#maybe ill go to quotev or some shit
Bundle of Joy // Noah Centineo
Summary: Days into marriage you find a revelation that changes everything your honeymoon entailed. Definitely not an inconvenience in any means other than an early present in more ways than one.
Characters: Noah Centineo x Reader, Kelle Centineo, Greg Centineo and Taylor Centineo
Words: 1.7k
Disclaimer: This is only a fictional take on the Centineo family. Do not repost our work anywhere without our explicit consent.
Warnings: Swearing, fluff, and a smidgen of angst.
A/N: It’s hard to come back to a website that’s turned to shit lately and when nobody really makes an attempt to talk to us. Don’t expect any works without actual interaction. We love to talk to people, but I’ve started to turn to Quotev seeing as we get no feedback.
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On your honeymoon, you had expected lots of wine, sex and relaxation for once in a hectic lifestyle you had chosen from that first date of some now defunct dating app. Five years later you hadn't expected the honeymoon to consist of pregnancy tests, saltine crackers and puking. Despite feeling ill, you had decided to keep your suspicions to yourself and keep having fun because these few weeks are the only ones Noah had been stress-free for awhile.
"Babe!" Noah exclaimed peeking his head back into the bungalow with a bright smile, "Are you feeling better?"
"I think that fast food I had, had given me food poisoning." You moaned from the king-sized fluffy bed. The padding of his bare feet sounded first before he settled on the mattress next to you.
"Should be head back home?"
"No." You shook your head quickly, "I'll be fine. I'll just take it easy. Help me up?"
Noah gently grasped your hands in his as he shifted you into his arms to bring you out into the sunny day that England offered finally. In a few days, you would head to Paris, France for the last leg of the honeymoon before returning to your jobs.
"I love you." You sighed leaning into his body more with a beaming smile despite nausea you still felt settled into a less intense feeling, "I'm so happy you married me."
"How could I not with that beautiful smile, caring personality and my gorgeous counterpart." Noah chuckled to himself as the sunrise over the small lake side retreat you had chosen months ago.
Maybe when you returned home in a few weeks, you would have news for Noah about a possible little bean joining the family. Early in the marriage, actually a few years sooner than planned, but there was no doubt that Noah would take the new life in strides. He was born to be a father.
"Do you think anyone would mind if we went for a little swim." Noah's husky voice asked barely a breathe away from your ear as his arms crossed over your midsection.
"Seeing as you booked the entire retreat and the employees signed Non-Disclosure Agreements I think it's safe to say we can." You winked before shedding the camisole you wore to bed last night from a suitcase of lingerie your friends had all bought as a bachelorette party gift.
"I love when you talk dirty to me." Noah joked chasing after your form just as easily removing articles of clothing before he dove under the water to pop up in front of you.
"What can I say? Those years of studying were put to use somehow." You retorted pressing a kiss on his cheek before he nestled into your neck with little love bites and whispers of love.
"I can't wait to spend my life with you."
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Paris was more romantic than movies had shown with delicious food, beautiful lights at night and the Eiffel Tower didn't disappoint. Noah returned to filming an upcoming series you hoped would be picked up due to the new arrival coming in May, your calculations were confirmed at the doctors for a due date. It Baby C stayed on schedule with no early appearances the due date would be on Noah's birthday.
The first thing you had to do was tell Noah about it but given that he was a man of detail and observation you had decided to just leave hints around the house. First, you planted a soother in the open box of condoms in his side table and swiping his new script to underline baby in the middle of it. It was only the first part of the plan.
The man himself wandered into the room with a spoon hanging from his mouth and a yogurt container in the other while reading a script. Sundays were never worked on with the lovely director of the film, he reserved those days for his own family.
"Did you pick up milk?" You questioned with a glance at your husband.
"Behind the other milk in the fridge." Noah replied setting his script down while placing the spoon in the dishwasher and the yogurt container in the garbage, "How are you?"
"Perfect." You grinned wrapping your arms around his neck with a cheeky glint in your eye.
"I'll make supper if you can get some veggies and fruits." Noah proposed already opening the fridge to see a platter of veggies, all of the items baby sized, with a chuckle, "I should have known you would have done that already."
The night passed with Noah not catching the little hints even when he had taken his watch off before bed to put in his side table. His eyes caught sight of the pacifier, but he assumed your friend had dropped it when she was helping you choose a new colour for the room. She had had a baby only a few months ago, so he had known she sometimes forgot items. You chuckled as he didn't even catch the underlined work in the script before he yawned.
"Can you hand me the bookmark?" He asked as you gently passed it over.
"Can you pick some things up from the store?" You questioned, "I'm not sure if I'll make it in time. I have that check up with the doctor."
"Sure. Give me a list."
"I have coupons actually." You spoke up leaning over your side to pick up the few coupons. Despite the excellent money Noah brought into the home from acting roles and your well-paying job you preferred using coupons to save money if you could.
"Flour, cookies, pickles, peanut butter, saltines, Doritos and clam chowder. Baby other than flour and cookies we never buy this stu-" Noah cut himself off at the last coupon in his hand in shock. Blatantly displayed was a coupon able to be redeemed in eight months, "Are you...?"
"That one can be put away for a few months." You giggled, "I took a few tests in England. It wasn't food poisoning."
"Little Centineo." He breathed dropping them to pounce on you to press kisses all over your face with a grin that outmatched even the one from your wedding, "Oh my gosh you're carrying my baby."
"You think that you can play some music on your guitar to the baby?"
"Of fucking course. I have to call my parents." He made a dash for the door before you called him back.
"Or we can let them sleep and keep the news to ourselves for a while. Besides don't you wanna know my due date?" You smirked to yourselves as you started to walk over to him.
"This is ama...babe no you should sit down." He guided you back to sit on the bed once more, "When's Lil C coming?"
"Your birthday party may need to move to the hospital if things go to plan."
"Our baby is coming on my birthday." Noah breathed before collapsing on the bed backwards, "I feel like I'm gonna combust. Y/N I literally thought I couldn't love anything more than I love you, but you just proved me wrong. I haven't even seen an ultrasound and wow."
"Tomorrow you will if you can make it to the appointment. I have already been to one to confirm the pregnancy, but I refused to look at the screen until I could with you. It will be a special moment." You turned to cuddle into his side.
True to your words Noah's birthday was spent in the hospital months later cradling his sleeping newborn daughter in his arms. Barely a day old she had almost made it to Noah's birthday but just born at 11:49 pm you knew she was perfect and would still be adamant of celebrating with Daddy. You just knew in your heart that Noah had a new best friend for life.
"Sweetheart?" Kellee spoke through the cracked door, "Are you sure we can come in?"
From the hospital bed, you waved them in just as the baby opened her eyes to stare up at Noah. Noah's parents and sister came into the room having only just arrived at the hospital after the long drive. Your family had already been in a few hours ago before leaving your little family to bond.
"Hey, Mom," Noah whispered scooting the chair closer to your bed.
"Oh my gosh."
"You have a healthy granddaughter." You grinned up at your in-laws.
"What's her name?" Greg questioned peering at the newborn Noah passed to Kellee.
"We would like you to meet Kenzie Taylor Centineo." You breathed keeping your eyes on the pink bundle now in Greg's arms.
"Taylor." Your sister in law gasped blinking slowly, "You gave her my name."
"Well had you not spilt your wine on my shirt in that restaurant I wouldn't have met your brother, my husband." You tearfully replied ushering her over with Kenzie in her arms, "Without a doubt in my mind I knew from the minute I saw Kenzie on the ultrasound that she had to be named after one of the strongest women I know. Noah agreed. Thank you so much for helping me find the love of my life."
"Aw." Taylor nearly sobbed as Kenzie gripped her pointer finger in her hand and cooed up at her, "Well little Kenzie Taylor I hope you know we're going to have a day monthly of ice cream together, but for now you grow up some."
Your life was complete for a few years before another bundle was passed around the room wrapped in another hospital blanket.
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dtgirl18 · 7 years
Stop Hating on Fanfiction Writers
Honestly, one of the worst parts about being a fanfiction writer is the people. I have multiple accounts (2 on Quotev, 1 on Wattpad, and one here, which is why my writing here has pretty much vanished), so I totally understand the struggle. It's hard. Some say it's just stringing words into sentences and sentences into paragraphs, but it's so much more than that. We have to create a new character (usually, unless it's a request for two characters already created), try to not have anyone ooc (out of character), sometimes think of a plot, and figure out how to do all of that in a way that pleases the requester (or our followers in general if nobody requested it), and in a way that makes the writer comfortable with posting. I have been doing this for years, but I still get nervous when I am about to post something.
The point is, it's hard. And I am so sick of seeing my fellow fanfiction writers getting hate for not posting in a timely manner, their writings not being very good, posting stuff that 'nobody cares about', and so on.
Addressing the timeliness: people have busy lives. Work, school, family, friends, significant others, mental illness, being sick, etc. We don't just sit around all day, waiting for requests to come in, nor do we have the time to write all day. We are taking requests for people for free, and doing it on our own time, while asking for nothing in return. Sometimes we get busy, or we just don't feel like doing it. It's fun, but it can get stressful really quickly.
Addressing the writings not being very good: we are human. We are not perfect. Some writings are going to be better than others, and sometimes our work may not like up to expectations. It happens. It sucks, but it does happen. We are trying our best, but it's impossible to please everyone. If it were so easy, everyone would be a writer.
Addressing the posts that 'nobody cares about': Like I said above, we are human. We have other interests besides just writing, and sometimes we post more about one aspect of writing (like about OC's or original stories or something completely different). We want to share our ideas and thoughts, and why does it matter if we post something besides requests?
I have seen writers posting Anon hate, and it pisses me off that people are so awful. One writer got hate for not posting a request three days after the person requested it. THREE DAYS. I have writings that are overdue by over a year, so that writer is doing far better than I am. The big reason writers get so much hate is really the anonymous option for asks. I have never (thankfully) received hate on Quotev, which does not have an anonymous option, even though my writings are way overdue. Please, please stop sending hate on this site, and in general. It makes us writers feel like shit, and some even commit suicide or self-harm because of it. Please, stop.
To any and all writers suffering because of hate, self doubt, self-consciousness, hateful anons, etc.: You are wonderful, and a precious gift to this world. Keep doing what you are doing, whether you have tons of followers, a handful, or none. Even if nobody comments, reblogs, or likes your work, keep doing it. It doesn't always mean it's bad, just maybe the right people haven't found your work yet. Please, keep going, keep writing, and just block off anons. You are worth so much more than they say.
If you know anyone who is suffering from hate, please help them. Send them a kind message, make their day a little brighter. It honestly helps.
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