#mcsm aquarium au
mc-art-etc · 2 years
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Sooooo i’ve redesigned them hundreds of times already but this is pretty close to what i’m happy with!!! As said before, Jesse is kinda a red bellied piranha, no one is really sure tho lol, and Lukas is a beta fish :) They are socializing
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mc-art-etc · 2 years
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Its Mermay so I’m re-explaining the aquarium au i got idk even know if i posted about it before lol
Au under cut bc its long!
Lil warning bc there is a lil graphic content discussed here
So! some characters in the au-
Jesse, a mer who was born and raised in the aquarium, very friendly and loves attention. They do not know what kind of fish he is, but speculation is red-bellied piranha bc of his markings + that’s the cluster of normal fishies he spawned with.
Lukas, a mer born in a lake and swept out into an ocean he didn’t belong in. He’s feral, kinda, he only ends up in the aquarium because he gets caught in a fishing net and his tail is torn in two parts. He can’t swim conventionally, only float around and push himself off of objects. He’s a beta fish :>
Aiden, Maya, Gill, all staff at the aquarium, Aiden works night shift where Gill and Maya work day shift. They’re all buddies and are tasked with tank cleaning and show duties for the mer. Aiden also attempts to teach Lukas some nice human words, like fuck and damn.
Stella and Radar, Stella owns the aquarium and is a wildlife/ nature advocate. She chose to keep Jesse because he was a phenomenon and she didn’t want to release him and potentially harm an individual ecosystem. Jesse is the first mer known to humanity, so the aquarium did lots of tests and all in the first few days, but quickly realized he was baby and started parenting him instead lol. Stella considers the mer to be part of the staff, she treats them insanely well (spoils em) and Jesse is close to her. Lukas doesn’t like anyone, but Radar is okay. Radar is Stella’s adopted kid in this au, only coming into the scene when Jesse is fully grown. Lukas tries to steal Radar.
Oliva and Axel, they’re visitors of the aquarium! Olivia does get a bigger role later on though, as a transportation worker and health assistant when it comes to the mer. 
Hadrian, Stella’s father and also the antagonist lol, he just wants to take the mer and run actual tests on them to see what they are and if they can find more for hunting purposes (ew)
Onto the Mer Behavior! Mer don’t talk like humans, they chirp and trill and express emotions through body language, there isn’t a definite spoken language between them, but they could speak and read/write if they wanted to. Jesse can speak human bc he was raised by humans, Lukas not so much. he struggles to say his own name, but he can cuss like a sailor!
Mer culture is odd. Mer rarely spawn through other mer, they’re typically created as anomalies. They are EXTREMELY rare, that’s how they weren’t discovered until Jesse came along. Mer spawn in with other fish clusters, they are typically helpless at this stage and often starve to death or die by other means, but some survive and learn how to fend for themselves. Mer pack bond, if two meet then they will stick together and socialize. if a Mer doesn’t meet another in their young years however, they will become feral. Like Lukas. Feral mer typically attack other mer for defense reasons, fear, but they can learn to socialize again. it’s just difficult. Also, if a baby mer is found by an older mer, the older WILL steal the baby and take care of it. This is why Lukas tries to steal Radar. 
Mer also don’t really die of old age, they just keep growing and growing until something like injury or starvation or disease kills them off. The oldest mer are thousands of years old, wise beyond belief and HUGE.
The storyline of the au is simple, its basically Lukas being dropped in the aquarium and learning to socialize, Jesse being cute, and a whole bunch of shenanigans with the other mentioned characters, until Hadrian tries to take them and bam drama and pain >:) 
pllssss lemme know if i should talk about this one more
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mc-art-etc · 2 years
Is Radar a mermaid in your mermaid au and what is the general reaction to Lukas attempting to kidnap him?
In the au everything is kinda out of order timeline wise, but in the aquarium au, Radar is Stella’s adopted human child. He doesn’t react negatively at first when Lukas tries to snatch him, he’s happy to be so close to a mermaid, but then Lukas takes him under water and tries to hide him in one of the caves and Jesse has to wrestle with him to get Radar back to the surface because uh human children can NOT breathe under the water lol. Radar’s reaction is :D to D: because he couldn’t BREATHE Lukas’s reaction is :D to >:( angry because he can’t keep the baby Jesse’s reaction is pure PANIC because he doesn’t want Radar to die, and Stella’s reaction is also panic and then anger because Lukas you can’t just steal children don’t DO that—
Also some context for the people who don’t know about the aquarium au, it’s just a mermaid au lol and merfolk often adopt baby mer so that’s why Lukas tries to steal Radar. He sees him and goes oh? *MY* child? It’s more likely than you think
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