rabbitindemun · 7 months
I'm just going to say this
Your art style is so amazing especially how you draw baby Bill
He is so high on sugar pls..keep that energy your giving him
Thank you so muchhh!! I'll try my best with that little demon to keep making him that adorable :'D
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julyaut · 6 months
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He is the sexiest bitch here.
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bemorech1ll · 2 months
Me when talking about bich/arsonberry!!! :3 I LOVE THEM SO MCUH. MY FRIEND KINTER CONVICED ME TO LIKE THEM
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aestheticrelapse · 4 months
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This Bich is perfect.
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📎 ✨ 💎 for the old man
Ask Game
📎 - Siblings/close family
Gaius is closest to his sister Lucasta, and his cubs Augustus and Raevik. As discussed before, he had SOMETHING of a paternal role for Lu-- after they recommence contact and begin to interact, they spend very well most of their time around or in direct contact with one another. This presents challenges for them as they grow and age over the course of story, especially during IBS and the time after. Gaius loves her, and is proud of her, but at its base, they are both extraordinarily emotionally stunted, and due to their VERY different upbringings, struggle to show how they care, or do so in unhealthy ways.
Augustus is Gaius' oldest cub, at almost 25 during personal story. It would be accurate to say that Gaius' insights from his interactions with his son in the fahrar, and later on stepping in to keep him from being discharged as gladium (or worse) have shaped how he views younger soldiers. Raevik is a week younger than his older brother(s-- August does have a twin, who is not nearly as interested in the family). Raevik first meets his sire circa LWS3 and begins to hang around, initially--largely-- spying and looking to learn about Gaius and his warband. Gaius for his part is eager and excited (or as excited as he can be) and pretty openly allows Raevik the time and space, for he genuinely seems interested in learning how and why Gaius is successful, and who Gaius and the others are. In turn, he begins to take after the Horns as well.
✨ - Children (current or future)
Gaius... is a prolific sire, and has a good many cubs. However, the most notable--he does keep track, and there are methods for guessing if he named them or not-- are Augustus Silverhorn, Fulvius Smokelash, Raevik Flowscryer, Brutus Quietflame, Malcolm Boneslake, Gloryana (she's like, 3.), Almorra, Magpie, Jackdaw, Regulus...
💎 - Chosen family (including warband)
THE HORNS!!!! He adopts children like no tomorrow, and many can't take on the Horn name, but among them include Pythus Swifttail, Kudo Pyrehorn, Phlunq Blighthorn.
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reconditerune · 9 months
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@giuliakicksbutt keeps making fun of the lopporits
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ricfreak · 4 months
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My gear as a 16 year old......🥰
The BCRich has gone through some upgrades but the Takamine bass is totally stock.
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boxheadpaint · 1 year
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You know what youre getting rare candys now
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rebuke-me · 2 months
bich for the ask meme
when I started shipping it if I did:
okay. i don't know when. i don't know dates don't ask me about dates. BUT. it was a few years ago bc i think they're cute
my thoughts:
a) i was tired of rich only being shipped with the guys bc bisexuality means both and mlw relationships are just as much a part of bisexuality as mlm or wlw. but also b) the idea of them NOT being paired together in canon was wild to me? like theyre both the "second in commands" to their best friends who are dating. ur telling me they didn't end up on pseudo-double-dates. that they didn't make out at LEAST one time. ur wrong actually.
What makes me happy about them:
they both have. such potential to be so sickeningly cute. the seconds finding solace in each other. forced hangouts while squipped turning into rekindled friendship afterward and then realizing that while their friends were the "couple" that they work better together. brooke loving the more "nerdy" aspects of rich and rich liking her jokes and her passion and her personality sans chloe. look. they have such a potential.
What makes me sad about them:
the entirety of their relationship before the play. like. they don't like each other because they're both pretending to be someone they're not. but once they let themselves be who they actually are, they find they have more in common than just friends. but they dont get that for YEARS so they don't even see it.
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
i haven't read enough of them. shocker. i don't. read a lot of fic actually. but in general i hate when people make rich either a) too much of a dick or b) too much of a. not a goofball. but too. passive? and i hate when people make brooke too passive too. let them be little petty bitches please sir.
things I look for in fanfic:
ideal bich fanfic is them never talking about their feelings because its really fucking complicated, and then something dramatic happens where they have to find solace in each other. i will not say the other thing bc its an idea thats rattling around in my head i kinda wanna write.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: 
i like brooke with christine and sometimes jeremy, but only in specific circumstances. i don't... love rich with anyone else really? i don't see him as romantic with any of the bmc guys bc of clashes in personality. (not that i don't see him with a guy at all. just not Those Specific Guys.) and the other girls are also incompatible with him imo. tldr brooke is cute with other people, rich is a special case.
My happily ever after for them:
they would have the most fun goofy wedding that all their friends are invited to. i think they'd be that couple who has like 4 dogs of varying sizes that goes on hikes and vacations a lot and posts sappy corny instagram posts of each other. they r the only bmc ship i have that i see getting married.
who is the big spoon/little spoon:
they swap, obviously. two bisexuals in a relationship? they are not making a decision. also they're of similar heights in my head so i think they'd be good.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
as previously mentioned. i think they'd really like hiking? not like. super long hard hikes but like walking trails and talking a lot. for some godforsaken reason i also see them having a podcast. don't ask me why.
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blowfly-girll · 2 months
choo choo cha cha. bich
KILL YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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softie-rain · 3 months
I'm getting bullied for liking Sejanus/Josh my friend is so mean 😔💔
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sycopomp · 11 months
Barula and Pich? 👁
YES!! Barula and Pich are characters that @rainboopz and I have, in her setting of "The Sea King's Mermaid"! It's an Asian fantasy set unda da sea 🎶 and she's actually going to be publishing a website on it soon so everyone can learn more about the world and lore!! 👀
But for Bich specifically, these two have become just. two of our favorite bastards. And bastards they are-- irredeemable, absolute, bastards.
Barula is General of the North Sea, and Pich is General of the West Sea. Illicit affairs with your enemy? Oh my. It's more of an "enemies with benefits" situation going on, but they're also pretty friendly when their seas aren't actively at each other's throats (and even sometimes when they are lmAO). They swap notes on interrogation techniques, boast about victories, gossip like a pair of old grannies, and in general make themselves a pain in everyone else's asses.
Neither of the other Generals really like them-- of course Barula hates Chihaya, considering they're a shark, though their general demeanor and personality grates on his nerves as well. He did manage to take one of their teeth after an unfortunate… accident… led to Chihaya going into a blood frenzy-- which Barula was quick to put an end to, and he sure as shit never lets anyone forget that he bested a crazed shark General.
On the flip side, he doesn't mind Minseok… but he is salty that he's never bested the guy in any of their spars. He's General of the South, which Barula mostly considers a joke since all they really do is party. How the hell does a leafy seeahorse of all things, from the happy-go-lucky kingdom of all places, defeat him? General of the North, the most battle-hungry and warmongering kingdom in the seas, infamous even in his own right for being one of the most formidable warriors in the history of the four kingdoms. What the fuck!!
We haven't done as much on the Advisors of the four seas, but the North Sea Advisor, Hoaxuan, is also mine and they Do Not Get Along. But Hoaxuan doesn't get along with anyone in the North. (Wonder why...)
As you could probably tell, Barula is mine, so I can talk for him about hoouuuuurs. He's a striped dolphin with a hate-on for sharks, he's way smarter than anyone assumes from such a brute, and he shamelessly takes advantage of the privilege and authority afforded to him by his position. He worked damn fucking hard to reach the top, and like hell he isn't going to enjoy it to the absolute limit. His Emperor couldn't give less of a fuck either; Ganbold is a temperamental, stubborn, self-righteous old lung that, if anything, encourages Barula's abuses of power-- so long as it serves to strengthen the North (or at least its image). I mean, the Emperor himself doesn't seem to care much for doing shit by the book, so why the hell would Barula? (They're a hell of a pair tbh, enabling back and forth lmAO.) However, their closer relationship doesn't mean Barula is blind to Ganbold's flaws, and even he gets fed up with those divine temper tantrums. But part of his job is shutting up and obeying, and he doesn't really care about the motivations behind being sicced on someone by his Emperor, hehehe.
I have a playlist for Barula, appropriately titled "Barulastard," with such songs as "Animals (Cover)" by Living in Fiction, "Animal in Me" by Solence, "Move Your Body" by My Darkest Days, "Detonate" by Black Math, "Between Breaths" by Blaqk Audio, and "Limbo" by Freddie Dredd. It's about the vibes, man.
You can learn more about Barula on my Toyhouse: https://toyhou.se/21387196.barula
And Pich's Toyhouse is over here: https://toyhou.se/12707449.pich They have a lot of wickedsauce art by Rain, so plsplspls go check them out I'm not normal about them I love them.
(They'll both be getting updated bios for the website to keep all the TSKM bios uniform too, so look forward to that hehe.)
If you have any other questions about (or for) Barula, pls send 'em my way because he's my favorite bastard. (Or Minseok! He's also mine, tho he is not a bastard. His bio is a WIP but we just did some work on his lore recently and I'm sooooo in love with him rn.)
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unnamedtune · 8 months
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aestheticrelapse · 1 month
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Taken from insta.
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Maybe you should calm down and polish your gym badges, huh? How bout that?
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the-orange-cherry · 1 year
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