#maybe you're referring to sorry we xed your boyfriend?
coquelicoq · 2 years
your tags about visiting with your exes are so funny and it sound like it might be so uncomfortable! I hope you will 1) share an advice about how did you contact them all and 2) write some x your boyfriend stories about it. I hope your visit is very nice! if you don't want to answer I hope you will know that it is very impressive and you are very brave!
it was very normal! we had an extremely normal time!! and even though things apparently did not work out with his girlfriend so he is currently single, there was no kissing, on the neck or otherwise!!! we only hugged once and it was a 100% normal hug. i know insisting upon the normality of this is making it sound like it was extremely weird and i'm just in denial about it, but i swear to you! THIS IS THE YEAR WE BECOME NORMAL!!!
unfortunately i have no advice for you because i didn't really do anything; in both cases the exes reached out to me. i guess the only thing i would say is that these relationships ended 13 and 5 years ago, and i was not ready to be friends with either of them until recently. part of that is just time creating distance between now and when we broke up, and part of it is that i have legit matured as a person as i've aged. so if there are any exes of yours that you'd like to be friends with but you don't feel capable of it currently, don't put pressure on yourself to be ready sooner than you're ready! if you can't do it now, that doesn't necessarily mean you'll never be able to do it. these things take time.
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