Goldeneye and it shows” - @thedad
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17) “Any app is a dating app if you try hard enough.” - Z.W. Martin (though he says it’s lifted)
18) "Once you're as woke as I am, you learn to feel bad all the time.”
19) “Everything’s a balance beam when you’re 90.” - John Dingell
20) [I wake up in a world where The Beatles never existed]
Me: Check out this song I just wrote
[I begin playing “Ob La Di Ob La Da” without having first built up years of goodwill]
Crowd of people: Wow, this sucks ass
-- @seanoneal
21) “People change people.” - Corey Matthews, Girl Meets World
22) “The easiest thing to do on earth is not write.” - William Goldman
23) “Dan could be like a difficult uncle. I didn’t love his fire-breathing conservative politics. I didn’t love the transformation that came over his novels. In Semi-Tough, he created two benighted Texas jocks and laid their prejudices bare. He was declaring himself a member of the Mark Twain coaching tree. In later books, Dan seemed to be trying to prove he could still tell a racist joke. He insisted that his memoir—the last truly immaculate piece of writing he delivered—include a tirade against political correctness. When his editor said people might be offended, Dan said, ‘Fuck people.’
There are certain writers whose style you pilfer. Certain writers whose moral fiber you try to inherit. For me, Dan represented a third category: a writer whose aura you replicate—or, failing that, try to stand in for a while.” - Bryan Curtis, on Dan Jenkins
24) “Never marry anything. Never choose. Even in love, it's better to be chosen.” - La Dolce Vita
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25) “An uncluttered, uncomplicated happy ending might sound wonderful, but it’s hardly ever satisfying. Because the value of great stories lies in the tension between desire and need, between the yearning for the ideal, and the unshakable conviction that ideals don’t really exist, at least not the way we want them to. A great story should hurt a little when it leaves us. There should be some hope, but that hope should remain somewhere just an inch beyond our fingers, because that’s the truth. Even if you had all the perfect moments in the world, you’d still be reaching.” - Zach Handlen, on the Futurama series finale
26) “You can’t see him because he has sunglasses on.” - Alissa Levy
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27) “The cinema is the greatest art form ever conceived for generating emotions in its audience. That's what it does best. (If you argue instead for dance or music, drama or painting, I will reply that the cinema incorporates all of these arts).” - Roger Ebert
28) “‘Are you gonna let politics ruin a friendship?’ 
Yes tf I am
People talk about politics as if it’s this isolated, abstract concept that only matters at election time. Somebody’s politics is their world view. It’s whether they think certain human beings deserve rights. It’s how they think the world should be. And if somebody thinks that the world should be colder, meaner, less accepting and downright hostile to people that are different to them, then sure as fuck is the friendship over.”
29) “Can the Supreme Court get me mushrooms?” - J-Papp
30) “Any song under two minutes already has a head start on its way into my heart. Just scream at me and then leave me.” - Drew Magary
31) “Long neck cold beers never broke my heart.” - Clemson Tom
32) “I’d just like to point out that the last spoken words of Game of Thrones were: 
‘I once brought a jackass and a honeycomb into a brothel.’”
- @Authoroux
33) “Just once before I die, I want to toss my keys to someone and tell them ‘Bring the car around’.” - Mike Skully
34) “For all the weight they're given, last words are usually as significant as first words.” - Grand Maester Pycelle, Game of Thrones
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35) “The best remedy for unrequited love is a trip around the world.” - Cheers
36) [on switching from a hotel to a motel]
Manny: I don't like the sound of that. A lot of amenities disappear when an H turns into an M. Jay: Hey when I met you, you were eating cereal out of a bucket.
-- Modern Family
37) “You and Lindsey don’t want to be ‘estranged’. Estranged is the relationship we want to have with our mothers.” - MegFil
38) “Cigarettes are undefeated.”
39) “My toes are like my fingers on my feet. I can pick stuff up with them.” - Tracy Cunningham
40) “Republicans govern without shame, Democrats shame without governing.” - Bill Maher
41) Sam: I don’t understand the vagaries of the Internet Josiah: Post often, without thought, and you’ll either get cancelled or cancel someone else.
-- Blink-155
42) “Hang a lantern on your problems.”
43) “What a weird web we weave.” - The Situation, The Jersey Shore: Family Vacation
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44) “Let the ocean worry about being blue.” - Alabama Shakes, ‘Hang Loose’
45) “Honesty without tact is cruelty.” - Shelley Rokos
46) “My whole life is the wrong porn link.”
47) “One parent can take care of 10 kids, but 10 kids cannot take care of one parent.” - Joe Gestetner, via “an old Yiddish saying”
48) “There are no heroes in the room.” - Classics of Love, ‘Gun Show’
49) “If I am a little dismissive, it's only because of my harrowing backstory.” - Mitchell, Modern Family (on why he doesn't like sports)
50) “Every time I’m wearing black, I meet a dog.” - Tracy Cunningham
51) “Shower sex? Why would I fuck in my crying chamber” - @chridollarsign
52) “My theory about quarterbacks, having written about some of them, is you either have to believe in god or think you are a god.” - Mina Kimes
53) “The contradictions of capitalism always manifest in our lyrics if you look deeply.” - Blake Schwarzenbach of Jawbreaker, Riot Fest 2019
54) “Got a ‘hang loose’ from the weakside bartender.”
55) “It’s Jennifer’s birthday always.” - Eric Hutchinson 
56) “I can’t think of a less relevant artist in 2019 than Kanye West. A Jesus freak in a MAGA hat. Yeah, congrats dude -- you’re every grandma who watches ‘Young Sheldon’ and mails checks to Joel Osteen now.” - Dan Ozzi
57) “The past and future are in the mind. I’m in the now.” - Tom Brady, via someone else
58) “Sometimes you walk around boring places and you feel like the most exciting thing in it.” - Drew Magary
59) “Sitting is the new smoking.” - Modern Family
60) “I'll straight up fight folks at a book club and discuss books at a fight club I really don't give a shit anymore.” - George Wallace
61) “Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.” - Rose Garvey via wine country
62) “It’s all ‘ok boomer’ until you need someone who can drive stick shift.” - @OrdinaryAlso
63) “He likes the result of the math.” - Dad, talking about my worst subject frustrating during the process but satisfying in the end
64) Stepmom: Do you want a Bears urn or Alabama urn? Dad: Ask me after they play Auburn.
65) “A cold body carries a warm heart.” - Stefanos Tsitsipas’ Instagram, after his Iceland sabbatical
66) [preparing a dish called the Sandwich of Justice with his friend’s recipe]
"The fun thing about it is when you give it to someone, you can say 'Justice is served.’ That's, uh, Ryan's line. I built my whole life on the backs of my friends." - You Suck At Cooking
67) “Usually three people can keep a secret only when two of them are dead.” - The Irishman
68) “An artist can't control who consumes their content any more than a chemist can control how their chemicals are used once they're created.” - Brian Crooks
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