#maybe theyre sending different batches to different stores tho bc ik shes alteady discontinued
mrswhymrhow · 7 months
okay everyone say hi to patti 2
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my hypothesis was RIGHT they are using a material thats more like the beanie buddys than the beanie babies, im not sure if its the Same bc my patti beanie buddy is a bit older so the softness feels different just bc ive had her for a couple years and her life in a cardboard box atm but visually they look identical to me (beanie buddy pattis beak is def a different material tho or its just dirty lol i need to give her a bath)
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THEY ARE USING plastic beads and not pvc or pe beads however which im not surprised about. the tag just says her name and shows the ty logo and nawt even beanie baby collection. come now is she not part of our family?
BUT AS OF CHANGES IN THE DESIGN this is what im more excited about. check this shit out
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my girl patti 2 is shorter and is a lot more rounded out/less of a distinct shape like ms patti. its ep noticable in the head shape and the butt where 2 has more of a rounded hill while 1 is more two hills. i think theyre just going more towards the plush designs a lot of more modern plushes go for these days design and material wise, but keeping the general idea of a beanie baby in mind. id also compare them more to the beanie buddys in the design but it still feels different bc beanie buddys have a different purpose in the world than the anniversary patti. 1 and 2s eyes are different too with 1s eyes being closer together and being more prominent while 2s are farther
the tag designs on the outside r p similiar besides the text calling it a beanie official baby but that always fluctuates, its the thin tezt design theyve been doing for awhile. the poem is the same as pattis 1s so nothing to add there, i vastly prefer 1sts pattys tag design bc it feels very 'theres no design that weve worked to death on over the years' so they could do whatever. but i womt take a pic bc its similiar to any new ty tag. her birthday is july 6th though :)
i think its really cool the way the company isnt just making the exact same thing but mixing whats popular now with what weve had before. it does make me a little sad just bc i do prefer the older designs bc they feel a lot sillier and i like that they arent perfectly round yknow. pattis 1 beak jolts out of her head in a funny but distinct way and 2s is just there. not to say i dont like 2 i think shes adorable but its just different. overall im really happy with her and im glad theyre doing this for the 30th anniversary :') i think pattis happy with it too
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