#maybe in turnabout trump for obvious reasons
mars-ipan · 2 years
shit i jusg had a fucking realization hold on
ok so y’know how klavier is german for piano right? and how aa loves its pun names that may have deeper meanings (like dahlia hawthorne- two beautiful flowers, both poisonous)
klavier’s name pun isn’t just “heehoo instrument but german :D” it’s a fucking. it’s a fucking symbolism
bc . bc !!! bc phoenix pretends to play the piano right. but he can’t. just like how phoenix is set up against klavier and loses. bc klavier knows about the fake evidence, THINKS phoenix is trying to “play” him, and shuts it down immediately. phoenix cannot play piano, and could not best klavier
but! you know who can play the piano for realsies?
kristoph fucking gavin
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One Small Change
Chapter 3- Turnabout Trump: Kristoph Gavin’s true colours. 
Apollo gets a new co-counsel as he begins to see his employer in a new light. 
An: Huge thanks to @tarmahartley  for her critique of my writing. It has really helped me improve.
Apollo listened to Mr. Wright’s testimony regarding the implanted card and how he came to find it in his pocket. Despite claiming that he was too good to be caught out by a mere trick (since he knew them all, apparently), Apollo cynically, and correctly, thought otherwise.
Mr Wright’s luck had been present that night since he had discovered the card by chance. Fearing the worst, he had disposed of it in an empty grape juice bottle although the bottle Apollo had in his possession was empty.
When he presented this to Mr. Wright, he remained adamant that he had put the planted card in that particular bottle while Mr. Gavin merely scoffed and added sarcastically, “Maybe there were other people involved in this case?”
If Apollo didn’t know any better, he would say that Kristoph Gavin was working against his own client which begged the question: Why would he do such a thing?  Mr. Gavin was a friend of Mr Wright’s so why would he be advocating a guilty verdict for him? It didn’t make any sense. As the cross examination continued, Apollo wasn’t sure what was going on but he was profoundly aware that there was something fishy going on. Mr. Gavin’s continued encouragement to break Mr Wright’s cool demeanor made something click in Apollo’s head which was even more startling when he realized the implications: Kristoph wanted Mr. Wright to be found guilty of murder.
Another contradiction came to light in Mr Wright’s testimony: Shadi Smith had a cut on his forehead that was covered by his hat. As it appeared, Phoenix Wright had tampered with the crime scene by putting the victim’s hat back on his head which, being a member of the legal profession, he should have known that was something you didn’t do! At first glance, it made him look very bad but, upon further examination, it turned out that he had had a good reason to and that came in the form of a recorded phone call.
Despite Kristoph slandering Mr. Wright’s testimony as travesty and lies, there was no escaping the harsh truth that was rearing its ugly head: How did Mr Gavin know that Shadi Smith was bald if he only saw him wearing a hat?
Someone cracked that flawless bone china pate.
Those words whirled around in Apollo’s head as he stood in the defendant’s lobby, the implications making themselves only too clear to him. It wasn’t just Mr Wright who was seeing Kristoph Gavin in a new light; Apollo himself was beginning to wonder just who it was that he was working for and he couldn’t help wondering just who his mentor really was.
And something else: Was he friend or foe? Apollo didn’t really know at this point but he had a very bad feeling about it; worst of all, he wasn’t entirely sure himself.
He was pondering what was going to happen after the recess since he was about to hear Mr. Gavin’s testimony. What was he going to do? If he ended up accusing Mr. Gavin of murder, he would be out of a job.
His wandering thoughts were brought firmly back to the present by a voice calling out to him; startled, he looked up to see that the voice belonged to a teenaged girl, dressed in a blue magician’s outfit complete with hat and cape.
“Hello sir!’ she called out pleasantly, holding out a some cards in front of her, a secretive smile on her lips. “Please pick a card!”
Apollo grumbled under his breath. He had no time for magic tricks since this was a court of law, not a circus! However, maybe it would be a welcome distraction from the thoughts plaguing his mind so he decided to play along.
“Very well.” He picked the first card he saw as if it was somehow it was calling to him and, as he held it, the magician’s next words shook him to his core.
“The last hand is about to be dealt and you need a trump card in order to win. Use this card wisely for it is your chance to find the truth.”
Okay, that was weird.  What did she mean about “finding the truth”? He shrugged it off impatiently as he turned away. He had no time at the present to think about the cryptic words of some teenage witch since it was almost time to return to the courtroom to commence the trial.
It was only when he saw the card, that he remembered the words of Olga Orly: It was the Ace of Spades.
His eyes widened as he looked down at the card in stunned disbelief. It was an Ace of Spades… with a drop of blood on it.
When Apollo returned, he was greeted by Mr Wright behind the defence bench.
“I can’t remember the last time I was here. Sure looks different from this side. Oh! Hi, Apollo. I am sorry to intrude on your turf; I thought you could use some help.” He smiled. “I am a legal aide, of course. “
To say Apollo was flabbergasted was an understatement. Mr Wright, his hero, was going to be his co-counsel for the remainder of the trial?!
“I am sorry if I was rude or uncooperative during my testimony. Heck, I practically took over the trial! I am sorry, Apollo. but you see… I have my suspicions regarding your employer and well… I don’t want you to go on alone.” His voice was earnest as he looked at him, a grim expression on his face. “Please… let me help you on this. “
Apollo didn’t know what to say to that but he had to agree with Mr Wright on suspecting Kristoph Gavin. Something was off about the whole thing and  Mr. Gavin seemed to know more than he was letting on.
Well, that was that.
Kristoph Gavin was the real killer. He had used a secret passage in the restaurant to access the Hydeout and kill Smith and had even swapped the grape juice bottle/ murder weapon out for another.
Apollo was grateful for Mr. Wright’s advice. If it wasn’t for his logic and helping him turn his thinking around, Apollo would never have suspected that his boss was a murderer.
It was obvious why Mr. Wright was a legal aide, but what perplexed Apollo more was the reason for the change in career. Mr. Gavin’s words at the end of the trial led to some insight into the reason.
Seven years ago, a penalty was put on Mr Wright’s record and had caused him to lose his reputation. No one trusted him as an attorney anymore, so he had taken up legal advice instead. He still kept his badge and was technically a licensed attorney, but he never took on clients, his badge still pinned to his lapel on his court suit in the back of his wardrobe.
Apollo felt awful; to think that the great Ace Attorney himself had to go into legal advice instead of defending the innocent was, to him, a sad irony. After having had a stellar career in law, and the catalyst during the Dark times of the law for change, it seemed cruel to have fallen into the depths like this. It’s just not fair…
After the trial, Mr Wright approached Apollo, his expression sympathetic.
“I am sorry that things turned out the way they did, Apollo.” He put his hand comfortingly for a moment on the young lawyer’s shoulder. “I know it must be hard to see someone you respected turn out to be a killer.” Apollo nodded but said nothing more, silence reigning between the two men for a few moments until Mr. Wright broke it, a smile on his face and a cheerful lilt to his voice. “Listen, how about you stop by my office? While I can offer legal advice, I think that we could also take a fully licensed attorney on board, as well. What do you say?”
Apollo blinked as Mr Wright handed him a black, gilt-edged business card with gold scrolling with the words Wright and CO. law Offices- “Offering legal advice no matter what your situation” printed on itin red calligraphic script and Mr. Wright’s phone number and address on the back.
Apollo stared at the card in astonishment before it suddenly dawned on him: Phoenix Wright wanted to employ him!
“Th-Thank you, Mr. Wright!” His face flushed as he struggled to find the words to express himself without stuttering, Mr. Wright looking on with a bemused expression. “C-can I ask you a question?”
He nodded. “Sure, Apollo. Go ahead.”
“I… noticed something about the bloody ace. It seemed… too perfect, somehow.”
“ Ahh…” Mr. Wright averted his gaze for a moment. “I see you noticed. Well, if I am truthful, it is technically a forgery.”
“WHAT????!!!” Apollo exclaimed in shock and disappointment.
“Hear me out first before you judge me.“ Mr. Wright turned to face him. "The correct term for it would be that it is a replica. You see, I have evidence to prove that it was there on the night of the murder and a replica is fine as long as you can prove it existed in the first place. Some criminals are sly and will cover their tracks like Gavin did; if you can make a footprint to catch the fox, it is permissible as long you can prove which way he went. Do you see what I mean?”
Apollo nodded, dumbfounded.
Mr. Wright that put his hand into his pocket and brought out his cell phone. Apollo could only watch the older man fiddle with his phone.
“I’m glad phones these days have cameras. “ He smiled as he handed the phone to Apollo and, sure enough, there was a picture showing an Ace of Spades with a drop of blood on the corner. Exactly like the one that Apollo had in the Court Record.
“Do you really think I would give a rookie attorney forged evidence without proof that it was there in the first place?” His voice was somewhat reproachful and Apollo winced as he handed the phone back to him. “It looks like Mr Gavin forgot to take this before he left although he kindly rectified that mistake when I returned and found the Ace gone. He must have been in such a hurry the first time that he missed it so I am rather glad that he did and I had the opportunity to take a photo to prove it.” He chuckled. “I even took an “after” picture, as well.”
“B…ut.. you could have used that!” Apollo stuttered, his mind whirling.  “Why didn’t-?”
“No one asked for proof except Kristoph himself, Apollo,” he interrupted gently, “and it was more of a back-up plan to be used in case things went wrong.”
Apollo was speechless. Mr. Wright surely was one cunning lawyer-well, legal aide-and he was nothing short of impressed by his contingency plan.
Mr. Wright grinned, clapping him on the shoulder.“ Now, how about we talk over some coffee?” Mr. Wright turned and began walking toward the courtroom exit, Apollo following. “I can introduce you to Trucy.”
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