dokujirai · 1 year
Charisma - Tendo Amahiko "Moonlight Hormao" English Lyrics Translation
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This is an English translation of Tendo Amahiko's second solo song “Moonlight Hormao.” Song is on all streaming sites.
Please be advised that this is merely a translation into English and may not be 100% accurate.
Any questions, concerns, theories, or feedback is appreciated! Thank you for reading.
TL Notes:
There's so many orgasms
無礼講 (bureiko) is when people of different classes come together and break social rules together. For example in Japanese work culture, companies will have mini-drinking parties leading to juniors drunkenly criticizing work strategy in front of their seniors. They usually just freely speak their minds. I just translate this as “break some rules”
Hormaó is a Greek word that means “to set in motion, to hasten on”
Sexy Amahiko IN YOUR AREA
Oxytocin (cin) The culmination of a euphoric climax Orgasm (asm) Just a little bit more Even if you don’t care, it’ll happen anyways I’ll show you great pleasure
Entwined and inexhaustible Cry all you want I’m showing off this national treasure ha ha ha ha While we’re at it, let's get to the point and break some rules Serotonin and dopamine too Oozing, twitching, heavy load
Festival! It’s a festival! So-re No limits on this Ascension Day Open up your body and soul Cross the equator Your hidden wild side Let’s expose it
Moonlight-light moonlight-light Come forth, I am Life Moonlight-light moonlight-light Fulfill me Moonlight-light moonlight-light The beast within Maomaoma Hormaomaoma
Ah Godspeed my dear Only you can bring me love Lay yourself bare
Our banquet for mankind is marvelous We embraced the wilderness and became one With our eyes, with our with with our hands We hunted, we cultivated, all of creation together as one
Begging for rain, ablutions, purification, repentance In the sun we must bask, bask, bask No one is without blessings
Expose yourself Moonlight-light moonlight-light Come forth, I am Life Moonlight-light moonlight-light Fulfill me Moonlight-light moonlight-light The beast within Maomaoma Hormaomaoma
Ah Godspeed my dear Only you can bring me love Lay yourself bare
Festival! It’s a festival! So-re Indulge in this harvest festival as you please Eternal life and prosperity for all Overcome the path of strife Glowing with enthusiasm Bare, bare, lay yourself bare
Moonlight-light moonlight-light Come forth, I am Life Moonlight-light moonlight-light Fulfill me Moonlight-light moonlight-light The beast within Maomaoma Hormaomaoma
Ah Godspeed my dear Only you can bring me love Lay yourself bare
Gather around and look about Come dance and laugh Gather around and look about Maomaoma hormaomaomaoma Gather around and look about Have a good dance and laugh with us
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dokujirai · 1 year
Charisma - Kei Sarukawa “Double Down! Lifelong Rebellion” ツッパれ!生涯反発 English Lyrics Translation
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This is an English translation of Kei Sarukawa’s song “Double Down! Lifelong Rebellion.” Song is on all streaming sites.
Please be advised that this is merely a translation into English and may not be 100% accurate.  
Any questions, concerns, theories, or feedback is appreciated! Thank you for reading.
TL Notes:
Tsuppari is a delinquent/punk. Like a Yankee <3
How do I even begin to explain 夜露死苦 (yoroshiku, not to be confused with 宜しく which also reads yoroshiku) First of all, 宜しく is the proper way to say “best regards/please take care of me/pleased to meet you” as in yoroshiku onegai shimasu in greetings. HOWEVER, 夜露死苦 is a pun/slang on 宜しく used by Bōsōzoku (biker delinquents in Japan). It’s still a greeting, just written differently for the irony.
Come on! One-shot life (Fu! Fu!) Just do it! Lifelong rebellion Hell yeah! One-shot life (Fu! Fu!) Double down! Lifelong rebellion
When the chime rings, I’ll headbutt instead of saying hey (Wow Wow Wow) At the same time, I’ll tear up my schoolbooks and toss ‘em out (LONE WOLF) No matter what anyone tells me to do (No! No! No!) One after another, I’ll keep brushing them off
I’ll dodge the tailwind (Hum Hum) And fight the headwind (Woosh) Who cares about “logic” Quit complainin’! I’ll turn my back and run fast (Wa-fu!)
That’s the only way I’ll live
I’ll send you flying, Hide away (Hide away) I am (You are) the way I am (the way you are) Keep pushing on Leaving (leaving) that town behind (town behind) I’m a man’s man (Go away) Go, and don’t look back
Sound it out, sound it out, sound it out, sound it out (Wow Wow) The roar of the delinquent call
If you’re gonna pick a fight, you better really want it I’m goin’ to town to settle some scores Wipe the dirt off your back And what’s left is the way of a man’s man
I’ll do whatever the hell I want Even if you lend a hand, don’t start blabbin’ your mouth Engine circuits are all over the place Full throttle, vroom vroom vroom! The more they tell you to stop, the faster you go
Wreck the Highway (Highway) Ignore them (Go ahead) Go my own way (My way) Keep pushing on We don’t need (Brakes) no brakes (Need em) I’m a man’s man (Always) I’ll go even faster, with just the accelerator Raising my middle finger to the “finger pointers” Stick it to them, my answer is NO!
T・S・U・P・P・A・R・I Thanks for havin’ me!
I don’t need no fake links I gave up on those a long time ago…
I’ll send you flying, Hide away (Hide away) I am (You are) the way I am (the way you are) Keep pushing on That town is (that town) is my… (your) … I ain’t lost no more Wreck the Highway (Highway) I ain’t ever (ever) givin’ up (My way) Raise my fist up high I’ll howl, howl, howl howl Howl, howl, howl, howl (Wow Wow) I’m a rock ‘n’ roll, rebelling “delinquent!”
Come on! One-shot life (Fu! Fu!) Just do it! Lifelong rebellion Hell yeah! One-shot life (Fu! Fu!) Double down! Lifelong rebellion!!!
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dokujirai · 1 year
Charisma - Ohse Minato “Hell lazy, Psychology” English Lyrics Translation
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This is an English translation of Ohse Minato’s second solo song “Hell lazy, Psychology.” Song is on all streaming sites. Please be advised that this is merely a translation into English and may not be 100% accurate. Any questions, concerns, theories, or feedback is appreciated! Thank you for reading.
“Yes, yes, I know that. Yes, I’m sorry. I apologize. It’s alright. You don’t have to say anything else, I know. I know that very well.” Worthless, trash, garbage, scummy loser A cesspool of shit like a pile of snow on the ground Everything you do is a waste Cease your living as a towering trash heap HELL YEAH!! To punish evil and reward good is poetic justice Commonplace for the ordinary So then what’s the deal? I don’t remember this Perhaps merely existing is a sin in itself I’m not here because I asked for this life Even the slightest of hopes are no longer here Yeah, I already know who’s the worst of them all A sunny January 1st New Years. This shitty loser will live yet again for another year. I’m so sorry. A fine October 31st Halloween. Given that they’re dressed like zombies, I wanted them to devour every single part of this shitty loser. Clear skies, December 24th. What is a Holy Night? My apologies. This shitty loser is unneeded. June 14th, heavy rain. My birthday. I couldn’t do anything today. I’m sorry for being born. This shitty dump of a life As if I’m living in the ninth hell A metamorphosis of regret at a dead end I can’t believe I’m allowed to live That day will never come I’ll just keep living in my own pool of blood I’ll hang myself in advance For the sake of the world and it’s people, of course Hey, have you ever thought about the tiny lives of things like ticks? Even trash won’t be recognized, do you understand now? That’s why I’m done with it now, yet the view from here truly is beautiful, isn’t that crazy When I looked down I thought it looked endless, but it looks like we’re at the bottom of the earth It’s just so funny, I truly can’t help but laugh at it all You should be laughing your ass off too. Ohse! Hell yeah!! I know it’s stupid Pretending to be the king of the depths of hell I can’t die like a pitiful demon caught in it’s own trap Even if I reach forward while on my back I can no longer reach for myself Everything is so radiant, I’m so jealous of it all This shitty dump of a life As if I’m living in the ninth hell A metamorphosis of regret at a dead end I can’t believe I’m allowed to live That day will never come I’ll just keep living in my own pool of blood Let’s die here Worthless, trash, garbage, scummy loser A cesspool of shit like a pile of snow on the ground Everything you do is a waste Cease your living as a towering trash heap Worthless, trash, garbage, scummy loser A cesspool of shit like a pile of snow on the ground Everything you do is a waste Cease your living as a towering trash heap
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dokujirai · 1 year
Hi everyone! Firstly, I wanted to say thank you all for your support. I have received numerous kind messages and it makes me so happy to be able to do something like translate for one of my favorite series, as well as for all you lovely people.
With that being said, I have some news. Someone has begun translating the drama tracks in my place, while I have been busy. As much as I want to work on Charisma so I can continue my interpretation, I know realistically I am unable to due to my chaotic schedule. Just to give you a little taste of what I’m doing, I’ll be starting my fall semester at university the same day my flight attendant training begins, and upon completion of that training I’ll be working two jobs as well as taking care of my own personal business and head modding a zine. Not to mention everything else I’m also translating, it’s…. a lot. So, luckily someone had picked up where I left off.
As of writing this, they have tracks 80-89 translated.
They sub the tracks here: https://youtube.com/@IoriMotohashi
Their twitter: @crsmofobedience
I will continue doing the songs, and I haven’t forgotten the mangas! I have a giant backlog that I’m slowly working through. I will also update the masterlist that justicerikai made.
If you have any questions or concerns for me, please feel free to reach out! Again, thank you so much everyone. Happy Charisma to everyone!
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dokujirai · 2 years
Charisma - The Seven Charisma’s “Charisma Picnic” カリスマピクニック Karisuma Pikunikku English Lyrics Translation
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This is an English translation of Charisma’s group song “Charisma Picnic.” Song is here.
Please be advised that this is merely a translation into English and may not be 100% accurate or follow any rhyme.
TL Notes: 
Once more I am proven again that writing a rap from Japanese to English is hard. Just know that I tried.
SDGs are Sustainable Development Goals(?). It’s the only thing I could find, but they’re something about sustainable and responsible consumption/production, sustainable cities and communities, etc. etc. Ohse just wants to help out the Earth by becoming compost <3
I imagine the mountains that Amahiko finds sexy are like twin mountains that look like boobs with pointy nipples.
The last line goes like “Karisuma Shintenkai” which means “new development.” I just think it’s hilarious that Charisma can just be like “oh yeah look forward to Season 2″ in their own song.
Any questions, concerns, theories, or feedback is appreciated! Thank you for reading!!
Lalala lala la la! Lalala lala la la! Lalala lala la la! Charisma!
Lalala lala la la! Lalala lala la la! Lalala lala la la! Charisma!
Making bentos or carrying baggage That’s not the only way to use a slave Try me as a humanoid outdoor tool Work me hard to the bone, it feels great~!
March your feet precisely to the beat Don’t underestimate nature! It will eat you alive Now take a deep breath in regular intervals Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in Off we go to the great outdoors… Hey, you over there! Don’t veer from the route!
Let’s sing (let’s sing) cheerfully (cheerfully) Let’s join hands and lalala lala la la
Lalala lala Iori-san “Let me give you all a piggyback ride now!” Lala lala lala Rikai-san “Order outside is all green!” Lala our hearts Break into a dance toward our Charisma Picnic
Lalala lala la la! Lalala lala la la! Lalala lala la la! Charisma!
Lalala lala la la! Lalala lala la la! Lalala lala la la! Charisma!
I ain’t goin’ over the hill and I ain’t whistlin’ either And I sure as hell ain’t singin! I’ll go where I wanna go If you guys go that way, I’m goin’ this way Wha- Ah! It’s a dead end! You guys, wait up!
The Earth shines with the beauty of Terra-kun The sky and the ground revel in me That’s right, Terra-kun is now The Universe!
Let’s sing (let’s sing) cheerfully (cheerfully) Let’s join hands and lalala lala la la
Lalala lala Sarukawa-san “Hah? I ain’t gonna skip!”. Lala lala lala and Terra-san too “Terra-kun’s UV barrier!” Lala our hearts are Beating towards our Charisma Picnic
Lalala lala la la! Lalala lala la la! Lalala lala la la! Charisma!
Lalala lala la la! Lalala lala la la! Lalala lala la la! Charisma!
The sun illuminates and exposes all for us to see, aah how sexy! The murmur of the river, the chirping of the birds in your ear… ECSTACY!
Such a bright landscape with crisp air I’m sorry that a piece of shit loser like me exists I’ll go die at once and return to the earth, that way I’ll become fertilizer for the SDGs Even if it’s only a little bit, I can finally help the world this way
Yo, if you’ve got nothing else better to do, why not go on a journey of self-discovery? Let’s charge right in, so come on and let’s start a new story We’re so full of problems, we didn’t even know it was shining through Since everyone found out about our energy, now we gotta skip our way outta here
Let’s sing (let’s sing) cheerfully (cheerfully) Let’s join hands and lalala lala la la
Lalala lala Amahiko-san “Those distant mountains are so sexy” Lala lala lala Ohse-san “Please excuse me for breathing in the air…” Lala our hearts Break into a dance toward our Charisma Picnic
Lalala lala Fumiya-san “Oh, I forgot my wallet” (Ehh?) Lala lala lala Charisma-san “Yay!” Lala our hearts are Beating towards our Charisma Picnic Our pleasant little picnic New things are coming to Charisma
Lalala lala la la! Lalala lala la la! Lalala lala la la! Charisma!
Lalala lala la la! Lalala lala la la! Lalala lala la la! Charisma!
Lalala lala la la! Lalala lala la la! Lalala lala la la! Charisma!
Lalala lala la la! Lalala lala la la! Lalala lala la la! Charisma!
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dokujirai · 1 year
#79 里帰り (Coming home) Superhuman Share House Story 『CHARISMA』
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Watch the track here.
TL Note: 
里帰り (satogaeri) is “returning home to one’s parents” after a period of time. Whether because the person got married or is living away from home. Another possible alternative title to this drama track, “Homecoming.”
Torahime: …! I can’t find them…! My apologies Doctor, I’ll make sure to-
Nakagami: Yanagi-kun.
Assistant 1: Yes?
Torahime: Eeh!?
Nakagami: Any word from the Charisma radar?
Assistant 1: Nothing. Just a little while ago they suddenly vanished into thin air.
Nakagami: Just where the hell did they go…! Those Charismas…!
(Scene fades to black)
(SFX: Sound of the 7 running away)
Thugs: Hey get back over here! I’ll fuckin’ wreck you!
Rikai: Just what is this place!? There is not even a semblance of order here!
Ohse: ?
Amahiko: You’re finally awake, Ohse-san. Did you have any pleasant dreams whilst on Amahiko’s back?
Terra: Amahiko, look out!
Amahiko: Whoops-
(Pipe hits Terra’s head)
Terra: That frickin’ hurt! You weren’t supposed to avoid it!
Amahiko: Eh?
Terra: Didn’t I tell you that if anything tries to hit me, you’re supposed to be my shield!?
Amahiko: Wow!
Fumiya: Ohse, sorry you had to wake up so early, but we’re kinda in a pickle right now.
Ohse: W-where are we…?
Iori: It’s a lawless land! ♪
Ohse: Eh?
Iori: This is Saru-chan’s hometown.
Rikai: There is nothing but delinquents here! Big brother Rikai is experiencing culture shock!
Fumiya: If we’re not careful, they could kill us in a heartbeat. Haha.
Terra: But that radar those guys have, it can’t reach us here right?
Amahiko: Are you absolutely sure, Sarukawa-kun?
Kei: Yeah, they put up a jammer for the whole city.
Kei: It’s impossible for them to get anythin’ through here from the outside.
Iori: It's almost like diplomatic immunity. ♪
Rikai: I-I cannot believe a place such as this truly exists in this world…!
Fumiya: There is. You just didn’t know.
(Scene fades to black as they all move forward)
Kei: Ya understand me? These people hate even the thought of strangers more than anything else.
Kei: If ya don’t wanna die, ya gotta blend in here.
Everyone else: …
Fumiya: Got it.
Ohse: Hiyah! Hiyah! Ei! Hiyah!
Ohse: Chop!
Kei: What the hell’re ya doin.
Ohse: I’m practicing my fighting skills.
Kei: Hah?
Ohse: This shitty loser refuses to be a burden to everyone else.
Ohse: Hiyah! Hiyah! EI EI EI EI EI!
Kei: Knock it off, you’ll stand out.
Ohse: W-what the hell do ya want, ya got a problem with me?
Kei: Not even close.
Ohse: Look down on me and I’ll kill! Myself!
Kei: HAAAH!? WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU TALKIN’ ABOUT? Hold on, wait, what kind of reasoning is that!?
Kei: Oi! Stop it already! …!
Iori: Come at me!
Kei: You too, Io? You guys can’t be serious about doin’ this! There’s no way ya’ll can pull it off!
Iori: Now, you’re free to kick my ass! Take this chain and drag it around! Iori: Mess me upppppp!
Kei: Now yer just actin’ like an M again.
Iori: I’m not an M.
Terra: Sarukawa-kun, isn’t there a beauty salon nearby?
Kei: There ain’t none. Ya gotta act different.
Kei: How come yer actin’ the same?
Terra: The beauty parlor? How about a nail salon?
Kei: Quit jokin’ around!!
Terra: Alright, I’ll just make one.
Amahiko: Everyone, please don’t be conspicuous.
Kei: WAAAH! What the hell is up with yer fit!? Where even did you get that in this town!?
Ohse: The pervert is here.
Iori: Game on!
(Gong rings)
Amahiko: Fufufu, hahaha! Will you beat Dirty Amahiko?
Kei: Ughhhhhhhhhhhh……
Fumiya: What are you guys doing? We’re not supposed to be standing out.
Kei: That’s what I keep sayin’!
Thugs: Big bro! Big bro Fumiya!
Thugs: What kinda shit we doin’ next!?
Thugs: Give us somethin’ to do, big bro! Big bro Fumiya!
Fumiya: I’m gonna overthrow the most powerful force in this city.
(The five of them laugh together)
Kei: You assholes…!
Kei: Just cus the radar can’t find us, doesn’t mean y’all can do whatever the hell you want…!
Fumiya: Man, this really is a nice little city.
Terra: Mhm, I’m pleased with it.
Amahiko: It’s wonderful, Sarukawa-kun.
Kei: … Eh?
Terra: It’s liberating here.
Iori: And you don’t have to worry about what other people think.
Ohse: It’s kind of comforting…
Fumiya: It’s pretty interesting, I’m having fun.
(The five of them talk amongst each other)
Kei: …
(Kei starts walking away)
Amahiko: Sarukawa-kun? Where are you going?
Terra: Hold on.
Everyone else: …
(The scene fades to black, revealing where Kei had gone off to)
Kei: …
(Amahiko: So he was a truant?)
(Iori: … Yeah. He didn’t really go to school all that much.)
(Iori: He couldn’t get used to it because of all the trouble he got into.)
(Amahiko: So, he was in and out of places like these.)
(Iori: Yeah.)
(Iori: It’s really fun to be here. It really changes how you look at things.)
(Amahiko: But… You must have left some time, correct?)
(Iori: Yeah.)
(Amahiko: Why is that? It must be difficult to find a gem such as this place.)
(Amahiko: Just what is going on with this city…)
(Iori: That’s because…)
Kei: !? Who’s there!?
?: …
Kei: I know you’re there, come out here.
Kei: …! Y…You…!
Ryuu: … Kei bro.
Kei: Ryuu!
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dokujirai · 1 year
#78 ぶちのめせ! (Tear them a new one!) Superhuman Share House Story 『CHARISMA』
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Watch the track here.
Torahime: This is…
Ohse: Ah, that’s Terra-san’s mirror.
Ohse: He would always sit there, looking at himself while his nose was bleeding.
Ohse: And on that side, Amahiko-san would hit on him and Terra-san would always get mad.
Ohse: Oh, and speaking of getting mad--
Ohse: Sarukawa-san would put his feet up while sitting down and Rikai-san always scolded him for that.
Ohse: Fumiya-san quietly reads his book over here.
Ohse: Iori-kun prepares dinner in the kitchen, and it smells delicious.
Torahime: Sounds like a lot of fun, doesn’t it.
Ohse: Eh-
Nakagami: (Minato Ohse happily recounted his memories to us.)
Nakagami: (Just as I thought, what he had “forgotten” was in relation to those 6.)
Nakagami: (A painting of those 6, excluding himself.)
Assistants: Woah…! Wow…!
Torahime: That’s amazing…
Nakagami: Did you draw this?
Ohse: … Yes. But it’s not finished yet.
Ohse: They all keep telling me to add my shitty self in, it’s so absurd.
Ohse: But…
Ohse: I promised them, that I would see this painting to the end.
Nakagami: And that’s why you can’t leave it as is.
Ohse: … Yes.
Nakagami: (I suppose it doesn’t particularly mean anything, but it’d be troublesome if he had a sudden change of heart.)
Nakagami: (I tried to have the painting transported to the lab, however…)
Torahime: …!? You’re burning it!? Why…!
Ohse: I can’t move on if I have this, I can’t go back to being alone.
Ohse: It’s in the way.
Nakagami: A clean slate. How gallant.
Torahime: Hold on a minute!
Ohse: !
Nakagami: ?
Torahime: … Is that really okay? Didn’t you make a promise?
Nakagami: What are you…?
Torahime: It’s just that, you sounded so happy when you were talking.
Torahime: They must mean a lot to you.
Torahime: How can you burn that promise away…
Torahime: Don’t you feel anything at all!?
Ohse: Nothing at all.
Ohse: I’m a piece of shit, after all.
Torahime: …!
Iori: Is that so~?
Scientists: !?
Assistants: What the hell is this!? What’s going on!? Wha-what’s this…!
Assistant: Doctor! A pole dancing pole is coming up from the floor!
Nakagami: What!? This is a former embassy villa! 
Nakagami: What is that kind of mechanism doing here!?
Amahiko: Fufufufufufu, hahahahaha!
Nakagami: That’s Tendou Amahiko, isn’t it-
Scientists: AAAAAAGHHHHH~~!
Ohse: !? … Eeh???
Nakagami: The Ch-Charismatics… How did you know to find us here…!
Iori: We just used this!
(Radar beeps)
Nakagami: The Charisma radar!
Iori: Fumiya-san had broken the previous one, so me being the slave I am, fixed it.
Iori: Ohse-san, will you finally let me serve you now~
Iori: Here, let’s seal the deal on this contract! Quit taking so long!
Iori: Finger! Give me your finger! FINGERRRRRR-!
(Fumiya pushes Iori out of the way)
Iori: AAH!
Fumiya: Ohse.
Ohse: !
Fumiya: If you’re really just a piece of shit who feels nothing at all, then how come this thing keeps beeping?
(Radar beeps)
Ohse: …!
Ohse: You shouldn’t lie, Ohse-kun. ‘tis folly that disturbs your order the most.
Amahiko: While you may hate yourself, you are surely more loving to those around you than anyone else.
Amahiko: That’s why you can create sexy paintings like this. 
Kei: We’ll wait on ya no matter what!
Kei: Even if ya hate it, dumbass!
Ohse: ………
Nakagami: How impressive of Charisma. I never would have expected you to use our own radar against us.
Nakagami: In that case, I too shall act. There’s no way I can’t take advantage of this great opportunity here.
Ohse: !?
(The rest of the 6 struggle against Nakagami’s team)
Rikai: Stop this violence, you fools!
Nakagami: Round them all up! Bring them to the lab!
Assistants: Yes sir!
Ohse: Wait! This isn’t what you promised! I’ll do anything!
Ohse: You have to stop this!
(Ohse is pushed from Nakagami and falls)
Ohse: !!
Nakagami: I don’t understand, why don’t you trust me?
Nakagami: You told me that you were responsible for all your misfortunes.
Nakagami: And that you deserved to be punished accordingly.
Nakagami: But that’s not the truth!
Nakagami: You didn’t do anything wrong!
Nakagami: You did nothing wrong, and yet, the whole world attacked and oppressed you!
Ohse: …!
Nakagami: You forced yourself to find a reason.
Nakagami: That’s how you’ve been holding yourself together.
Nakagami: I’m different from the others, Minato-kun.
Nakagami: You must respect and protect yourself, harness that power that makes you, you.
Nakagami: I’m your ally.
Ohse: … Ally?
(The rest of them struggle with pained voices)
Ohse: This is wrong. This isn’t what I asked for.
Ohse: Wrong… Wrong!
Ohse: I have to say it.
Ohse: I have… to say… it…
(Ohse’s vision fades to black)
Nakagami: Hah, you are weak. All you have to do is listen to what I say.
Ohse: …
Ohse: Y-ye…
Assistants: GUUH!!!
Terra: I want you to take these assholes and…
(Ohse’s heartbeat pounds)
(The voices of past bullies)
Bully 1: Hey.
Bully 2: Tch.
(Ohse’s heartbeat pounds)
(Things being violently thrown)
(Water splashes)
(Ohse’s heartbeat pounds)
Bully 1: Hahaha.
Bully 2: Gross.
(Ohse’s heartbeat pounds)
(The 6 struggle with pained voices)
Nakagami: I’m your ally.
Fumiya: Charisma Charge, success.
Torahime: D-DOCTORRRR!
Nakagami: How amazing…
Fumiya: Hell Break.
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“Yes, yes, I know that. Yes, I’m sorry. I apologize. It’s alright. You don’t have to say anything else, I know. I know that very well.”
Worthless, trash, garbage, scummy loser A cesspool of shit like a pile of snow on the ground Everything you do is a waste Cease your living as a towering trash heap
To punish evil and reward good is poetic justice Commonplace for the ordinary So then what’s the deal? I don’t remember this Perhaps merely existing is a sin in itself I’m not here because I asked for this life Even the slightest of hopes are no longer here Yeah, I already know who’s the worst of them all
A sunny January 1st New Years. This shitty loser will live yet again for another year. I’m so sorry. A fine October 31st Halloween. Given that they’re dressed like zombies, I wanted them to devour every single part of this shitty loser. Clear skies, December 24th. What is a Holy Night? My apologies. This shitty loser is unneeded. June 14th, heavy rain. My birthday. I couldn’t do anything today. I’m sorry for being born.
This shitty dump of a life As if I’m living in the ninth hell A metamorphosis of regret at a dead end I can’t believe I’m allowed to live That day will never come I’ll just keep living in my own pool of blood
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dokujirai · 1 year
Repost of my quick translation of ワライカエセ!/waraikaese! (Laugh Back!) from Twitter (I’m more active there these days, come check me out at @MCdokujirai)
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dokujirai · 2 years
Tokyo Revengers - Kazutora Hanemiya's "Ghosts" English Lyrics Translation
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This is an English translation of Kazutora Hanemiya’s character solo, “Ghosts” from Tokyo Revengers. You can listen to the song on any streaming platform, like Spotify.
Please be advised that this is merely a translation into English and may not be 100% accurate or follow any rhyme.  
You can also view the Japanese and Romaji lyrics here.
TL Notes:
“禅問答/zen mondou” is a Buddhist practice where a person meditates on questions and answers that help to bring enlightenment to a person.
“Black or White, White or Black” Technically he only says the colors once but I think it helps to solidify how he can’t make up his mind; also it fits with the beat. What he really says there is “White? Or Black?”
“瞼へこびり付いた幻想” versus “瞼に棲み付く幻想” essentially mean the same thing, that the illusions cling to his eyelids, just said a little differently. Despite that, I keep it the same in the English version. The character “棲” in the latter instance is used to describe an animal living inside of his eyelids.
Thank you for reading~!
I couldn’t stop myself, I wanted to erase it all These illusions burned into my eyelids
Unorganized thoughts that get misplaced, meditation’s too noisy for me Black or White, White or Black, I can’t decide; It’s Discord In these crowded streets, I know nothing but doubt Tigers nor horses mean nothin’ to me, I’ll just bare my fangs
You don’t have to look ahead toward the distorted, unknown future It’s egotistical madness If you can’t stop yourself, just keep going on Leave behind the shadows of yesterday Didn’t you want to protect them? You couldn’t do it, could you? This is the price of your shattered impulses Even now, I’m still possessed by these Ghosts
These reoccurring nightmares are exasperating My past and present lives, no matter what it’ll Disturb At the peak of instability, stand out more than ever I’ll be the one to make big waves, let’s ruin it all
Optimism - not a lukewarm destiny, but It’s karmic retribution
I couldn’t stop myself, I wanted to erase it all These illusions burned into my eyelids If I want to change, I’d go against the winds I have no choice but to lay bare everything Even in this unforgiving light, there’re still Ghosts
“You cared for him, didn’t you?” “Is that even a lie?” “You’re tired of me, aren’t you?” To love a fabricated lie I’ll tear it all down Once more
If you can’t stop yourself, just keep going on The shadows of yesterday will follow with you I wanted to protect you, but in the end, I couldn’t Hold your shattered despair close to you Corrupted; I’ll live on and Go ahead
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dokujirai · 1 year
Another repost from my Twitter to here, this time of 夜光虫 - Noctiluca hitojyu duet translation
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dokujirai · 1 year
I hope this isn’t rude to ask but do you ever plan to pick back up on charisma translations? I’ve always appreciated your translations in the charisma fandom. I honestly want to donate if possible!
It's not rude at all!! Thank you so much for your support :)
At the moment I'm taking a small hiatus while I work on some personal work, I have a business I'm starting on top of my regular job as well as some flight attendant training coming up here soon. But I plan to come back with translations when I can! Just give me some time and I'll be back :3 I appreciate the kind words.
I actually do have a ko-fi if you're seriously interested! You don't have to, but again it's much appreciated. I don't get paid for this work obviously, I just do it because I love the series and the Japanese language, but it's nice to receive every once in a while.
Regardless, thank you so much! I hope to be back soon. Happy Charisma to everyone!!
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dokujirai · 2 years
Tokyo Revengers - Keisuke Baji's "Rest In Rampage" English Lyrics Translation
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This is an English translation of Keisuke Baji’s character solo, “Rest In Rampage” from Tokyo Revengers. You can listen to the song on any streaming platform, like Spotify.
Please be advised that this is merely a translation into English and may not be 100% accurate or follow any rhyme.  
You can also view the Japanese and Romaji lyrics here.
TL Notes:
“いつの間にか堅く結ばれてた/Before we knew it, we were inseparable” Here he indicates that the bond between one another is strong.
“宝もんみたいな眩しい朝/Each dazzling morning is valuable” Keisuke uses ‘宝/takara’ to describe that the mornings are like a treasure to him, therefore, valuable.
“痛む拳 Decide 輝いた舞台/With aching fists, I’ll Decide my shining stage” I just wanted to clarify here that the ‘shining stage’ is his performance during the Valhalla Arc, that he’ll decide the role he plays as he sets the stage.
Thanks for reading!!
Woven, scattered pieces Before we knew it, we were inseparable No matter what we face Tomorrow We’ll look out as we freely cruise our streets
I just looked straight ahead and kept walking forward Swallowing down all these mistakes Howling with my parched throat In the all-forgiving sunshine
Rest In Rampage I can’t rewind it now The urge to let loose these unwavering feelings This beating heart will Remind me of the scorched future Take Back the days we shared We ran till the very end Closing my eyes, the world becomes hazy
If I stop, I’ll choke on my breath Day after day I’ll rampage Feelin’ like I can go anywhere On this straight road
Rushing ahead with my bare feet Leaving all the answers behind Each dazzling morning is valuable I can still laugh even with all the mistakes I’ve made
Tie together all the scattered pieces The future that we drew back then It still remains clear in my heart Ah, even now I’ll still shout
Rest In Rampage If I just go on a rampage I might find my answer there With aching fists, I’ll Decide my shining stage I’ll climb up the rubble and we’ll Get it Back We’ll find our way back to each other Closing my eyes, the world becomes hazy
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dokujirai · 2 years
Tokyo Revengers - Mizo Middle Five’s ONE STAR English Lyrics Translation
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This is an English translation of Mizo Middle Five’s character group song, “ONE STAR” from Tokyo Revengers. You can listen to the song on any streaming platform, like Spotify. 
Please be advised that this is merely a translation into English and may not be 100% accurate or follow any rhyme.
You can also view the Japanese and Romaji lyrics here.
TL Notes:
Yamagishi says in one line that he’s “holding his stomach [from laughter].” I wrote this as they were laughing out loud, which I hope reflects that they’re having a good time better than saying something like “my stomach is in tears(?)”
“Look at how we share our feelings” is more like, how they vibe together and feel the same at the same time, kind of. Not like… Telling each other their feelings. Cus who does that? 
Following the previous note, they say “喜怒哀楽/kidoairaku” which is closer to the human emotions of joy, anger, grief, and pleasure. Each character in that four-character compound means each of those feelings.
“Adrenaline is pumpin’” = “フィーバー/fever.” The fever they talk about here is the state of excitement, so, they’re just high on adrenaline. I almost put “high as a kite” but I felt like that insinuated other things.
“バラバラ/barabara” means to be in pieces. So Takuya says that their scattered tomorrow awaits them.
Thank you for reading~!
I’m sick of starin’ at all your ugly mugs What, we ain’t good enough for you? This ain’t some fraternity ‘fore we knew it we were stuck with each other
We’re stupid as hell, laughin’ out loud We’ve poked around, we’re quick on the uptake It’s not done yet, we gotta get through this Nobody knows where we’re goin’
Every day we’re held down and stomped on with no mercy And again today we’ll be beaten black and blue We’ll smile through the tears with our shitty faces
OH-LA-LA-LA, We are homies! Look at how we share our feelings HO-LA-LA-LA, the same as always We go in guns blazin’, ya-ya-ya! OH-LA-LA-LA, We are homies! When we’re all together again we’ll high-five HO-LA-LA-LA, The five of us form a circle Connect us with a line and that makes ONE STAR
There’re some things that just can’t be said That’s why we gotta be the ones to do it If one of us is hit we gotta catch ‘em We gotta face our problems head-on
We don’t really care if we’re weak When things get dicey we’ll make a break for it We’re free and our adrenaline is pumpin’ Always lookin’ up towards the sky
Even if we don’t know what’s in store for tomorrow We’ll just focus on our time together in the here and now You can’t tear us apart, even if you tried
OH-LA-LA-LA, We are homies! Once we got everyone together it’s party night! HO-LA-LA-LA, dance like you mean it We’ll run around all over, ya-ya-ya! OH-LA-LA-LA, We are homies! Tomorrow we’ll mess around again and dive into the festival HO-LA-LA-LA, even if our backs are turned We’re shining hot like ONE STAR
Let's just stay like this You don’t even have to say it You hearin’ us? We know what we are Like a STAR that twinkles in the night
OH-LA-LA-LA, We are homies! Look at how we share our feelings HO-LA-LA-LA, the same as always We go in guns blazin’, ya-ya-ya! OH-LA-LA-LA, We are homies! When we’re all together again we’ll high-five HO-LA-LA-LA, The five of us form a circle Facing each other, together we’re dumb as we can be When we connect with our gazes we make ONE STAR
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dokujirai · 2 years
#74 チャージさせて(Let’s charge) Superhuman Share House Story 『CHARISMA』
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TL Note:
Yoyogi is in Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan.
Watch the track here.
Fumiya: Uuuugghh
Fumiya: Uuuuuuuugghhhhhhh
Iori: Fumiya-san
Iori: Are you alright?
Fumiya: Uuuugghh
Fumiya: Uuuuuuuugghhhhhhh
Terra: Isn’t he taking a little too long? 
Terra: He’s the only one who hasn’t recovered easily.
Kei: Why’s that?
Kei: The rest of us felt better as soon as we got a little sleep.
Everyone: Yeah…
Fumiya: ….
Ohse: Ah, I think he said something just now.
Amahiko: Fumiya-san?
Fumiya: ….
Terra: He’s too quiet.
Terra: What’d you say?
Fumiya: We’ll be taking a little break after today.
Fumiya: It’s a little tough updating twice a week.
Fumiya: So lemme just charge for a bit.
Rikai: What are you talking about?
Fumiya: There’s also a live show coming up…
Everyone: Haah!?
Fumiya: In Yoyogi… Probably twice…
Fumiya: Gotta prep for that…
Iori: What’s that!?
Fumiya: A-also our album is coming out…
Fumiya: It’s got 2 new songs--
Fumiya: If we don’t take a break from our drama tracks, we’re in trouble.
Fumiya: By the way, the CD also includes an advanced lottery ticket for the live show asdfasdfaisjdfoja--
Iori: Live show?
Terra: What the heck is he saying?
Fumiya: B-but!!
Rikai: W-what is wrong?
Fumiya: Without a doubt, we’ll be back.
Fumiya: Make sure you tune back in when we do.
Fumiya: Don’t forget us.
Fumiya: So please, wait for us to come back.
Fumiya: You guys better promise me…!?
Ohse: Wh… What is this…
Amahiko: He’s so desperate, like never before.
Kei: He passed out.
Rikai: What awful snoring!
Rikai: If you’re this tired, it can’t be helped, you really do need the break!
Everyone: Can’t be helped!
Rikai: There’s no other choice!
Everyone: No other choice!
Rikai: Acquitted of all charges!
Everyone: Acquitted!
Everyone: WAAAAAAA~~~~~~~
Iori: Well then, Fumiya-san
Iori: Have a good rest.
Iori: But make sure to come back to us as soon as possible, okay?
Fumiya: Alright.
Everyone: Goodnight~
Fumiya: Goodnight.
Fumiya: Guess I’ll sleep for now.
Yasumi Charge: Success
1???: So, this is the Charisma House
1???: Hmmm, looks awfully stylish.
2???: Seems like it was originally some sort of vacation home.
1???: You sure you really wanna do this?
2???: If we let these freaks get away with this, our very nation would be at risk.
2???: We have to round them all up.
1???: That’s rough, huh...
2???: Ah, here comes our leader.
(Until next time, the 2nd Season)
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dokujirai · 2 years
#72 夏祭り (Summer Festival) Superhuman Share House Story 『CHARISMA』
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TL Note:
Geta are traditional wooden sandals.
Watch the track here.
Rikai: Guh--! Excuse me…
Rikai: Ah! I apologize, are you alright?
Rikai: S-Saru! Wait for me!
Rikai: Where did everyone else go?
Rikai: If we don’t hurry, the fireworks will start.
Rikai: Saru, we need to get going. We have to find everyone else.
Kei: Don’t worry bout it, it’s not like they’re kids.
Kei: Why do we even have to stay together?
Kei: They can all take care of themselves.
Rikai: The fireworks will start any second now, we were supposed to see them together!
Kei: What’re ya so desperate for?
Rikai: …!
Rikai: …
Rikai: That over there…
Kei: Hm?
Rikai: I see, so everyone just buys it and eats it on the spot…
Kei: Hah?
Rikai: Is… that okay?
Kei: What is?
Rikai: I mean… Is it sanitary? Is it really okay to eat it like that?
Kei: No one cares bout the little stuff like that, man.
Rikai: Is that… a lottery?
Rikai: Only 500 yen per try? Can you really win such luxurious prizes with just that much?
Rikai: You can’t make a profit like that. What is going on here?
Kei: No one ever wins that kinda stuff anyways.
Rikai: Eh?
Kei: I know cus when I was a kid, I used to help look after them. Pretty smart trick, too.
Rikai: Is that not a scam!?
Kei: Haah?
Rikai: And they do it so brazenly in front of all these people.
Kei: What’re ya on about?
Rikai: W-well... That’s because…
Rikai: This is all normal, isn’t it?
Kei: ..?
Rikai: This is just how things are normally done here. I understand.
Rikai: Surely I must seem crazy.
Rikai: Isn’t that right?
Kei: Rikai. There’s nothin’ wrong with ya.
Kei: You’re cool. Maybe a little too cool.
Kei: Come on.
Rikai: Eh?
Kei: Whatdya wanna eat? I’ll spot ya.
Rikai: Eh? Ah, no thank you, I don’t eat that kind of food.
Kei: Just eat it. It’s good.
Kei: We’ll do the lottery too.
Rikai: E-eh, but I thought you couldn’t win? That’s a waste of money.
Kei: We’re still gonna do it.
Rikai: Why?
Kei: It’s fine, just do it. Ya gotta try.
Rikai: …
Kei: Come on, let’s go.
Rikai: …
Kei: What’re ya standin’ around for?
Rikai: I don’t know what to do…
Kei: Hah?
Rikai: Well it’s like… it’s as if we’re…
Rikai: F-friends.
Kei: Pfft-
Kei: Friends, huh?
Rikai: Why are you laughing?
Kei: HAHAHA-- I-I can’t, no more-- You’re way too funny, man.
Rikai: W-why!?
Rikai: We probably won’t win anything, is that okay?
Kei: Dumbass, ya better hope ya win.
Rikai: Eh?
Kei: Whose money didya think we’re usin’, anyways?
Rikai: Wait but, you said there was a trick, and we couldn’t win! What do you mean? Eh--
Iori: …
Ohse: Not here…
Ohse: Where did everyone go?
Ohse: We have to hurry, the fireworks will-
Ohse: Oh. Io-kun?
Iori: Eh-
Ohse: Is there something wrong?
Iori: Eh-- ooouuahh!
Iori: Nothing!
Iori: Gee, I wonder where everyone went?
Iori: I better go find them.
Iori: The yukatas came out pretty good, but the geta were a complete failure, huh?
Iori: Your feet must hurt, I’m sorry. Stay right here, I’ll go look for them.
Ohse: Wait!
Iori: Oh- what’s wrong?
Ohse: The candied apples.
Iori: Huh?
Ohse: You want to eat one, don’t you? You were looking at them just now.
Iori: Huuuh? W-what do you mean?
Ohse: Aren’t you going to buy one?
Iori: No way.
Iori: There’s no time, I have to go look for everyone else.
Ohse: Don’t worry about the others.
Iori: I’m gonna go look for them.
Ohse: No! Buy the apples!
Iori: O-Ohse-san?
Iori: Wh-wha-
Iori: Ohse-san! Hold on--!
Amahiko: The others aren’t here, huh.
Amahiko: The more beautiful a bird is, the harder it is to find once you lose sight of it.
Terra: How nostalgic, I’m glad that we all decided to come here.
Terra: Doesn’t this place remind you of your childhood?
Amahiko: Eh?
Terra: When I was younger, I used to buy a ton of masks. I really loved them. 
Terra: Even when I got home, I’d wear them all day. And the next day, and the day after that.
Terra: One day, I was told off. They said that I was weird and that I needed to stop…
Terra: Eventually, I threw them away.
Terra: Let’s get going.
Amahiko: Terra-san…
Terra: Hm?
Amahiko: This kind of place doesn’t particularly remind me of anything.
Terra: Amahiko…
Amahiko: I--
Rikai: Fumiya-san, please enlighten us.
Rikai: Why did you choose us?
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dokujirai · 2 years
Charisma - The Seven Charisma’s “God’s Region” 神の領域(リージョン) Kami no Region English Lyrics Translation
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This is an English translation of Charisma’s group song “Kami no Region” or “God’s Region.” Song is here.
Please be advised that this is merely a translation into English and may not be 100% accurate or follow any rhyme.
You can see the Japanese and Romaji lyrics here as well.
TL Notes:
The way they read 領域 (ryouiki: domain/territory/area) in this song is “region.” That’s why you will see/hear リージョン (region) in Japanese (albeit only once). For my English translation, I decided to use realm; just know it means the same thing. For some reason, however, they also use “God’s Realm” as the title for the music video? Maybe an aesthetic thing. Or they changed their minds. No idea.
Eden is what is considered to be paradise in religions that worship Abraham such as Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.
Any questions, concerns, theories, or feedback is appreciated! Thank you for reading.
---(ALL)--- Please lend us your guidance as we now head for God’s realm All that is great, come unto us Shatter the Heavens, shake the Earth We’ll make these miracles happen
We must place our faith in the paths we take, that’s all we can do Only we can decide how to live our lives
---(Fumiya Ito, Rikai Kusanagi, Ohse Minato)--- Insatiable dreams engraved in our hearts
---(Fumiya Ito)--- GOOD AND EVIL, so just
---(Rikai Kusanagi)--- Pledge to ORDER
---(Fumiya Ito, Rikai Kusanagi, Ohse Minato)--- Beyond all the hardships, we’ll reach our Eden
---(Ohse Minato)--- Surely it’s INTERNAL PUNISHMENT
---(Terra & Amahiko Tendo)--- Devote your love to us with your noble gaze In the fragments of the sky we’ll remain Get up your life
---(ALL)--- Charisma Break Charisma Break Come forth, with us now Charisma Break Charisma Break To the future of God’s realm
All the tears that were shed, all the scars on our hearts Will someday grow into something we can take pride in For now we’ll just foolishly carry on with our lives Putting our will to live to the test
---(Amahiko Tendo, Terra, Kei Sarukawa, Iori Motohashi)--- Accept these blinding divine revelations
---(Terra)--- Newborn SELF-LOVE
---(Amahiko Tendo)--- Pure SEX
---(Amahiko Tendo, Terra, Kei Sarukawa, Iori Motohashi)--- Let’s go and seek out the Holy Land together
---(Kei Sarukawa)--- Undefeatable REBEL
---(Iori Motohashi)--- Here comes OBEDIENCE
---(Ohse Minato & Iori Motohashi)--- Establish your own philosophy to live by There’s no use in just praying Get up your life
---(ALL)--- Charisma Break Charisma Break Don’t give up on us yet Charisma Break Charisma Break Shine on God’s realm
---(Fumiya Ito, Terra, Kei Sarukawa, Ohse Minato)--- Let go of your hesitations, all you need to do is embrace hope
---(Amahiko Tendo, Rikai Kusanagi, Iori Motohashi)--- This landscape that we see is beautiful
---(Kei Sarukawa, Rikai Kusanagi, Fumiya Ito)--- Devote your love to us with your noble gaze In the fragments of the sky we’ll remain One more time!
---(ALL)--- Establish your own philosophy to live by There’s no use in just praying Get up your life
Charisma Break Charisma Break Come forth, with us now Charisma Break Charisma Break To the future of God’s realm
Charisma Break Charisma Break Don’t give up on us yet Charisma Break Charisma Break Shine on God’s realm
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