kenpxchi · 2 years
@mccncutter​, through sobs:  Ichigo Fuckin' Kurosaki ... @mccncutter​, also through sobs: kick some ass ...
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oschvank · 1 year
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Ichigo looking at Nel from across Hueco Mundo. ( It’s easy to see her, she’s very bright and green. )
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compassionatekiller · 2 years
🔥 two can play this awkward game 😤
Attractiveness Meme
"Kurosaki-san is a rather peculiar one for me. He strives very hard to always be improving, he possesses a great deal of both power and character, and of course, he has legitimately saved the world yet still retains his humility. I usually find all of these traits to be inherently quite attractive, each in their own way.
But do I find Kurosaki-san attractive in particular? No. I do not believe attractive is the word I am looking for here, or even cool. If I had to distill my impression of Kurosaki-san into a single word, I believe I would instead go with something along the lines of adorable. Despite his great amount of power, despite how quick he is to shout or act tough, the simple truth of the matter is that Kurosaki-san is actually quite the soft-hearted and gentle child.
What is it that the Living World calls teenagers who believe that they are some sort of badass, but they are actually just huge nerds? 'Chuunibyou,' was it not? Kurosaki-san is a Chuunibyou. That is my impression of him."
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unprompted | always accepting | @mccncutter​ said  ...         “  Ulquiorra  !!  If it isn’t my … 5th  ??? Favorite Arrancar  !!  ”
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❝  Pointless flattery will not earn my favor. Talk is cheap ; and I’m no fool. You and I are the antithesis of one another. Do not pretend to hold any affinity for me when your actions have proven far, far from so.  ❞
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strwcptn · 2 years
@mccncutter​ asked:
          “  —‘Ya know,  I think the guy with the swords may be more my speed …  ”
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          “keep on walking, zoro’s my swordsman!” he wasn’t about to lose zoro to a stranger, that much was for sure.
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burningsalamander · 1 year
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keikakudori · 2 years
“ Does Mugetsu count as a death ??? If so I take full credit. ”
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                           ❝ don't be presumptive, ryoka boy. your mugetsu wounded me gravely on that day - but you did not kill me. that honor belongs to someone else. not to you. and it will never belong to you. ❞ strange, for him to get so heated, to snarl at ichigo in this fashion --- or perhaps not so strange. ❝ perhaps, if g----... if he had not done what he'd done? perhaps it would have killed me. but the hogyoku will not permit me to die. ❞ ( blessing? curse? what was his immortality now? a geas,written in blood. ) ❝ but you did not kill me. you aren't capable of killing me. you will never be capable of killing me. only one person can ever claim that --- you are not him. ❞
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waspandr · 2 years
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@mccncutter said:
Shows up for his first day training with the Stealth Force.
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Per the morning routine, the majority of the 2nd Divisions officers, all those not currently on outstanding missions or dedicated duties, had conglomerated within the Main Courtyard. The polished cement flooring, freshly swept, was packed with over a hundred men awaiting their orders for the day. Another, untrained eye, might find the ensemble impressive, boisterous even, but, for Soifon, the populous outcome only meant a lack of duties being fulfilled. Sure, things might slow down during the colder seasons but not to this extent.
In a flash, nimble footsteps carried the petite Captain across the yards of stone, maintaining a very particular lissomness as she peered out towards the cadre. Her slated gaze scouring the body of personnel with a scrutinizing glare till, at last, she spotted an anomaly amidst the crowd and a spiky, orange one at that.
Brows knit together, and she turned her head to the left, back at her Lieutenant, who, upon his notice, only shrugged, seemingly just as confused about their presence as she was.
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"Kurosaki," She finally called out, not even bothering to hide the annoyance in her tone as she continued,  "What are you doing here?"  
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hirako5hinji · 2 years
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@mccncutter​​ asked:
       “   Your wife’s actually pretty nice apparently,   Hirako.   ”   Shinigami lips curled into a grin.
               “ I never said that she isn’t, Ichigo- ” He sighs and gazes upon the younger man, a wistful expression on his face, remembering better times back in the past. “ She’s a great friend; ya won’t find any better, more supportive ally out there once ya win her trust. ”
          But knowing how to be a supportive friend, and knowing how to be a supportive lover are two different matters altogether. Loving someone as a friend, and loving someone as a lover requires different degrees of empathy, consideration and tenderness. 
          Unfortunately, just because someone is a good friend, does not always automatically make them a good lover.
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               “ I’m glad she’s nice ‘ta ya. ” He offers with sincerity, and a wisp of a smile. It looks almost sad. “ Perhaps I’m just the only one she struggles ‘ta be nice to. ”
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kenpxchi · 2 years
“ What is the square root of 54 ??? ”
“numbers aren’t squares, ichigo.”
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“‘specially not that one.”
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oschvank · 1 year
[SUPPORT] :))) when he finds her injured in Hueco Mundo
SIMPLE ACTIONS / @mccncutter
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Nelliel exits the Garganta, troubled and a little disoriented.
The Tercera decided long ago that upon her return to Las Noches, neither allies nor foes would ever witness a weakened state of her again. It was a promise to herself, and a promise to both Pesche and Dondochakka. She couldn't afford to trouble them, not when she'd so grossly underestimated the feelings and intentions of others around her and gotten them hurt. She was their master. She should have known better. Protected them better. But she hadn't.
So when they'd gotten hurt during the recent fight, she'd told them to leave. She can handle it. But... upon entering the dunes of Hueco Mundo, the remnants of the last battle still affected her. No worries though. She was content nonetheless to let neither foe nor ally see her in such a weakened state —
Except... except for that little orange dot moving towards her at an alarming rate. She recognizes that dot and has seen it many times in her home from a safe distance, wondering and pondering its existence for better or worst. As he came closer, Nelliel struggles to decide if she should stand tall or not.
But she winces when she takes a step forward and would have fallen if it weren't for his sudden support. Again, she struggles with her decision to let neither foe nor ally sees her physically and emotionally weak. Hazel's waver as if they want to say, 'I need to see if they're all right. I need to see if they made it.' But she bites her cheek and doesn't express her concerns. Bloodied white gloves can only clutch onto the shoulder of black robes and say the opposite of what she wants to say, of what she's doing.
"Let me go, Soul Reaper. I can stand on my own."
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firstdance · 2 years
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            tensions  rising,          so  thick  rukia  could  cut  it  down  the  center  with  sode  no  shirayuki  if  they  so  desired.    he  hasn’t  been  acting  right  since  they  left  through  the  senkaimon  all  those  days  ago,       even  after  rukia’s  return  to  the  kurosaki  household.   it  rips  ice  -  laden’s  heart  in  half,        pulls  at  the  delicate  strings  until  they  are  snapping  under  the  pressure         &.         when  silence  ensues,        kuchiki  can  stand  it  no  longer.        shnigami  reaches  for  ichigo’s  hands,        lacing  digits  together        &.        squeezing  tight  until  his  attention  is  captured.
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@mccncutter​,            starter  call.
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compassionatekiller · 2 years
💭 + thoughts on Yamamoto's death :)))
Topical Headcanons
Just getting right in there, huh?
Unohana thought the world of Yamamoto. She didn't always agree with his policies or decisions, but he was still the man who (somehow) managed to get Soul Society's most unhinged lunatic at the time of its founding to not only bend the knee, but keep that knee bent for thousands of years. Yamamoto, Isane, and Zaraki are the three most important people in her life, so she was devastated to learn he'd fallen against Ywach. However, if we're only considering the canon timeline where Unohana dies a few thousand deaths against Zaraki, she also likely didn't have time to fully process it. Maybe I'm just not remembering it right, but wasn't the timeframe between "oops Yamamoto's gone" and "hey Unohana go get Zaraki and kill each other in this here murder pit" pretty damn short? Whatever trauma she could have felt for Yamamoto's death was probably consumed by her giddiness at finally fixing her mistake.
That being said, for my AU where she survived, it takes her a long time to fully get over it. She'd have transferred her loyalty to Kyoraku, considering he gave her the one thing Yamamoto never dared to, but she'd still spend a good number of years internally comparing the two. The simple fact of the matter is that Unohana spent the vast majority of her life in service to Yamamoto, whether that was as a killer or a healer, so any change to that seemingly-eternal status quo would be strange for her.
That being said, there is one thing I think I should note about Unohana's loyalty: whether it is directed at Yamamoto or Kyoraku, it is absolute, but it is not unquestioning. If Unohana has her doubts about what her superiors are doing, she has no problem giving voice to those doubts. She actually sees it as her duty to do so; as a loyal soldier, it is far more important to give honest advice than merely agreeable advice. She knows better than anyone that simply because one leads Soul Society, it doesn't make them all-knowing. Thus, if her giving voice to her concerns can perhaps provide them with a perspective they hadn't considered or better formulate their responses to such concerns, then that is far more important and valuable than just shutting up and doing as she's told.
That being said, she will do as she's told if it's the Captain-Commander telling her to do so. After her concerns are voiced, after all opinions are heard, whatever the order happens to be, she will obey it. That's just the sort of person she is.
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Thoughts on | @mccncutter​ wants to know about ... Ichigo. 
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Sev’rd limbs.  A body destroyed.  That thing, that beast that had taken hold of Kurosaki’s body and ensured little would be left as he who was once the fourth. 
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He thinks of it still.  The cleave through arm as if it were warmed BUTTER, the single, fell swing that had taken him down, and his head, against Las Noches’ canopy, crushed into it, only for brilliant red to overtake his vision. 
                                         And then, for a time, there was nothing. 
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Body tossed, thrown, discarded, garbage in the yellowed eye of the feral monster that was MR. HYDE. But, by some miracle, some stroke of fortune, eyes had snapped open, and he who was halved managed to fell the beast before his inevitable death. One could not grow back what was lost ; not entirely. 
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A steadied exhale, he of all, resolute not to show himself shaken. Digits curl in pockets, enough to have pallid knuckles a shade whiter than their norm. What could he say of Kurosaki Ichigo?   ❝  Seeing him again is seeing him too soon. He is a ... fine warrior. But insolent. Believing that battles are to be fought on fair grounds.  No. That is not the way of things. 
Daily do I try to forget. To forgive. For, what I had fought last was but a shell of the boy I killed, and did so dutifully.  Nothing was ever of a personal sort. I was simply following orders.   ❞
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healingglxw · 2 years
“ What’s up, Baby Gorilla ??? ” you heard him right, Orihime. Baby. Gorilla.
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                   did she ... hear him right ? ❝ b-baby gorilla ? ... ❞   her hues widen, blinking at him. was ... this a compliment ? an insult ? if an insult why would he say something so random like that ? she's truly as a lot of words. yeah baby gorilla were cute but ... in a way that orihime wasn't sure she'd want to be compared to. now she was feeling self conscious.    ❝  i ... do i look like a baby gorilla ? ❞
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hiyorisarugaki · 2 years
“ —She’s a 10, but she smacks me around with a sandal multiple times a week. ”
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"Just be better and not get smacked then????"
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