#maybe it’s just cuz I don’t watch tv and don’t get ads on YouTube anymore
spookyboywhump · 2 years
I miss PSA’s you don’t really see very many PSA’s these days
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neo-culture-taste · 5 years
Subscribe! - I Want a Baby Now
Pairing: Kun x Reader (fem)
Genre: AU, romance, comedy, fluff
Word count: 2403
Summary: A YouTube inspired drabble series where you and your boyfriend upload videos catering to the couple tag.
For other members, see masterlist.
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The video began with you standing very close to the camera as you adjusted it into position. Once it was sitting how you wanted it to be, you took a few steps back to check how it appeared from afar, and revealed the rest of your apartment's living room with the camera in perfect view of your couch. You smiled to yourself and clapped your hands at your handiwork. 
"Perfect!" The clip changed to you standing close to the camera again, this time so you could speak directly to your audience. "Hi and hello, everyone! Welcome back to my channel! Today I have a little treat planned for all of you. Since you keep requesting over and over for me to make another video with my boyfriend," you said. Screenshots of some of the comments you received from your viewers appeared on the screen around you, "I'm finally giving in. But why not make it fun, right? So as you can see, today," you clasped your hands together and shook them in front of you as you spoke," I'm going to prank Kun into thinking that I want to have a baby right now. I hid my camera inside my bag on this little table thing I have," you said and the accompanying picture displayed on the screen. "So it just looks like I tossed my bag here after coming home from vlogging. Totally inconspicuous." You laughed to yourself a bit maniacally, a little devil emoji appearing next to your head. "Kun's on his way over with some food and when he gets here I'm going to purposely put on a show with babies in it so it won't be random when I bring it up." You stepped away from the camera again and held your arms out wide. "Now let the show begin!"
The clip changed to your boyfriend walking in with the bag of food and then greeting you with a kiss before he set the bag down onto your coffee table. He took the seat next to you, playfully pushing you over with his butt so he could fit next to you and the arm rest. Why he couldn't just sit on the other side, you didn't know. As he took out the food and handed you your order, he asked you what you were watching. Trying to suppress the grin that was threatening to form on your face, you told him the name of the show and then began eating your food.
The video cut to a couple minutes later. You had finished eating your food fairly quickly and Kun had only a few bites left to his. Now was a good time to change the direction of your conversation. " Aw,  it must be so fun to have a house full of kids like that." You shifted in your seat and turned to face him, doing a little bounce on the cushion to add some enthusiasm to your facade. “Hey, babe?"
"Hm?" he answered you with a mouth full of food.
"How many kids do you want to have?"
He turned away from the TV to face you and smiled as he finished chewing. "This show giving you baby fever?"
You smiled back at him, but yours was underlined with mischief. "Maaaaybe," you said and a laughing emoji popped onto the screen. 
"How many kids do you want?" he asked you instead. 
"I asked you first."
Kun chuckled. "Maybe about three or four. I like the idea of having a big family."
You looked genuinely surprised. "Yes! Me, too," you said happily wrapping yourself around his arm. "It's going to be so great. Just think of all the cute family photos."
"And the college tuition."
You rolled your eyes at him, but then pressed your chest more onto his arm. "Let's start now."
"Eh?" He looked at you a bit confused. 
"Let's start our family now," you said and rubbed your hand across his chest. "Put a baby in me, Kun." You couldn't help but smile after that and three crying laughing emojis appeared on the screen. It sounded so raunchy but you needed to say it for the effect it had on your boyfriend--who of which was looking at you like you had just grown a second head. 
"Woah, there. What's gotten into you?" His brain obviously went to the direction that you were on some new bedroom kink. And although it was sudden, he wasn't opposed to playing along. 
"I want to have a baby." You let go of his arm and swung your leg over him so you could straddle his lap. His hands automatically went to hold your thighs and yours held onto his shoulders. "Will you help me?" you asked then leaned in to kiss him. 
Not fully distracted by your sex appeal, Kun was still in a rational head space. "We don't even live together yet."
"Doesn't matter." You kissed him again, it was still short but more heated than the first. 
"And we're not married," he added when you pulled back a bit. 
"Doesn't matter," you repeated. Instead of kissing his lips again, you decided to go for the weak spot on his ear. 
Kun's hands slid up and around your thighs to lay purchase on your ass. "And we're still in school. We're not financially or mentally ready."
You knew this wasn't going to be easy. You rolled your eyes again and let out a sigh as you moved away from his ear, pretending to be annoyed. "It takes months for a baby to arrive. I can move in with you and save all the money I would be paying on rent here. And we don't have to get married right away or even have a wedding."
The camera zoomed in on your boyfriend's face as it twisted into a look of absolute disbelief. "We don't have to have a wed--you have like five Pinterest boards dedicated to your future wedding!" Oh shit, you forgot about that. "And normally the baby comes after the wedding."
"Who cares if we do things a little out of order. I want to start my family with you now." You leaned to kiss him again but he dodged you at the last second by turning his head away. "Whaaat?  Come ooon," you whined and moved your hips a little bit against his. "Come in." You threw your head back in laughter at your dirty joke, but Kun didn't find it very funny at the moment.
He gripped the sides of your hip and pushed you a little further back on his lap. "This is something we seriously need to sit down and talk about."
"We can talk about it after you put the baby in me. Now, come on!" You went to undo his belt but he stopped you at lightning speed, accompanied by the sound of a whip cracking. Right afterwards the video played an instant replay of what he did in slow motion.
"Y/N stop. You might think we can handle a baby right now, but this decision isn't just yours. It's mine too and I don't want to have a baby right now."
"But baaabe--"
"No, now get off me. We can talk about this seriously if you want to but it's not going to happen until much later from now." He grabbed your wrists as your hands tried to make their way to his chest again. "And I can't talk to you properly about it like this!"
"Because your body is telling you to go and make a baby!"
"No! It's just reacting to what you're doing right now! We can go and practice but we're not going all the way until we plan this out for real."
Okay. It was time to try a different tactic. You thought that maybe tugging on his heartstrings a little bit would be able to convince him, so you put on a frown and pretended to get upset. "We don't need to practice or plan because I'm completely serious right now. I've been thinking about this for a while and I can't wait anymore. I want to start a family with you. Do you not want to have one with me?"
Kun's eyes widened in panic. "No, no, no! It's not that!" He pulled you back closer to him then wrapped his arms around your waist. "I do. But just not right now, babe. There's so much we need to accomplish before we have a baby. If we do it now then it's going to be hard trying to juggle taking care of a baby and doing everything else."
"It won't be hard cuz we'll be together and our families will be around to help us." You gasped in excitement. "Just think how excited your mom will be." Kun was quiet as he thought it over,  searching your eyes for any hint of reluctance. You knew talking about his mom would get to him. "Everyone will be so happy and we'll be the happiest." He remained silent. "You'd be an amazing father," you said softly and ran your fingers through his hair "Come on. Have a baby with me."
Your boyfriend sat there in silence for a little bit longer, his hands caressing your back as he thought through all his options. "But..," he finally said, "you're still on birth control. So it's not going to happen now even if we tried."
You smiled at him, thinking to yourself that you'd won. "I didn't take my pill today," you said and put your forehead against his. "And if it doesn't happen now then we will just have to keep trying until it works." You closed the distance between your lips and captured him in another kiss. 
He reciprocated without any hesitation, but once you broke away he had something else to say. "I want to. I really do. But I really don't think this is a good idea for right now." Dammit, Kun! 
It was time for Plan C. You pulled back away from him and scowled. "If you don't want to have a baby with me right now, then I'll go find someone else to do it," you said and got off his lap to stand up.
"WHAT?!" Kun shot up from his seat to stand next to you. "Who the hell are you going to go to?!"
You turned away from him so he would see you smiling. "I don't know. It doesn't matter. I'll take the first guy that wants to have a baby right now since you're so adamant about not having one."
"NOT HAVING ONE RIGHT NOW. NOT RIGHT NOW." Oh gosh, you wanted to laugh so badly. 
You fixed your face into looking angry again and turned back to him. "It's now or never, Kun! I really really want this!"
"You want this bad enough that you'd leave me?" He sounded a bit hurt. You were starting to feel a little bad now.
"I didn't say I was leaving you, just that I would get someone else to put a baby in me."
"THAT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE." Lmao, it didn't.
"Yes, it does. So if you want to be the one to do this with me, then let's go!" You pointed in the direction of your bedroom and stomped your foot.
"Fine! If you want one that badly, then come here." He grabbed you by your shirt to pull you towards him then he kissed you roughly. You giggled against him and tried to pull away, but he wasn't letting up. He curled his fingers underneath the hem of your shirt and was about to put it up, but you managed to break away from him and took a step back.
"Wait!" you yelled through your laughter.
"You just said you didn't want to wait and now I can't wait," he said and reached out his hand to pull you back. But you ran away from him and went closer towards the camera. You reached inside the bag it was in, trying to uncover it, but Kun came up behind you and captured you by the waist, pressing his body against your backside as he planted kisses along the side of your neck. 
"It's a prank!" you yelled. "This was a prank! Babe, look!"
Kun stopped his actions and looked up to see the camera out of your bag and the red light that indicated that it was currently filming. His face went slack and he slowly let go of you. You could tell he was absolutely ticked off, because he then closed his eyes and turned around while taking a deep breath. You stood beside him and continued to laugh at his expense, laughing harder when he shook his head and peered up at the ceiling in an attempt to calm himself down.
"I knew you were acting weird," he said and ran his tongue across his teeth.
"I'm sorry, baby. They really wanted to see you again." You tried to hug him but he rejected and push you away.
"You are not uploading this."
"I have to!" You went to hug him again and laughed when you got the same reaction as before. "I put so much work into it. Don't you think I was a good actor?" He answered you by looking at your face angrily, but he failed and looked away from you again as soon as his smile began to spread. He wasn't that mad at you. It probably would make an entertaining video. He was just super embarrassed that he fell for it. 
"Come find me when you're done playing tricks," he told you and walked away and out of the frame. 
"Aw, Kun! Come back!" He said something the camera's microphone didn't fully pick up, but it made you laugh before you decided to focus it on you. "Well, I hope you all liked this video. I have to go cheer up Kun and make it up to him. Follow me on all my accounts listed below, like this video, and click the subscribe button if you want to see more videos with my boyfriend. But maybe I should hold off on tricking him for a little bit, huh?" You switched the camera from holding it in one of your hands to the other. "Thanks so much for watching! And I'll see you later! Tootles!"
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