#maybe these ppl just didn’t have pho made w love
danothan · 7 months
makes me sad when ppl (esp other viet ppl!) say that pho is overrated 😞 okay yes, i think there are definitely other meals that deserve the overseas recognition just as much if not more, like bun bo hue or banh xeo, and i have no idea why pho, the dish whose broth takes 6hr AT LEAST to make, was the one to hit the mainstream, but i don’t think that makes it overrated either. it’s cozy, it’s warming, it’s simple yet complex, it’s like chicken noodle soup on a sick day if chicken noodle soup could also give you a kiss on the forehead…
i can’t think of a dish that says “i love you” more than pho, you guys don’t deserve her.
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booknerd405 · 7 years
all the soft asks! all of them! i love you so much!!
ily Kate!!!!!!!
honey: what’s your favorite memory you made this year?
tbh there were a lot so imma just name a few of them: 1) that night that you, Libby, Em, and I were at Libby’s house and we were all on one bed and just kept tickling each other 2)playing at carnegie hall & that one moment when i hit the gong correctly for the first fucking time and Mr. S looked so happy it was gr8 and 3) tonight i got pho with my boys and then we went to like 4 different parks and just fucked around and ate too much junk and trespassed on a lot of public property just to chill and it was everything 
sunshine: 3 things you do to relax
1.)  take extra long scalding hot showers with depressing/mellow music (this is gonna kill me not to be able to do properly in dorms fuck)
2.)  take my dog for a walk or walk with my dad at night
3.) let myself go brain dead for a few hours and just watch youtube videos and crochet till my fingers hurt
rain: put your music on shuffle and give a 5 song playlist
Nocturne No. 5 in F sharp major Op. 15 No.2 by Chopin, played by Rubinstein (because i’m a ho for chopin)
That Green Gentleman by Panic! at the Disco 
Mr. Watson by Cruel Youth
Bad Liar by Selena Gomez
Super Rich Kids by Frank Ocean 
lace: what’s your favorite piece of clothing?
right now it’s probably my 2 gentlemen of verona shirt but i’m changing my answer literally every 2 minutes in my head so idk (i’m hoping that if i ever actually crochet the cape i bought a punch of supplies for, that it’ll be my fav lol)
flowers: what’s your favorite outdoor activity?
does sitting and staring at the scenery count as an activity? if not, then going to parks with idiot boys 
roses: what’s your favorite perfume or cologne?
my favorite perfumes are Mariah Carey’s Luscious Pink and Flowerbomb by Victor and  Rolf but my favorite scent on earth is the cologne Play by Givenchy i literally spray that on my stuffed animals so that I can smell it as i sleep
sunsets: give 3 movie recommendations
1) The Intouchables (except ur literally not allowed to watch it the 1st time w/out me i need to watch this french movie w you even if we have to do it over skype)
2) Rush Hour (maybe even Rush Hour 2, but the 1st one is the best)
3) the original 3 Indiana Jones movies (i know that’s more than 1 movie, i dont care)
blankets: what’s your night routine?
brush my teeth, put on my prescription acne medication, try and fail to convince my dog to sleep with me instead of my parents, give up, write a sentence in my 10 year journal and tell myself that i’ll clean my pen out tomorrow, tell myself that i’lll start packing for university tomorrow (i wont), read some fanfic (usually Kurtbastian or Tododeku with a bit of Victuuri sprinkled in), then go to sleep
thunder: what’s your favorite instrument?
i feel a bit obligated to say piano cuz ive been playing it for over 10 years for a reason, but aside from that, i’d say my fav instrument to play is a 3 way tie between gong, suspended cymbals, and timpani, and my fav instrument to listen to other than piano is the cello
ink: favorite thing you’ve written?
lmao i haven’t written anything i’ve liked in a long time (i haven’t written anything in a long time cuz im afraid to lbr) but id say maybe the poem i wrote in middle school that was kinda experimental called Alone, and all the random scenes i wrote for the book i was writing all through middle school called Afflictions (i made the mistake of reading through them an now i wanna start writing it again fuck)
heartbeat: who’s your best friend?
it would actually be impossible for me to choose between Kate and Frederick so i will combine the names to make it 1 best friend: Katerick Frate Karick Frederate 
sunrise: kisses or hugs?
hugs :D
fairy lights: who was the last person you talked to?
my older brother, about pumpkin spice beer
sugar: what’s your favorite snack?
bananas!! (especially if they’re covered in nutella ;P)
wind: what’s your favorite season?
im a basic bitch who loves autumn
trees: favorite thing about your hometown?
there’s a lot of things but probably the best thing about it growing up was that our public schools are so big and the environment is very inclusive so cliques were never rly much of a thing? like there were definitely different groups of ppl but they intermingled so much that it didn’t rly matter? nothing was weird about the captain of the football team being friends with a marching band kid
smiles: who do you go to for comfort?
my dad
skyline: the sun, the moon, or the stars?
the stars!!
lavender: what color do you find most comforting?
almost any shade of brown will usually do the trick but beige and tan are especially nice (basically look at my aesthetic side blog @mercurialaesthetic and that’s ur answer lol)
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camelopard-alis · 8 years
1-60 plz
I LOVE YOU 1. selfieNah I’m gross maybe I’ll post one l8r

2. what would you name your future kids?I have a whole list in my notes lmaoooo but my top three names are Camden, Cade, and Evelyn 

3. do you miss anyone?
I miss my girlfriend a whole fuckin ton ): and also my dog snuggles and also rico and Abbie 

4. what are you looking forward to?
Nikki coming back and also dying 

5. is there anyone who can always make you smile?Nikki omg she like is just ah she makes me smile just thinking about her. Like always. Also Carson, Camryn, and Rico always know how to make me smile idk my dude 

6. is it hard for you to get over someone?At first yes, and then also yes after that, and then I’m good, so then no. It’s a process 

7. what was your life like last year?I was blazed and wearing rose colored glasses lmao
8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed?This happens a lot especially with my sister Azura yikes 

9. who did you last see in person?My trumpet teacher Patrick !

10. are you good at hiding your feelings?Hahaha I’m actually really good at it, which isn’t always a good thing. Idk I’m working on it 

11. are you listening to music right now?Nah I’m v frustrated w music rn

12. what is something you want right now?A hug and to fucking know how to count rhythms fucking accurately and to stop being a mediocre musician. Oh and also maybe something chocolate 

13. how do you feel right now?REALLY IN LOVE but also Frustrated and overwhelmed and kinda sad but that’s life

14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you?Julian hugged me today yoooo

15. personality descriptionIdk a quirky klutz that can ironically run in heels and blogs too much 

16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?
Ha this has been one of the biggest problems I [have] face[d] in my life bc of my social anxiety help

17. opinion on insecurities.They are the worst things ever but develop character
18. do you miss how things were a year ago?
Mostly no, but in some ways yes I think I do
19. have you ever been to New York?Nah I don’t think I really want to go very much either 

20. what is your favourite song at the moment?Waving Through the Window - Ben Platt

21. age and birthday?18 & Dec. 13th

22. description of crush.Okay. You CANT miss her, she’s literally the most stunning girl on the planet, like her description is: glowing and radiant 
But if you’re blind, her name is Nikki and she’s rly kind & funny 

23. fear(s)Buttons and words and auditions 

24. height5'2" help 

25. role model
Mm my mother bc she role modeled to me what I don’t want to be like. And also Santa 

26. idol(s)Shay Mitchell and Jennifer Aniston 

27. things i hateYou probably and playing jazz music also Chris fuckin Ferrari 

28. i’ll love you if…I love everyone despite what I say abt hating you so 

29. favourite film(s)The hours, stonehearst asylum, the craft, and the love witch; not because it’s a good film but because the memory around that film is beautiful and my favorite 

30. favourite tv show(s)PRETTY LITTLE LIARS IM AWFUL and friends and also the voice
31. 3 random factsThe only time I ever got grounded was for texting a boy which is humorousUmm I went by the name Daisy for most of my life And once in fourth grade I called the police because my teacher wouldn’t let me go to the bathroom oops 

32. are your friends mainly girls or guys?Girls, I have like 3 guy friends idk sry 
33. something you want to learnHow to play trumpet better 

34. most embarrassing momentO too many. But One time I had a nip slip over FaceTime and that was really the worst ever Idk dog 

35. favourite subjectMath !!

36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?To be a genuinely good person, to be successful in whatever I do, and to have like 14 dogs 

37. favourite actor/actressIdk I don’t really have one but I guess Meryl Streep bc she’s 😍

38. favourite comedian(s)
Ppl aren’t funny
39. favourite sport(s)What are THOOOSEHonestly just judo and Olympic gymnastics idk 

40. favourite memoryThe day I finally accepted myself for being gay 

41. relationship statusMm idk maybe you should ask my girlfriend (very much taken obvs)

42. favourite book(s)Looking for Alaska and It’s kind of a funny story 

43. favourite song everThat’s a dumb question idk I’m indecisive and lame 

44. age you get mistaken for
Idk people usually think I’m about my age 

45. how you found out about your idolShe was GAY in a tv show that I’m obsessed with and then the other one is also from a tv show and I just think she’s hot and has a good heart 

46. what my last text message says“I LOVE U AH"

47. turn onsGurls

48. turn offs

49. where i want to be right nowIn someone in particulars arms 

50. favourite picture of your idolThat’s too much effort rn so 

51. starsignSagittarius (((;;;;

52. something i’m talented atNot being talented(; 

53. 5 things that make me happyLesbian scenes in movies, my dog, my girl, my best friends, and winning 

54. something thats worrying me at the moment
Everything I’m so incredibly stressed out 

55. tumblr friendsUgh the list is too long 

56. favourite food(s)Pho and hummus and acai bowls and salad and pizza and almonds and ESP. Peanut butter and Frosted Flakes (together obvs)

57. favourite animal(s)Giraffe duh 

58. description of my best friend
Kind and blonde and a total badass (Carson) 
Talented and intelligent and also blonde(Katie) A super bad bitch and super funny and amazingly brunette (Aleah) A major chola dork that I down 40’s with and watch a million movies with and an incredibly great musician (rico) And my every so beautiful, talented, genuine, and loving fake blonde girlfriend (nikki) ❤

59. why i joined tumblrKatie made me one and then made me use it in the 8th grade 

60. ask me anything you wantMmm no
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