#maybe some ace flag palette? idk
kittycatcarla · 2 years
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I finally finished the mob farm! Also more progress on the weed expansion
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🌈🌈🌈 for whoever you'd like to share, please!~
Okay okay okay
Imma just... Do all my Brawl Stars f/o's :)))
Pansexual, Aromantic and Transfem
Tbh thats just me projecting and the fact that she just has massive pan vibes. Idk how to explain them lol
Also shes canonically a single mom, that always talks about her son, but never about the parents
Sounds like a "I thought I had fallen in love but then I realized I had just forced myself to do so due to amatonormativity and I had to end the relationship cuz it was just not good for me, but they didnt take it well and I had to run away"
Or maybe thats just me lol
Aromantic and Homosexual
Look at this man
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Does he look "Straight" to you? Does his super exagerated theatre kid wannabe voicelines sound "Straight", to you?
He litteraly has the aro flag in his color palette like kxkdkskks
Also, He has a white ring, Aka an Aro ring, has spent most of his life traveling along, and loves reptails and anphibians (Aka frogs)
Aromantic Lesbian
You see, Piper had a role in the game where she was a "Heartbreaker". Men came in hoardes to try and "conquer" her, but she always ended up rejecting them
That doesnt sound very straight or allo to me sis
I just think he doesnt really care. That kind of stuff is trivial to him, so he just uses the most comfortable and broad label he found. And hes pretty happy like this!
Transmasc, Pansexual and Demiromantic
The trans part is almost canon at this point. His old design used to be a girl (He was called "Rocket girl* on his concept art) but he ended up being a man
So I took him with my filthy trans hand :)
The pan part? Again, just the vibes :D
About the demi part, again, he is currently living with two robots, only has friends, and shows very little interest in other people in general
Not very allo to me, no sir
Agender, Aromantic and Asexual
She just doesnt care
She can say and do anything, and never cares for what others may think. And she just seems so happy and free
And thats how the aro label made me feel to some extent
So to me, that freedom translates to "I dont feel it, so I dont care about it"
Shes just doesnt care about Gender, or romanticism, or Sex. And thats how she is so happy and free
Well that got personal
Aromantic, Asexual and Agender
Its called projecting sweaty :)))
Lesbian Demigirl or Pansexual Demigirl
Its just that she was released in Lesbian Visibility Day, and for some reason I associate demigirls with Nature?
The Pan part is me projecting again lol
Aromantic and Asexual
Again, spent most of her life with just her family and some animals. Never showed any urge to go find anyone else. That does not sound allo in any way
Aromantic Asexual
He has many lines and moments where he reffers to his friend (Or his crew) as the most important part of his life. For fucks sakes he lives with them, and the only moments we se him smiling is when he is with them.
That aint very allo of you Crow
Biromantic Asexual
The vibes are strong on this one
Plus im 99% sure he paint his nails black, and thats just Bi Ace culture
Homoromantic Asexual Demigirl
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Do I have to say anything else?
Bisexual Demiromantic
For the demi part its just me projecting
But for the Bi part
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My beautifull wife, aka Tara
Bisexual Aromantic and Bigender
I feel like the only way I can truly feel comfortable in a relationship like the one I have with Tara is if I share those parts of me with them, because im still insecure about them.
Ive seen and experienced aro, trans and biphobia so many times, from people Ive concidered friends or family, im just so afraid of finding someone, caring for them that much, and then being so dissappointed.
Also she has the Bi Flag on her color palete
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floralkittygambler · 4 years
Need Gay Assistance (May Unintentionally Offend, Sorry)
Aight, this has been on my mind for years and idk how to approach the topic. Idk if its offensive but I dont mean it to be. This is a genuine question, and I may sound moronic for asking. If I do cause offense, please know its far from intent but I need to get this off my chest.
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See this?
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May I ask: Why is the rainbow used for homosexual male rep? I know it’s used for gay pride (for all identities and sexualities) but I was thinking - and this is most likely my dumb arse for having more of a fixation on colours - but like... To rep pride makes sense, like all the colours and variety proud and together. But I was thinking: If gay only swings one way... Shouldnt it be similar to the lesbian flag and something like pansexual (or any of a wider sexual/romantic pref) have a rainbow? Is that stupid? Is that a stupid thing to ask? Am I more focused on colours? 
Because I like equality and I like colours so it’s a thumbs up for me but like... do the colours actually have a meaning to them? I mean, Id presume so but then again I dont even fuckin know if national flags colours have a major significance outside of the Japanese flag. So like- I PRESUME the colours have symbolic meaning but Idk- I just started thinking about flags one day and this shit been haunting me ever since. But Im scared to ask and seem like a knob. Like Im curious. But Im bad at tact. 
Can someone answer and maybe link some sources I could learn from? I love colours and meanings and designs so it’s gotta have history right? Like a meaning why each flag specifically uses a set palette. Like why does ace get purple for example? I gotta know, it’s been keeping me up and Im interested but again, I dont wanna sound like a dick. Nor do I know where to even start. So if anyone has any answers, Id appreciate it. I also recently found out my fav colour can be used as lesbian rep but it’s not in the les flag (lavender) so Im so confused yet intrigued. Also do pride flags have to just be stripes or has anyone ever considered doing what some countries have in their flags, like little stars or circles or triangles - and the reasons? Because that’s another thing Ive never understood (Again, most I know is the Japanese flag and the stars on the US flag). Like... Flags are really diverse when you think about it- It reps something and we’re just like ‘flag’. 
I need answers. Im curious and dont know where to begin. I mean this genuinely and w/o offense. And laymans terms as much as possible please, only because I sometimes take longer to absorb new info on some subjects more than others (esp if just in words). 
Also also, has anyone ever made a rainbow shaped rainbow flag? If not, there yer go. That’s the op flag of pride to rep everyone, plus it can double as a limbo event! Fun with flags! Or is limbo rarely played now?
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