Diabolik Lovers GRAND EDITION for Switch ;; More, Blood ー Yuma Dark [Epilogue]
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ーー The way to survive in a world which has lost all order.
Is to first and foremost band together as a group. 
No matter how strong or how clever you may be,
if your opponent outnumbers you by just the slightest margin,
you have no shot at winning.
That is most likely the reason why,
the more rowdy the city, the larger the number of gangs.
And in this city as well,
the gangs which had been formed by groups of orphansーー
they would call them ‘teams’,
and there were several of them.
Lucks was the Boss who kept together,
one of the top teams of the city,
and also the person who picked me up,
after I was left for dead in a back-alley.
One day, one week, one month. 
The more time I spent together with him,
the more I began to realize just how amazing he truly was.
He was obviously skilled in battle,
but also oddly intelligent for someone who lived in the slums,
as well did he excel in leadership and decision-making.
On top of that, he had a strong sense of justice and a caring heart.
It was only obvious that many people gathered,
around such an ideal-seeming leader.
Including myself as well,
Boss therefore had many henchman under his wing.
He would even look out for those henchmen’s followers.
There was simply no way that someone with such principles,
could let a person starve to death.
Thanks to Boss,
we got a serving of bread and fruit once every day.
However, the number of us henchmen,
was by no means small. Regardless,
how did Boss manage to provide,
this much food for us?
The amount was simply too much to achieve through theft.
I found this odd.
ー The scene starts with a flashback in the city
Lucks: Here you go, Bear. This is today’s share.
Bear: ...Say, how do you get your hands on this food?
Lucks: Haah? You’re worried about that sorta stuff?
Bear: I’m glad you’re feeding us. However, I’m worried you might be getting yourself involved with dangerous business...
Lucks: Seems like you still don’t quite understand. Not a single thing is risk-free in this city.
Bear: Thenーー
Lucks: But you know, that is nothing for you to worry about.
That’s my duty as a Boss. All you need to do is sit there and munch on your bread.
Bear: ...
Bear: ( Sometimes Boss disappears without a word... )
( If I find out how he acquires the food, I might be able to help out as well. )
( I owe Boss big time. So I want to help him in every way I can. )
Lucks: ...Ugh...
Bear: ...! B-Boss!?
Oi, Boss! Hang in there! Why are you this...?
Lucks: ...Bear...Is that you? You found me at the worst possible time...
Bear: ( There’s chafes all over his body...? )
...! Boss, don’t tell me...
Lucks: ...If possible, I would have liked to keep this a secret from you. Despite your rough personality, you are still innocent after all (1)...
The people who give me money...They all treat me like some kind of slave...However, I don’t plan on selling off my heart or soul.
No matter how much money they offer, or how much they control me...I will never belong to anyone.
Even quasi-livestock like me still has a pride left...
ー The flashback ends as the scene shifts to the infirmary
Yuma: ...
A livestock’s pride, huh...?
Yui: ...Nn...
Yuma: Pretty cheeky of ya to repeat his exact same words, huh? Right, Sow...?
Reinhart: How is she doing?
Yuma: Aahn? Fuck off. Can’t ya tell? She’s snoozin’.
Reinhart: Oh my, you’re right. That being said, she seemed to be suffering from pretty severe anemia...Do you have any clue what might have happened?
Yuma: Beats me! Why do ya ask me? It’s damn annoyin’.
Reinhart: Why, you ask? ...Aren’t you her boyfriend?
Yuma: Boyfriend? Hah! That’s the best joke I’ve ever heard.
Reinhart: Oh, you’re not? I figured that was the case seeing as you were carrying her in your arms as you brought her in.
Yuma: That’s not her role. She’s just part of a ‘means’. ...One to fulfill my ambition, that is.
Reinhart: Your ambition? Are you talking about your dreams for the future? I’m impressed you’ve already got that figured out at your age! What kind of dream is it?
Yuma: Che, shut up. Didn’t ya hear me when I said you’re damn annoyin’!?
Reinhart: Ah, come on. If you shout like thaーー
Yui: Nn...
Reinhart: See? You woke her up. Good morning, Komori-san. How are you feeling?
Yui: Sensei and...Yuma-kun...?
( ...Right. I was about to fall over from anemia, when Yuma-kun stepped in and... )
( ...My memory is failing me. I must have lost consciousness at some point after he sucked my blood a second time... )
Uhm, right now it’s...?
Reinhart: Fourth period is almost over. You slept soundly.
Yui: That long...?
Yuma: Ya slept way too long just ‘cause you’re runnin’ a lil’ low on blood!
Yui: S-Sorry...
Reinhart: Watch your mouth, Yuma-kun! That’s not a very nice way to put it? Being kind to women should be the basic rule of any man, no?
Yuma: Kind? Hah, you’ve got to be kidding me. She’s not worth that sorta treatment.
Yui: ( I’m nothing but a toy in Yuma-kun’s eyes after all...There’s no way he would be kind to me. )
( ...But, he did bring me to the infirmary after I had lost consciousness. I should be grateful for that, right? )
( Although he is the reason this happened in the first place though... )
Reinhart: Hmm, your complexion is still a little pale. Are you anemic after all?
Right now you are only showing light symptoms, but if it gets more severe, please go to the hospital.
Well, you kids are still young, so for now focus on eating good, nutritious meals, okay?
Yui: Yes. Thank you very much.
Reinhart: Well then, I’ll be on my way to the staff room but if you still feel unwell, you can rest here. What about you, Yuma-kun?
Yuma: Aah? If she remains here, I obviously will as well.
Reinhart: Fufu, you must be really worried about her.
Yui ( No way he’s worried, he just wants to keep an eye on me... )
Reinhart: I’ll leave you in her care then. Ah, do you remember what I said earlier? You have to be kind toーー
Yuma: Shut yer fuckin’ mouth! Go already!!
Reinhart: Ahaha, good luck then!
Yui: ( Sensei’s amazing, he can just laugh it off when Yuma-kun snaps at him. )
Yuma-kun, are you sure you shouldn’t go? To class.
Yuma: ...Aah?
Yui: ( Uwah, he’s in a foul mood...I probably shouldn’t say anything unnecessary now... )
Yuma: Geez...From havin’ to carry ya ‘round, gettin’ hindered by that damn NEET to dealin’ with that nosy Teacher...Today seriously sucked big time.
It’s all ‘cause ya collapsed on me. Take some responsibility, Sow.
Yui: ...! N-No more blood today, okay!?
( I feel like I’ll be in serious trouble if he sucks me yet another time! )
Yuma: I’ve fed off ya twice and ya already reached yer limit? It’s ‘cause you’re so damn tiny.
...Che, guess it can’t be helped. It won’t be delicious if I suck ya when you’re already all shriveled.
Then just rest up here until school’s over. I get to skip classes as well. Gotta watch ya after all. I won’t have Ruki scold me afterwards.
Yui: The whole time...Until after class? I’ve actually come to school, so I’d like to at least attend final period...
Yuma: Don’t be complainin’! I’m tellin’ ya to rest so get to sleep!!
Yui: F-Fine...! I understand, so please don’t yell like that.
Yuma: ...Che, look at ya twitchin’ in fear. Nn...
Yui: ( Ah, those sugar cubes again...He brings those with him even to school. Just how much does he like them? )
( Well, but...Despite everything he says, he’ll stay here with me the whole time, right? Even if he just wants to skip class. )
( Perhaps Yuma-kun is just the slightest bit worried about me as well. )
( I should probably thank him at least? )
ー Yuma moves closer
Yui: Say, Yuma-kun. Thaーー Nguh!?
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–> If you are playing the Limited V edition or the Grand Edition, little black roses will appear on the screen. If you click on them, you get an extra line of dialogue.
“Don’t make a fuss. Keep still.”
“...Aah? What? You’re curious ‘bout Sugar-chan?”
“Che...! Geez, this bed is too damn small...They should change it to somethin’ a lil’ more fittin’ for someone my size!”
Yui: ...!?
Yuma: Nn...Come on, eat it. Don’t ya dare spit it out. 
Yui: ( It’s sweet...Is this sugar he’s forcing inside my mouth...!? )
Yuma: Ya should feel grateful. I’m sharin’ my cute lil’ Sugar-chan with someone like ya after all...
Yui: ...Nn...
Yuma: Come on, I’ll make an exception and add in one more.
Yui: ( My mouth’s full...! How many will he stuff inside...!? )
Yuma: Hah...Ya swallowed them all, right?
Yui: ( Is it from the...sweetness of the sugar? For some reason, I feel strange... )
Yuma: How’s that? Delicious, right?
Eat some good food like this to get yer blood runnin’ again, then lemme suck it as soon as possible. ...Understood?
If even livestock has a pride, ya shouldn’t throw in the towel over somethin’ like this.
Show me some guts...
Yui: ( I doubt sugar cubes will provide much nutrition though... )
( ...But, he might be worrying about me in his own way. )
( I wonder if he has this side to him because he was once human...? )
Translation notes
(1) The term 擦れる or ‘sureru’ usually means something like ‘to become worn out’ or ‘to chafe’, but it can also mean ‘to lose one’s innocence’. 
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