#maybe things will go places in 7.0 I dunno
impossible-rat-babies · 5 months
thinking. rotating even. eyrie’s way of showing love and how it so quietly bloomed during their time in thavnair w estinien. how it slowly found its way there and so much of how it was both felt. they love each other—as friends and romantically. it’s all there, utterly unspoken, but it’s there.
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miqo-tales · 2 years
Six Point One and done
Someday I'll put up my thoughts on 6.0, but till then, you'll have to settle for the new stuff.
As always, don't read unless you've finished 6.1.
"What are your plans?" Nod and then kill things, I suppose. Same as always.
OK, Tataru, first, why does this mannequin have hair? And second, why didn't you make any pants for this outfit?
Yea, it's a game and all, but sometimes it's a little ridiculous how WoL will need to find/do something, take two steps in one direction, and usually (and sometimes literally) trip over the exact thing they needed to find/do the thing.
Genuinely shocked that Estinien was aware that he might be getting tricked.
Poor little mammet has to clean up Y'shtola's mess.
Geez, that look on Y'shtola's face when the voidgate is revealed. I genuinely thought she was possessed or something and was gonna do something.
Do love that the general consensus after that dungeon is "uh, whoops?"
Vrtra loves his people and would do anything to protect them, but also loaded up the treasure island/vault with deadly guards to kill anyone who went there. Hm.
Oh, ok. I didn't think they'd keep going with FF4 stuff after 6.0. And even if I had, I don't think I would have expected Golbez to show up.
It's funny that every reaction to hearing that Y'shtola wants to take a nice trip to the Void is just "OK, sure" and not "Are you fucking mad?"
I did the final role quest just before the Sharlayan stuff, so was amusing to see Fourchenault being pretty grumpy when he was actually sociable in the role quest.
I don't mind the "this person is following you" bits, but I don't see why they bother doing them if there's nowhere to get extra dialogue during it.
"What? Terrible forbidden knowledge? SIGN ME UP!"
I look forward to seeing that Nixie summoning in JP.
OK, that's Zenos' avatar, isn't it? That certainly stamps a big "YES" on him being dead, huh?
Course, if his avatar is gonna show up in MSQ, begs the question, who is they?
Anyone else get Nyzul Isle flashbacks from this place?
I don't think I have to worry about farming the gear from here. Don't really care for it.
(If the gear didn't have the light blue accents, I'd like it more.)
G'raha just having the best day ever, isn't he? Not one but TWO fantastic adventures with their best buddy.
Deryk is totally one of the Twelve, right?
Or maybe the opo-opo is?
Raid really doesn't mess around. It feels like older content in the sense that there's a lot of things that can very easily wipe the entire raid.
That last song though, damn!
"Oh we pretended to be evil conquering gods so we could have a fight with you." OK, have you not been paying attention to the WoL at all? All you had to do was just ask.
I really only want one thing out of this raid, and that's for it to involve Azem somehow.
It's funny that shortly before this patch hit, there was a some... discussion... on Twitter about how Y'shtola was boring and one-note and just the mascot (mascat?) character and everyone else got good development and she didn't and blah blah blah
And then this patch drops and it's the Y'shtola Power Hour.
I'll be honest, I was kinda expecting for SQEX to sorta retire Y'shtola, Thancred, and Urianger after 6.0? Not permanently, obviously, cause none of us are gonna deny that Y'shtola is pretty much the external face of the game. But I didn't think they'd have any focus or major interaction with any of those three till deeper into 6.x or maybe even till 7.0.
Now? Well, I'm kinda wondering if I've got it backwards and we don't see Alphinaud and Alisaie for a good while. And maybe by the time they show up they've, y'know, gotten taller? Probably not, but hey, who knows.
In any case, I dunno where this is going. How far into FFIV are they going to dig? Is 7.0 going to focus on the Thirteenth or is this a side story that will setup something else?
And most importantly, how badly is someone (possibly us or Y'shtola) gonna fuck something up?
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