#maybe mikuni wants to die at misono's hands
childrenofthesun77 · 4 months
Still wondering if mikuni making 13 clone illusions of himself that need to be killed in order to destroy the barrier spell is just mikuni messing with everyone or if he's secretly hoping someone will kill him thinking he's just one of his clones before he causes the death of so many people.
One thing I still find so baffling about mikuni seemingly being on board with the ritual is that his main spell, the one he created when he was a teenager, judges you if you killed a human and gets heavier for every additional human you have killed.
We also saw how terrified young mikuni was when he used the spell on tsurugi for the first time, regardless if it was because he could have killed tsurugi or because he realized tsurugi had killed humans before, it shows that when he was younger mikuni valued human life.
Even if mikuni changed his views since then, maybe there is still a part of him that wants to be stopped.
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chorochororin · 2 years
I actually think that the contract between Mikuni and Jeje could have been more of a “business” type instead of a “Servamp“ type
From what I know about Servamp to this day could expand why Mikuni and Jeje doesn’t need an actual contract to their relationship
Assuming that this still stands, Mikuni could negotiate Jeje in terms of letting Jeje (potentially) know ‘how to die’ (and his mothers death) in exchange of being (a pawn) to Mikuni’s schemes
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This doesn’t need that Jeje is necessarily the ‘victim’ in the relationship; I also believe is due to his “Envy energy” (mentioned in Mikuni’s mother death) might be a sabotage to Mikuni’s plan and sanity, so are both harming each other in their own way
Also, the distance limit from my previous post - yep, that’s suspicious.
Mikuni had also shown to be interest in learning about Servamps and had experimental knowledge about them (Kuro trapped in a ball and Johanness influence) so maybe it is also an experimental relationship (maybe something to do with Jeje’s sturdiness/ strength without blood)
Back on track, on the other hand, I don’t think that the contract will last long nor is it beliveable because
1. Little was known about Jeje and Mikuni themselves: their initial goals and “ behind the scenes” content
2. A Servamp contract could also benefit Mikuni, even better to extend strength to find Tsumugi and fight off enemies
3. Mikuni’s skill “My fair lady” needs Jeje to activate and it bears the fictional title that Licht‘s and Misono’s skill also does (correct me here); so either this is a highly trained C3 skill or it is a Servamp - Eve skill
4. I want to believe that Jeje will play an important role in the plot like Freyja during C3 arc and Illdio during recent arc. Thus, if the pattern is true, then Envy arc will have to establish Jeje - Mikuni Servamp contract in order to build trust and fucked up they did (like Misono, Licht, Iduna, and Mahiru had done)
Regardless, I still think that Jeje - Mikuni business contract is interesting and it could expand the ideologies and interest between Servamp and Human world with Mikuni’s cynical needs and intentions in the story. We‘ll just see
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seysei · 3 years
CW// mention of suicide
It's the middle of the night and I can't sleep. Just thinking about how crazy it would be if it turned out Mikuni was never the one to kill his Mother, and neither Jeje, and she did it herself... And I have absolutely NO backup for this, it's just a crazy thought I want to share with ya.
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To begin with how did Mikuni even overpower this bitch. Like she has a FREAKING KNIFE WITH HER AND A TALL ASS VAMPIRE- and on top of it she was ready to murder an eight years old child. Let's say Jeje didn't step in like we mostly think.
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I think when she saw how her own son technically chose Misono over her and how he risked his life to protect him, made her feel terrible. Thinking about how her husband didn't love her and started thinking even her own child didn't too. She doubted Mikuni would ever look at her the same way after seeing her in this cruel and mad state she was in. She hated herself for it. She hated how she let jealousy control her and she hated how much of a bad mother she now was. she couldn't bear the jealousy, anger and betrayal she felt. So um, after blahblahblah whatever more happened between them she couldn't take it anymore and ended herself, she just couldn't bear it anymore, it drove her insane. Perhaps she wanted to free herself from the jealousy that took over her and maybe pay for her sin. Now this cought both Mikuni and Jeje off guard, and imagine how terrified Mikuni must have been when she did that right in front of his eyes.
Hmm, so why was Mikuni holding the knife if it wasn't him who killed her? (I know I should probably shut up about suicide now but bear with me) well after seeing such a thing, shit must have been going through his mind, too much for him to handle, he still couldn't process what he just saw, and he probably blamed himself. His actions drove her to do this. If he hadn't let his feelings out, maybe if he hadn't told her how miserable he felt because she and Mikado where the most awful parents. She wouldn't have done it (Now I know Mikuni is calm and collected in the most shittiest situations when he shouldn't be and of course would be very careful with his words in a situation like that, because he knows that doing anything recklessly would make everything go wrong, but maybe at that time, on that night, he wasn't able to do it properly while facing his own mother that was overcome and blinded by jealousy.)
So anyways back to where we were. He maybe intended to do it too, end his life. And I'm not saying Mikuni is suicidal or really wanted to die, but maybe felt like he should die at that moment, he felt like he just killed his mother and should pay for it, he was scared he would be the reason someone else he loves would do that too. So he grabbed the knife from her hand while shaking terribly, and before he could do any harm to himself Jeje stopped him.
Instead offered to run away, To leave this messed up mansion. There was no way for Mikuni to stay here anyway, not after Misono had just walked in on them, yikes. Of course he would get the wrong idea, and there is no point or way of explaining what just happened to a little kid. Mikuni didn't want to either. He was fine with the idea his whole family had, it didn't matter anyways because he still saw himself as his mother's killer although he didn't do it with his own two hands. He was scared, and really did want to leave. run far far away. So he did, with Jeje by his side.
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This is also part of why I think my fair lady looks like his mother and why it's the way it is. Such as the rope, punishment for the sinners etc. And how ropes can usually represent something like suicide since people- um, do it that way. I know there are many explanations on what happened between Mikuni and his mother that night that makes much more sense than this lmao also on his lead that are very accurate,So um, if you read this until the very end. You amaze me.
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pocket-luv101 · 3 years
First Impressions // Chapter 1
Fandom: Servamp Ship: LawLicht (main), KuroMahi (side), Tetsono (side), Jekuni (side) Characters: Hyde, Licht, Kuro, Mahiru
Summary: After Licht meets the wealthy bachelor, Hyde, she was certain that she could never be friends with him. Their paths continues to cross and she slowly comes to know him. Licht wonders if she judged him too quickly. (LawLicht, Pride and Prejudice AU, Fem Licht)
(Ch.1) //
Licht was immersed in playing her piano. She loved music and she wanted to become a pianist. She understood that it would be difficult for her to be a professional musician due to her gender. Women were taught music and art but there was an expectation that they would perform as a hobby rather than a career. Despite the limitations, Licht was determined to pursue her dreams.
She hoped to provide for her sisters with her passion as well. While her family were respected among high society, they were far from wealthy. Both of her parents were rather frivolous with money. She had four sisters whom she adored and she wanted to give them an easy life. The hardship the sisters faced brought them closer.
“Father, I must speak with you immediately!” Mikuni yelled as she stormed into the drawing room. Licht was confused by her sister’s tone of voice. She rarely heard her be genuinely angry as she was now. While Mikuni would often feign a dramatic personality around strangers, she was truly a composed and intelligent person. “What is this that I’ve found in the study?”
She slammed a piece of paper onto the table in front of their father. Licht was curious what could’ve made her sister so upset and she stopped playing to listen to their conversation. Mikuni stabbed her finger against the words on the paper and Licht thought the table would break beneath her anger.
“Your will states that our house and land will be inherited by the male heir of our family after your death. Must I remind you that you have five daughters and no sons, Father? If you die without a son, the house will be given to our cousin, Haruto, and he will surely evict us. You will be forcing us to be homeless or to rely on the charity of others.” Mikuni took a pen and pressed it into her father’s hand. “I will not leave this spot until you amend this will so the house will be split equally among the five of us.”
“Mikuni, you are being unreasonable. This is a fairly standard will. Women are not permitted to inherit property so I couldn’t include you in my will. You are very intelligent so you should be able to understand the law.” He said and his answer only made her frown deepen. “Your Uncle Toru is very kind. Perhaps he can take you girls in.”
“We grew up in this house and Mikuni should be the one to inherit it.” Licht argued in support of her sister. “She took over the estate’s finances and she’s the only reason we weren’t forced to sell off the house to settle your gambling debt. Mikuni can run the business better than Haruto. He has never stepped foot on our land and doesn’t know it as well as Mikuni.”
The Eves owned a modest animal farm and their main income came from training horses for nobles. When Mikuni was only seventeen, she had decided to help with the family’s business. She had gained the respect of the workers over the past ten years and they saw her as their manager over her father. Despite her efforts to save her family’s home from debtors, she would still lose it.
“You father and I have already discussed the issue, my sweet children.” Their mother said. “There is no need to worry about our financial security after you find husbands. In fact, a wealthy family will be moving into the estate next to ours. The Servamp family has several eligible bachelors and one will be taken with our beautiful Sakura. Perhaps, several will ask for her hand!”
“The town hall will be throwing a public ball to welcome them to the countryside. I shall introduce you to them.” Her father added.
“A ball? We must go into the village and buy me a new dress for the occasion. All the men will fawn over me.” Sakura cheered in excitement and jumped to her feet. She was the youngest sister at nineteen and she was rather spoiled. Licht hoped that her younger sister would mature out of her vain personality with age. “Mikuni, can I borrow money? I already spent my allowance on my new bonnet.”
“Sakura, we cannot afford to buy you a new dress every time you step out of the house. I’m certain that you will find a suitable gown in your closet.” Mikuni told Sakura sternly. She turned to her parents and her backs straightened. “I don’t agree with your plan to marry us off, as though that will solve the issue. I will find a way for the house to stay in our family.”
“You have always been a headstrong woman.” He sighed. “JeJe, make tea for us. It should help calm Mikuni.”
“JeJe, escort me to the stables. I want to oversee Misono’s riding lesson and whether Tetsu is caring for her properly.” Mikuni purposely spoke over her father. JeJe stopped next to her and she placed her hand on the crook of his arm. She began to leave the room with him. She only looked back to her parents to say: “For the sake of my sisters, I wish you a long and healthy life. I want you to know that I’m disappointed by both of you.”
Licht watched Mikuni leave and she debated if she should go after her. She knew her well enough to understand that her sister would prefer to be alone to think. As she closed the lid on her pianoforte, she decided she should find her fifth sister, Mahiru. She didn’t want her to return home to the tense atmosphere and be confused. She could explain the situation to her so she would be prepared at least.
She wrapped a shawl around her and she left the house. Licht thought of the different places her sister could be on the estate and she immediately walked to the stream. They loved to play in the shallow water when they were children and Mahiru still loved the spot. She could trust to find her next to the stream with a sketchbook on her lap.
Licht passed the horse stable and crossed the field to reach the creek that bordered their property. She stared at the grand manor that rested on the other side of the creek. Her mother said the Servamp family would move into the estate in a week. She didn’t agree with her plan to arrange marriages for them. She was a little curious about the family though. Even lost in thought, her feet were familiar with the path and she could walk to the creek easily.
In the distance, she could see her sister. Mahiru sat on a wooden swing that hung from the tree overlooking the lake. She didn’t call out to her immediately because she wanted to play a childish prank on her. She crept behind her sister so she wouldn’t notice her immediately. The moment Mahiru stopped drawing, Licht jumped forward and lightly grabbed her shoulders. “Surprise, Mahiru!”
“Licht?” She gasped and almost fell off the swing. Mahiru placed her feet on the ground and rocked her body back so she was looking up at Licht. “Is it time for lunch already? I was certain that the bell only rang ten times. I’ll start cooking. Is there anything particular you want to eat?”
The sisters would do the chores around the house to help save money. They had to depend on each other while they were growing up. Their father was often gambling and their mother only doted on Sakura. Mikuni’s efforts to save their family home inspired the others to do the same. Licht wanted to become a pianist, Misono helped Mikuni and Mahiru worked with the house’s staff.
“I came to warn you that Mikuni had another fight with father about the family estate. I didn’t want you to be blindsided when you return home.” The swing seat was wide enough for two people so Licht sat next to her sister. She lightly pushed the swing into motion with her feet and Mahiru mirrored her movements. She told her about their father’s will as they swinged slowly.
Mahiru stared at the sketchbook on her lap where she had drawn their house. They had countless memories connected to their home and she couldn’t think of leaving everything behind. “Father is still in good health so we still have time for the will to be changed. Perhaps, the title can be given to Uncle Toru. I trust him not to throw us out. I would prefer if Mikuni was given the house but it’s nearly impossible.”
“By the law of arrogant men, property cannot be owned by property. We are so much more than what they see us as. Women should be provided the same rights as men.” Licht spat. Her anger became a cunning grin and she said: “In the event that the house does fall into Haruto’s hands, we must welcome him with a feast.”
“Extending an olive branch could help us keep the house.” Mahiru nodded. “We can explain to him that it’ll be best for everyone to have Mikuni run the estate.”
“I had planned to poison his wine. We shall keep his death a secret and tell the lawyers that he is simply on a business trip. We can live in our home indefinitely. Though, we will need to find a safe way to dispose of his body.” Licht suggested. Mahiru knew that she was partially joking with her outlandish suggestion and she laughed. She wanted to ease the tense atmosphere with the joke.
“Licht, you must stop reading those gothic novels. They’re quite macabre. Maybe we can get away with your plan because the constable will not suspect women of being so ruthless.” Mahiru stopped the swing and she stared at the garden across the lake. “Do you remember how we would cross the creek to pick the flowers on Hanafield? It’ll be dangerous to sneak into the garden now that it’s being rented.”
“Well, the Servamps won’t be here until next week. We should pick flowers while we still can. No one will notice if a few goes missing.” Licht jumped off the swing and took her sister’s hands. She lightly tugged her off the swing and then pulled her towards the creek. A fallen tree reached over the water and they used it as a bridge.
“We shouldn’t trespass on someone’s property, Licht. We were young when we went to pick flowers from Hanafield’s garden and we didn’t know that they belonged to someone else.” Mahiru followed her sister even though she felt a little concerned. She had always admired how free-spirited Licht was. “We should only pick the wildflowers next to the creek.”
“Alright. But we should collect enough to make flower crowns for Mikuni and Misono and all of the horses in the stables!” Licht decided and Mahiru nodded in agreement.
They reached the end of the fallen tree and Licht held onto her sister’s hand to keep her balance as she stepped down. The wood was slippery but she wasn’t afraid of falling into the creek. Her slippers were flat and allowed her to walk easier than heels. The two sisters didn’t notice the horses grazing on the grass downstream from the log.
“You shouldn’t be trespassing on this land, Ladies. May we escort you back to the village?” A voice behind her caused Licht to turn her head slightly to see who it was. She took her eyes off the ground and she placed her feet on a loose tree branch. She felt herself fall backwards and her stomach dropped. Licht didn’t want to drag her sister into the water as well so she let go of her hand.
Mahiru called her name but her voice was quickly muffled by water. Between the cold water and the impact of the water, Licht was disorientated. She managed to turn herself in the water to see sister reach out to her but someone held her back. The layers of Licht’s dress made it difficult to swim to the surface. Her lungs burned but she knew she couldn’t breathe in as her body screamed for her to.
Suddenly, a warmth surrounded her hand.
Licht was pulled out of the creek and she could finally breathe again. She clung to the creek’s bank and took a moment to collect herself. A hand patted her back and she found it easier to breathe with the light touch. She wasn’t able to thank the person who saved her before Mahiru took her attention. Her sister knelt in front of her and immediately placed a shawl around her wet shoulders.
“Did you hit your head, Licht? Do you feel dizzy? We must take you to the doctor to see if you have a concussion or hurt.” Mahiru insisted. Even though she was the middle sister, she would mother her sisters. “Thank the gods that this gentleman was here to save you. Let me help you out of the water, Licht. Keep the shawl around you.”
Mahiru’s words made Licht realize that her clothes were soaked through. She was grateful that she wore a dark blue dress and it didn’t reveal anything. Licht tied the shawl around her shoulders before she took the hand Mahiru held out to her. She climbed out of the water and looked back into the creek. The man who saved her had his back turned to her and she assumed it was out of politeness.
“Thank you,” Licht said to him. The blond man turned to face her and she thought that he had a handsome face. He had jumped into the water to save her without hesitation so he was likely a kind man.
“We would love to speak with you gentlemen longer but I must take my sister to the doctor. She also needs dry clothes.” Mahiru interrupted them and Licht knew that she was right. They exchanged a polite goodbye as they left. Licht heard water splash behind them and she assumed the man had climbed out of the water. She wondered if she’ll get the chance to thank him for saving her and learn his name.
She grew up in the countryside so she knew most of the residents. Licht didn’t recognize him though. She looked over her shoulder to the blond man. He walked to another man and she recognized that he was the one to stop Mahiru from jumping after her. Their appearances didn’t resemble each other but the way they regarded each other reminded her of siblings.
Then, she overheard their conversation.
“Who do you think they were, Kuro? Their clothes are refined but their manner doesn’t reflect that. Her sister tried to jump into the water. I know she intended to help her sister but she wouldn’t have been able to do much. At least you were there to stop her. Which family do you think they belong to?”
“Hyde, you shouldn’t call her sister— Hyde?” Kuro yelled in shock when a slipper flew past him to strike his brother. His voice was drowned out by Licht’s rage.
“How dare you speak lowly of my sister, Shit Rat? Apologize or face me in a duel!” Licht yelled. She loved her family and she wouldn’t allow someone to disrespect them. She took off her other slipper to throw at him but her sister stopped her. Mahiru knew her words were far from a threat and she tried to pull her back. “Never step onto my creek again!”
Hyde couldn’t pull himself out of his shock to respond to her. He didn’t intend to insult her family and upset her. He wasn’t able to apologize before she was gone. Beside him, Kuro sighed: “That was a terrible way to introduce ourselves to the neighbours.”
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jekunitrash · 4 years
Of broken bonds and sorrows- Prologue
Before you start reading, please know that you may get spoilers from the manga if you haven't read up until chapter 80. This story will likely follow the events from latest chapters. That's all--
A young brunette with chestnut eyes was cooking ramen in a simple but still well equipped kitchen. It was his partner's favorite food- well, partner was a bit vague but he was more than a friend and not exactly a teammate-  and he hadn't been able to make it for him because of his injury, the one he got when fighting against Touma. He had heard from his uncle the man survived in the end, which he was somehow relieved for but in all honesty he didn't want to see him so soon either. It had been an awful battle, and he had trouble realizing it had already been a whole month since then. What's more, it seemed Misono had seen his brother from afar but with the building collapsing he couldn't insist on talking to him. It appeared Mikuni had something to do with the subclasses' release and maybe more, as he left with a strange and unknown object. Mahiru wondered what could have motivated him to get this involved in the war, and why was he talking to one of Tsubaki' s subclasses but-
"Hey, Mahiru. The water is boiling." His partner, Kuro, said making him snap out of his thoughts.
"Oh, you're right."
"You were thinking about last time in C3, uh? You do this too often. Anyways... even Tsubaki hasn't made a move in ages. Maybe you could relax. Learn from me, right?" The blue haired vampire gave a lazy thumbs up.
"In your case, you're too relaxed." Mahiru replied. "But, that's right... everyone is okay now... though the other servamps are still weakened by their jinn loss..."
Kuro said nothing on that matter. He didn't know if they should really worry about it- that was, he wondered if it was a life or death matter. Sure, the others had changed in a way but... they were alive. He didn't know if perhaps they would become weaker and weaker with time, and it was too troublesome for him to think about.
-"That, they will probably be fine. I'm more worried about my poor stomach right now." He said eventually, making his eve's eyebrow twitch.
"May I remind you that you are a vampire, you don't need those ramen."
"No, I do. Ramen is vital for me."
"Ah, sure. We're going to the convenience store after this. I need to buy water, milk, and-"
"Can't deal. I will die in sunlight and your arm just healed. You can't carry heavy objects."
They went on arguing for about three minutes until Mahiru won, as usual. Or to be accurate, until Kuro gave up because he couldn't deal with arguing. So here they were, their meal taken, strolling through the streets. Well, Kuro was on his eve's shoulder in cat form, but it was amazing in itself that he was outside and not playing games on the couch.
After walking for a while though both the teen and the immortal felt something like a presence. It was hard to describe, the being felt like it was dangerous but not exactly in the way they were used to. 'It' had a strong presence and they sensed it, but it wasn't a vampire. Mahiru expected the individual to be watching from above or following them, he didn't think he-at least that posture made him believe he was a man- would actually appear right in front of them. The person was wearing a large cape with a hood that covered his face, and he thought someone like that should have been noticeable but no one seemed to pay any mind to him. 'Wait,' Mahiru realized, 'there is no one here. Only this person and us. When...?' Looking closely, there was another striking matter: the weather had drastically changed since they felt him coming, as when Tsubaki made his illusions. However, this felt different in a way. The enclosed space he assumed they were in oddly ressembled the world he knew. Just what kind of individual had he encountered.
And, suddenly, he heard two distinct words he didn't comprehend at first: "Found you." What dit that mean? Surely, he was talking to them but... was he actually like Tsubaki, a little brother the servamps didn't know of? There was no sign of response from Kuro for now, and Mahiru doubted he was acquitanced with him. However.
-" Ah, what great news. I see, though, that you eves like to keep your pets close... It makes things more difficult..."
At that Kuro visibly tensed. He still hadn't reverted to his human form, but he was clearly alert.
-" Do you have business with us...?" He avoided saying Mahiru's name just in case.
The hooded man seemed to ponder on it for a few seconds, but then the brunette thought he distinguished what might be a smile.
-" That is, how to say... I do, but, I'm afraid it isn't what you think. Not at all."
This time Kuro stood next to Mahiru, ready for battle or to make them get out of here, whichever sounded best.
-" I see you are all very protective of them. " The stranger said, not minding the sudden change of behaviour.
"Wha- you met the other eves? Wait, no... You fought them?" The teen asked while trying to remain calm.
"'Figth' isn't the right word. I do not take pleasure in attacking others. If possible, I would have prefered meeting when you were alone, Shirota Mahiru."
The latter didn't have the time to enquire on how did he know his name, as Kuro nearly growled and materialized claws.
"Sorry, man, but that's not gonna happen."
He expected the man to at least adopt a defensive position, but it never happened. That person walked to them completly relaxed, making Mahiru take out his lead as well. He heard Kuro tell the man to stop, saw him lash out when he ignored him, and the next thing he knew, his partner was on the ground.
-"Kuro !?" He was blocked by a hand when trying to run to his partner, and although he had earned some experience in fighting it was as if his movements were far slower than this person's. He had knocked out Tsubaki's subclasses once, and yet he felt he didn't stand a chance against him.
-"I'm sorry about this. The cat is sleeping, though. As for you... could you also shut your eyes for a while?"
No matter how hard he tried to think of something, it was too late. Mahiru's vision was blurry and he fell on the floor without realizing what happened. He remembers thinking 'who is he' all the while, but everything went blank at some point.
He awoke with a start, then looked around frantically when he recalled what had occured. He was quite shocked to see he was in his own room and felt no pain anywhere. He went searching for Kuro, only to find him casually lying on the couch. As usual.
-" Ah, good morning."
Mahiru blinked. "What do you mean, 'good morning?' More importantly, are you okay?"
It was the vampire's turn to stare quizzically. "Ugh, can't deal. You're the one who looks strange. You had a weird dream or something?"
What, a dream? No way, this had been too realistic to be one. Mahiru took his phone to look at the date but then he saw a text from Misono.
'Come at the cafe next to my place for 2:00 pm. I insist that you come alone. This is important."
Mahiru read the text in silence, wondering if it was wise to go by himself. Though he was starting to think maybe he had indeed had a dream.
-"... Kuro, I'm going out."
"Eh? You don't want me to-"
"No, it's okay. See you later." He smiled.
What was goign to ensue, none of them could have predicted it.
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jekunitrash · 4 years
Chaos in the Alicein household_Chapter 5
Jeje woke up at 7am, which was really early considering they weren't going anywhere today. But he wasn't sleepy anymore and vampires didn't need to sleep in the first place. He was about to move but quickly caught himself when he realised Mikuni was still comfortably installed in his arms. He looked peaceful for once and Jeje would feel guilty if he was to wake up because of him. So there he was staring at him sleeping again. It was becoming a weird habit, although it wasn't that shocking. They had known each other for years, and they were also linked by the contract. There was nothing wrong about taking care of his eve, Jeje decided.
Speaking of Mikuni, he was starting to wake up. His brows  furrowed slightly and his eyes fluttered open, but he closed them immediatly, burying his head into Jeje's chest in the process. The vampire would have laughed at his antics if he wasn't so quiet and introverted. He felt something else besides amusement that reminded him he had to talk with Lily. Mikuni on the other hand didn't seem to want to get out of bed, as he resolutely kept hiding in the vampire's arms. The latter thought he fell asleep again at some point but a grunt from the blonde indicated him that it wasn't the case.
Mikuni snuggled a bit more, which made his servamp blush, before finally raising his head. He was still drowsy but at least he managed to keep his eyes open. He stared at Jeje for several seconds, and the vampire couldn't help but think he was cute like that.
-"'Morning Jeje." He said with a smile.
-"Good morning." The servamp replied. " Do you want to go for breakfast?"
Mikuni seemed to ponder on the question for a while. Misono should be awake by now, possibly waiting for them to show up. So he nodded in affirmation but recalled something at the same time.
-"Speaking about breakfast... I proposed you blood yesterday." He said looking to the side. Even he could be embarrassed.
Jeje blinked then smiled, but it was covered by his paperbags that he had miraculously kept the whole night. He lightly tugged on his eve's collar, as if asking for confirmation. The blonde merely tilted his head to the side, indicating that it was fine. Jeje then bit gently (if it was possible) and started drinking. Like last time, he didn't take too much, just enough to enjoy the taste. He pulled back as soon as he was done and they stayed in bed for two more minutes before getting up.
As expected, Misono was waiting for them. He gave a questioning look to Mikuni who suddenly remembered the 'conversation' from last night.
-"Ah, Misono. Um... sorry about yesterday. I overreacted. It's fine if we invite the C3."
"I don't really mind." Misono replied. " I mean, I already knew you were a pain."
Mikuni looked scandalized at that, eventhough his brother said it in a teasing way.
-" But what made you change your mind?" The teen asked. Mikuni threw a quick glance at Jeje before answering :
-"Let's say I had some time to think about it... and I have a good partner." He had mumbled the last part and although Jeje was probably as red as a tomato, at least he wasn't the only one feeling embarrassed. Misono didn't make any comment on the two, he only said it was good if Mikuni was sure.
So it was settled, they would invite the C3 except for Touma. Lily was in charge of helping his eve preparing the food and games for every one. It was currently 9am and their guests would be coming at 6pm, so they had more than enough time. They got to work right after breakfast, Lily sent texts to everyone to inform them about the party, Mikuni who was good at manual tasks made some decorations with Jeje helping as best as he could and Misono made a list with all the games they could play. There were still three hours left after they were done with the preparations, so Jeje thought it would be a good time to ask Lily about those 'feelings' he couldn't put a name on.
-"So what did you want to talk about?" The servamp of lust was surprised when his older brother said he wanted to speak with him since he rarely piped a word.
-"It's about Mikuni..."
" Is something wrong with him?"
"No, actually... I've been feeling weird around him lately. Not in a bad way, but..."
Lily smirked to himself. He already knew where this was going.
-"I've always wanted to protect him. I felt guilty for what happened to his mother, and it was hard for him to move on."
The other vampire nodded from time to time, letting Doubt Doubt sort out his thoughts.
-" Even so, he's never resented me, and we were in good terms... But I feel like he's more comfortable talking to me since we came back and... I think... that makes me happy... for some reason."
Lily hummed, he could understand that but there was something he wanted to confirm.
-" You said you felt weird around him, right? What kind of weird?"
"Well, you see... when I heard him laugh yesterday, I felt flutters in my stomach... I was worried about him when he got upset, and when he refused to explain why, I became angry. Because he asked me what did it matter to me, and... I didn't want to let him think I didn't care."
"I see... so basically, you've always cared a lot about him but now you've realised there might be something else. And it's bothering you because you can't pinpoint exactly what that is." Lily concluded.
Jeje bit his lip, that was right. He wanted to put a name on his feelings but he didn't even understand what they were. Lily sighed fondly at him. It was obvious what was troubling his brother but not to the one concerned, apparently.
-"Well, I think it might have been long since last time in your case... But surely it's not the first time you experience this, is it?" He tried to give him little hints so he could figure it out by himself. Jeje thought for a while until realization downed on him.
-"You... don't think I 'm in  l-love, do you?" That would be terrible. Lawless was devastated when Ophelia died. Jeje always tried not to think about the inevitable day Mikuni would have to leave his side. It was already painful enough to see his previous eves die, eventhough he never held them dear. Mikuni was different and he didn't want to imagine his life without him. Crap, he really was in love.
Lily could easily guess what he was thinking by the way he was looking down. He didn't want to lose Misono either but they were vampires and their eves humans. Unless they found a way to make them immortals, they couldn't be together forever. That's when Lily had an idea.
-" You know, we've never tried but... maybe it's possible to turn an eve into a subclass. The C3 conducted studies on us, they might know things that de don't."
That sounded too good to be true, but there was hope. And Jeje knew Johannes personally. They couldn't discuss it any further since the boys came in the room. They were perceptive, so they instantly knew something was wrong.
-"Is something the matter?" Misono asked. The servamps looked at each other, silently agreeing not to worry them with that. Not today.
-"It was nothing too serious, don't worry about it boys!" Lily exclaimed while Jeje nodded.
They didn't seem to believe it but the eves just shrugged it off.
-"Okay, well that's good because our guests will be there in an hour. And I won't tolerate for anyone to be in a bad mood." Misono declared.
-"As I said, no need to worry Misono! Everything will be fine."
Right after Lily said that, the doorbell rang. Misono sighed thinking it was most probably Mahiru and Kuro. He went to open the door anyway and his servamp followed after him.
Mikuni watched them go then he turned to face Jeje who was as quiet as usual.
-"Was there a problem? What were you two talking about?" He asked.
Jeje shook his head no, saying it wasn't important and that they should go welcome the sloth pair too. His eve wasn't pleased by this answer but it wouldn't be wise to push the subject now. So he complied and they both went to the entrance hall. When they arrived, Misono was giving a lecture on manners, saying things like 'the guests shouldn't come too early' and such. Mahiru kept apologizing and explained that they went to the store before coming, which was why they arrived earlier than originally planned.
-"Okay then. Follow me to the living room, we'll wait for the others there." Misono finally gave up. They sat at the table talking about trivial things until the other guests showed up. The C3 members came last, which Mikuni was glad for. It would have been disturbing to be face to face with Tsurugi, even if Jeje and the others were there. At least now he was approximately sure the situation wouldn't degenerate too much. That didn't prevent him from tensing up, though, but he was able to relax when he felt Jeje's presence beside him. He could tell the servamp was being protective by the peculiar aura he was emitting.
Soon enough everyone was chit chatting, eating the snacks Mahiru brought. Tsubaki came with Sakuya only, and Junichiro couldn't make it to the party since he had no one to keep his son. So the only C3 members present were Tsurugi and Yumikage. Hyde who was already starting to feel bored suggested they play truth or dare. Admittedly, it wasn't a bad idea, and they all kind of wanted to learn more about the people here.
"Okay, I will start! Nii-san! Truth or dare ?" Hyde exclaimed pointing at Kuro. The latter mumbled a 'can't deal' and chose truth since he was too lazy to move. Predictable.
-" I will be nice since it's the first round... do you love Mahiru?"
Said eve blushed madly at the question while the spectators thought to themselves it wasn't such a nice question. Kuro glared at Hyde as if saying 'are you kidding me?' but answered nonetheless.
-" You're annoying... you know we're dating, did you have to make me say it in front of everyone? Seriously."
There was a blank before some of them yelled in unison, those who had already figured it out just smirked at the pair. Mahiru was far worse than a tomato by now.
-"Oh by the way, Lichtan and I are also dating!" Lawless declared proudly.
More screaming ensued, the most part made by the hedgehog himself as he was receiving his angel's wrath. The rest sweatdropped at the scene. It would be Kuro's turn to choose a 'victim'... when the greed pair would be done, that was.
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pocket-luv101 · 7 years
I saw this post and just had to write a bunch of oneshots based on it. I couldn’t choose one ship so just did them all XD
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“Mahiru, the alarm. Why is the alarm going off on a weekend?” Kuro mumbled and buried his face into his pillow in a feeble attempt to block out the sun. The alarm continued to ring and Kuro groaned. “Mahiru, make it stop!”
Kuro pushed himself onto his elbow despite sleep still weighing down on him. Beside him, Mahiru was still asleep and he was curled into a ball. A smile spread across Kuro’s face when he saw Mahiru defenseless expression. He had stayed up late for a project and he must’ve been tired. “You overworked yourself again. Can’t you take care of yourself before everyone else for once?”
Honestly, Kuro loved that aspect of Mahiru. That kindness saved him and Kuro would do anything to repay him. Kuro reached over Mahiru and turned off the alarm. He also pulled the curtain closed so the sunlight wouldn’t wake Mahiru.
“Kuro?” Mahiru voice was thick with sleep. He shifted next to him and Kuro thought that he had woken up. But Mahiru only turned in his sleep and wrapped his arms around Kuro’s waist. He couldn’t move without waking Mahiru so he laid back onto the bed. Kuro could hear Mahiru’s heartbeat and its rhythm sounded like a soft lullaby to him. Kuro began to drift off again until he was asleep.
A long time ago, Kuro wouldn’t have thought that he could have a such a peaceful morning. He never thought he would be able to feel someone’s warmth next to him. He never thought that he would wake to a soft smile. He thought he didn’t deserve it.
But now, Kuro couldn’t imagine a morning without Mahiru.
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“You cold, Chibi?” Tetsu asked Misono who was trembling slightly. They were cuddled under a blanket and watching a movie. Tetsu was tall and he took up most of the blanket. They didn’t have a larger blanket at the Alicein mansion so he pulled Misono closer to his side and adjusted the blanket around them.
“I’m okay,” Misono blushed when their arms brushed. Tetsu didn’t react and merely continued watching the movie. But Misono was becoming so flustered that he could barely concentrate on the movie. “Wait, why are they going out of the spaceship without a spacesuit? They do know that they’ll die, don’t they?”
“Maybe it’s magic.” Tetsu suggested despite the movie setting place in the real world.
“Maybe the writers are just dumb. Even a monkey can write a better script by banging his head on a typewriter!” Misono criticized and wondered why Mahiru would suggest they watch the movie. He could point out countless inaccuracies and found himself ranting. He felt Tetsu’s eyes on him and turned to him. “What? You don’t think it’s bad?”
“I was thinking that you’re really smart. I like that.” Misono could never understand how Tetsu could compliment him so casually. But his eyes were honest and full of admiration that Misono knew Tetsu was only speaking his thoughts. Tetsu could make him blush without trying and Misono wished that he could make Tetsu flustered as well.
“You want some more manju? I can get DoDo to get us more.” Misono tried to distract himself from his racing heart. The plate was still half full but Tetsu didn’t comment on it. Misono had ordered Mitsuki to buy them for Tetsu since he knew they were his favourite.
“Can you feed me?” Tetsu asked in a surprisingly small voice and Misono’s sharply turned to face him. He was blushing slightly and scratching his cheek. Seeing Tetsu blush was rare so Misono had to give in when he saw it. He took one of the manju and feed it to him. When he would’ve pulled away, Tetsu leaned forward and innocently held a manju against his lips. “Here.”
“Thanks,” Misono ate the manju and it tasted sweeter than usual.
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“Lawless!” He jumped when someone called his name and he followed the voice. Lawless ran into the great hall just as someone came barreling towards him. He was disorientated for a moment and a torrent of frills landed in his arms. He still hadn’t fully orientated himself when he felt warm hands cupping his face. “Thanks for saving me, Lawless.”
“Why did you leave me like that, Ophelia? You’re my Eve so you can’t just go disappearing on me.” Lawless insisted but she only gave him a carefree shrug. Earlier she had sent him to get some cookies from the kitchen but when he came back, she was gone.
“The kids came by and said they wanted to show me something right away.” Ophelia explained. “Anyways, I know that you’ll always find me.”
Lawless blushed at her words and quickly changed the topic. “So what did they want to show you?”
“We’re dancing. Take off your shoes and come join us!” Ophelia held out her hands to him. He looked around the hall and saw that children were sliding across the floor in their socks. The floor was freshly waxed and that allowed them to glide smoothly. “Be careful, this is a little trickier than those kids make it look.”
Ophelia held both of his hands in hers and they struggled to stand as one because the floor was slippery. Even when they fell again, Ophelia only laughed. It sounded like a bird song to him and he knew that he would follow that song no matter where it led him. She was a princess and he was a vampire so he knew that they could never be together.
But he was greedy and would take every moment she would give him.
“Hold onto my hands.” Lawless told her and she nodded. She didn’t question him for a moment or hesitate. He floated in the air slightly and helped her to her feet. Through all the battles and wars, he had always been someone she could depend on. Still floating above her, he lifted her knuckles to his lips and kissed them. “May I have this dance.”
“You may, good sir, but you must come down from there.” Lawless lowered himself in front of her and she placed her hands on his shoulder. Together, they glided over the floor. She rested her head on his shoulder and whispered so only he could hear her. “I wish everyone could know peace like this.”
“It’s a nice thought.” Lawless had to agree. He couldn’t have known how dangerous that wish was. Because in the end, they were both greedy.
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“Lichtan, protect me with your angelic light!” Hyde cried when another jump scare appeared on screen. The popcorn they had went flying and scattered on the ground. Licht didn’t know if he should sigh or scowl at Hyde. He settled on a scowl when Hyde began to cling onto him. “Aren’t you scared, Lichtan?”
“Of course not. If those demons try to attack me, I’ll just send them back to hell. You’re a vampire and you’re afraid of these kinds of movies?” Licht clicked his tongue. Hyde was sitting behind him but Licht could feel his arms shaking slightly. Licht had seen so many sides of him, from his boisterous personality to his insecurities, but Hyde was always surprising him.
“Hey, Lichtan, if those guys come for us, I’ll protect you. It doesn’t matter how scared I am, I’m going to protect you.” Hyde whispered. Licht turned his head to see Hyde’s expression but he was already hiding his face in Licht’s neck.
“I don’t need you to save me. I can protect myself.” Licht told him and felt Hyde’s grip falter around him until it tightened around him once again. Hyde refused to let go and he had no intention of doing so ever again. The last time he let someone he loved slip through his arms, he lost them. He didn’t say the words out loud but Licht knew he had those thoughts.
“You don’t need to protect me because I have no intention of dying on you.” Licht told him with conviction. Hyde didn’t respond or lift his head from his shoulder. He felt Licht’s hand thread through his hair and its warmth spread through his body.
Suddenly, Licht tugged at his hair. “Hey, are you watching the movie or trying to sneak a bite? I swear you’re impossible!”
“Wait, I wasn’t trying to do anything!” Hyde cried when Licht kicked him off the couch. He had to dodge the kick Licht aimed at him. “Why are you being so violent after we were having a moment? Is this because you were getting shy? Lichtan!”
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“Something smells nice in here.” Tsurugi commented when he walked into their apartment. A pleasant smell filled their home and it made the dreary apartment a little more welcoming. He lived in the C3 headquarters most of his life but it was nothing more than a room to him. Now, with someone waiting for him, it was a home. “Did you order that fancy shit, Kuni-chan?”
“What are you doing back so early?” Tsurugi heard Mikuni’s voice call him from the kitchen and he walked into the sparse room. He was surprised to find Mikuni cooking since they would often order food to eat. Mikuni looked over his shoulder and gave him an annoyed expression. “I thought you had a mission.”
“I tried to finish it fast so I could see you again. I thought you would be lonely without me.” Tsurugi sat at the kitchen table and laughed when Mikuni rolled his eyes in irritation. Honestly, Tsurugi loved to tease him because his expressions were entertaining. “So, what are you making us?”
“Us? If you’re just going to sit there like a freeloader, this is for me and JeJe. If you want to eat, you better help me cook.” Mikuni answered and Tsurugi chuckled to himself. It was a battle of wills to see who would give into the other first. “Either you help or find another way to pay for your dinner.”
“Me pay you? No, no, Kuni-chan, that’s not how this relationship works.” Tsurugi walked behind him and casually hugged him from behind. “You love me so much that you’ll pay anything for my love.”
“I wouldn’t pay you a yen for something you give me for free.” Mikuni retorted. He waved his chopsticks threateningly and tried to untangle himself from Tsurugi. “Hey, where do you think your hands are going? Let go of me so I can cook! One of us could get burn and it’s most certainly going to be you.”
“Don’t make that scary face, Kuni-chan.” Tsurugi let him go. But they both knew that their game was far from over. He sat at the table again and was surprised when Mikuni placed a cutting board and a bowl of vegetables in front of him. “What do you expect me to do with this?”
“I told you that you’re only eating if you help. So, cut them.” Mikuni ordered him. Tsurugi forged a thoughtful expression that didn’t fool Mikuni. He could already hear Tsurugi’s cheeky reply.
But any retort he had prepared disappeared when he saw the bandages on Tsurugi’s arm. They were fresh. Lately, Touma would send him on solo missions. If Mikuni was more honest with himself, he would admit that he was worried. He doubted someone as absentminded as Tsurugi was taking of himself or eating properly so decided to cook dinner for him.
“Hmm… Don’t feel like it.” Tsurugi elongated his words and Mikuni’s brow twitched. Why did he even bother with a person like him? Tsurugi reached up and pulled Mikuni closer to him. “Maybe I’ll feel more motivated if you gave me an advance on my allowance.”
“Fine.” Mikuni leaned down and kissed him briefly. “Now get to work.”
When Mikuni started to pull away, Tsurugi wrapped his arms around his neck to keep him in place. “Nope, not enough. I need a whole week worth of motivation!”
My method of murder is to drown my victims in fluff XD I was thinking of making this pure fluff but I just couldn’t stop myself from adding those ref to Ophelia’s death.
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