#as a way to introduce more of my babes hmmmm
sycopomp · 11 months
Barula and Pich? 👁
YES!! Barula and Pich are characters that @rainboopz and I have, in her setting of "The Sea King's Mermaid"! It's an Asian fantasy set unda da sea 🎶 and she's actually going to be publishing a website on it soon so everyone can learn more about the world and lore!! 👀
But for Bich specifically, these two have become just. two of our favorite bastards. And bastards they are-- irredeemable, absolute, bastards.
Barula is General of the North Sea, and Pich is General of the West Sea. Illicit affairs with your enemy? Oh my. It's more of an "enemies with benefits" situation going on, but they're also pretty friendly when their seas aren't actively at each other's throats (and even sometimes when they are lmAO). They swap notes on interrogation techniques, boast about victories, gossip like a pair of old grannies, and in general make themselves a pain in everyone else's asses.
Neither of the other Generals really like them-- of course Barula hates Chihaya, considering they're a shark, though their general demeanor and personality grates on his nerves as well. He did manage to take one of their teeth after an unfortunate… accident… led to Chihaya going into a blood frenzy-- which Barula was quick to put an end to, and he sure as shit never lets anyone forget that he bested a crazed shark General.
On the flip side, he doesn't mind Minseok… but he is salty that he's never bested the guy in any of their spars. He's General of the South, which Barula mostly considers a joke since all they really do is party. How the hell does a leafy seeahorse of all things, from the happy-go-lucky kingdom of all places, defeat him? General of the North, the most battle-hungry and warmongering kingdom in the seas, infamous even in his own right for being one of the most formidable warriors in the history of the four kingdoms. What the fuck!!
We haven't done as much on the Advisors of the four seas, but the North Sea Advisor, Hoaxuan, is also mine and they Do Not Get Along. But Hoaxuan doesn't get along with anyone in the North. (Wonder why...)
As you could probably tell, Barula is mine, so I can talk for him about hoouuuuurs. He's a striped dolphin with a hate-on for sharks, he's way smarter than anyone assumes from such a brute, and he shamelessly takes advantage of the privilege and authority afforded to him by his position. He worked damn fucking hard to reach the top, and like hell he isn't going to enjoy it to the absolute limit. His Emperor couldn't give less of a fuck either; Ganbold is a temperamental, stubborn, self-righteous old lung that, if anything, encourages Barula's abuses of power-- so long as it serves to strengthen the North (or at least its image). I mean, the Emperor himself doesn't seem to care much for doing shit by the book, so why the hell would Barula? (They're a hell of a pair tbh, enabling back and forth lmAO.) However, their closer relationship doesn't mean Barula is blind to Ganbold's flaws, and even he gets fed up with those divine temper tantrums. But part of his job is shutting up and obeying, and he doesn't really care about the motivations behind being sicced on someone by his Emperor, hehehe.
I have a playlist for Barula, appropriately titled "Barulastard," with such songs as "Animals (Cover)" by Living in Fiction, "Animal in Me" by Solence, "Move Your Body" by My Darkest Days, "Detonate" by Black Math, "Between Breaths" by Blaqk Audio, and "Limbo" by Freddie Dredd. It's about the vibes, man.
You can learn more about Barula on my Toyhouse: https://toyhou.se/21387196.barula
And Pich's Toyhouse is over here: https://toyhou.se/12707449.pich They have a lot of wickedsauce art by Rain, so plsplspls go check them out I'm not normal about them I love them.
(They'll both be getting updated bios for the website to keep all the TSKM bios uniform too, so look forward to that hehe.)
If you have any other questions about (or for) Barula, pls send 'em my way because he's my favorite bastard. (Or Minseok! He's also mine, tho he is not a bastard. His bio is a WIP but we just did some work on his lore recently and I'm sooooo in love with him rn.)
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en-chi-la-da · 1 year
I'm glad I'm not the only one simping for the Overlord of Ice. Since you did it with Kaz, what are your thoughts on Gundham? Like fav ships, moments etc
my thoughts on gundham? looks at you. looks at my icon. well anon,, :)c read more cause it got kinda long
the MOMENT we are introduced to him in the game, my VERY first thoughts were "omg LOOK AT THIS OREO COOKIE HAIR HAVIN' GOTH ASS CRINGE E-BOY REJECT LOOKIN' ASS GUY LMAO yo wait..... this fools name is gundham?? sick. and this guy has HAMPTERS?? also sick." and then my likeness for him kinda snowballed from there lol i like hearing him talk uwu (there were a few moments during the trials where he says something fuckign silly out of nowhere and i thought to myself "GUNDHAM BABE I LOVE YOU BUT I NEED YOU TO SHUT THE FUCKUP IM TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHAT HAPPENED HERE" 😭)
as we progressed through the chapters, it was a lot of me seeing gundham still alive after a kill and going "OH THANK GOD" BUT as we got to chapter four i was getting real nervous for him :( i was thinking "there's no way gundham is gonna survive to the end... he's too cool and funny/likeable as a character plus he hasn't really had an Arc™ happen to his character yet tbh :( oh no :(((" and then sure enough... OH THE MISERYYY 😩
i hate gundham's execution 💔 i love gundham's execution 🖤 i almost cried by the end of it, it's in my top five dr executions list tbh
LMAO as for ships. well anon,, looks in my gundham tag. if you can't tell what my FAVE ships with gundham are by now then i must not be doing a good enough job posting about it 😔 LOL but yeah, obviously i love hajime/gundham and sonia/gundham the MOSTEST along with some variation of gundham/hajime/chiaki/sonia ship square whoa! i also enjoy him with nekomaru and gonta! and not necessarily as SHIPS but i love seeing him with ibuki, peko, chihiro, shuichi+gonta(and kokichi), celeste, sakura, hifumi+kiibo (his dangan S/UTDP events with them are such fuel lmao)
in the end i LOVE!!! this guy!!! love his design, love his voice, he makes me laugh, he's GOTH, he loves animals and his friends even if he denies feeling anything for puny mortals (or even sacrificing his own life to help get them out of a killing game) bc of how EVIL he is as a dark overlord! >:) my favorite moments with gundham are ALL OF THEM (although his final fte/island mode ending are my top fave moments with him hmmmm i wonder why 🤨) and sometimes idk what the FUCK he's talking about but i dont care, this man has ENAMOURED me :) with his SILLYNESS :///) the blorbo of all time!!! sigh <3
but anyways anon, hope this was enough of an explanation for you ✌🏼
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Holly babe guess who~~ I’m SO SOOOO proud of u for hitting 500, u deserve it and so much more! <333 I’d like- LOVE to join ur event sweetheart hehe
So hi! My name is crown, pronouns are she/her and I’d like a romantic matchup w a guy from Tokyo revengers please
About me hmmmm well
- Im pretty headstrong and confident in who I am, so I try my best to be welcoming and kind to people but at the same time I’m well aware that I can be intimidating, I like that to some degree
- I’m an artist! I love painting drawing and dancing (singing too but I’m not good at- don’t mean I don’t scream at the top of my lungs tho)
- I’m the eldest child and older sister to my sis, I’ve often been told I give off fun vibes but know to get serious when the moment demands it
- I’m hilarious. Like downright hilarious.
- Also very sarcastic (like to the point where I’ve gotten in trouble by the principle whoops)
- Either dress like a princess w jewelry dresses and heels or like a hood rat
Mmmmmm u know me to some degree right doll? Take ur guess at my personality from that too <3
Also Russian roulette number…drum roll plz: 7!
hmmm, who could it be? is it...the loml? (づ ᴗ _ᴗ)づ♡
ahhh, darling, thank you so much!!! i´m also so proud of you, you just reached your own milestone too (i still think it´s absolutely hilarious we had the same idea haha) ♡
i really hope you enjoy your matchup; to shock everyone i matched you with...
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RAN HAITANI Bonten Executive
Sighing for the tenth time in the last ten minutes, you looked down at your phone and then around the streets again. You were supposed to meet your friend but Roppongi wasn´t that easy to navigate if you´ve never been there before. And google maps sure wasn´t helping, sending you in circles for half an hour.
As you continued walking, you didn´t look where you were going, focused on the map on your phone. So focused, in fact, you didn´t notice the person coming your way. Colliding with a strong chest, you would´ve hit the ground for sure if it wasn´t for the hands holding you steady by your shoulders.
“Oh my god, I´m so sorry, I didn´t see you there. Are you okay?” Raising your head, your eyes met two lilac ones, crinkling at the corners.
“I noticed. Well, I´m not the one who almost introduced themselves to the floor, so I´m fine.” Glancing down at your phone, the man noticed the open app. “You´re not from around here, are you?”
“Was it that obvious?”
“Yup. What are you searching for anyway?” Turning your phone his way, he studied the map for a second before standing straight again. “The café is just two streets down here and then on the right. Free advice for the cute lady: you should really try their pastries.”
“Oh yeah, I almost forgot.” Before you could thank him, he held your phone in place again, typing away on your screen. “Let me show you around Roppongi some time. Make sure you call me, yeah?”
He shot you a wink and then continued in the direction he was headed in, leaving you to stare down at the contact info displayed on your phone.
“Your knight in shining armour ♡”
Ran thinks he finally found his match in you
He himself is pretty self-assured and confident in who he is, otherwise he wouldn´t have gotten to where he is now
One of the things he appreciates about you is that he can enjoy some playful banter with you without having to walk on eggshells around you
And if you retaliate with a snarky comment of your own, there are practically hearts floating around his head
Especially revels in judging people with you; whenever someone you don´t like does something stupid, he shoots you that look (you know the one)
Absolute power couple, we stan
When you´re going to one of his fancy events, both dressed to the nines, nobody can tear their eyes away
You guys are already stunning on your own, but together? Everybody either wants to be you or be with you
On the flip side, lounging around in hoodies and pjamas, throwing board pieces at each other or annoying Rindou to insanity is also a common occurrence
Ran would be so cocky if you sketch him (“You just can´t get enough of my beauty, right doll?”) but will definitely throw a whiney tantrum if you dare draw someone else
Would poke fun at you if he caught you dancing around the house but will pull you close to join you afterwards
Slow-dancing at night, just the two of you? Is there anything better? (He would definitely dip you a tad too low just to hear you squeal and feel you cling to him tighter)
But he´s the only one who gets to laugh at you, if anyone else even so much as thinks about making fun of you…uhh, well, good luck…
He may not admit it out loud all that often but Ran thanks his lucky stars that you waltzed into his life
Okay, choosing Ran felt like a cop-out, so I hope you also enjoy being matched with...
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KEN RYUGUJI Tokyo Manji Gang Vice-President
It was pouring as you exited your college building and you mentally scolded yourself for deciding to not bring an umbrella that day. Cursing to yourself, you already resigned yourself to coming home absolutely drenched.
“Forgot your umbrella?” The deep voice belonged to a tall man, wearing a leather attire and sporting a half-shaved head. Under different circumstances he might have appeared intimidating but you found yourself nodding at his question anyway, his calm tone anything but threating. “Where are you headed?”
“Just the station a few streets from here.”
“I´m going in the same direction, wanna share?” He held up his umbrella and after a few moments of contemplation, you agreed.
During your walk to the station, you found out that is name was Ken Ryuguji and that he owned a motorshop in Tokyo. In fact, he was at your college to deliver a bike to a student there. Despite only just meeting him, you enjoyed talking to him and you found yourself wishing your stop was a few streets farther away still.
“Thank you so much, Ken, you really saved me there. Is there anyway I can pay you back?”
“Hmm, you could let me take you out for coffee someday. How does Friday work for you?”
First things first, Draken is the ultimate gentleman and you can´t convince me otherwise (yes, he held the umbrella for you)
He always places your comfort first and he always makes sure you´re doing okay
Very mature and grounded, Draken is the one person you can rely on no matter what and you can come to him with whatever, it´s guaranteed you´ll leave feeling indefinitely better
It´s a fact that this man is great at giving massages, so if you´re ever feeling stressed or have been sitting for a long time, he´ll offer to work his magic
In return, he enjoys relaxing with you and just letting go for a while
Honoured whenever you draw him and adds it to his wall along with just about every picture you guys take together, whether it´s silly, cute or romantic doesn´t matter, it gets added to the collection, no questions asked
Draken will help you with doing your hair if you want him to, paying close attention to how you do it when you show him
He also let´s you braid his hair, enjoying the way you run your fingers through his hair while he just lays back (has fallen asleep before while you did it)
So supportive!! Dress however you want he can fight he will genuinely compliment you on whatever you chose to wear that day
Loves when you visit him in the shop; you don´t even have to do anything, just having you there lifts his spirits
Your relationship is just so soft and warm and cosy, it´s like curling up in a warm blanket during winter
The support, care and trust you both place in each other is unmatched; people will see you and redefine their opinion on “couple goals”
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The question you chose is “Do you have earrings/ piercings/ tattoos/ dyed hair/ other body modifications?”
I still have my natural hair colour and I don´t have any tattoos because my parents would disown me if I did (I once “tattooed” my whole forearm out of boredom and they nearly flipped) but I do have my ears pierced
On my right ear I have one lobe and two helix piercings and on my left ear I have three lobe piercings and one helix but the [redacted] tension between me and a potential conch is almost tangible haha
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
I saw that you're a new haikyuu writer and I just wanted to say hi! (Also can I have Yamaguchi fluff where the Karasuno team doesn't know that he has a gf?)
Yamaguchi w. A Girlfriend He Wants To Keep Secret (Fluff)
A/N: Hiiiiiiii! How are you! Thank you for being MY FIRST REQUEST 😭💚 Of course I can !!! Tadashi is in my Top 2 and he ain’t number 2.
Here goes:
it was about bloody time
Yams has had a crush on you ever since last year
You two met during his pinch serve training with Makoto behind the store he works at
When Makoto would be teaching.... you would walk home that same way and stop by to get a treat for your dog every night. So naturally, you started noticing a rather cute, tall, and nervous looking boy there with him
Even though Makoto knew you very well he never thought to introduce you two because he figured Yamaguchi was not the type of boy that dealt well with pretty girls....
But..... after you walked by for the 7th night in a row and Yams didn’t hear Makoto repeat himself for the 12th time because he was too busy staring at you....he thinks of something
Ever the helpful love volleyball coach.... Makoto makes a bet with Tadashi that if he executes 15 perfect jump float serves he will introduce you two and put in a very good word for him wink wink
Yams’ eyes light up because he will take all the help he can get when it comes to ladies... especially insanely hot ones like you
Even though Yams is veryyyyy apprehensive about talking to you..... he remembers that you are literally his DREAM girl.... so he can’t resist but execute TWENTY perfect serves in a row he shy but he talented
Makoto introduces the two of you and Tadashi finally said hello the way he’d been practicing it in the mirror since the day you met good boy
And you fell girl
I mean: the freckles???? The blush??? The politeness ????? The way he was a cute jock but totally flustered by a girl ?! Um wut? You volunteer as tribute
So with Makoto’s “amazing” way of hyping up Yams.... you two become fast friends even though you go to different schools
Ok so yams didn’t just have a crush on you....
His crush had babies and they were about to graduate college ok? He was head over heels bruh....
but Yams is way too shy to ever confess shocker
You, on the other hand, got tired of waiting for this baby and just asked Makoto one day if he thought you had a shot ...
Makoto karate-chopped you on top of the head for asking such a stupid question
“And they say teenage boys are dumb?”
“OW!!!! You just lost your best customer, jerk. No wonder you’re still single at forty fi–“
He lifted his arm up again so you ran out of the shop.
 The next day you confess to Yams
“Do you ummm... like me back? Maybe?” You stare at him with those eyes that make him melt.
yeah sorry no answer
Just a trademark shocked baby Yams stare
The next day when he wakes up and realizes it wasn’t a dream he calls you and screams “YESSSSSSS” in the phone
Jeez. Chill, sir. But you love it
Yams couldn’t help but call his best friend Tsukki who was very proud. Tadashi made him promise not to tell anyone for reasons unknown. Tsukki has a great poker face anyway so he complied
You and Yams have been dating for about 2 months now until the team starts getting suspicious
Yams is happy happy. Elated, actually.
The kid always looks like he just got laid when he didn’t...... THAT’S a true sign of relationship goals
Daichi and Suga notice him smiling at his phone whenever he got a text from someone. you obvs
 At lunch, Hinata and Kageyama noticed that he started bringing two lunches.... because cooking was one thing he was confident in and he wanted to impress you by dropping it off at your house everyday
On a team run Tanaka thought it was odd that Tadashi stopped to ask this dog owner what the best gift would be for the cute pup (he wanted to surprise your dog with something because he knows how happy that would make you)
More than anything.... they noticed how much he improved in such a short period of time!!!!!!
 It’s because you made Yams a bet that if he keeps killing it in Makoto’s vball sessions he will get a kiss
The guys straight up asked Yamaguchi in the locker room if he had a girlfriend and he sputtered as if the question was absurd.
“What—-uh—-who? Me-g-girlfriend??? Of c-course not!!!!”
Nishinoya rolled his eyes and told him there’s no need to lie.
Tadashi stuck to his story and became even better at hiding yours and his relationship.
One day when you two were on a picnic date with the incredible food he made, you told him that you want to meet his friends, and you want him to meet yours. You know—baby steps. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Yamaguchi suddenly paled and changed the subject. He became very quiet for the remainder of the date
Before packing up you found the guts to ask him. “Babe? Is there a reason you are trying to hide us?” bc if there was someone else you that would destroy you. Hurt, you took his hand in yours.
Yams couldn’t meet your eyes. He stared at the ground for a good 5 minutes before he took a deep breath and lifted his head up. His eyes were still shut tight as he exclaimed “I-I will introduce you to them one day... Y/N. But-but can that day not be today? Or anytime soon? I just don’t want my d-dream of being with you to be over just yet.” 
He was practically pleading.
You began to say something but he wasn’t finished so you just listened
“My friends are all the guys on the team and well...the guys on my team......all the girls like them..... even the ones who are mean to them like Tsukki or Kageyama. None of them notice me. Which I never minded too much. Until I met you and oh boy...... NOW I mind. I don’t want you to meet them because I-I-I know you will like one of my teammates better than me just like every other girl...... Which I can’t blame you for. My teammates will pretend they don’t find you attractive for my sake but let’s face it you’re a knockout—they’ll pity me and I’ll be the loser on the team that’s the heartbroken benchwarmer. I........ Selfishly, I don’t want you to meet them yet. I don’t want this to end yet. Not-Not that I would stop you if you did like any of them better!!!!!! They’re pretty cool and I want you to be happy. I just.... do you mind if I extend this temporary fantasy of being your boyfriend for a bit longer? I love you, Y/N. All I’m asking for is a little bit longer to show you just how much... to shower you with gifts that I won’t be able to give you once you leave... I wish to stretch this a bit longer before you snap out of whatever reverie Makoto put you under in the first place.”
 Yams’ eyes are still shut as he says all of this so he doesn’t see the tears streaming down your face. You love this boy with all of your heart!!!!
Scaring him, you knock him over by the force of your hug as you jump into his arms.
Yams opens his eyes while laying splat on the grass and sees that you’re crying. He freaks out and starts apologizing profusely and wiping your tears.
Ignoring him, you give him a deep kiss and explain to him that not only have you already seen the team, but that he is the BEST boy on the team and in the WORLD. Not to mention that annoying karate chopping Makoto was awful at hyping him up because he’s shit with girls too but that you wanted Tadashi anyway. You tell him with conviction that he is the most attractive boy you’ve ever seen in your life. You tell him that he is out of YOUR league and that no one could EVER convince you to leave him.
Yams sees the sincerity in your eyes and his chest clenches. He can’t believe it.
“You’re asking for just a little bit longer of me being yours, Tadashi?”
He nods.
You pretend to ponder it before pinching his cheek and bringing him close. “Hmmmm..... How does ‘forever’ sound to you?”
WOW that was so fun to write!
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cottoncandyjester · 4 years
This might be an odd request but...would Theodore be fine meeting Y/N's family? For all the yanderes, how would they react to Y/N saying, "Alright I want you to meet my family." And the yandere is confuse cause they've been together for quite a few years (let's say 5) Y/N might say, "My family is very nice, they are just curious on who you are."
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Okay so I don't know if you are aware...but my yanderes are all chaotic as hell so this is going to go ✨GREAT✨
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He is instantly curious and low-key excited
He wants to know what your family is like and how they sharp you as a person
He did find it super weird that you two were engaged and he has yet to meet a single family member of yours
Having dinner with your family is just him being on his best behavior
Of course he has his adorable nervous moments but he is definitely a charmer
"so, theodore is it tell us why you love [y/n] so much? What is your future together?"
Theodore twitched lightly at the question from one of your parents and he gave a nervous smile before pushing his glasses up and clearing his throat before he lovingly glanced your way.
"well, I'm hoping for children and with the wedding coming up there is a lot of excitement around that I do hope you all make it..family is everything to me"
"oh we should look at baby photos! Wouldn't that be fun?"
Theo had a fiery gaze at the thought of looking at you as a child he was way too excited for that though you looked like you wanted to die of embarrassment.
"m-man I'm stuffed we should go right babe?"
Theo looked your way before giving you a sweet grin, he clearly was showing you that you had absolutely zero choice in this matter
"now now sweetheart, we shouldn't leave so early after all I would love to catch a glimpse at what our children could look like?"
He didn't want you to meet his family so the fact that you didn't bring up yours didn't bother him
You guys have been together for a long time and neither of you met each other family
You were the one who wanted to change that after all
Hikaru... honestly wanted nothing to do with it but after four hours of arguing he agreed.
Hikaru is a beautiful boy so of course he uses that charm to his favorite
He is extra as hell so wooing your family comes with inviting them to a fancy restaurant dinner
You honestly want to choke him for how cocky he is but your family eats it up cause he knows exactly what to say
Of course his temper gets to him when it comes to you having younger siblings (if you don't just go with it lol)
Hikaru can only play nice for so long
You watched as your boyfriend smiles charmingly towards your family, he was quite the actor that's for sure. You couldn't help but hold back a laugh earning a dirty glare his direction it was clear that he hated this but he wanted you to stop bugging him about it.
He was actually doing good until he felt a sharp kick earning a harsh hiss of pain, his eyes shot towards your younger siblings this was the fifth time they kicked him and he was definitely about to snap.
"so hikaru, why don't you tell my family about how much you love me"
Your distracting words seemed to work a little to calm him down until he felt another kick, and he snapped.
"alright you brat, what the hell?!"
Oh boy here we go.
"it was an accident!"
"you've been doing it the entire time!"
"b-babe maybe you should coo-"
Your younger sibling stuck their tongue out at hikaru earning a low growl towards him as his left eye twitched, well at least the rest of your family found it to be amusing.
"you can't have [y/n]! I won't let you steal them away you flashy demon!"
"the hell did you call me?! And what do you mean I can't have them they are already mine!"
Well this night was going perfectly.
Mr lovable crybaby actually cries when you tell him that your family wants to meet him
Meeting your family means you're serious about the relationship
"axis, baby we've been together for six years... we're engaged."
"b-but you DO love me! I knew it!"
Honestly when your family comes over for dinner he is shaking cause he doesn't like uncomfortable question
He knows your family is sweet since you're sweet but still
He helped make dinner so his pride is on thin ice aka he will cry if they hate it
He is so nervous that he is just an anxiety mess
Super emotional and just so in love with you
"i-i love [y/n] so much, they are amazing and they smell nice and i-i just love them so so much! I wanna marry them of course!"
You honestly felt pretty bad for laughing while axis was being super emotional but he was just wayyy too cute at the moment.
"babe, I love you too"
You reached and held axis' hand still holding back laughing only to see him pout.
"d-dont laugh! I'm fragile!"
Seems your parents liked him though which was good though you did worry is they liked him too much you could already see them coming over for every holiday, though you were sure axis didn't mind.
Sooo you thinking about having salem meet your family is a horrible idea but they wanted to know who has your heart
Salem of course freaks out a tad when you tell him you invited your family over for brunch
He isn't normal in the slightest so he had to act normal in his own way
It was a bit of a trainwreck but you think it went well
"so salem...what exactly do you do for a living"
You twitched at that question since telling your family that your boyfriend is a camboy wasn't exactly the best way to introduce him.
You glanced at salem who was far too busy stuffing his mouth with waffles while humming, he was clearly not going to be of help at the moment.
"salem works from home a boring home job right babe?"
Salem gulped before chuckling darkly at your little lie, you gave him a light glare warning him to behave and he simply stuck his tongue out gliding two fingers along them adoring the feeling.
"mhmmm, such a gooood job~"
Salem was practically drooling just thinking about work tonight while you nervously laughed at his antics but honestly you did love him so his behavior in your eyes was kinda cute. He was like a puppy, a slobbering puppy.
"what plans do you two have in the future?"
Salem perked up clearly excited about this question and so he started to speak but you have a bad feeling
"lots and lots of hot steammmyyyy se-"
You covered the male's mouth ignoring the feeling of him slobbering and licking your hand
"o-oh babe you're such a jokester haha!"
You glared at salem who only gave you a lustful gaze right back, he knew fully well that you'll punish him for this and he was ready for that.
Yikes he is not used to meeting someone's family
Totally not ready
Sure you guys are preparing for a kid but that doesn't mean he's ready!
He totally freaks out when you say that you two are spending the weekend at your parents house for old times
I mean sure he likes the idea of screwing you in your old bedroom while your parents are asleep but like meeting them? He isn't sure about that one
He actually gets along with your family pretty well
"so prince was it? What an interesting name!"
Prince simply chuckled and ran his fingers through his hair before giving your family such a charming smile.
"is it? I suppose so. Though I like to think [y/n] loves me cause I'm so interesting"
You rolled your eyes at his antics, who knew a psychopath could be so damn Charming, they definitely adored his sparkling charm to a point where you were sure your siblings formed a new found crush.
"babe my family wants to you"
He was far too busy drawing tattoo designs to focus but he knew what you were saying and he wasn't worried
Yuki is a blunt person he says whatever comes to mind cause he's too sleepy and depressed to deal with bullshit like being too nervous
"you must love [y/n] a lot to be with them this long are kids in the future?"
You glanced over at yuki who looked absolutely bored and like he wanted to crash at any moment but you knew thats how he always was.
"o-oh well what about marriage?"
"what are some of your hobbies"
Yuki picked his head up and gave a soft grunt before he turned his head away thinking slowly about what to say
"I like...sleeping...eating..[y/n].."
Yuki suddenly rested his head on your shoulder with a sleepy hum now hugging you close clearly wanting to take a nap right there
"I like [y/n]..more than eating and sleeping though."
Your buff himbo of a fiancee was honestly excited to meet your family
He was worried about being seen as an idiot meathead though...even though he was
He wasn't nervous in the slightest when the time came
He just said what was on his mind even if it was stupid
He really loved you and that's what mattered
"haha! Wow you're [y/n]'s family? Ooh! So cool!"
You watched your extremely tall and beefed up boyfriend hover over your family excitedly like a dog. You were worried his joyful antics were intimidating your family just a tad.
"hey babe? Can you help grab the charcoal from the car?"
Rocket looked over at you before giving you an excited smile, a chance to show his strength?! Hell yeah!
"of course babe! Here hold it!"
Within a second he was throwing his hoodie off now in a tank top, he was totally showing off and you were here for it! Just watching him carry two bags of charcoal like it was nothing kinda made you hot and bothered
This barbeque was going to be filled with some interesting tension. You sat at the picnic table watching as rocket helped with the grill.
Your family loved rocket which made you feel better for sure plus he was the center of attention which you knew made him happy
"yeah babe?"
"you look smoking! I love you!"
You snorted out a laugh from his adorable wink and compliment..damn you loved your himbo.
Oh she was ready
She wanted to prepare dinner for your family
She loved the idea of being included into your family
She did want you to meet her family as well but she was worried about her twin brother trying to torture you or something
She of course was as graceful and sweet as always
She was excited to know about all those childhood memories you have
"so [y/n] tells me that you're an herbalist, sounds interesting though must be hard to get business with modern medicine being popular"
Scarlett simply giggled before playing with one of her ponytails as she tried to explain her view on things.
"well, my medicine is actually sold sometimes to hospitals though I try to avoid it, herbal medicine has its great perks"
Scarlett had always been greatly intelligent but she was impressing you for sure. She was great at speaking and charming others, of course she was beautiful while doing it
"would you all care for some dessert? I wish to know more about [y/n] when they were a child"
"really scar?"
"of course my love, after all I love you no matter what"
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p-antomime · 3 years
kiki, do u have any tips when it comes to writing a series ??? like how would they start their series and how can they not get carried away by other ideas (like they want to stick to a certain part ??? iykwim?)
hmmmm, ok, lezgo in parts here, yeah? i have a lot to say about this topic...
i think the first two things you should do when we are talking about writing a series is:
1. Who exactly are you writing for? (Because that defines who you want to reach with your writing, y'know?)
2. What is the general theme of what you're writing? (and by theme I mean: is it a high school romance? a detective novel? a slasher? a horror? an enemies for lovers style romance? A slowburn? A dark romance? Fantasy? Etc!)
these two are the most important ones you need to ask yourself before making a series, for example: taking from my own experience, before I started writing Cosmic Dust I already knew I wanted to write something with a Greek mythology theme, but I still didn't know if i wanted to write with haruchiyo & rindou or haruchiyo & mikey - and i ended up choosing rindou 'cause i think he with haru could be an interesting duo if we extended their personalities a bit more to fit the story and the plot.
another thing that can help you when starting a series is to have it CLEAR and very specific what the central issue of your series is, for example, is it a betrayal? Is it an evil plot by the villain? Is it unfinished business from the past? Is it one person (and here, it can be the main character or not) wanting to win the love of another?
another tip i'd give is: please make an outline of the story before you start writing it, this helps a lot to clarify your thoughts and ideas when the tension of the plot rises and tightens! also, keep in mind that: the best way to start a long story is not to try to run over the information and want to dump everything on the reader at first sight, take it easy, in the first chapter, for example, it is always good to try to only announce the characters and ONLY INTRODUCE the problem, if you want to get a sense of how to do this, please read from the middle to the rest of this here (i used the basic model of classic literature to write, so, it's very difficult that I have run away from the proposal I am presenting you).
now, on to the most difficult part, in my opinion...
how not to be carried away by other ideas...
honestly speaking, AND REALLY HONESTLY!
there is no fixed mold for this. but, for me, what works is: try to write as many chapters as i can in a day, but this can be exhausting for those who are not used to writing a lot during the day! (like, man... i literally wrote 5 chap's with 3K+ words of cosmic dust in a day in january)
and if that's your case, i have a tip: try not to distance yourself from your story, from the essence of it and with this i mean: try to reread the chapters of your story at least 3 times PER WEEK (you can increase this number to days, if you deem necessary) so you don't lose your inspiration and motivation and also don't end up dropping the pen for what should be 2 hours and turned into 2 weeks, know what I mean?
and that's all! i hope this help you, my babe <3
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blazinbeautywrites · 4 years
Band Wars: Rise of the Phoenix
Tumblr media
Note: Due to the rampant uprising of plagiarism on this site and others I am stating once and once only that this is my ORIGINAL work. If I find out that you have stolen/taken any part of my work I will handle you and the situation the way I see fit.
None of the pics or gifs I use belong to me so full credit goes to the originators of said gifs and pics.
Length: 2,356 words
A/N: Sorry it took me so long to get this out guys. I was not happy with the final results and when I was I still was unsure so I rewrote it again and decided to just post it. I’ll let yall be the judge lol.
Genre: Honestly idk lmao
Chapter 1
 Universal Music Group (UMG) decides to debut a new girl group, PHOENIX on their first ever reality show “Next Big Thing.” The winners of the show get a 5 year, 5 album recording contract and will tour with CNCO 1 year after they debut. The winner of the show was Zania Reye Bloom, followed by London Monroe Jones, Jolene Maria Sanchez, Siane Rei Choi, and Avery Lynn O'Reilly. The band is composed of 5 talented women with different ethnic backgrounds, ages 24-25. 
Since the show served as the girl’s training they were immediately thrusted into the spotlight after the show ended. They went to work on their debut album and as the release date approached the girls were getting antsy. Now only were they about to release their baby onto the world, but they were finally meeting CNCO today and discussing ideas for their tour.
*UMG headquarters in LA*
“Yoooo I’m fucking excited! Can yall believe our debut album is coming out in a couple days?” London said as she led a couple of her members to the elevators.
“Girl this tour bout to be lit as fuck. Bruuuh we’re going to fucking Sweden. I didn’t even think we had fans out there.” Zania said.
“Yeah you can thank that girl Astrid who made the finals. She was Swedish.” Avery said.
The girls finally heard the elevator ding at their floor and immediately got out. The girls walked into a meeting room where they saw their other 2 members Jolene and Siane bonding with the boys of CNCO.
“Finally you bitches show up. What took yall so long?” Siane asked.
“Avery thinks she’s still in Ireland and almost drove us into a damn ditch.” Zania said.
“You’re alive aren’t you? So quit complaining.” Avery said as she took a seat opposite Erick.
“Anyways if yall are done….THIS is CNCO ladies. This is Zabdiel, Christopher, Erick, Joel, and this is Richard.” Siane said as she pointed to each boy as she introduced them. Richard definitely caught Zania’s eye and she quickly averted her eyes so he wouldn’t catch her ogling him. Little did she know, he was checking her out too.
“And I’m Zania, and of course yall met Jolene and Siane. This is London and Avery.” She said as she gestured to her other bandmates. She was about to say something else when a tall, slender woman walked into the room followed by a man wearing the loudest shade of yellow and another woman dressed in all black.
“Okay let’s make this short and sweet. I’m Veronica Pierce, you can call me Vee or Ms. Pierce, never Veronica. Get it? Got it? Good. I am your tour  creative director. I’ll be working closely with you all to design your tour. And please, let’s all collectively agree on a specific concept. I will not have my people designing 2 separate stages. To my left is Chez Moa, your set designer. And to my right is Mel Carter she and her team will be styling you all so meet with her some time this week so she can get an idea of what you guys want and need. And ladies you have a busy weekend ahead. Friday you have your album release, press runs, then your album release party later that night. Saturday you’ll be on Good Day LA where you’ll be interviewed and then perform your lead single. Sunday you have a mini showcase where yall will perform some fan fave covers from the show and a few songs from the album, including your single with CNCO. You’ll have tomorrow, Wednesday, and Thursday to learn choreo for both performances. You’ll meet your choreographer tomorrow. Any questions?” 
The whole room was silent as both groups stared at Veronica and her associates. Zania raised her hand and the other members of Phoenix sighed. They knew how this shit was about to play out.
“So do we get to breathe? Or do we have to pencil that in too?” Zania asked. She knew she was being an asshole but this shit was ridiculous.
“Hmmmm you must be Zania Bloom. They told me you had a mouth on you. Listen up sweetie this my show. I call the shots and if they bother you, you can leave.” Veronica said. Zania smirked at her and leaned back in her chair.
“Nah I’m good. You may continue, Ms. Pierce.” Zana said. Sarcasm dripping from her words.
“Anyways that’s all for now. And remember this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. It can be taken away in the blink of an eye so watch yourselves.” Veronica spoke. She eyed the room but everyone knew exactly who that was meant for. She, Mel, and Chez exited the room in silence. Once they left, Siane burst out laughing.
“Yo I was clenching my fucking ass cheeks. She’s soo fucking hot.” Siane said.
“Keep it in your pants Siane. And Zania, girl why did you do that? You made that shit more intense than it needed to be.” London asked.
“You know me, I just had to say something. She was a bitch to us when we did the show, now they’re making her the tour director, wtf?” Zania said.
“Am I the only one who noticed that guy had on too much yellow?” Chris said. Everyone turned to him and started laughing.
“Look, I ain’t wanna say anything but he was so wrong for that. And it was a complete contrast to Mel who had on all black.” Jolene said.
“But real shit Vee ain’t no joke, she can make or break you. So just be careful.” Richard said. He made eye contact with Zania and she smiled at him.
“Oh I’m not afraid of her. She’s on a power trip so I’ll entertain her mess for the sake of this tour. You don’t have to worry bout me baby boy.” Zania said. Everyone got up to leave but on her way to the door she was stopped by Richard.
“I don’t know if you realized but I’m a grown ass man so that baby boy shit not gon fly with me.” Richard said. Zania was amused.
“Oh did I bruise your whittle ego babe? Look it’s not that serious-”
“But it is that serious so treat me with respect or keep it moving baby girl.” Richard said as he cut her off. He walked away leaving Zania stunned in silence. She walked back to her group and chuckled.
“Yall…...that guy Richard just lowkey put me in my fucking place. Oh this tour is gonna be so damn fun.” Zania said. She and her bandmates went to find their stylists to get started on designing their perfect tour outfits.
It had been a full 5 hours and the girls were hard at work on their choreo. They were thankful that most of the songs they performed were their covers from their reality show so the moves were ingrained in their heads. They breezed through their choreo for their own singles and just finished running through them a final time before Laurieann Gibson called for lunch. The girls were beyond starved and as they walked to the cafe area of the upscale dance studio they saw CNCO walk through the door.
“Oop the boys are here.” Jolene said as she fixed her slightly messy hair. She made eye contact with Zabdiel as he and the other boys walked into the dance studio they’s just left.
“Ooooohhh do I sense a little crush? London teased.
“See that tall one, Zabdiel? I promise you, I will climb him like a fucking tree.” Jolene said, much to the amusement of her group. 
“Woah. Down girl, we have a whole ass tour to get through.” Avery said.
“Look if I can’t fuck Vee, you can’t fuck Zabdiel.” Siane argued.
“Girl. Zabdiel is fair game, Vee is our fucking boss. There’s a difference.” Zania said as the girls found a table near the back of the cafe. Avery went to order them some food and soon a waiter came back with a tray of fruit, some finger sandwiches, and a basket of the cafe’s homemade potato chips.
“This looks so good and I’m starving.” London said. As the girls ate they discussed the difficult choreo.
“I really thought Laureiann was gonna throw her shoe or some shit at you cuz you couldn’t get that one move down.” Siane said.
“I wish she would throw some shit at me.” Jolene said while the others laughed at her.
“What kind of shit yall think they’ll have us do with the boys?” London asked.
“Probably something sexy, ya kno to pander to the fans.” Avery answered.
“I heard that they’re partnering us up with them for the collab so whomever we pick is our dance partner for the song.” Siane added.
“Well. this should be fun.” Zania said. The girls chat a little bit longer before cleaning up and heading back into the dance studio. When they arrived they heard their song with CNCO playing. Laurieann was teaching them their choreo and once saw the girls she turned the music off and immediately began assigning pairs.
“Okay London you’re with Joel, Jolene with Eric, Zabdiel and Siane, Avery and Chris are partners and lastly, Zania, you’re with Richard. Everyone please stand with your partner. I’m only gonna do the dance two times and then you’re gonna do it and we’ll fine tune everything afterwards” Lauriann said as she read off her list. Before the girls could even process anything they quickly got into formation to do the choreo.
A few hours later, both Phoenix and CNCO were spread out on the floor, exasperated. Lauriann told them to rest up and that she’d see them in the morning before she left them all a sweaty mess in the studio.
“I swear there are parts of me that are sweating I ain’t know could sweat.” Siane said as she attempted to lift her head to no avail.
“Girl I feel like my fucking feet are gonna fall off.” Zania said.
“I can’t feel my left asss cheek.” Jolene mumbled.
“Bruh at least yall voices aren’t hoarse as fuck.” Richard said.
“We should probably start heading out because I need an ice bath or some shit.” Avery said as she willed her body to move. Everyone followed suit and struggled getting to their feet. When the girls began packing up to leave, Zabdiel strolled on over to pull Jolene to the side. Zania looked on and smirked to herself. All she hoped was that whatever they had going on didn’t get in the way of her group’s path to success. She snapped out of her little daze just as Jolene made it back.
“Well, what was that about?” Zania asked.
“Girl he asked for my number. I was like no and he said can you really say no to this face. I almost fucking melted so I gave him my number. He’s so fucking cocky. I love it.” Jolene beamed. Zania could tell her friend was happy so she chose to keep her mouth shut. The girls finally made it to the elevator when Zania realized she’d left her phone in the dance studio.
“Shut yall I left my phone. Yall go on I’ll text yall once I get home.” Zania said.
“Girl we’ll wait, just hurry up.” London said. Zania jogged back to the building and ran up the stairs to be quicker. Once she got to the door of the studio she heard the boys talking.
“I really like that girl London. She’s classy, yet has a sexy side. I like that.” Joel said.
“Now see Jolene….them lips. I bet her head game on point.” Zabdiel said.
“Ew bro what the hell!” Eric exclaimed.
“I know you of all people are not talking.” Richard said.
“Even though I think she’s kind of a bitch, Zania fine as fuck too.” Christopher said.
“Yeah she is fine. Yall seen that ass? I’d love to get behind that.” Richard said. Zania had heard enough and walked into the room.
“Yall should really make sure that the door is completely closed before you talk about us. Anyways I left my phone and just came back to get it. Oh and Richard, Zabdiel? I understand that Jolene and I are attractive but please don’t talk about us like we’re pieces of meat mkay?” With that she grabbed her phone and walked out, leaving the boys a little dumbfounded. Once she got back outside she filled her girls on what she heard.
“You know. We should teach them a lesson.” Jolene said.
“Oop I sense an infamous Jolene Sanchez prank.” Siane said.
“Yep. Okay so here’s the plan.” Jolene explains the little prank they’ll play on the boys at the showcase. They’d messed with the wrong girls.
The rest of the week went by in a blur and before they knew it, their album release day was finally here. It’d only been a few hours and their album was already number 1 on a few of the urban and pop album charts. Siane screenshot the Billboard charts where their album was number 1 and sent it to their group chat. She then called them all on a video chat.
“WAKE UP BITCHES! WE NUMBER 1 BABYYYYYY!!!!1!” She yelled into the phone. The others, as groggy as they were, laughed at how hyped their member was.
“Girl you are so lucky I was up getting ready or I’d curse you the fuck out.” Zania said. 
“Bitch whatever. Anyways I love yall so much! We’ve officially ARRIVED! Like we in the fucking building forreal now. WHEW! Let me start getting my shit together. See yall soon. Love ya! Siane said as she hung up the video call. The girls were buzzing and couldn’t be any happier that after almost 6 months, their hard work has finally paid off and that their fans love their album as much as they do. They couldn’t wait to see what lie ahead for them. They knew whatever it was, it was gonna be big.
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5 & 20!
FanFan! You’re a terribly beautiful awful person I love you dearly. 
5. What’s a crackship you love? Hmmmm, so this is an interesting question. I'm not sure if we define crackship as within fandom, or like, cross fandom? Like, absolutely banana-boat type ship? WHAT IS THE CRITERIA? TO FANLORE: "A crack ship is a ship that is highly ridiculous, bizarre, disturbing, and/or unlikely to ever become canon. The characters don't have any chemistry, never interact, are in different canons or timelines, are different species, one is an inanimate object, etc." OK. Using this criterion (subtract disturbing, though, because... no?):
(MCU) MARVEL: WinterIron (Bucky x Tony) & WinterHawk (Bucky x Clint) probably both count in the MCU for Crackship selections. WinterHawk makes a bit more sense in some of the comic stories (Hawkeye & The WinterSoldier) with a bonus option of a Triad featuring Natasha, if you're into that. (I'm not mad about it, to be honest).
TMFU/The Man From Uncle (Movie): Napollya/Spies In Love, etc. So I love Napoleon Solo x Illya Kuryakin. I'm not sorry for it. I'll probably write about it. CanonWise, probably not. Bromance wise? Off the charts. Blame Henry & Armie, if you must.
Criminal Minds: Derek Morgan x Spencer Reid. Not gonna become canon but honestly, there was way too much "Pretty Boy" for me not to go "they should totally make out". This is a pairing I'm casually affectionate for, I haven't read much or written any.
Inception: Do we consider DreamHusbands aka Arthur x Eames a crackship? Unlikely to become canon and minimal interaction. Whatever, I ship it like burning.
DC (Comics, Cartoon, DCCU, Whatever): I'm always a fan of SuperBat or SuperWonderBat.. So. Superman x Batman, Superman x Batman x WonderWoman, all good. Supremely powerful alien & warrior vs the man that keeps them human? Continueeee. 
Crossover Crackships: (I wasn’t sure above was cracky enough?)  *Eliot Spencer (Leverage) x Carlos "Cougar" Alvarez (Losers) x Jake Jensen (Losers) is a great triad ship. I read like, 2 fics but oh man, hot like burning. Toni Likey, very very much. *Lo Zingaro aka Fabio Cannizzaro (They Call Me Jeeg aka Lo Chiamavano Jeeg Robot) x Majid (Wolf): Bad Boys in Love CrossoverFic. Blame the TOG server. Luca Marinelli & Marwan Kenzari's chemistry in The Old Guard has me shipping a bunch of their alternate characters, but none as hard as these guys yet. It's pretty cracktastic, I'm still not sorry.
20. Do you have a favorite fanfic or author? If so, tag them/post a link and share the love!
Oh man this is TOUGH. Ok, ok, so... Sorry this is gonna be TOG heavy, I think.
droit du seigneur by silvyri
 - TOG. Nicky has to marry a truly terrible man but the new lord takes a shine to him and claims the right of first night. (Nicky x Joe)
as our love shapes our universe by nicolorenaldigenovia
-TOG. This is L’s Princess Diaries AU (I love L, I recommend everything I’ve read of her’s, truth be told. If she’s reading this, HI DARLING!) The Old Guard Princess Diaries Fusion/AU where Prince Nicolo is Princess Mia's cousin, who introduces his friend Prince Yusuf Al-Kaysani to be Mia's future king.
let's right, these wrongs, together by nicolorenaldigenovia
-Another TOG L fic-. (Remember what I said?) or the one where Nicky is housemates with Nile after Yusuf breaks up with him. And when he finally opens up about it, Nicky realizes that his current predicament was brought on by misunderstandings and good intentions with ill results. But it’s too late. It’s been nearly a year; it doesn’t matter now.
Hemingway by silvermadi (Orientation)
-Remember Fabio x Majid? It’s my Madi-babe’s fault. This is her work, I love it, I love her, I’m rec’ing. 
Finally Alive by domini_moonbeam
-”Joe is the new immortal not Nile, and Nicky is the one sent to go find him.” Ok so I don’t know domini but I’d probably fall at their feet if I did. This is for sure one of my favorite TOG stories. 
as your sun sets (i know you in bleary-eyed 3AM) by theprophetlemonade
-This is a Sense8/Shadowhunters crossover AU. I have read it entirely too many times. It’s MARVELOUS. 
Laying Claim by laceymcbain
-Inception/Dream Husbands. “Arthur, you've rung me at 2:30 in the bloody morning from Soho where you appear to be on a street corner and shirtless, possibly drugged. I've no doubt you're capable of handling yourself under normal circumstances, but drunken blokes aren't always the most understanding sort, especially when you're not actually selling what you look like you're selling.”
The One Where They're Stars on HGTV by earlgreytea68
-Inception/Dream Husbands. Super long HGTV AU Series that is FABULOUS. 
And I’m stopping before this gets out of control because I have HUNDREDS more but. I want to sneak in a Standalone Author Rec, in case someone is wanting some Marvel and because I can’t pick a story from her but I would rec all her WinterIron without hesitation, is Ray.
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zensbae · 5 years
Finding your feet again.. {Zen x mc}
Part II of "The Penthouse"
Takes place in Jumin's route, so spoilers, sweetie~
Teen - Swearing
2090-ish Words
Warnings: mentions of anxiety, mental health
~{This is my headcanon "bad-story ending" for Jumin's route, where you {the mc} leave the penthouse with Zen}~
~*~*~*~ Jumin's side of things ~*~*~*~
Entering the lobby of his apartment building, jumin feels on edge. Why is mc ignoring his texts? Deciding to dial her, the director steps straight onto the elevator, his back to the lobby, as he presses the button and begins his ascent to the top floor.
No answer, voicemail. This is unlike mc to neglect her phone this way, she always has it close by with how active she is in the chat room. He rings Jaehee.
"Yes, Mr. Han, what is it?" her soft voice answers back.
"Miss Kang, have you heard from mc recently? She won't answer my texts or my calls, I'm beginning to feel strange." Jumin admits.
Jaehee clears her throat, "No; isn't she still at your penthouse?"
"She hasn't been in the chatroom either, I left work early to come check on her. I feel complicated.." He says with a slight irritation in his voice.
"Jumin, are you all right?" The assistant asks, concern to her tone.
"Um, no- to be honest, I'm not all right. I will be in touch with you after I've seen that she's safe, until then, thank you for your concern Miss Kang, excuse me."
"Goodbye Mr. Han, I hope she's safe.."
He hangs up as the elevator reaches the top floor, doors opening to the reassuring sight of his bodyguards still posted at their stations.
"Mr. Han, sir? That was very fast." The chief bodyguard steps forward to greet him.
"I beg your pardon?" The director asks.
"Not long ago you said you were taking mc home to see that she continues her work?"
A wave of a feeling he can only describe as panic washes over Jumin Han, "Excuse me chief, I didn't inform you I was returning early from work.."
Entering his pass code urgently, he steps into the penthouse, mc's shoes are gone. Elizabeth can be heard mewing loudly from her cage in the background. He runs to the bed, no sigh of mc or her phone.
"AAIIISH!!" he hisses as he throws the blankets back sinking his weight into the bed, hands covering his face. She's gone. Quickly he gets on his security computer and pulls up CCTV footage, he rewinds the footage to where he sees mc go to the door, is that.. himself entering?
mc leaves holding the man's hand in the footage. The time on the footage makes that about 8 minutes ago.
Dialing Luciel, he bites down on his thumb nail.
"Jumin, what's up, meow?" The redhead answers by the 2nd ring.
"Luciel, now is not the time for pleasantries. My CCTV footage is acting strange, I saw a man.. resembling me, leave with mc 8mins ago on the playback feed. Only that's impossible because I just arrived here moments ago."
"Ohhhhhh?? Let me see.. hold on a sec-" 707 can be heard typing vigorously over the line, "HMmmM.. let's zoom in and get a good look, shall we?"
"You're 184cm, correct?" The hacker abruptly asks.
"That is correct."
"The man in the footage is 182cm tall.. you have a shorter doppelganger on the loose!"
A sick feeling in his gut again washes over the C&I heir, as he runs to tell the bodyguards of Luciel's findings, "Thank you for the information, Luciel. Continue searching and find out who it is, my bodyguards have begun a search in the building."
Just as he hangs up, something catches his eye.. there is a single silver hair on the floor. Upon closer inspection it is not one of Elizabeth's hairs. Clenching his jaw, he keys in Zen's number.
It's already afternoon, wow it was a long drive from Jumin's Penthouse.
Stopped at a traffic light, Zen's phone is ringing. The actor pulls his phone out of his pocket and you both see that none other than Jumin Han himself, is ringing.
Tightening your grip around his waist, slight anxiety makes its way to the forefront of your mind.
Zen returns in kind, pocketing his phone, gently caressing your hands with his, "Babe, are you hungry?"
"Yes, starving actually.." you admit to his back.
"Okay," The light turns green, he lets go of your hand and once again the motorcycle rolls forward.
Wind nipping at your arms and hair, you still feel anxious, but Zen's presence alone is comforting.
He pulls off at a barbecue place, you don't know this, but it's close to the theater he rehearses at often. You get off the bike with a hand from Zen and the two of you make your way inside the restaurant.
Seated in a back corner near a window, the actor tells the waitress he'll have his usual, winking at you as he makes a two with his fingers.
"Never in my entire acting career, did I ever think I'd be portraying that jerk." Zen sighs as he takes his hair down from the tight bun he had it in, fixing his loose locks back into a low-pony. He undoes his tie next, slinging it out of his collar, tossing it on the table. Lastly, unbuttoning the top 3 buttons on his pin-striped dress shirt, "Aaaahhh, MUCH better.."
He shifts his gaze back to you, you're looking out the window. Fixated on the street bustling with traffic outside, your hands cupping your chin.
"mc, are you all right?" He asks, eyeing your reflection in the window, "It's okay if you're not.."
You breath out a shallow sigh, "I'm better now, I just can't help but think he's going to try and take me back.."
"Jagiya, I'll worry about him when he does, for now I'm worried about you." he smiles faintly at you in your reflection.
Focusing on your own reflection, you suddenly realize how disheveled you look. Hair is frizzy and tangled, shirt collar is all bunched up under the blazer Zen loaned you. You try to straighten your shirt out atleast, taking the blazer off and sitting it beside you.
Then you finally meet the handsome actor's gaze. He's so breath-taking in person, and his eyes, wow.. they almost don't look real, deep Ruby and crimson with flecks of Amber mixed in.
"I didn't even get the chance to introduce myself, it's so nice to meet you, Zen.. I'm mc" you extend your hand to his, he takes it and gingerly encloses yours in both of his.
A warm smile crosses his lips, "It's nice to finally meet the mysterious party planner behind the screen. I'm so sorry it had to be like this;;"
Shrugging, you say, "It is what it is, I'm just glad you were there for me when I needed you.." a light hue of pink dusts your cheeks. The actor's hands are so warm, his skin soft too.
An array of raw meats thinly sliced, seafood, and vegetables make their debut at your table. Dipping sauces, side dishes of kimchi, rice, and other pickled veggies decorate the table. More plates come out for serving. This is a feast, good thing you're hungry.
Without skipping a beat, Zen begins to dress the grill with veggies, and some meats for you. "A girl has to eat," he says affectionately, flashing you his signature smile.
You smile back, "Well hurry up, cause this girl is hungry~"
A while later after you've both eaten your fill of Korean BBQ leftovers in tow, you make it back to Zen's place. Upon your arrival there is an unnervingly familiar face there to greet you both.
You glance at Zen worriedly and he squeezes your hand reassuringly, letting go to step towards the other man.
"Ah, it's Mr. CEO-in-line. What brings you here?" Zen feigns ignorance.
"I'm here to collect mc, she's important to me and I need her." Jumin says, crossing his arms and stepping toward the actor "I have to admit masquerading as me to get her was clever, but the masquerade is over, hand her to me."
"No. I can't do that, Jumin. You can't just cage her up against her will and expect everything to be okay. That isn't how this works!" Zen says shooting him a disapproving scowl
Jumin frowns, "Then I'll have to do this the hard way. Chief! Please lend me your assistance."
Chief of Jumin's security and 2 sidelining bodyguards step out from the shadows and go to grab you, but you lunge out of the way. Scurrying to your feet, you run to Zen.
The bodyguards surround the two of you.
"JUMIN!" You yell his name, shaking. "I don't want to go back with you!!"
The director falters for a moment, "Then what would you have me do, mc?"
"Go back to your penthouse, let Elizabeth out of that damn cage, and GO TALK TO SOMEONE!" You shout, your gaze piercing his.
"You're making a SERIOUS mistake if you keep going with this shitty kidnapping plan of yours," Zen barks out, you can hear his heart pounding in his close proximity.
Jumin steps back and clears his throat, "Oh my God what am I doing? Chief, hold back.. I need to think."
Stepping towards Jumin, you take a deep breath mustering up your courage to face the business man. Zen goes to reach for you but you brush away from his touch, making eye contact with a worried glance, he reads you and nods.
"I won't go back with you, but even though I haven't been with the organization that long.. I can see that you really do need help, Jumin."
Jumin meets your eyes with his own, ashamedly, "mc, I want to formally apologize for my behavior, I am truly sorry.. I'm not in my right mind, I'm under so much stress.. it's stifling and I have never felt like this."
You smile softly at the downtrodden business man, "I have a party guest confirmed to attend who specializes in dealing with emotions in a healthy way, if you want to see him?"
The director nods in agreement, "Yes that would probably be wise, please forward me his contact information." and with that Jumin straightens his tie and steps toward the actor waiting behind you.
"Zen I must also apologize to you, I put mc in an unfair position and in doing so ignored advice from you and the others. I'm truly sorry. I must also thank you for taking mc's safety more seriously than I."
Watching, you see the fire slowly extinguished in Zen's crimson eyes, he strides over to Jumin, "Ha.. I didn't expect an apology. I've known you for a long time, but I was truly worried you'd gone off the deep end."
The both of you see Jumin off with Driver Kim and the Chief bodyguard. The two other bodyguards stay behind to guard you while you're at Zen's, for his peace of mind.
Spending the rest of the evening at Zen's proves to be a therapy in itself for you. He lets you close to him so effortlessly, and it feels as if you've known him a long time. After today you are so relieved things ended this way, leading up to it you feared the worst.
When Mr. Han gets back he sends Driver Kim again for you, and you return to Rika's apartment at last to finish the planning for the party. Smiling softly to yourself as you boot up your computer you think, beyond that cool exterior Jumin Han has a beating human heart with feelings like the rest of us.
Jumin takes steps to getting the help he needs dealing with his emotions in a healthy way, he actually goes away for a while to meet experts in a foreign country. Unfortunately missing the party, and not being present very often in the chats, but it gets him out of his betrothal, as the Choi sisters are not accommodating to his mental health.
Jaehee informs you of updates on Jumin while she looks after his cat in his absence, Elizabeth the Third still manages to escape and go missing like in Zen's foresight dream, but Seven manages to find her in his own search for the hacker. You and Zen start dating shortly after the party.
A whirlwind of events to get you here, but you smile back on the tribulations that have transpired leaving you all a bit better off than you started.
~{I'd like to make one big note, I'm a softy and Jumin deserves peace and happiness, even if it's not from mc ❤️}~
originally I planned a spiral downward ending for Mr. trust fund kid, but I couldn't do him dirty like that~
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pettybkang · 5 years
Group: NCT.
Pairing: Taeyong + Doyoung + Y/N.
Genre: Polyamorous Relationship!AU.
Word count: 2,5k.
Description:  “But the thing is… He likes Game of Thrones and then he doesn’t. He’s a dancer and then a photographer. It makes absolutely no sense. I get that Y/N does a lot and goes around a lot, but it makes no sense. Her boyfriend is too weird,” Aika was complaining for a couple minutes now.  
“But the thing is… He likes Game of Thrones and then he doesn’t. He’s a dancer and then a photographer. It makes absolutely no sense. I get that Y/N does a lot and goes around a lot, but it makes no sense. Her boyfriend is too weird,” Aika was complaining for a couple minutes now.
Y/N and Aika met in college.
 Not really in a classroom or anything.
If you go to UCLA, you know a bar or two, but everyone goes to the parties at Andy’s. Cheap alcohol, good music, and awesome people. That’s where they met - Aika’s boyfriend and paired up with Y/N’s boyfriend for beer-pong and the girls paired up to cheer against them. They got tired when their boyfriends kept on winning and decided to walk around, grab more drinks and ended up starting a friendship right there.
Y/N goes to Med school and Aika studies IT. They would never have met on campus, but thanks to the parties they managed to become friends. But there’s one thing bothering Aika about Y/N’s boyfriend: he seems too weird. It always seems like he’s a different person when they meet. Aika has asked Y/N countless times how long they’ve been together and her answer is always “around three years”.
“Maybe he does all that?” Yuta, her boyfriend, replied. They were watching TV in Yuta’s apartment. “I mean… Some people like to do all sorts of things. Who knows?”
“Did he seem like the type of person when you met him? He’s always tired when I see him. He rarely stays up when I’m there. Well, sometimes he cooks but sometimes he just vanishes into the next room,” Aika sighed.
There had been numerous times that she went over to Y/N’s place just to chat, drink some wine and complain about college. Y/N’s boyfriend would get home, say hi, kiss Y/N and then vanish into their apartment. Y/N explained once that they do have their own bedrooms, they don’t share one because they need to study and it can get too crowded sometimes. Aika took that as the smartest decision that it sounded like and let it go, but sometimes it comes to mind. Maybe her boyfriend has different personalities? Maybe Y/N should break up with him? He doesn’t sound as loving as the girl makes him sound like? Aika worries too much about her friend sometimes.
Yuta won her over with a bottle of wine and a movie, making her forget about her friend’s weird boyfriend for the night.
Y/N lives with her boyfriend at Santa Monica Boulevard. Their apartment costs more money than some people make in five years working 9-5 and having to deal with horrible bosses. Rumour has it that her family has money and so does him, but Aika never really asked about it. But Y/N does go to Med school and doesn’t work part-time and apparently, her boyfriend goes to Art school and they don’t seem like they are struggling… So yeah, family money.
Not that Aika isn’t familiar with it. Yuta’s parents own a huge tech company in Japan and her own parents are huge in the pharmaceuticals industry, but she has no idea where Y/N’s and her boyfriend’s money come from.
And maybe she shouldn’t be asking herself that when she’s on a Uber to her friend’s house in the middle of the night - not the middle, it’s just eight but still. Maybe she should be thinking about how their money certainly comes from drug money or something even shadier than that. She’s known Y/N and her boyfriend for a year now, she should know better than that.
Aika got out of the car and Y/N was waiting for her in front of the building. She was in slippers, a hoodie and sweatpants. Her pink hair tied up, adjusting her glasses while she waved.
“I could have rung the bell?” Aika frowned, walking towards her.
“My boyfriend just left,” Y/N said, shrugging. “He has a dance recital tonight, I walked him out and gave him a good luck kiss.”
“Ew. Gross,” Aika said, making her laugh. “Why didn’t you go with him?”
“I wasn’t feeling it. It’s a very fancy one. Heels required and everything… Besides, he knows he has the support from the people that love him,” she shrugged. Sometimes Y/N would make Aika really confused when she talks about her boyfriend, but before Aika could ask her what she means, she pulled her towards the building. “Let’s go! Tacos are waiting for us! I remembered to not let pepper get anywhere close to them tonight.”
Soon the girls were inside Y/N’s apartments, their shoes by the door, wine glasses in hand, sitting by each side of the kitchen isle. Y/N had a bite of taco in her mouth when Aika decided to ask about her boyfriend. She was determinate to get the information she needed to either tell her friend to run or to run away from him herself. That’s when she noticed she doesn’t really know his name… And it was too late to ask.
“Hey, does your boyfriend go to UCLA too? I’ve never seen him there,” Aika took a bite of her own taco then.
“Hmmmm, yes and no,” Y/N said, laughing when Aika frowned. “Taeyong used to, he graduated last year,” she added, making Aika nod. She assumed Taeyong was his name since that’s what Y/N called him. Aika wasn’t against technology or anything - she was dating Yuta! - but Y/N and her boyfriend were pretty much allergic to it. Aika tried to stalk them once to get to know him better, but she only found pictures of hands, cats and plants on Y/N’s account. The account she had tagged on the hands' photo didn’t really have any pictures posted to it, the account tagged to the plants was a photographer’s account which had no information on who was posting those. Apparently making people’s lives difficult was Y/N and her boyfriend’s hobby.
“And how did you two meet? I think you’ve never told me that,” she sipped from her wine. Was she sounding too nosy? Not really, right? She was just trying her best to take care of her friend.
“There was a fundraising event at UCLA and our parents introduced us,” Y/N smiled and then bit down on her lower lip. “He performed that night… I mean, you should see him dancing one day. He’s incredible. We went out for dinner a few nights after that and, well, the rest is history,” she shrugged, sipping from her wine.
“Wait… Fundraising?” Aika sounded confused for a while and Y/N just nodded.
“My parents are hospital owners and his parents have companies that make all of those machines you see inside a hospital. They go way back but they had never really introduced us… He’s always making fun of me, saying that I’m the perfect daughter and he’s the rebel son or whatever,” she rolled her eyes.
Aika was happy that she got one question out of the way. Her boyfriend wasn’t a well-known drug dealer or his parents weren’t part of the mafia - or at least the bad mafia, her parents work with pharmaceuticals so she knows what the health business is like. Now all she needed to know was why the hell he’s so weird, but those questions would have to come up later. She didn’t want her friend to feel like she’s being questioned.
They had been watching TV for a while when they heard the door and in walks Taeyong. Sweaty, a bag hanging from his shoulder, his hair a complete mess and some bright makeup still on. There was some powder on his hair to make it look whiter and Aika couldn’t figure out for the life of her if he looked insane or like a dancer.
“Hey babe!” Y/N said from the couch, looking back towards the door to wave at him. He rushed towards them, giving Y/N a kiss and waving at Aika.
“Hey, what are you guys watching? Hey Aika!” Aika waved back at him, sipping from her wine. She watched as Taeyong stole a sip from Y/N’s glass as Y/N answered his question, telling him about the episodes from Lucifer that he was missing because he kept arriving home too late. He just showed her the tongue and then gave back the glass, stealing another kiss. “I’m gonna go take a shower. Did you eat already?”
“I made tacos. You can steal some later,” she winked, pushing him away so he would shower. Taeyong laughed, making his way to the last room and then into the bathroom to shower.
Aika had to admit. He didn’t seem crazy. Or insane. Or dangerous. He seemed like a really nice boyfriend that cared about her and Y/N seemed really in love. Maybe she was seeing things.
He came back later, stole a plate of tacos and left. There was nothing wrong about him.
And then they were three bottles in. Completely drunk.
And in walks this other Taeyong. He looks more serious for some reason, completely exhausted, dragging his feet towards the kitchen and barely noticing his girlfriend calling him “babe”. Aika felt like punching him.
“Is everything okay?” Y/N asked from the couch.
“Yeah… Just a bunch of things to read, that’s all…” he said and his voice seemed different. Aika was too drunk to think straight so her mind wanted her to tell Y/N to break up with that man that sometimes sounds like he loves her and sometimes sounds like he doesn’t even wanna be there. “A kiss for good luck?” he asked and Y/N ran towards him to press a kiss to his lips, making him smile.
Okay. Maybe he was just tired. Dancing can be tiring and reading a bunch of stuff after dancing should be even more tiring, Aika would give him this one.
Y/N follows him into the hallway, her hands massaging his shoulders but soon she comes back, takes her glass from the coffee table, sits down and sighs. She asks Aika about how is it like to not live with her boyfriend and then they never talk about Y/N’s boyfriends again that night.
It’s not common for Aika to sleep over.
She only does when Yuta tells her he has to get up early or when she’s too drunk to go back.
Today is a number two type of day.
Y/N had told her to take her room and that she would sleep with Taeyong, so Aika woke up to pink sheets and photos everywhere. She couldn’t find her glasses anywhere in that damn room, but she recognized Y/N in some of them.
She heard noise coming from the kitchen, so she decided on using the bathroom, brushing her teeth and moving to see what was going on.
When she got there, there were two men making breakfast. Maybe she hadn’t been as loud as she had thought, because they didn’t seem to notice her. She could see only their backs, moving in sync as they made avocado toasts and tea.
She was about to move to make herself noticed when they kissed. And then she got even more confused because the guy with the blue on his hair definitely looked like the Taeyong that got home all sweaty from the dance recital. He definitely looked like Y/N’s boyfriend, but he most definitely wasn’t kissing Y/N.
Aika walked in after that, pressing her lips together and sitting right across from them on the counter.
“Hey, you’re awake!” said the other guy. The tired Taeyong that had been reading too much. “Here… We found this on the coffee table earlier,” he handed her her glasses. They looked like two different people up close when she put them on.
And she was sure Y/N had kissed them both the night before.
“Thanks,” she said with a smile. “Is Y/N awake?” was all she had the guts to ask. Maybe she would have to drink another glass of wine to be brave to make questions again. Does Y/N’s boyfriend have a boyfriend? Does she have two? How didn’t she notice that there were two different people walking around the apartment? They would rarely interact and maybe last night had been the first time she had paid attention, but still.
“Mhm, she’s taking a shower,” Taeyong - the dancer - answered. Aika just nodded and accepted the cup of tea she was handed. She listened to them listing things to buy at the grocery store later for a few minutes before Y/N walked in.
Her friend stole a toast, smiled at both of them and then sat down right next to Aika. “Good morning!” she said, taking a bite from her toast and accepting a cup of tea from Taeyong. “Are you going to the library today again?” she asked the other Taeyong and he made a face.
“Yeah… I have a test coming up next week. The detailed laws are killing me,” he said, pouting a little.
“Wait… I thought you finished college last year?” Aika interrupted, making the man frown.
“I finished college last year,” Taeyong, the dancer, raised his hand. “He’s going to finish it next year,” he pointed at Taeyong, the tired.
“Okay… So… You’re the dancer and you are?” she pointed at the man that had been talking about tests, frowning and sounding really confused. Y/N just watched with a both amused and confused smile on her face.
“The lawyer,” he answered. “Or soon to be. I’m also a photographer from time to time,” he shrugged.
Y/N decided to put Aika out of her misery and help her a little. “This is Taeyong. He’s a dancer, we met at the fundraiser for UCLA med school. And this is Doyoung. He’s a law student, we met when we were kids. Our parents might have arranged for us to get married,” both men smiled at Aika.
“And which one is your boyfriend?” she said, rubbing her face with her hands almost in despair.
“Uh… Both?”
“Did you just say both?”
“Yeah, both. We’ve been dating for three years,” Y/N said, a smile on her face, shrugging then. “Doyoung and I have known each other for years. We also have liked each other for years - our parents were pretty happy about that. But then we met Taeyong at the fundraiser and, uh... well. He’s a really good dancer. We talked, had dinner, went on dates and then suddenly we were all dating. It took some convincing on our parents part, but they’re fine with it now.”
Y/N just bit a piece of her toast then, both Taeyong and Doyoung were sipping from their tea and all while Aika tried to process all the information they had just given her. So they were all dating. It explains the weird boyfriends coming in and out every week. And the reason he likes Game of Thrones one week and couldn't even bother to comment on Arya’s moves the next.
So he wasn’t a drug dealer.
Or insane.
There were two of them and now everything made sense.
Aika looked from Y/N to the men, shaking her head and letting herself laugh. “And here I thought you,” she pointed at Taeyong, “had multiple personalities and that Y/N should definitely break up with you. Next time, you know, if there’s any… A heads up would be nice?”
Y/N just shrugged and shoved the last piece of toast into her mouth.
Taeyong ended up asking Aika about the last episode of Lucifer they had watched the night before and Doyoung continued making breakfast for all of them. Y/N joined on the Lucifer talk while she worked on cutting the avocados for the food. The three worked well together, too used to each other to go anywhere else.
One day Aika would ask how it all really started, but for now, she’s glad her friend isn’t stuck with a crazy boyfriend.
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merryfortune · 5 years
001. Precure in general. 002: HikaLala. 003: Himari Arisugawa? (not all of them, just what you would like to answer, if any at all)
PreCure in general
Favorite character: Emiru Aisaki
Least Favorite character: this is… highkey unfair and for no good reason but that Towa girl. I’m like 2 episodes away from the violinist princess getting redeemed in Go Princess PreCure but I stan Yui so hard that in my eyes, Towa is the reason that Yui isn’t able to become the Princess of Music & Art
5 Favourite ships (canon or non-canon): Emiru/Lulu, Haruka/Kirara, Hikaru/Lala, Nozomi/Coco, Haruka/Close but there are more but these ones with the most interesting story or dynamic
Character I find most attractive: don’t at @ me but I think Close (and Shut) are both gorgeous as all hell (I like thots apparently)
Character I would marry:
Character I would be best friends with: Emiru!!!!!!!!!!
A random thought: where is all the fic ;w;
An unpopular opinion: I really liked how the Homare has a crush on Harry plot was handled. Maybe it’s because I remember/was in Homare’s position once (16/17 year old me was hot for teacher lol), I really liked how she found closure for herself without having to confess her feelings. I dislike how vehemently fandom will deny that this plotline even took place because I think young girls, who will develop crushes on unattainable/older men, need to be shown stories of how to handle those feelings without placing themselves in danger of being preyed on.
My canon OTP: Akira/Yukari (look, if the dub had to ungay them, that must make them canon)
Non-canon OTP: gonna give this to Ichika/Himari because I shipped them before Emiru was introduced I’m p sure so they get seniority privileges
Most badass character:
Pairing I am not a fan of: tbh I think I can give most precure ships a chance but I did see some Smile PreCure ships where I’m ehhh on. I only like Nao/Reika from that set. all the others should stick to being friends.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): I think this goes without saying but Hana. Saaya, and Homare got super screwed over by Hugtto having a lot of Emiru/Lulu subplots. Also, Yui. She should have gone PreCure.
Favourite friendship: I mostly read said friendship as romantic but Emiru and Lulu……… they’re best friends oh my god
when or if I started shipping it: hmmmm middle of episode 1; definitely cemented by the end of episode 2 lol
my thoughts: I wrote a meta on them so I have a lot which mostly boils down to a lot of great symbolism between them gives them subtextual evidences, they hold hands a lot canonically so that’s cute, and it’s just a great ship
What makes me happy about them: Hikaru gets an alien girlfriend aND ITS FANTASTIC
What makes me sad about them: the Hikoboshi and Orihime parallels between them heavily implies that sometime in the future, they will separate and they will only have miniscules chances of continually/regularly seeing each other thereafter ;v;
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: me, who owns a lot of property in the hikalala fanfic tag on ao3, jack and shit, babe!
Things I look for in fanfic: anything which accentuates Lala’s alien-ness
My kinks: look… Lala can generate electricity…. that gives a lot of stimulation play scenarios but mostly… nah
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: I like these ships a lot - Hikaru/Yuni, Lala/Yuni, and Lala/Madoka
My happily ever after for them: they go off traipsing the universe, exploring. Hikaru takes after her father and writes a book on her travels whilst Lala uses the information to update the Saman Planet AI because I’d love to see a plot twist where the AI isn’t quite as benevolent as Lala trusts it is so she takes it upon herself to remedy it (using the Rainbow Planet Tragedy as a catalyst for said goal or as foreshadowing towards it)
Himari Arisugawa
How I feel about this character: I was expecting to fall totally head over heels in love with either Aoi or Yukari since their animal motifs are both feline and I’m a major cat person but instead, Himari managed to steal my heart before either of them got the chance. I super relate to her and see a lot of myself and some of my struggles (particularly in social situations) in her. so yeah. I love my squirrel daughter.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Ichika
My non-romantic OTP for this character: no one in canon springs to mind…  which brings to mind something else… so this is out of the left-field but I had a dream once where Spectre met all the KiraKira PreCure A La Mode girls but it was Himari whom he bonded the most with in said dream (kind of “I’ve only had Himari for five minutes but if anything happened to her, I’d kill everyone in this room and then myself” type situation or maybe its more comparable to the reaction image of the samurai dude (spectre) with the cat (himari)). anyway long story short, her and spectre because if one favourite character makes me happy then two makes me even happier.
My unpopular opinion about this character: she is the best girl of KiraKira PreCure A La Mode.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: can’t remember if this happens or not but I swear KiraKira forgot at some point that the girls gained animal characteristics (so, in Himari’s case, her superspeed) so I would have liked to see that explored more. also in a kind of Tokyo Mew Mew twist, I would have liked to see Himari (and by extension, all the girls) deal with their new animal natures in their civilian forms too… like, this might be too lore heavy for PreCure but I would have liked to see Himari (and I guess this applies to all the girls) deal with becoming “part fairy” (just like Pekorin and Ciel had to deal with becoming part human). TLDR: more Squirrel characteristics from Himari, please!!! because I am a furry!!!!
My OTP: Ichika/Himari
My OT3: i don’t have any but if I was at gunpoint, the options I suppose I could live with are Rio/Ichika/Himari (gee, Ichika, who let you have a girlfriend AND a boyfriend) or Aoi/Himari/Ichika because apparently Aoi/Himari is a semi-popular ship???
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talesofzestiria-r · 7 years
Script: Elysia, Home of the Seraphim
Part 2 - Elysia, Home of the Seraphim
Download as PDF: click
For the complete list of skits, refer to this post: Skit List
For the overview of the whole script, click here: Script
If you find any mistakes or have questions, don’t hesitate to contact me.
S = Sorey
M = Mikleo
A = Alisha
Z = Zenrus
(Arrival at Elysia)
M: I'll go report this to Gramps.
S: Guess we can't keep quiet about all this.
M: Coming by afterwards?
S: Yeah.
Hey everyone, got someone to introduce to you!
(All seraphims of the town are gathering, but A can't see them)
S: This is my family living here at the shrine.
A: Is this... Uh... Some kind of perfomance piece?
S: uh, it's nothing. Don't worry about it.
A: You're an odd duck, you know that?
S: I guess?
That's my house. You go ahead and rest. I've got something to take care of.
A: May I have a look around the village?
S: Well, sure. But don't cause trouble!
A: Of course not. I'll behave as if I were in a shrine to the seraphim.
S: Yeah, exactly!
A: I'll try not to make any waves.
S: Oh man. I sure hope Mikleo's chat with Gramps went over well.
(S enters Z's house)
M: And I'll let you hear the rest from Sorey himself.
Z: I reckon I'll have to.
You idiots!
S: Hi Gramps... I'm back.
Z: How could you bring a human into our domain?!
M: Easy, Gramps. Didn't you say you'd listen to Sorey's side of the story too?
Z: That's just what I'm about to do!
You know full well the rules, Sorey. How could you break them like this?
S: I'm sorry Gramps. But I couldn't just leave her there.
Z: Her kind is sure to bring nothing but trouble to our domain!
S: But I'm „her kind“ too, you know.
Z: You were raised aloung with our kind, which nurtured in you the ability to perceive us and converse with us. Normal humans have no such capacity. You should understand that more than anyone else!
S: Well, it is true. She doesn't appear to have any resonance.
M: But Gramps, this is the first time Sorey's ever met a fellow human.
Z: Perhaps. But if she can't see or hear the same things we do, she has no business in this realm.
S & M: …
Z: I have raised both of you as my own since you were but babes, all the while doing my best to protect this land.
S: And for that I am grateful.
Z: And I did that because the time draws near when you will both serve to protect this shrine, just as all the oterhs have done. Our priority is the peace of Elysia. Any intruders, no matter how harmless, must be cast out.
S: Yes...
Z: Then it's time she left.
S: Can we at least give her time to prepare for her depature?
Z: Hmph... Just make it quick.
S: Thank you.
M: Gramps?
Z: I know, I know Mikleo.
He means well, in all things.
But that's the very reason I'm so worried for him.
(S enters his house)
M: Hey.
(M gives S the glove of the Shepherd)
M: Here's that thing I found in the ruins.
S: Oh?
Is this crest what I think it is?
M: Yup. This is the mark of the Shepherd.
S: I knew it!
The chosen one who communicates with the seraphim, controlling their incredible powers as if they were his own...
The „Shepherd“. Hah hah!
M: Sound like your kinda thing?
S: Maybe.
M: I always thought that mankind's savior would actually look a bit more imposing.
S: Be silent, seraph-beast!
M: I shall not.
S: Hmm.
M: Excavated relics aren't play-toys.
S: True.
M: She certainly is taking her time.
S: I'll see what's up.
(S goes outside and meets A)
A: Hmmm...
S: Enjoy yourself?
A: I sure did. But it's weird, I felt like I was being watched the whole time.
(stomach growling)
A: Ah...
S: Shall we eat?
A: I'm sorry. I feel like I'm going to faint!
S: Let's head to my place!
(On the way to the house)
Gosh, I hope we didn't worry him.
A: Hm?
S: Oh, uh... nothing.
Welcome in.
(Both are eating, A seems absentminding)
S: Hey.
A: Hm?
S: So then, what's your hometown like?
A: Well, I'm from the capital, Ladylake, in the Kingdom of Hyland.
S: Ladylake? Like in the legend of the Sacred Blade?
A: You've heard of it?
S: It was in the Celestial Record!
The legend says the Lady of the Lake guards the Sacred Blade, and the one who draws it becomes the Shepherd, right?
A: Yes. It was a lively and bustling town blessed with bountiful water, rich in festivals and fine drink.
S: Wait... „was“?
A: Well, it used to be.
S: Things must be hard for folks in the world below.
A: Below?
S: The land that lies beneath the mountaintops. I've never left home before.
A: You've always lived here by yourself?
Sounds to me like you're the one who's had it rough.
S: Heh heh.
Oh, let me help you get ready for your return trip tomorrow!
You need anything? Bread, rations? Stuff like that?
A: That'd be great! If you have any tools or a sleeping bag, it'd be great too.
S: Gotcha. Well then, first we'll need to do some hunting! I'll be your guide tomorrow.
A: Thank you so much for everything.
(next day, outside of the house)
M: Good morning.
S: Good mornin'.
Seraph: Come on, hurry it up, Mikleo! We ain't got time to mess around!
M: Yeah, I'll leave in a moment.
Gramps gave me all kind of things to take care of. I'm gonna be pretty swamped for a while.
S: Bummer. Well, don't you worry about me at least.
M: Sorey, Gramps only wants--
S: Yeah, I know.
Seraphim: Mikleo!
M: Maybe later.
S: Sure.
(To A) Good morning! You sleep okay?
A: Yeah, like a log! Been ages since I've done that.
S: Allright then. Shall we?
The prickleboars lurk to the left of the entry gate. It's an ideal hunting place.
A: Got it.
→ Skit/ Discovery Point: Elysalark Fledglings
S: Oh hey! There's no baby elysalarks in the nest anymore. I remember when one of 'em fell from the nest, I was gonna keep it and raise it, but Gramps wouldn't let me.
„A kept bird will never learn to fly“, he said. „Put it back.“
Guess you made it out of the nest on your own, huh?
→ Skit/ Discovery Point: The Elysian Goat
A: Such robust horns... Just like the dragons of legend.
S: Hahaha! What, like in fairy tales? You're something else.
A: Don't go near it! There's no telling how dangerous untamed beasts like those are.
S: Aw, don't worry, we're friends! Uh, well mostly. They did kick me four or five times when I was little.
A: You're... „friends“?
S: Yup! Sometimes they give me milk, and I make cheese and yogurt with everyone.
A: The mark of true friendship.
S: Yeah, it's the best!
(Seeing a monster)
S: There's a prickleboar.
A: So that's one, huh.
S: Their meat is easy to preserve when smoked, and super tasty! And the skin has all kind of uses too.
A: I almost feel sorry for it.
S: Wanna leave?
A: No. My spirit is prepared. Besides, I can't get this sort of experience back home!
S: Okay. Here we go!
S: hey, pretty smooth moves!
A: Thank you. You're rather capable yourself.
S: Okay! Guess we need a few more.
A: I don't see any around.
S: You'll find them if you look.
S: Hey, how far is it to Ladylake?
A: Let's see. I expect about to or three days.
S: Really? I had no idea it was so close!
A: But the forest at the base of the mountain is surprisingly easy to get lost in.
S: Must be the power of Gramps domain.
→ Skit: Battling the Prickleboars
A: Sorey, your sword technique is... eclectic.
Which school are you from?
S: Which school?
A: Yes. Isn't there a name signifying the style? Your swordmaster's name, perhaps.
S: Hmmmm.... I guess mine would have to be the „prickleboar school“!
A: Prickleboar school?
S: For me, it was food. For prickleboars, it was survival. Everyday, me and them, a neverending life-or-deat struggle.
A: You really are a child of nature, aren't you.
S: But it was those days that taught me how to fight.
There's no better teacher—no more exacting taskmaster—than the humble prickleboar!
A: Thus, prickleboar school.
S: You got it!
But I guess I should say „tuskmaster“.
A: Heh.
(Inside the house)
A: Sorey?
S: Oh, did I wake you? Sorry 'bout that.
A: You're sure into that book, aren't you.
S: I've read it countless times since my childhood.
A: One day, I want to explore ruins all over the world.
Everyone who's read the Celestial Record says that, and I'm no exception.
But sadly, now is not the time for some jaunt around the world.
For several years now, the world has been plunged into a nigh-incomprehensible state of chaos.
S: Chaos?
A: Mysterious illnesses, incessant storms, people bursting into flames...
There are those that say even the dead have begun to walk the earth again.
S: Woah, hang on. What are you talking about?
A: You don't believe me? Or you think this is a joke?
S: No, I...
A: The situation is beyond grave.
S: Huh?
A: The chaos has caused abnormal climate changes all over the world.
As a result, we are on the verge of endureing widespread crop death, famine, and starvation.And worst of all are the rumors of governments planning to replenish their dwindling resources through war. It mustn't come to that.
S: Can nothing be done?
A: Who knows. There's nothing to hang onto but legends.
S: Which is why you---
Nevermind. I won't ask.
I think I'm gonna just hit the hay here myself. Sleep well.
(next day)
A: Good morning.
S: Good morning! You ready to get to work? We gotta make those rations and bags from the prickleboars we hunted yesterday.
A: You got it.
S: Heh heh. Afraid it isn't exactly super fun, though!
A: Well, let me know when you're ready to start.
So, what do you need me to do?
(all things are sewn)
A: Sorry for putting you to work like this.
S: Oh, I'm pretty used to it.
A: With your help, I'll be able to leave tomorrow. Thanks so much.
S: Yeah? Great. Well, better rest up for tomorrow.
I ought to let Gramps know.
(S outside, alone)
S: Wish I'd asked her more about the world below.
(S in Z's house)
S: Hey, Gramps. She says she's leaving tomorrow.
Z: I see. We'll all be sure to see her off. After all, one must always be hospitable to one's guests.
S: Thanks!
(next day, entry of Elysia)
A: I really owe you. Thank you so much.
S: You gonna be okay by yourself?
A: I cannot cause more trouble for you than I already have.
S: I see.
(A sighs)
S: You'll be fine. Just follow that map and you'll get through the forest with no problems.
A: Oh, it's not that. I believe you.
S: Huh?
A: That's my name. Alisha Diphda.
S: Alisha?
A: You didn't even know who I was, and you helped me without asking anything in return.
Whereas I thought only of myself, leaving you without even a name by which to call me... As a knight, I am ashamed. Please find it in your heart to forgive me.
S: I-it's okay.
A: I must confess something to you.
S: Hm?
A: I know this sounds strange, but I believe that the seraphim really do exist.
The myths and legends that are preserved in the Celestial Record must be more than mere fairy tales.
S: Yeah.
A: This crisis that has befallen our world...
I believe that only the one spoken of in the ancient legends can truly restore order.
S: The Shepherd you mean.
A: You're not going to ridicule me? Everyone back in town does.
S: Of course not.
A: You're a real saint, you know that?
The Sacred Blad Festival is soon to commence in Ladylake.
A trial will be held based on the legend of the Shepherd's sword.
A trial I think you might be interested in.
S: Me?
A: Time to go.
But please, give it some serious thought when you have the time.
S: How come?
A: The Shepherd I see in my mind when I read the legends...
I have to say, he reminds me a lot of you.
S: …
(M gives S a dagger)
S: What's this?
M: Gramps asked me to go out search the ruins and find some clues about that girl. I've been down there looking.
S: So wait, this is Alisha's?
M: This is the crest of Hyland.
I don't think this „Alisha“ is any ordinary knight.
Z: I know this is diffucult for you, but it really is for the best.
M: Gramps?
Z: Hmm... Someone has infiltrated my domain.
Blast and damnation! Hiding your presence, are you? Crafty bugger!
Everyone, be warned! There is an intruder in our realm! Find them!
They've concealed their presence, so chance are good it's a hellion! Search with extreme caution!
S: We'll go, too.
Z: Very well. If it is a hellion, quick measures must be taken. I'm counting on you.
Seraphim: I have a hunch we'll find it around the forest.
S: Good idea.
(In the ruins)
(Lunarre (L) eats Mason (Seraphim))
S: Mason?!
L: How odd. I didn't expect to find anything but the main course here...
But now there's two more side dishes!
M: What on earth is this thing? Is this the hellion?
This is not the place for one such as you! Leave at once!
L: Hee hee hee heee!
Impudent brat.
I can smell the fear wafting off of you. Thos tender arms, trying to conceal their shivers...
(L steckt S in Brand, M löscht) (L sets S on fire, M extinguishes)
S: Urgh!
M: Sorey!
L: Mmm, aren't you a succulent treat.
M: What?!
L: Did I stutter?
I'm saying I'm going to eat you!
S: As if! I can take you! Prepare to meet your doom, hellion!
(after the fight)
M: All talk, aren't you.
S: Still haven't had enough yet?
M: Begone!
(L eats Mason completely)
S: Ah!
M: Mason!
S: He... He ate Mason!
M: Is... Is this what hellions are capable of?
(Z and all other seraphim of the town appear)
Z: Away with you, evil being!
Seraphim: Or you wanna take us all on at once?
L: Hmph. I shouldn't be snacking anyway. Not when the main course is getting away.
(L is gone)
S: Mason...
(Everyone is shocked)
Z: We can handle the rest.
M: Gramps. That fox-looking thing... Was that really a hellion?
They can talk to us?
Z: Yes. That's the form of a human who has become a hellion. Corrupted, essentially.
S: Humans can become hellions?
Z: Now, it's time you went back home and rest.
M: We should. C'mon... Let's head back.
S: Right.
(S and M are out of hearing distance)
Z: So... It begins anew.
(House of S)
S: … What on earth did it come here to do?
L: How odd. I didn't expect to find anything but the main course here...
Not when the main course is getting away.
S: Wait a minute. Was it going after... her?
(Backflash end, S packs his things and wants to leave Elysia)
S: They'll probably freak out with me gone suddenly...
Sorry, everyone!
(S looks back)
M: Oh?
S: Woah, Mikleo! Why are you here?
M: Thought I'd let you duck out of here?
S: Well...
M: I'm going too.
S: Seriously?
M: We can talk more while we travel. We don't have time.
But from what the fox man said, it's fair to assume that he's after Alisha.
S: You picked up on that too, huh?
M: Of course. Now, let's hurry.
S: Hey.
M: What? What's gotten into you all of a sudden?
S: I'm just really happy you came with me!
M: I couldn't let you navigate the world of humans alone. Not as guileless as you are.
S: I bet Gramps is mad though.
M: He was ready for it, in a way. He knew you'd leave someday.
S: Hey, I'm just stepping out for a bit, I'll see him again.
M: Gramps has always known.
That once you left, you'd live the rest of your days with humans.
(M gives S the pipe from Z)
S: Is this from Gramps?
M: We'll need money to get by in human society. He said to sell that if we're ever in a bind.
And there's a message for you as well.
„Walk the path you believe in and live your life to the fullest, and I know you will not go astray.“
That's what he said.
(S hugs the pipe)
S: Let's go!
(M and S see the outside world for the first time)
M: Incredible!
By themselves, people are such frail things. That is why, in times of calamity, they pray for a Shepherd to save them.
S: Woah! This is really it! This is our world!
The era later known as the „Age of Chaos“ gave birth to a new Shepherd. This... Is his story.
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