#maybe years from now yall will think of that funny dog with the giant snout
imalayla · 1 year
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Yall I just love this dog so much. Wanna talk about heart dogs, well she is The One. Sometimes I will cry just looking at her sweet face.
She's been by my side through so much... a suicide attempt, homelessness, so many moves because of my misdiagnosis and lack of treatment causing me to be so unstable.
And now she's been with me through cutting my abusive ex off, getting a correct diagnosis and therapy and medication, getting a solid footing with my job and apartment, meeting my partner, coming to our wedding, and buying a house as a family.. our first place that we have lived at for longer than a year.
She is my best friend. I will never, ever have another being in my life that will compare to Layla. Every breath she takes is a gift, every time she pushes her head into my hands for pets is a moment I treasure, every walk with her feels like home.
I hope she knows this.
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